Analysis: Quebec's health-care system now worse than ever
No new health agency can magically solve the huge shortage of staff that's behind this crisis, and that might take years to resolve.montrealgazette.com
As per this article, Quebec's healthcare system is the worst ever. No amount of centralization or passing bills will change this fact. The reality is according to demand, the system is severely understaffed. This is a problem years in the making. Lego the dictator had the strictest covid mandates, two years in and the system is far worse. Lego the dictator's priority is enforcing French with Bill 96, attacking English institutions like McGill and Concordia with higher tuition fees and forcing out of province students to learn French and have a level 5 proficiency. This government's priorities are so wrong. They are concerned with identity politics and what language you speak vs important things like healthcare. Ppl are dying waiting for care. The ppl who elected authoritarian garbage like Lego are 100% responsible for this.
Can a person with three-year-old speaking ability integrate in Quebec workforce? This is the officially declared goal of this measure. Obviously, the real goal is something else.Level 5 in Friench is what a 3 years old french quebecer kid has.
Not impossible for college or university student !
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.Level 5 in Friench is what a 3 years old french quebecer kid has.
Not impossible for college or university student !
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.
It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that. I do believe knowing more languages is an asset but it should never be forced by the state, the choice should be voluntary. And trampling on minority rights and/or attacking English is not constructive way to promote French. Plus there are more important things like the state of healthcare and the housing crisis to worry. I do not think identity politics is the time for this. Lego is loosing support fast and he is stirring the pot to get nationalist votes.
Does Cloud 500 think it is impossible to learn French outside Quebec I dont think so he is smarter than that .It will take out of province students about 240 hours of training to reach that proficiency, in other words they have to spend an extra semester. We are saying to go from zero to that.
That person would have a better chance to integrate the workforce than one with no knowledge at all. IF SO they might have to be content with the job of Governor-General or CEO of Air Canada.Can a person with three-year-old speaking ability integrate in Quebec workforce? This is the officially declared goal of this measure. Obviously, the real goal is something else.
What is the issue with the language? This problem will be soon nonexistent. We will soon have real time you own voice synchronous translation devices. Even now something similar is already exists and automatic google translate translates any written text with good quality. This is much better than 3 year old. Why waste your time for mastering some rudimentary French? With proliferation of the automatic AI translate that speaks with your own voice without traces of any accent, your national identity will soon be manifested only by the choice of food, girls, and leisure activities if by anything at all.That person would have a better chance to integrate the workforce than one with no knowledge at all. IF SO they might have to be content with the job of Governor-General or CEO of Air Canada.
Sondage Léger ce jour....dévastateur pour la CAQ avec 22%......et un budget mal reçu....PSPP avec 34% file le parfait bonheur et dirigerait un gouvernement majoritaire avec 42% du vote francophone....incroyable.....suivi de QS 18 LIB 14 PC 10.
Là ou ça fait le plus mal pour la CAQ c'est son taux de satisfaction à seulement 29% vs 64% d'insatisfaits.
Ce qui est rassurant est que l'indépendance du Québec/ principe vital de PSPP ne récolte toujours que 36%.....il fait donc le plein avec l'insatisfaction du gouvernement Legault.