Montreal Escorts

Question for Extremely Attractive Men


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
The question was misunderstood. I was asking outside the world of Escorts,
If a MALE was hot, and wanted to hook up for FREE, and FAST, without any Effort,
Where and how would that happen? Or does that even happen at all ? Maybe it never happens?
Fradi's resturant response doesn't count because it involves a car, alcohol, and $100 bills. I'm talking about free and fast hookups.
The women doesn't have to be gorgeous. She can be not attractive, it's okay. Guy is hot and just wanna F and doesn't want to put any effort. Just something quick. No jokes, flirting, alcohol, courting, anything really.

Dude there are no women that will fuck a guy without courting them to some degree. Even if it’s just 2 mins of chatting. Women don’t get turned on the same way men do. It doesn’t matter how good looking you are, if there is no money being exchanged you need to turn on their mind on an emotional lvl to some degree before they are willing to hop in bed with you. Thats why confident charismatic men get all the women. Not cause they are good looking, but cause they are socially attractive. There are zero women waiting in line for the first hot guy they see waiting to pull down their panties at the sight of them begging as soon as they walk into the room to fuck their brains out. It just doesn’t work that way sorry


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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An average man with good game will always beat hands down the clueless/clumsy prettiest boy. Now if you're a pretty boy with game, life will be good, but if you're not, don't despair: game skills can be learned, while nothing much can be done about your genes!


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
That’s exactly how i understood it actually.

I am waiting for Mr. P and FB to chime in, lol

I have a buddy since childhood who always hooked up relatively fast.
Of course I'm so handsome that all the girls I meet give me their number and want to hook up big time with me! :)

Looks like your buddy is as handsome as me. ;)
But what about you Rich?
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Active Member
Jan 6, 2020
lol this is like asking how to get rich. The answer is the same and you won't like it - perseverance and luck!

Women don't care about good looks. Sure, they drool over this or that hot celebrity, but the said celebrities also tend to be charismatic, well-groomed and rich. If Brad Pitt worked a survival job and only had his jawline going for him, he too would've had to pay for play!

Be well-dressed, well-groomed, polite and interesting - lucrative career, interesting hobbies, fun stories to tell etc. This is the perseverance part. If luck is on your side - alors, on danse!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Be the Bee. Jump from flower to flower until one give you her sweet nectar.
now this does not guarantee the hottest honey in the place.You might have to settle for dandelions instead of roses. But you’ll definitely stick your prick in something


Active Member
Mar 20, 2020
Be the Bee. Jump from flower to flower until one give you her sweet nectar.
now this does not guarantee the hottest honey in the place.You might have to settle for dandelions instead of roses. But you’ll definitely stick your prick in something

It's pretty silly to look at the bigger picture of life that we're just here on Earth to eat and reproduce. Lol. And no one knows why.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Do you read books? Join a book club....


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Finally have time to chime in after reading all the posts
Alright. So here are the secrets for the top 5% in looks
1. Go to any bar. Buy the most expensive bottle of champagne on their menu
2.wear a really expensive watch.
tell the bartender you are celebrating and watch the honeys come to you
4 tell her her eyes are beautiful. Than let her talk. After 5 mins tell her you prefer blondes or whatever she is not. Them stick your dick in her mouth. Voilà!
Oh. And work on your abs. The top 5% have an 8 pack. Not just a 6pack
And if you see an escort. Tell her you are in the 5% club.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Good looks and snappy dress will get you most of the way there, most of the time, but not all the way. You will eventually need to speak, as long as you have "some" self-confidence and could put together a cohesive sentence at that point you are home free.
I'm guessing in 10-20% of the cases a good looking guy will get laid no matter what comes outta his mouth. Women can be just as shallow as men.


New Member
Aug 7, 2020
Good looks and snappy dress will get you most of the way there, most of the time, but not all the way. You will eventually need to speak, as long as you have "some" self-confidence and could put together a cohesive sentence at that point you are home free.
I'm guessing in 10-20% of the cases a good looking guy will get laid no matter what comes outta his mouth. Women can be just as shallow as men.
But what gets you in the top tier of looks as a man? Also it varies with age. A 40 year old man who is in shape and decent looking vs a 23 year old male model on Instagram, these are worlds apart.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
But what gets you in the top tier of looks as a man? Also it varies with age. A 40 year old man who is in shape and decent looking vs a 23 year old male model on Instagram, these are worlds apart.

Yes, looks are subjective, but good looks are good looks. There are different "types" will attract different woman. I remember my ex-wife mentioning how good looking this one actor on TV was (cant remember his name) but because he was black he "wasn't" her type, but she nonetheless knew he was good looking.

My understanding of the OP's question is basically the effort or lack there of that good looking men required for them to get laid.

To answer your question I believe "older" (40 years old+) good looking men will require even less effort that younger men if said man was interested in equally aged women. Women that age know what they want and go for it. One of my best friends is an ex-model, now almost 50 and still incredibly good looking. When we are out with the boys the amount of women who will approach him, the amount of looks, free drinks and straight out offers of sex he gets while sitting with a bunch of guys at the bar would astound you. All he does is look in their direction. Literally ZERO effort. Its both incredibly entertaining and at the same time depressing to be out and about with him, no matter where we go. the guy is as faithful to his wife as any man i've ever known to boot.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2020
My challenge isn't picking up women, it's where to even find them in the first place DURING THE DAY (KEY).
Mating appears to happen at NIGHT time.
But I need to be in Bed by 10PM latest to maintain my 4.5 pack (I get up at 7). Yes, being fit requires 9 hours of sleep, it's not calories only.
Therefore, since bars are out of the question, I can't meet anyone. If I try Tinder or Bumble, I get no matches like most men and it kills your self esteem.
So during the day, I try parks, I get attention from taken girls, and the rest are just hippie types, so far I've tried Plateau, but next few weeks, I'll be trying Griffin town like ppl suggested.
Been trying to survive on Escorts... which in Montreal aren't even my type.
So yes, Montreal sucks overall. But hopefully in a Month or so, I'm trying to get even leaner, the goal is to F everybody before I leave and acquire new tastes.
Because right now my type is so limited, I'm not attracted to 98.5% of the escorts here. Just Bentley from E comes close


Active Member
Mar 20, 2020
he "wasn't" her type, but she nonetheless knew he was good looking.

The type is important. I'm more attracted to less attractive women that are my type, vs. very attractive women who aren't my type. Montreal has a lot of attractive women but if the type isnt there, it doesn't do anything. I was on Metro the other day, and saw a woman in 50s, overweight, wrinkles, and she immediately caught my attention, even though she wasn't attractive, but my type. I'd hook up with her before the 20 something yo model types in Montreal who aren't my type.
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