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Psycho Reviews for a Purpose or just PSYCHO Reviewers?

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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
BTW nice use of the crazy smiley.

So are you really that inconsistant with your standards of speech and how one should never be like that or do you differ on your standards of behavior with males and females. If someone has a penis than you feel free to slag away but if someone has a vagina you run to their defence no matter how much in the wrong they are or how much evil they have done.


What Reverdy is trying to tell you is no matter how offensive someone do, how terrible it is, THIS BOARD is not the place to go on a verbal diarea. Even if you go to a place and the escort has an extremely bad attitude toward you, she goes in bad behavior and such, you can always say something along the line of "i got there but for no good reason she stared to verbally assault me or her attitude was extremely poor and unwelcoming, s i decided to leave the place.

Instead of saying "i got there but psycho bitch got crazy" or something like that. You can always measure you words no matter what. In a review especially, its important to keep a proper language, when your just posting for fun you can be a bit slack on some stuff, but a review is "OFFICIAL" in a way.

When i used to be a video game critics, my reviews would always be very different than a simple opinin i would give in a random thread about a game feature...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The mythological clique consisting of Ares, Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon and last but certainly not least Dionysus. Everyone wishes they were a part of this group. From what I heard, Aphrodite was at their last party. She is reportedly very hot especially with clothes off. Too bad but I was not invited.

Or maybe he spoke of the WWF "klic" of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltmen, Scott Hall and i don't remember who else... lol

Lol in all fairness i know what he is talking about... i don't think one can play the "autruche" on this (sorry do not know the english term for this animal)


I think they should really make sure this can't happen... personal opinio of course.


Nov 12, 2007
What Reverdy is trying to tell you is no matter how offensive someone do, how terrible it is, THIS BOARD is not the place to go on a verbal diarea. Even if you go to a place and the escort has an extremely bad attitude toward you, she goes in bad behavior and such, you can always say something along the line of "i got there but for no good reason she stared to verbally assault me or her attitude was extremely poor and unwelcoming, s i decided to leave the place.

Instead of saying "i got there but psycho bitch got crazy" or something like that. You can always measure you words no matter what. In a review especially, its important to keep a proper language, when your just posting for fun you can be a bit slack on some stuff, but a review is "OFFICIAL" in a way.

Although it would be the way I roll, [let them hang with the facts, it is more effective and damning] I can't condem someone who went through a tramatic experence and let lose with the dogs of hostile language and it makes me uncomfortable to see others being condemed for expressing justifiable outrage.

As far as I can tell, this wasn't the case in the offensive review but again I haven't read it and have always been talking generalities.
I am very focused on the word never. Never if taken litterally as opposed to figuratively is a very powerful and absolute term.

To be honest, when I questioned the never concept and using such extreme examples to show that I am not talking your every day run of the mill bad experience but something truely Bernardo and Hormolka ish in level I never in a million years would have assumed someone would actually push back and disagree.

However I've seen people argue that a guy should never ever hit a woman even if the guy is a 5 footer in a wheelchair and some 6'2 200 pound MMA female is beating on him in a baseball bat. So I guess I should not be too surpised. [for the record, I don't think you should hit people except in self defence, I can't even slap a stripper on the ass even when she pressues me to do so, and to be honest unless I am in utter fear I even have trouble with self defence and have taken a lot of crap for it].


Nov 12, 2007
I read previous posts by this poster and it appears he enjoys arguing.

No I don't.

See what I did there. Actually that would be contradiction not arguement but hey.

Seriously though. i don't enjoy it. Really. However I am willing to stand up for what I believe in and when I feel someone is being unfair to me I do tend to respond. Considering I am not that frequent of a poster and you have only been here a month I have to say I find your perception of my rather disturbing.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Halloween Mike I think the word you are looking for is ostrich. Honestly, I don't agree and do not see it that way. I have been accused of being a part of that so called clique. I got 3 guys coming to Montreal with me soon and none of these guys have heard of MERB or even know any of these people. One came to GG2 and is on a first name basis with nobody in that group. I would not count a single one of my close friends as part of the so called group. Which is not to say that Halloween Mike and Reverdy are not good guys who are very enjoyable to have drinks with and socialize with at GG parties (they are) but they are not part of my inner network of friends who I speak to daily and enjoy close friendships with. In fact of all the people I have met at 4 GG parties the only one who I would count as a close personal friend that is (or was) on MERB is chercherfemmes, who lives not far away and I do things with him socially besides GG parties. Of course I have known CCF since around 2009, long before any of these GG parties started. To watch people who don't know a fucking thing about any of the relationships and never met me or them opine about it is more than a joke. None of my friends who are coming with me to Montreal even know what MERB is. I happen to state my opinions strongly, so presumptuous know nothings attribute that to being part of a clique instead of the real reason, which I felt was an unfair attack on Iggy who voiced an opinion I agreed with. Even tiannas went to bat for Iggy because of the same principle, which is called respect and basic fairness and decency. Has nothing to do with any clique bullshit. The fact that Iggy is or is not part of a clique is totally irrelevant, if what he is saying is the truth. Yet haters will never see it that way. Haters are going to hate and feast on negative energy.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Clique ?

HI all

Wanted to see the definition of clique :By Merriam Webster
Full Definition of CLIQUE

: a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially : one held together by common interests, views, or purposes

So negating a fact doesn't make it unreal !



Clara Versailles

May 18, 2014
Back to what really matters...

OYO this is just plain mean again:

This community strives to put a spotlight on "talent agents" that over promise and under deliver. We are talking about escorts - prostitutes. Aside the rare exceptions none of these ladies I would introduce to my mother as she would kick them out of her home within 5 minutes of conversing with them. They are not the cream of society, have little to no values, manipulators, are fucked up, are on welfare, baby generators since they don't seem to remember how they are done, have a shitty attitude, golden pussy syndrome, are on drugs, have little to no education and hate men since most of them have been sexually abused. They only have one thing going for them: good looks and a lot of them look horrible!

Misogyny at its best.

You're position that you're whole roster is composed of these rare gems is irrealistic and an insult to my intelligence. My review on Rebecca is proof that you're roster is not as perfect as you claim. Since you're so much into interventions you can explain why you photoshopped away the scar on her spine? The usual answer: to protect her identity will not pass...

What would you like to read then?

Certain things transpire through you're whole intervention that I must write. You have no idea of proper business conduct and communication. If you fuck up sometimes it's better to shut up or at least admit that you fucked up.

A mirror is needed stat!!!


--> Post #15

Quite a lot of anger... yups.

What is it with the bruises and scars obsession, please? How about needle/track marks?


Not in any clique... I am nice to nice people, very simple.



New Member
Sep 11, 2014

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow ok, now i see enough...

We are talking about escorts - prostitutes. Aside the rare exceptions none of these ladies I would introduce to my mother as she would kick them out of her home within 5 minutes of conversing with them. They are not the cream of society, have little to no values, manipulators, are fucked up, are on welfare, baby generators since they don't seem to remember how they are done, have a shitty attitude, golden pussy syndrome, are on drugs, have little to no education and hate men since most of them have been sexually abused. They only have one thing going for them: good looks

This sums up pretty well how the guy is. I always take everything with a grain of salt, but dude if you think of the SPs this way, you are not wrothy for them to meet you. If anything lots of SPs are very good people, and yes some have problems with drugs or other stuff, but that does not make them bad people either. I have read the whole review because i wanted to be sure my eyes where not deceiving me, if i would had been a booker and the SP i was in charge would had meet you, i would had put you on blacklist, with those type of answers... Seriously bro, you need to work your social skill. Its obvious you consider the SP that goes to your house like a "living fuck doll" and don't give jack about her. I totally understand she would not want to DFK you, no matter if your breathe smele roses...


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Maybe Chloe's Incall thread has been deleted by the original thread poster?
I think Cruiser777 started it...

Hey UncleBob and Friends

Just to let you know that yes I was the original starter of the thread BUT...

I DID NOT delete the thread myself.
(I have no Idea who else can delete a thread other then the originator and a mod).

Also I would like to add that I wouldn't even think of removing the thread because
other then a classless review / comments or two (With some points nothing to do with Chloe herself),
most of the thread / reviews give a very very positive picture for the kind of time and services that this
beautiful young 19 year old girl provides.

Lily from Montreal

what the hell seriously :confused:
very sad to know some people think such things of us generally...

More then sad I find it scary...this thread and the message expressed by way to many not-gentleman makes me wonder why they see sp at all?
In real life as well as funlife I try to avoid seeing people I do not care for...
unless these men are masochist I cannot fathom why someone would meet with a person he obviously despise ...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
what the hell seriously :confused:
very sad to know some people think such things of us generally...

Tina - I want you to know that I believe that this is the exception. I have met some of the nicest women that escort. I am constantly asking myself what twist of fate brought these girls my way? Not only are they beautiful but they are some of the most delightful and charming young ladies. I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to spend some time with them. Some of them make their way into your heart and touch your very soul. How can they do this in just an hour? Anyone who has seen Christina or Katrina of G4U, Liz or Carolyn from Xxxtase, and Alicia from MTGFE probably knows what I am talking about.

I am generally against censorship and I really appreciate a thorough review. However, I didn't know how to take OYO's review of Chloe. I met her briefly at GG3. She was/is so beautiful. She looked so innocent. Did she read this review? Did it hurt her feelings? I wish I could be the next client so I could buy her some nice wine, maybe dinner....Just try to make her laugh and I would rub some moisturizing/vanishing creme on her bruises. I would like her to know how lucky we are in Montreal to be able to keep such company with such a beautiful young lady.

I was wondering if there is a hidden agenda with the review in question? I have been to the Girls4U incall and I believe that it was lacking a few amenities. However, I am still scratching my head about this review. I joked in the review thread that with Chloe, the gravel parking lot outside the incall would be good enough for me.

James - Last trip Tiffany asked me about MERB. I said do you read MERB? She said no. I counseled her not to read the reviews. Maybe I was wrong. This is the real world. You will meet all kinds of people and you won't be able to please all of them or even figure them out.

Chloes's session with OYO reminds me of the time Ricky Nelson played a concert at Madison Square Gardens back in the 70's. He was mercilessly booed off the stage for playing his music. It really shook him up. He later wrote a song about it that became a top hit. It is called "Garden Party."

It goes something like this:

It's all right now.
I learned my lesson well
You can't please everybody
You better please yourself

Girls please find Garden Party on You Tube and give it a listen. When you have a session and it doesn't go well and you gave it your best, consider any constructive criticism and then please listed to Ricky Nelson's hit song Garden Party.

It is a moldy old 70's song but the message is an important one. Take it to heart. My mother told me "Your not a dollar bill. Not everyone is gonna love you."


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

OhYesOui said:
They are not the cream of society, have little to no values, manipulators, are fucked up, are on welfare, baby generators since they don't seem to remember how they are done, have a shitty attitude, golden pussy syndrome, are on drugs, have little to no education and hate men since most of them have been sexually abused. They only have one thing going for them: good looks and a lot of them look horrible!

Tell us OYO, with such an ugly, poisonous, hateful view of these ladies why did you choose to get involved in this hobby at all, why did you choose to make any connection with an agency where you could not avoid being close to these ladies? I don't see where even the element of money excuses someone who appears to have such a filthy rotten self-superior attitude that he is revolted by these ladies like he's some sort manically rabid religious kook.

You've successfully changed my mind to agree with others that there is a serious misogyny inside you.

what the hell seriously :confused:
very sad to know some people think such things of us generally...

Well, you could name nearly any group of people and there would always be some virulent sick haters of them. This was always a fact, though it is still shocking to really see it so vividly.

Haters are going to hate and feast on negative energy.

And what a great example you are of that fighting any opinion and sometimes even the right to have an opinion you don't like, calling on mods against them to have them censured or suspended.

I am generally against censorship and I really appreciate a thorough review. However, I didn't know how to take OYO's review of Chloe. I met her briefly at GG3. She was/is so beautiful. She looked so innocent. Did she read this review? Did it hurt her feelings? I wish I could be the next client so I could buy her some nice wine, maybe dinner....Just try to make her laugh and I would rub some moisturizing/vanishing creme on her bruises. I would like her to know how lucky we are in Montreal to be able to keep such company with such a beautiful young lady.

Maybe some clients with the opportunity could take her out and give her a special night of fun without any agency business to worry about if she knows.

Another simply sad thing is that the originator of this thread Igna69xxx and is clique went fishing to ban me using degenerate language and insults indirectly aimed towards me in a cowardly fashion...

"COWARDLY FASHION"?????????? That's like accusing detectives of fishing to solve a crime. Dude, it appears by your exposed intentions you purposely plotted maliciously from the start to see a fine lady ONLY to use this innocent lady in a purposeful attempt to undermine an agency with the cheapest selfish motives and cold-bloodedly unfeeling tactics. Regardless of any issue I have with any person, or the existence of a clique, those elements are totally unrelated to your ugly, trashy motives and intentions and you deserve every harsh word you have received. Deal with your 100% guilt for what you tried to do. :thumb:




Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Yup so sad...

Reviews that I've done lately:

"She then got into details to why she left goodgirls and I would rather not discuss it in this thread. Private message me for details if curious and interested.

Shit what's next I told myself AIDS and oh yea and it's not a problem as long as we used condoms and did safe girlfriend experience - not the case.
P.P.S. Don't feel like getting into the story of the booker with her insisting that I was the first client and delaying me. Had my dose of bullshit and disrespect for today..."

"Kind off, I get women slightly drunk there more olé olé and open minded after and I just slightly abuse of them."

An I have a lot of other reviews like theses ones.

What is sad is that you make unsubstantiated extremist claims. "Girls are never good enough for him."

That's simply sad...

Another simply sad thing is that the originator of this thread Igna69xxx and is clique went fishing to ban me using degenerate language and insults indirectly aimed towards me in a cowardly fashion to prevent any disciplinary action towards him. They were expecting me to retaliate in the same fashion by using the same type of language and hence would of leaded to disciplinary action leading to a ban. Too bad I saw him come from a mile away and didn't bite. A very poor assessment of the type of man I am as I don't communicate in such a fashion. A meagre strategy...

I can also see come that the thread originator Igna69xxx and his associated clique will delete this thread to save face.


Definition of SAD

a : affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness : downcast
b (1) : causing or associated with grief or unhappiness : depressing <sad news> (2) : regrettable, deplorable <a sadrelaxation of morals — C. W. Cunnington>
c : of little worth

What's sad is your subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) digs...

What's sad is your defensiveness and constant need to justify yourself... Does narcissism beget self-doubt???

What's sad is that if you talked to my sister/friend/ex that way, you'd be eating through a straw for the next 3 months...

After this experience I'm getting tired of hobbying. What is getting to crawl under my skin is the smoke and mirror tricks from agencies about pictures, inacurate age and inaacurate physical descriptions (they all do it) and flaky women that are not that great at their job. It represents too much work to sort out all the bullshit and reading reviews that are subjective. If so much work is involved I'm seriously considering going for the reall girlfriend and/or opening an agency that the the main marketing would be accurate everything and outstanding customer service.
Maybe you should revisit what you once wrote and consider following your own musings... just sayin'...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi OhyesOhno

Very nice posting however I was referring to your posting with your explanation on why you quited this business
the golden pussy syndrome...
All girls in the business had it
Extreme comments if there one ,only after two years !Hummmm !
If it is your belief and you continue seeing girls in the business isn't just slightly contradictory !Even extr......?:confused:

Yup so sad...

An I have a lot of other reviews like theses ones.

What is sad is that you make unsubstantiated extremist claims. "Girls are never good enough for him."

That's simply sad...

Another simply sad thing is that in my opinion the originator of this thread Igna69xxx and is clique went fishing to ban me using degenerate language and insults indirectly aimed towards me in a cowardly fashion to prevent any disciplinary action towards him. They were expecting me to retaliate in the same fashion by using the same type of language and hence would of leaded to disciplinary action leading to a ban. Too bad I saw him come from a mile away and didn't bite. A very poor assessment of the type of man I am as I don't communicate in such a fashion. A meagre strategy...

When Igna69xxx saw that it didn't work he went fishing again and posted in the review thread another attack. I responded to his ban attempt the way that I always respond that couldn't lead to any disciplinary action or a ban. Subsequently the post from Igna69xxx and my response to his post was deleted by the clique. Later on when the clique saw that their meagre strategy wasn't working and that they couldn't clean up Chloe @ GIRLS4U Incall review thread any more without loosing face they deleted the whole thread.

I can also see come that the thread originator Igna69xxx will delete this thread to save face.

Ah politics. Too bad I worked in a high end sales environment where much more deceiving and elaborate strategies where used by competitors. When such strategies were explained to the buyers / decision makers we would get the contract. A lot of people, escorts and agencies just don't get it honesty is ALWAYS more financially lucrative. Nobody likes to be deceived and a lot of people will try to find a way to deceive you to get your money thinking that they will make more money then being honest. That's sad very sad. The foundation of MERB aside being a lucrative advertising board is to prevent such deception through accurate and honest reviews done yes in a respectful manner towards everyone. Let's keep it that way by stopping whithe knightism, slander, protectionism and all other related deviant ways of doing things. It's simple if MERB loses credibility to the point that advertisers will not want to advertise we will all lose in the end. And after all aren't we just hobbyist that want to have fun?

To the pleasure!
I have read many of your post Ohno!:confused:Ohyes!,your history of negativity isn't new !Everyone is entitle to his opinion on the services of a ladies ,but there words that should be avoided
For me, the most deranging text in the review of OYO about Chloe is the use of the term: "Banged Up Whore" that has been used to described how the guy felt the encounter.
Which is obviously an Unnecessary threat in a negative review. It's classless.

In my book, A negative review should be constructive as opposed to destructive, and help a girl or agency to improved.
Speculation is also to avoid in any reviews according to me.

I guess frustration can lead to such classless reviews.

That reminds me of another classless review for Jaida of wildtime written by Overfirend.

Also, the first negative review made by OYO that made me realise that I should not rely to this guy review, as he obviously don't have same taste in SP as me and probably as of the average johns because the girl in question was well reviewed by numerous guys:
Jade (Ex Lou's and now Sky at MTLTOPGIRLS): http://merb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?97100-Jade-Montrealescorts4u&p=692420&viewfull=1#post692420
I met Sky myself 9 times. She was amazing.

Anyway, I must say that negative reviews is more tricky to write than positive ones according to me.
I also like some deeper details given by some reviewers, really. But you must be carefull not to exagerate and get carried away by the frustration.

I also beleive that when you decide to write such negative reviews the way OYO writes them, and for ladies that have numerous positive reviews, you must expect to be confronted.

I am not in a "clique " but the clique is not always wrong they do many good things for ladies in general ,and for that I do lift my hat
I have enjoyed a long career in this business meeting possibly up to 20,000 SP's witch many where amazing young ladies ,but like in any businesses there is the bad ones, do we really need to be harsh with the bad ones ,there is a limit no one should ever past .
There is a difference between saying the incall place is a shack and downgrading a young lady that is trying to make a living !
And like I have said in a previous post I deal with reviews the same way I deal analyzing a credit office from Equifax ,when remarks are too much off ,they are often not true ,I would strick yours ,but every reader must exercise judgment and make is own choices .

Simply said enjoy your hobbying Ohyes

And thank you Iggy for starting this thread

Warmest Regards all



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think I will be extra nice to the next girl I see.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Let's clear the air on a few things here, shall we?

1. This thread was NOT started because of any one person or post. It was started because of a cumulative amount over the years of horrible, degrading, narcissistic and misogynistic posts by several members and lately it was running rampant and frankly, I had HAD enough and something was going to be said once and for all. It had absolutely nothing to do with any "friendships" or "associations" with anyone or any agencies whatsoever and no "Clique" was involved. (yes HalloweenMike, i would have loved to have been in the WWE Clique with Shawn Michaels and DX!, haha)

2. This thread was not created because of Chloe's Incall degrading reveiw as I had already started to write it before I even read the venom spewed against the poor girl. In fact the thread was about other agency girls and Indy's both past and present that have been put through a barrage of nasty comments and innuendos by a few individuals who seem to have grown up in a uncivilized society aka a manure pit. I do not care where the SP in question works and never will, what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong no matter if she is from Xxxtase, GoodGirls, Mtlgfe, Girlfriend etc..... Or an Indy. I am for free speach but there is a right way to be critical and a wrong way.

3. White Knight per se? No. A guy who knows right from wrong when it comes to being a good person in society, and will defend the ladies that are so freely giving themselves to us when they likely have better things to do and ESPECIALLY when they are the victims of bullying? Oh YES, oui! I have and would defend any guy as well. I rarely get involved in social threads on subject matters like this very much or in a deep way so to start this thread took a lot of courage on my part (and I almost didn't) but like I said, enough was enough and sometimes you have to put your fears aside and do the right thing for the majority of good people, I hope i succeeded in doing just that.

4. I do not want to belong to a community where animals are allowed to run free and spew off at the mouth some of the most horrific and degrading insults they feel like just because they "PAY" for their time with these ladies and even tho the Mods I am sure would have looked into the matters at hand lately, it was something that needed to be addressed and if I over stepped any boundaries to Fred or the Mods i sincerely apologise but sometimes we as members of OUR board need to police this community a little bit ourselves as well and stand up to bullies because that is EXACTLY what they are.

5. I started this thread for all the GOOD PEOPLE of Merb and hopefully the Harper's and the Mckay's of the world will see it one day and realise a thing or two, but wishful thinking can only get you so far I suppose :rolleyes:
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