The question was misunderstood. I was asking outside the world of Escorts,
If a MALE was hot, and wanted to hook up for FREE, and FAST, without any Effort,
Where and how would that happen? Or does that even happen at all ? Maybe it never happens?
Fradi's resturant response doesn't count because it involves a car, alcohol, and $100 bills. I'm talking about free and fast hookups.
The women doesn't have to be gorgeous. She can be not attractive, it's okay. Guy is hot and just wanna F and doesn't want to put any effort. Just something quick. No jokes, flirting, alcohol, courting, anything really.
Dude there are no women that will fuck a guy without courting them to some degree. Even if it’s just 2 mins of chatting. Women don’t get turned on the same way men do. It doesn’t matter how good looking you are, if there is no money being exchanged you need to turn on their mind on an emotional lvl to some degree before they are willing to hop in bed with you. Thats why confident charismatic men get all the women. Not cause they are good looking, but cause they are socially attractive. There are zero women waiting in line for the first hot guy they see waiting to pull down their panties at the sight of them begging as soon as they walk into the room to fuck their brains out. It just doesn’t work that way sorry