Montreal Escorts

Preface to an Expose

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Nov 25, 2005
Upon reflection on my times with the Stripper lover....

My expose:

First time I met him he asked me 1 thousand questions and answered none of mine...

We met at Mcdonalds and he would have the uncanny ability to hold a conversation with me and spot all the SP's and strippers coming in and out of Mcdonalds and gawk at them....I was impressed!

He threw out names of the big players on the montreal scene and tidbits about each one....the johns the pimps....the board guys....

Over time as I met him and even got accussed of being one of his disciples...

I learned that...

He seemed obssessed with the boards, the players, the strippers, the in particular that liked to eat poutine....but she seemed to have that effect on many....she learned from the top momma san of the montreal scene at the in hiding....

He like many that have been seeing escorts and strippers over decades is no angel or savior....I have heard the first hand stories of those inside the Celine circle...the Celine girls themselves....

A true expose would have to include a chapter on SL as well....
and that is why we will never see an expose....

refer back to line 1 of this expose....


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
10-19 said:
P.S. seriously, the 'I'm very protective of the girls' caught my attention. I had to listen to this.

Did this happen recently? I don't recall SL being at a public gathering in the last couple of years. :confused:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
banger said:
....and that is why we will never see an expose....

My hard-earned money is on the expose to eventually be posted. I hope he includes various anecdotes, such as the one with the wheelchair sp.....that was hillarious! :D

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Doc Holliday said:
My hard-earned money is on the expose to eventually be posted. I hope he includes various anecdotes, such as the one with the wheelchair sp.....that was hillarious! :D

I met SL on two different occasions, i got along well with him. He seemed passionate about the hobby and his expose. As a matter of fact a couple of times i had to ask him to keep it down as i did not want other people over hearing what we were talking about. Like Doc my money is on him eventually releasing it, but it has reached a point in time where he needs to put up or shut up.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
jeff jones said:
my money is on him eventually releasing it, but it has reached a point in time where he needs to put up or shut up.

Maybe he's like one of those Al-Quaeda cells & he'll only come out years from now when people least expect it. Some cells remain dormant for years, even decades. It would be the best strategy.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
banger said:
Upon reflection on my times with the Stripper lover....

My expose:

First time I met him he asked me 1 thousand questions and answered none of mine...

We met at Mcdonalds and he would have the uncanny ability to hold a conversation with me and spot all the SP's and strippers coming in and out of Mcdonalds and gawk at them....I was impressed!

He threw out names of the big players on the montreal scene and tidbits about each one....the johns the pimps....the board guys....

Over time as I met him and even got accussed of being one of his disciples...

I learned that...

He seemed obssessed with the boards, the players, the strippers, the in particular that liked to eat poutine....but she seemed to have that effect on many....she learned from the top momma san of the montreal scene at the in hiding....

He like many that have been seeing escorts and strippers over decades is no angel or savior....I have heard the first hand stories of those inside the Celine circle...the Celine girls themselves....

A true expose would have to include a chapter on SL as well....
and that is why we will never see an expose....

refer back to line 1 of this expose....



Three facinating items on Banger's comments:
1) I really never wanted to meet SL and it was only at the persistant urging (and assurances of my privacy )of Celine that I agreed to a meeting. I had my reservations, as prior to that date it seemed SL had an interpersonal issues against me. Unfortunately, I agreed to the meeting and trusted SL with my personal information which he later admitted to distributing to others. During a late night threatening call to me, SL admitted to distributing the info and told me he'd do whatever he wanted. He actually challenged me to "come and get" him over the matter.
2) Banger it's interesting that you should mention SL's obsession with me, since I've long understood this to be true. Please make it clear that you and I have never communicated about this matter.
3) Yes, Celine's past ladies have told me all about SL. They talk "in husted tones" about it though. Do you understand the word "Vindictive"?

Note to Moderator: It's my perception that a telephone call between an admitted agency driver & a client does not come under the heading of non-public information(as you have allowed same in previous reviews and complaints), as the threat took place during the period where SL was a driver. Please excuse me if you determine otherwise.

— The Simpsons
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Sometimes the best place to hide is out in the open. Or maybe behind a telephone. :cool:


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
A Few Comments........

After reading the various posts the last few days a few comments are in order.

I have met SL a number of times, sometimes scheduled, sometimes by chance. We've talked for hours or for minutes. Regardless it was always informtive and respectful. Didn't always agree but at least we understood where each other was coming from.

The thread seems to be splitting into two camps. The locals who know SL and the out of towners / Americans who know SL or have heard about him. The locals - like me recognize his strengths and weaknesses within the context of our experiences dating back as long or perhaps longer than SL's experiences.

The second group does not have this background and often seems to be relying on limited experiences in a limited area of the Montreal scene. Reality is that there is alot more to the Montreal scene than Celine and Gia which seems to be the focus of certain posters.

Personally I am very curious about what SL considers to be print worthy and look forward to reading his efforts.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
Did this happen recently? I don't recall SL being at a public gathering in the last couple of years. :confused:
Doc this happened at the very last Celine dinner party, I believe this was in 2007...

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
eastender said:
After reading the various posts the last few days a few comments are in order.

I have met SL a number of times, sometimes scheduled, sometimes by chance. We've talked for hours or for minutes. Regardless it was always informtive and respectful. Didn't always agree but at least we understood where each other was coming from.

The thread seems to be splitting into two camps. The locals who know SL and the out of towners / Americans who know SL or have heard about him. The locals - like me recognize his strengths and weaknesses within the context of our experiences dating back as long or perhaps longer than SL's experiences.

The second group does not have this background and often seems to be relying on limited experiences in a limited area of the Montreal scene. Reality is that there is alot more to the Montreal scene than Celine and Gia which seems to be the focus of certain posters.

Personally I am very curious about what SL considers to be print worthy and look forward to reading his efforts.

I was with you up until the red detailed area above. What we're discussing here is not the breath of the content or the location of the story, but the VERACITY AND THE INTENT of the author. See Webster's definition from the web, as this is your preferred method of proof:

Main Entry:
ve·rac·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of veracity
Inflected Form(s):
plural ve·rac·i·ties
circa 1623

1 : devotion to the truth : truthfulness 2 : power of conveying or perceiving truth 3 : conformity with truth or fact : accuracy 4 : something true <makes lies sound like veracities>

Any author should be completely and totally vetted so the reader can properly judge their intent and motivation. Only in this manner will the reader be able to judge the completeness of the manuscript and point of view of the author.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
shijak said:
Doc this happened at the very last Celine dinner party, I believe this was in 2007...

The last one happened in 2006, i believe. Fall of 2006. In my book, a hell of a long time ago considering i now have trouble remembering what i did last weekend. Why does the name Jameson constantly come up to mind? ;)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
CS Martin said:
I was with you up until the red detailed area above. What we're discussing here is not the breath of the content or the location of the story, but the VERACITY AND THE INTENT of the author. See Webster's definition from the web, as this is your preferred method of proof:

Main Entry:
ve·rac·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of veracity
Inflected Form(s):
plural ve·rac·i·ties
circa 1623

1 : devotion to the truth : truthfulness 2 : power of conveying or perceiving truth 3 : conformity with truth or fact : accuracy 4 : something true <makes lies sound like veracities>

Any author should be completely and totally vetted so the reader can properly judge their intent and motivation. Only in this manner will the reader be able to judge the completeness and point of view of the author.

How about the veracity and intent of those in this thread who are doing their best to discredit and criticize something that none of them has read that is written by someone that they have had barely a passing aquaintance with?

Why don't people wait for it to see the light of day before commenting on something when they really have no idea of the content? It seems to me that people are just a little bit paranoid here.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Techman said:
How about the veracity and intent of those in this thread who are doing their best to discredit and criticize something that none of them has read that is written by someone that they have had barely a passing aquaintance with?

Why don't people wait for it to see the light of day before commenting on something when they really have no idea of the content? It seems to me that people are just a little bit paranoid here.

Please see the note under my handle. I really don't care, but I am having fun debating & posting. Total waste of my time, but I am having fun.:) Like you, I can't wait until its publication.

BTW SL, I want my very own chapter. Do publish soon, I'm getting old down here.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Thirty Plus Years.................

CS Martin said:
I was with you up until the red detailed area above. What we're discussing here is not the breath of the content or the location of the story, but the VERACITY AND THE INTENT of the author. See Webster's definition from the web, as this is your preferred method of proof:

Main Entry:
ve·rac·i·ty Listen to the pronunciation of veracity
Inflected Form(s):
plural ve·rac·i·ties
circa 1623

1 : devotion to the truth : truthfulness 2 : power of conveying or perceiving truth 3 : conformity with truth or fact : accuracy 4 : something true <makes lies sound like veracities>

Any author should be completely and totally vetted so the reader can properly judge their intent and motivation. Only in this manner will the reader be able to judge the completeness of the manuscript and point of view of the author.

SL has over thirty years of experience in the Montreal scene. He can discuss in detail and with insight people and places that have long disappeared from the Montreal landscape. True his perceptions, as any authors, are coloured by his role. His view of an SC is that of a client whereas my view may be that
of a former employee,friend of the ownership, respected competitor, etc. All views would contribute to the overall picture.

I do not expect completeness. Just a contribution where the various elements
may be judged on their merits.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
eastender said:
SL has over thirty years of experience in the Montreal scene. He can discuss in detail and with insight people and places that have long disappeared from the Montreal landscape. True his perceptions, as any authors, are coloured by his role. His view of an SC is that of a client whereas my view may be that
of a former employee,friend of the ownership, respected competitor, etc. All views would contribute to the overall picture.

I do not expect completeness. Just a contribution where the various elements
may be judged on their merits.

Wait a minute. He`s already admitted to being a driver for a SP agency. Please tell me how this has not coloured his view? Also, we have independent testimony of a respected reviewers reference what one called his obsessive nature: &

No problem on the rest of your post. But do try to be accurate, especially within the thread: See SL`s original post (reference him being a driver) in this thread: Please do not impeach your own accuracy.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
eastender said:
SL has over thirty years of experience in the Montreal scene. He can discuss in detail and with insight people and places that have long disappeared from the Montreal landscape. True his perceptions, as any authors, are coloured by his role. His view of an SC is that of a client whereas my view may be that.

Yeah right!

Of course anyone except his most anxious defenders realizes instantly that even 1000 years of "experience" :rolleyes: in the hobby scene has absolutely nothing to do with insuring the quality of his character, or any other possible inner qualities. In fact, the longer one is involved in the hobby the more likely he or she is to be jaded, not the reverse. If it is true that SL is so close to one of his best sources that he can put her on his lap and call her "my bitch" publicly in front of many who know her...then the dubious quality of his integrity regarding bias toward such sources is pretty obvious to anyone but those in purposeful denial.

StripperLover said:
Preface to an Expose

I have not posted or read anything on ANY board in approximately 2 yrs and my subsequent posts will only be to inform readers as to when each new chapter has been added to my website. I will NOT read this board or any comments.

AND, as it turns out since he wrote this declaration, I happen to know he has failed totally with this promise. But I welcome his publication. Since I know some definite facts about two...excuse me...three key episodes it will be interesting to see for myself how truthful it is; who he puts in or leaves out.

tsk tsk tsk,

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