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Provider disagreement - who's the asshole?


Jul 27, 2021
Tonight I had my first ever experience (since 2004, or if you wanna count a self 21st bday gift, since fucking 1993) with a provider that went south and I was kicked out.

Would be interested in getting opinions of who is the asshole here.

The sitch- Texted a provider for a 1hr massage, and sent a $40 deposit through Venmo. The balance would be 180 ($220 total)

Now this would never happen in MTL due to the plastic money, but this was in the US. (I travel over often)
So I grab 2 Ben Franklins from my drawer (I'm am musician and get paid in cash a lot) and go over.

I get in get nude lie down and ask for a $40 upgrade for prostate massage, and drop the 2 100's and a 20. (with the 40 deposit, it's 260 now)

She gets it and says they're counterfeit. I look at them and they look alright, but I say, no prob, I can Venmo you. She says no, I only do Venmo in small amounts.

- "Well, I can go to an ATM!"

Nope, got a client coming in 1 hr.

-"Well, what about after?"

Nope, what you did is a federal offense, and you have to pay me in cash for today, then we can talk. Otherwise I'm going to blacklist you with all the other providers.

- "What if I come over tomorrow?"

Yeah, you have to come over and I need the full 260 for my time today. Then you can book another appointment.

So I leave. She returned the 100s, but not the 20. (So she has 60)

I look at the bills when im back in the car. WTF. They even say PLAY MONEY on them (Neither of us noticed that). They aren't hopprible, but def not pro counterfeit bills. I even have a third fake one at home, I find. I'm an idiot, I guess. I must have gotten paid by some promoter or a craigslist sale with them.

So, I get her time's valuable. But she didnt do the service, especially the prostate upgrade she only heard about a few min prior, she now wants payment for as well!

I thought about paying her the remaining 160 to get her to 220, but I assumed she would quibble about the remaining prostate 40, and also, I'm not driving across town to deliver cash. Other payment platforms exist.

I do feel like my lame "I didnt know they were fake" is what any grifter would say, so I feel bad about that, wanting to make that right.

Thoughts on what to do? If a provider wants to weigh in, I'd welcome it. What about the blacklisting? I think that's prob a good a necessary thing for providers, but seems unfair due to her rigidity. Thanks for any and all responses.
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Definitely not thriving, but just Okay.
Jul 2, 2013
Sorry this happened to you bud. But time is money, she doesn’t know you and it could be anyone trying to scam girls with counterfeit money. So yes in this case the provider is right and she didn’t do anything wrong and you have wasted her time…. Don’t you feel chapped that you got paid with fake money?

What ever info you provide is going to be burnt and any providers that use that blacklist won’t be replying back to you ever. Maybe try asking about venmo multiple small amount or do a e-transfer?
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What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
There are a lot of holes in your story. When you took you Ben's didn't you look at? So that means your band did shows and got paid in Monopoly money? I'll stop here.....but you know how the goes?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This just all sounds too far fetched for me.
Who the fuck pays SP with fake money money that even says “Play Money”
US is not a third world country where women are dum enough to accept monopoly or Canadian Tire money.
Honestly I would be too embarrassed to own up to being this …….. I don’t blame her for whatever she did or does lucky she didn’t have a pimp near by it could have ended really ugly.
Perhaps a good joke to pass the time lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Rhode Scholars. We got a real Rhode Scholar right here. Lol. Couldn’t stop laughing reading this.


Jul 27, 2021
This just all sounds too far fetched for me.
Who the fuck pays SP with fake money money that even says “Play Money”
US is not a third world country where women are dum enough to accept monopoly or Canadian Tire money.
Honestly I would be too embarrassed to own up to being this …….. I don’t blame her for whatever she did or does lucky she didn’t have a pimp near by it could have ended really ugly.
Perhaps a good joke to pass the time lol.
You gotta pick one, dude. Either it's too far fetched, or it's too embarrassing to own up to, which means it's real, unless I have a fetish for embarrassing the fuck out of myself. :p

Good call about the pimp. Honestly never thought I'd be in a sitch like this.

I wrote that right after, worked up a bit. Now making it right seems obvious.

So I hit her up, saying I could Venmo her the full amount or in smaller chunks and she said no, she wants cash, that she lost. I guess the saga continues
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You gotta pick one, dude. Either it's too far fetched, or it's too embarrassing to own up to, which means it's real, unless I have a fetish for embarrassing the fuck out of myself. :p

Good call about the pimp. Honestly never thought I'd be in a sitch like this.

I wrote that right after, worked up a bit. Now making it right seems obvious.

So I hit her up, saying I could Venmo her the full amount or in smaller chunks and she said no, she wants cash, that she lost. I guess the saga continues
If this is real which like I said I highly doubt why not just go over and give her the cash along with a nice gift, that should take care of her being pissed and your guilt. Seems like the right thing to do.
BTW when your using a handle and nobody remotely knows who you are it may not be that embarrassing.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
Maybe try asking about venmo multiple small amount or do a e-transfer?
I would just take the loss and accept you won't see her again.
If I were the provider, I wouldn't run the risk of seeing another guy who tried to scam me.
I'd consider the $60 the OP loss a penalty for my own stupidity if I were him, and a payment for my wasted time if I was the provider.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I would just take the loss and accept you won't see her again.
If I were the provider, I wouldn't run the risk of seeing another guy who tried to scam me.
I'd consider the $60 the OP loss a penalty for my own stupidity if I were him, and a payment for my wasted time if I was the provider.
60$ is less than what he booked for, it's not really a payment for the provider's wasted time in this case. Especially since he stayed long enough to get naked, ask for an extra, and go back and forth about the fake bills... So it's not fair compensation. It's an insult from the guy who tried to scam her.

And as much as I want to believe it was accidental, part of me thinks it wasn't. Who doesn't notice "play money" written on bills? And if it wasn't intentional, why be so reluctant to just making it right? Giving fake money to a provider and then asking merb dot cc if you're the bad guy is so gauche.

She wasted her time (and beauty products) going to her incall and getting ready to receive him. Maybe refused other requests for the same day and time. Why shouldn't he waste an hour of his own time to go give her the money in person if that's her preference?

Paying with fake bills AND being like "I am way too important to drive all the way there again" is peak entitlement.

To answer OP's question : YTA


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
60$ is less than what he booked for, it's not really a payment for the provider's wasted time in this case. Especially since he stayed long enough to get naked, ask for an extra, and go back and forth about the fake bills... So it's not fair compensation. It's an insult from the guy who tried to scam her.
I agree. I was just proposing a way for both parties to move on from this disaster, and I took his claim of a mix-up at face value.

Would you see this guy again if you were the provider? No doubt if he compensated the provider with more than the $60, he would expect to be able to see her as it nothing happened.

If it were me, I'd just chalk it up to the cost of doing business and not see a potential scammer, rather than have the scammer fully compensate me and have to give him another chance to run his scam.

If he wants to fully compensate with no expectation of a quid-pro-quo, that would be great, but I think pretty unlikely.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol this is such a weird story. Am i the only one who count the money like 5 times before a meeting to make sure its the right ammount and everything? I get that this was just 2 100 but i would had made sure they ain't stock together or whatever.

Can't really blame the girl in that situation because she probably think you just tried to scam her.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Would you see this guy again if you were the provider? No doubt if he compensated the provider with more than the $60, he would expect to be able to see her as it nothing happened.

[...] and have to give him another chance to run his scam.

If he wants to fully compensate with no expectation of a quid-pro-quo, that would be great, but I think pretty unlikely.

No, I would not. And his feelings about it are irrelevant, he doesn't get another chance despite compensation. Nobody "has" to give another chance.

Do you think we're obligated to give these guys what they want? We are entire human beings with agency over our bodies and other aspects of our lives. Hell, if the client was like "Ok I'll give you the money as long as i can see you again" I'd probably lie to him and then block him lmao. You reap what you sow.

For example, my laser technician will charge me even if I leave mid-session. No matter how I feel about it, if I ask to go again, she's within her right to refuse and tell me "sucks to suck!".


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Lol this is such a weird story. Am i the only one who count the money like 5 times before a meeting to make sure its the right ammount and everything?
No you are not I do the same.
Once I walked out to the parking lot and only noticed the envelope still in my pocket as I was getting into my car, ran back quickly to the room.
It wouldn’t have mattered really as it was with my ATF and she knows I would never not pay her I would have sent it by transfer or a gift card whatever way would suit her or I see her often enough when I next saw her, her choice.
She laughed it off as she didn’t bother to check either but I would have been pissed at myself for walking out with it still in my pocket had I gone home with it.
Since then I make sure that is the first thing I do.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
I'd say NAH (no assholes here). But you're technically responsible for what happened and her reaction is understandable.

If it were me, I'd get that donation to her ASAP due to the time wasted, and the embarrassment of what happened.

Dunno if it's worth booking another appointment with her. I'd say your reputation with her is now potentially tainted :|
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I withdraw Benjamins from my bank all the time and I don't really understand how you can go to an appointment with a provider with cash and not notice your money. The Franklin $100 is very distinctive and if you use it at any supermarket in the USA, or any business, it's automatically examined for authenticity (distinctive watermark and paper). If you don't expect it to be inspected then you must be living under a rock. This is totally on you and not the girl. You committed a crime and should have been arrested, and are in no position to complain after being spared arrest. While lack of intent may be a defense to the charge of passing counterfeit bills, under these circumstances, if a complaint was made and the money examined, you would have been arrested (just like George Floyd was). And the defense of no intent in light of the play money might very well be laughed out of court at trial. Jurors would feel like you were wasting their time.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Here is what the legit Benjamin looks like, and an article discussing its anti-counterfeiting attributes:

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