I probably should stay the hell out of this, but...
I don't understand why anyone would take any of this business or hobby or whatever you deem to call it for one damned molecule fart more than it is. For clients, it's an escape, an illusion, like paying to see a movie and spending two hours watching it. Does anyone try to get Angelina Jolie's phone number after the closing credits roll?
For those on the other side, it is a moneymaking proposition. Does that make it a bad thing? Is selling movie tickets a bad thing? So they're in it for the money. Imagine! That seems to be the reason I bother going to my job, too.
I am not sure what is being exposed, if there really is an expose at all. People in a business that some consider to be on society's margins are making a few bucks, and other people are paying to patronize it. Where's the story here?
In sum, I don't understand why a client would spend a nanosecond "analyzing" the business any more than they would waste time trying to figure out how much their plumber makes, who his friends are and what goes down HIS toilet.
Good luck with all that. I'll shut up now.