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QUÉBEC----Gouvernement Legault.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
It happens is perfect..relolll....l'important est de saisir l'essentiel du post....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Lego the dictator is Canada's least preferred premiere. I cannot believe it took people this long, after having the strictest covid mandates, he should have never got any votes. He proved himself to be arrogant and authoritarian. I am happy that this garbage is not likely to win another term.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

As per this article, Quebec's healthcare system is the worst ever. No amount of centralization or passing bills will change this fact. The reality is according to demand, the system is severely understaffed. This is a problem years in the making. Lego the dictator had the strictest covid mandates, two years in and the system is far worse. Lego the dictator's priority is enforcing French with Bill 96, attacking English institutions like McGill and Concordia with higher tuition fees and forcing out of province students to learn French and have a level 5 proficiency. This government's priorities are so wrong. They are concerned with identity politics and what language you speak vs important things like healthcare. Ppl are dying waiting for care. The ppl who elected authoritarian garbage like Lego are 100% responsible for this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

As per this article, Quebec's healthcare system is the worst ever. No amount of centralization or passing bills will change this fact. The reality is according to demand, the system is severely understaffed. This is a problem years in the making. Lego the dictator had the strictest covid mandates, two years in and the system is far worse. Lego the dictator's priority is enforcing French with Bill 96, attacking English institutions like McGill and Concordia with higher tuition fees and forcing out of province students to learn French and have a level 5 proficiency. This government's priorities are so wrong. They are concerned with identity politics and what language you speak vs important things like healthcare. Ppl are dying waiting for care. The ppl who elected authoritarian garbage like Lego are 100% responsible for this.

Level 5 in Friench is what a 3 years old french quebecer kid has.
Not impossible for college or university student !
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Level 5 in Friench is what a 3 years old french quebecer kid has.
Not impossible for college or university student !
Can a person with three-year-old speaking ability integrate in Quebec workforce? This is the officially declared goal of this measure. Obviously, the real goal is something else.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Level 5 in Friench is what a 3 years old french quebecer kid has.
Not impossible for college or university student !
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.

This afternoon, Gaetan Barette, Health Minister of the last Libéral Government told that there are enough Doctors in Quebec, but a good percentage only work part-time. What are the causes ? Much better pay and high number of women doctors.
They have babies and some are monoparents.
Many nurses work part-time too because with all the overtime pay they get, they make plenty of money.
One nurse made over 500 000 $ last year and a few others close to that and it is official revenus.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.

The 240 hours required for University and College students come from an English newspaper and from McGill University.
Not complrtely sources with no self- interests in the subject.
A little like if you ask a MAGA American if Trump is an honest guy !


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Sondage PALLAS pour ACTUALITÉ ce jour.....PQ 32 CAQ 21 QS 17 PLQ 15 PC s'écroule et le PQ se dirigerait tranquillement vers un gouvernement MAJORITAIRE....incroyable de voir la CAQ ainsi au tapis mais pas surprenant....évidemment encore loin des élections.....
MAIS le jello semble bien pris avec le PQ.....d'autant plus que les réformes promises pour l'éducation et santé ne prendront pas forme à court changements il y a.....ce dont perso je doute.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Nothing is going well for the Lego CAQ government.

Interesting no one on this board mentions this. Some CAQ MNA are facing allegations of trying to sell a meeting with ministers for a $100 donation to the party.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Good someone cela explique la montée spectaculaire du PQ qui risque de coller auprès de l'é de former le prochain gouvernement.....relollll


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SONDAGE LÉGER CE JOUR.....PQ 32 CAQ 25 QS 16 PLQ 15 PC 11....PLAMONDON consolide et accentue ses appuis--la CAQ stagne MAIS le plus important est son taux d'insatisfaction à 64%.....ça commence à sentir le roussi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that.
Does Cloud 500 think it is impossible to learn French outside Quebec I dont think so he is smarter than that .

One would think that a student from the Rest of Canada planning to study at McGill or Concordia has little excuse if he shows up for his first semester with Zero knowledge of French.
I do believe than in most English language high schools in Canada, French more readily than Mandarin ,Spanish or Arabic is available as a second language. With the accessibility of French language material on the internet getting a pre-university head start in French is not the big challenge it was 25 years ago.
As for the Quebec residents a good portion of them have French as their mother tongue, have studied in French at or before the CEGEP or have passed the French as a second language exam to get their high school diploma
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary.
D'accord avec CLOUD JAMAIS si on est au pays des licornes. or shoud I say in the land of Unicorns.

Mais nous sommes au Québec.

Au Canada pour avoir la résidence permanente et éventuellement la citoyenneté, on exige une certaine connaissance du français et /ou de l'anglais

Avant de commencer le CEGEP,. j'ai du réussir l'examen d'anglais langue seconde de fin d'études secondaires.
Au CEGEP j'ai eu des cours d'anglais obligatoires avant de pouvoir entrer dans une université francophone. Du matériel écrit que je devais lire et comprendre à cette université était en anglais seulement. Pour pouvoir pratiquer ma profession hors-Québec, j'ai du passer des examens en anglais.

Il ne faut pas assimiler une mesure visant à améliorer le bilinguisme de non - francophones venus étudier et vivre dans une société qui veut que le français y soit la langue commune comme une attaque contre l'anglais mais plutôt à un remède à leur unilinguisme.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Can a person with three-year-old speaking ability integrate in Quebec workforce? This is the officially declared goal of this measure. Obviously, the real goal is something else.
That person would have a better chance to integrate the workforce than one with no knowledge at all. IF SO they might have to be content with the job of Governor-General or CEO of Air Canada.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
That person would have a better chance to integrate the workforce than one with no knowledge at all. IF SO they might have to be content with the job of Governor-General or CEO of Air Canada.
What is the issue with the language? This problem will be soon nonexistent. We will soon have real time you own voice synchronous translation devices. Even now something similar is already exists and automatic google translate translates any written text with good quality. This is much better than 3 year old. Why waste your time for mastering some rudimentary French? With proliferation of the automatic AI translate that speaks with your own voice without traces of any accent, your national identity will soon be manifested only by the choice of food, girls, and leisure activities if by anything at all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Why waste your time for mastering some rudimentary French? With proliferation of the automatic AI translate that speaks with your own voice without traces of any accent,
I speak rudimentary mandarin after spending the equivalent of one an a half college semester in evening classes. I do not feel I have wasted my time. Chinese people in China (and in local asian massage parlors) will warm up to a foreigner who has put some effort to learn their language much more than to one who is sticking his cellphone in their face. Not the same chemistry

The same is true for latinos and latinas I speak to in Spanish
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Sondage Léger ce jour....dévastateur pour la CAQ avec un budget mal reçu....PSPP avec 34% file le parfait bonheur et dirigerait un gouvernement majoritaire avec 42% du vote francophone....incroyable.....suivi de QS 18 LIB 14 PC 10.

Là ou ça fait le plus mal pour la CAQ c'est son taux de satisfaction à seulement 29% vs 64% d'insatisfaits.

Ce qui est rassurant est que l'indépendance du Québec/ principe vital de PSPP ne récolte toujours que fait donc le plein avec l'insatisfaction du gouvernement Legault.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Sondage Léger ce jour....dévastateur pour la CAQ avec un budget mal reçu....PSPP avec 34% file le parfait bonheur et dirigerait un gouvernement majoritaire avec 42% du vote francophone....incroyable.....suivi de QS 18 LIB 14 PC 10.

Là ou ça fait le plus mal pour la CAQ c'est son taux de satisfaction à seulement 29% vs 64% d'insatisfaits.

Ce qui est rassurant est que l'indépendance du Québec/ principe vital de PSPP ne récolte toujours que fait donc le plein avec l'insatisfaction du gouvernement Legault.

I would rather have PSPP as the next Prime Minister than the other alternatives !


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Long way too soon.......PSPP not there....of course he seems the perfect one.....BUT sa seule priorité est l'indépendance du Québec....not mine....and he has no vision/ideas about economy/deficit/health/education/environnement....and no team.

Perso i much much prefer to wait next year who will lead the Liberal idées/sa vision et son équipe....that's the most interesting for me.

Au pire i would like LEGAULT crois qu'il y a dans son équipe des ministres compétents à qui je ferais confiance such as DUBÉ---FITZGIBBONS---LEBEL to name some.....time will tell.

As i said still long long way to 2 cents.
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