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Racist Clippers Owner Sterling :"Banned For Life!!!"

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I for one hopes that Sterling will refuse to sell the team & stick to his guns. He lives in a country where his right to free speech is supposedly protected. Same with his right to thinking whichever way he wants to. It's now very clear that he wasn't aware that he was being recorded. But this isn't the point. He was in his home & shouldn't have to be humiliated, disciplined & banned from the NBA (plus forced to sell his team) for something that was said in the privacy of his own home.

What makes this entire thing even more ridiculous is that the NAACP was just about to hand him an award before his 'private' conversation with his mistress went public. One minute, he's a good guy. The next, he's a bad guy because of something he told a bimbo while being in his own home??? :rolleyes:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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According to this, the NBA believes Sterling violated a morals clause he signed. If this is true then he should not have signed off on the morals clause:

"'s Darren Rovell reported last week that the NBA believes it has a case to remove Donald Sterling because he has signed several contracts over the years that state an owner will not take any position or action that will materially and adversely affect a team or the league. Owners also sign morals clauses, which state they will be upheld to the highest standard of ethical and moral behavior.

The NBA believes that Sterling's racist statements in a private conversation with his assistant V. Stiviano, which were later published by TMZ, constitute a violation of those contracts.

When morals clauses are enacted and result in termination of agreements, including endorsement deals, the courts often are charged with interpreting who was right, but sources with knowledge of the NBA's legal strategy believe that they have enough to force Sterling to sell."

What it sounds like to me from this article is that the NBA and the Clippers will work out a deal by which Shelly Sterling will retain a small interest in the team and a new majority interest will come in and run the team. Donald will be bought out and will get a lot of money and you should not feel too sorry for a guy who bought the team for $12 million and will sell for close to $600 million. No sympathy is needed or required from any of you. All that Sterling is really going to lose is his right to come to the games. He can watch them on his high definition TV while getting a blow job from some black wannabe gold-digger sugar baby girl, of which there will be a long line to replace V. Stiviano.

If it goes to Court to interpret a morals clause, there is no way Sterling wins. It gives the Court an easy out and an easy way to dodge the issue of upholding racist statements and behavior.

If this tape comes in, Sterling will sound pathetic:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I agree. From Sterling's latest response about the tapes, it is clear he was being taped without his permission. I seriously doubt V. Striviano's story that she was taping him because he asked her to tape her. And from these conversation, he could very well have been speaking out of jealousy:

"I’m talking to a girl. I’m trying to have sex with her. I’m trying to play with her. You know, if you were trying to have sex with a girl, and you’re talking to her privately and you don’t think anybody’s there, you may say anything in the world. What difference does it make?

Then if the girl tapes it and releases it, my God, it’s awful. Careful? Who thinks anybody’s gonna tape something? What the hell, I’m talking to a girl. The girl’s black. I like her. I’m jealous that she’s with other black guys. I want her. What the hell can I, in private, tell her, I don’t want her to be with anybody.

Am I a person? Do I have any freedom of speech? I wish Magic Johnson was talking to a girl, and he’s trying to play with her.

You might say anything. You may say you have the biggest penis in the world. I would have said I could fly over high-rise buildings if I had to.
And you’re talking to her. Then you go away. And the next thing, three months later, what you said when you were hot trying to get her, is released.
I have a girl here who has black kids, and is partly black I think … I love the girl. And so she’s telling me ‘You’re wrong.’ I know I’m wrong. What I said was wrong.

But I never thought the private conversation would go anywhere, out to the public. I didn’t want her to bring anybody to my games ‘cause I was jealous. I mean, I’m being honest. Doesn’t matter, no one’s going to hear it but you and me."

Read more:

In addition, the NBA is trying to drag up some dirt on his wife, who owns 50 percent of the team.

I seriously think all of this will backfire on the NBA and the other owners if they pursue this any further. I think Sterling will win in court bigtime.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I seriously think all of this will backfire on the NBA and the other owners if they pursue this any further. I think Sterling will win in court bigtime.

I agree. If it's smart, the last thing the NBA wants is to have Sterling take them to court. If so, all bets will be off & expect a considerable amount of dirt to be brought out in regards to some of the other owners (and NBA officials) which may make Donald Sterling look like a choir boy.

The NBA is using the moral clause to go after Sterling. It wouldn't be surprising to learn that half of the NBA owners woudn't pass the litmus test should be put up to task.

I do not agree or share the same views as Sterling. I still find his personal conduct reprehensible if true. However, he should be free to think & say whatever he wants in the privacy of his own home. When the day comes when we are no longer safe from what we say in our home, democracy is in big trouble.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I seriously doubt V. Striviano's story that she was taping him because he asked her to tape her.

What else could she say? It's her only defense. While it'll be difficult to gain the trust of anyone after being caught secretely taping Sterling, by pleading that Sterling knew about the taping is her only way to avoid possible ligitation.

I'm actually hoping he sue this bitch's ass in order to teach her a very valuable lesson. I hope she gets sent to jail in order to be molested by the prison's criminal population & the prison guards.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Her sitting in court side seats alone warrants a sexual favor or two if you ask me.

Was it too much for her not to bring her gangbanger friends to games when he asked her not to? I suppose that if people knew of the arrangement he had with her, it might prove to be quite embarrassing to him if she blatantly shows to everyone that she hangs out with criminals.....white, black, latino, asian, you name it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...something that was said in the privacy of his own home.

So if someone is knowingly or unknowingly recorded saying, in the privacy of their own home, they think the Taliban is right and something should be done, that's just a private opinion....right? If someone has the public trust and is knowingly or unknowingly recorded saying, in the privacy of their own home, they wish blacks had never been brought to America, that's fine right? No proof he'll do anything illegal.

What would you say if an escort from Toronto knowingly or unknowingly recorded an owner of the Leafs saying, in the privacy of his own home, that he's very happy the people of Toronto back a losing team but he thinks they're suckers...that's just a private opinion...right? Freedom of Speech...right? The league has no right to do anything??? It's not an inference to a possible crime like the first guy.

Was it too much for her not to bring her gangbanger friends...

Why are they gangbangers? I missed where this was alleged. Are you using your own presumptions as fact now? Is this just an impulsive presumption? Poor stereotype?

“I’m talking to a girl. I’m trying to have sex with her,” Sterling says to a man over the phone. “I’m trying to play with her. If you were trying to have sex with a girl and you’re talking to her privately and you don’t think anybody’s there, you may say anything in the world!”

Here's something that doesn't make sense. He wants us to believe that he was only trying to schmooze a woman into having sex with the things he said. So you are trying to get a woman who is black and Mexican into bed by telling her you don't want blacks hanging around. Using racism to encourage a black woman to have sex with you huh. :lol:

"When I listen to that tape, I don't even know how I can say words like that. ... I don't know why the girl had me say those things," he told CNN's Anderson Cooper in an exclusive interview set to air on Monday.

"You're saying you were set up?" Cooper asked.

"Well yes, I was baited," Sterling said. "I mean, that's not the way I talk. I don't talk about people for one thing, ever. I talk about ideas and other things. I don't talk about people."

You're telling her you don't want her to bring her black (gangbanger according to Doc) friends around, but you never talk about people, and you never talk about people like that.

Let me tell you, I've heard people make really harsh racist comments giving tacit permission for me to say something racist too. But I never did because bait me as you may I will never say something that isn't in me. I think Sterling's attempt to make people think he can say things, particularly racist things, that aren't a real part of who he is proves he's lying his ass off. And if he's just playing without meaning what he says then all the less he should be trusted.

IMHO the idea that Sterling can be baited to say something racist that isn't in him is bull.

Nuts, :crazy:


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why are they gangbangers? I missed where this was alleged. Are you using your own presumptions as fact now? Is this just an impulsive presumption? Poor stereotype?

I read somewhere that the black 'friends' he was referring to were the criminal types. I can't remember which site i read this from. It's also possible i heard this on tv or on the radio.

I'll add that there likely are other NBA, MLB, NFL & NHL owners who share Sterling's racist views (and some who are worst), yet since they aren't secretely taped by a bimbo, no one cares about them.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What an interview by Sterling tonight on cnn....... he did not help himself.

Yeah, i'm watching it now. It's hillarious!! I think Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has met his match! :lol:

p.s. I think it's safe to say that he won't be getting any Xmas cards from Magic Johnson next Christmas. lol

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What i found amusing is that one minute he'd praise someone, and soon after he'd practically call him a loser...and over & over again! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The thing we forget about Donald Sterling is that due to his wealth, he lives in a bubble where likely no one has ever criticized him before, surrounded by 'yes' people, just like many other people in his financial situation. In his own mind, he could do no wrong after decades of being treated as if he were a king.

He also comes from an era where racism was much more prevalent than today. He comes from an era where minorities were not allowed to vote & were not even allowed to use the same bathrooms, motels & restaurants as white people did. If he compares himself other white people he grew up with, maybe in his own mind he sees himself as this great saviour of the african-american cause. As the black basketball players' friend, uncle....father.

While he did make some valid points in regards to Ervin "Magic" Johnson....i mean, this is a guy whose sexual promiscuity led him to being infected with HIV....what kind of role model is that? He's a role model because he got infected with HIV? But what i found intriguing is that one minute he'd say that he liked 'Magic', and the next he'd blast him saying he was no good, etc.

Indeed, the old man embarrassed himself yesterday for speaking his mind. But at least he didn't reply using the usual talking points we see way too often on tv now where questions asked are rarely answered & the interviewers simply move on to the next question. A good example of this are Sunday's political shows whenever a Republican is being interviewed.

But i still frown on throwing the book at someone for something he said in the privacy of his own home. Imagine what kind of world we'd live in if every single conversation we have at home would be recorded & later used against us?
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