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Presidential run 2020.

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Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
Look what my socialist neighbor just sent me. "This big couch potato is a disgrace to our democracy. Donald's got her by the balls, lol," he wrote to me. These fucking leftists never hesitate for a second to reject their "noble" principles of equality and fairplay in order to win, ready to do anything. Dirty hypocritical opportunists! I'll send the picture to his wife. She'll like it: she’s s a big couch potato, too. But even bigger! Lol!


This "big couch potato" is a Trump appointee that would supposedly block Biden's transition. A courageous heroine who stands like a wall, the last and biggest bulwark against corruption. Just watch her, losers! o_O

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
R2D2, Let’s remember, here is your typical lefty at the university. I’m sure she voted for Biden. Apparently, she plays drums in a rack band when she’s not being a Social Justice Warrior

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former New York City mayor and current Trump crony Rudy Giuliani once again touted the Trump administration's baseless claims that President-elect Biden "stole" the election during a press conference Thursday. The difference this time, however, was that midway through the presser a very moist, very unfortunate combination of hair dye and sweat dripped down both sides of his face.

How credible this man is, and Trump pays him $ 20,000 a day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Former New York City mayor and current Trump crony Rudy Giuliani once again touted the Trump administration's baseless claims that President-elect Biden "stole" the election during a press conference Thursday. The difference this time, however, was that midway through the presser a very moist, very unfortunate combination of hair dye and sweat dripped down both sides of his face.

How credible this man is, and Trump pays him $ 20,000 a day.
How many more times is Trump going to rub it in our faces that he only hires the best people?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
GEORGIA confirms BIDEN victory....kudos to Secy of State BRAD RAFFENSPERGER--a true REPUB---- who resisted les grottesques assaults of Giuliani and word sir...RESPECT.


Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
My socialist neighbor is really a little shit. He sent me this delusional fake news and this text message this morning, at 7 a. m. :

"All populist regimes actually take the same paths, dear blind dude : first attack minorities, easy scapegoats; then weaken the institutions that ensure the rule of law; then take control of electoral commissions. This is how one slides from a liberal democracy to an elected dictatorship. WRONG!"

"These bullshit arguments are typical of someone who has read too much Karl(a) Marx and wears dresses, like you!" I told him. Lol. :)

Tomorrow and Sunday, I’m gonna take my mower out at 7 a.m. to shred the leaves along the fence. What an atheist asshole!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You know the saying you are what you eat.
Does that apply to you are who you live next to or hang with. Some times this happens without you realizing it that someone’s influence just keeps growing over you. At times it is just coincide and it is all innocent and by chance but then you have these people that are masters at brainwashing and influence peddling and you are completely at their mercy.
If I were you I would be wary of this neighbour of yours and keep your distance after all we are in a pandemic.


Always Willing Sexbot
May 10, 2013
You know the saying you are what you eat.
Does that apply to you are who you live next to or hang with. Some times this happens without you realizing it that someone’s influence just keeps growing over you. At times it is just coincide and it is all innocent and by chance but then you have these people that are masters at brainwashing and influence peddling and you are completely at their mercy.
If I were you I would be wary of this neighbour of yours and keep your distance after all we are in a pandemic.

Good advice! It's decided, I'm going to tear down my old Frost fence and build a 12 feet high steel wall, resistant to the migration of bad influences. I’ll have the work done at prohibitive prices by an offshore screen company of which I’ll be the sole shareholder. Then I'm going to sue him for reimbursement due to neighborhood disturbances. At the same time, I will have him banished from the neighborhood by saying that he recites the Koran on his patio, kneeling on a prayer mat.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
[QUOTE = "RVK7, message: 1307647, membre: 84797"]
construire un mur d'acier de 12 pieds de haut, résistant à la migration des mauvaises influences. Je vais faire faire le travail à des prix prohibitifs par une société écran offshore dont je serai l'unique actionnaire. Ensuite, je vais le poursuivre en justice pour remboursement en raison de troubles du voisinage. En même temps, je le ferai bannir du quartier en disant qu'il récite le Coran sur son patio, à genoux sur un tapis de prière.

De bonnes idées, mais ce n'est pas seulement la hauteur du mur à considérer, c'est aussi l'épaisseur.

Aussi probable que votre voisin ait un chien qui aboie tout le temps et que les excréments puent?

Aussi probablement votre voisin écoute-t-il sa musique très, très foRT.

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  • Wow
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump will be hosting a Republican coalition from the Board of Canvassers in Michigan today in an attempt to get them to rescind their vote to certify certain Democratic-leaning counties in the state's elections.
The votes likely cannot be rescinded, not that it would even change the vote totals in the state.
The coup attempt is very real, even if it isn't very serious, and we need to treat it as both.

Trump is completely desperate (crazy).

Now it's official, everyone will remember him as the worst president the United States has ever had.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
All you Canadians and the mainstream media seem to have dismissed the possibility of election fraud very quickly. Just a question: How fake was the Russian interference hoax? You didn’t discount this out of hand. Neither did the media. Killary Clinton is saying the election was stolen from her and calling anyone that disagrees with her, including members of her own party “Russian assets.” She did so even though she funded the fake Steele dossier in order to cover up for her security breach with her server so she could avoid congressional oversight. Killary Clinton told Biden that he should never concede under any circumstances just prior to the election. Stacy Abraham’s claims she won the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia till this day. The main stream media supported her even though she lost by 55,000 votes. Al Gore, the guy that invented the internet, didn’t concede to George Bush after 37 days and the left wing media supported him. So why should Trump concede?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..simple.....because he lost ;) and he lost big times;)......his ridiculous legal team conducted by JOKER--CLOWN GIULIANI is going they are now a major embarrassment for the country and pendant ce temps le DESPOTE--at his best-harcèle et tord les bras des lawmakers officials......just shameful......PATIENCE JOE.....time is on your side.......and the thiefs will b kicked out soon.
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