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Refusing an Outcall SP


Jul 23, 2011
I never refuse a girl. I know before shes knocking on the door that pictures are photoshopped a bit, all the girls have tatouages...sometimes I was disappointed but the girl was cute 6-7/10 or more for my taste and its was not a problem to me. But if the girl was less than average, at near 200 bucks...a think that a good agency will send you another girl if you refuse the first one and pay 20, to keep their customers.

I dont think sp hate or love ot hate! I think that when they go, they just forget you, its dont mean they hate you. I was a "regular " at a sc couples years ago, and the girl invited me take a drink before his shift. Exceptions exist.


Apr 24, 2005
you guys are way too complicated .... this is supposed to be simple and fun ... not complicated. You might as well go dating if you want to complicate everything.

Simple rules to follow :

1) Does the sp makes you hard ? yes or no, thats a pretty instinctive reaction whether she looks a bit different than on some pictures or whatever. That is the primary requirement for the transaction you are looking to make. if not, you have the right to refuse since the primary requirement for the transaction is not fulfilled. period.

2) Ok now that she makes you react. Will the level of service be up to your expectations ? is she GFE will she do this or that ? Ask clearly before continuing. This is what is called "think with your brain and not with your penis". Just ask the main points that would make the session worthwhile/acceptable to you. Basically you are asking now that you have seen me, would you have any trouble doing this and that ? if she is not comfortable doing what you like then you have the right to refuse (ie again she will not be able to fulfill her end of the bargain). For example, I will refuse any girl who wont do DFK as that floats my boat.

3) If you refuse, then off she goes and she can make her phone call outside unless she doesnt have a cell (which is never). Its not talk to the guy before she goes unless you want to tell him something. Whatever he wants to tell you, tell her he can call you back. And WTF is that guy yelling at you ? I would have hanged up the phone, never call that agency again and posted a review on here ASAP.

4) I never paid any "fee" when I refuse. Like someone said, we are not talking about pizza or some fungible commodity here. This is a highly subjective affair and refusals are part of the cost of business. Trust me if the profits were not enough to cover that inherent cost of doing business, agencies would not be springing up like mushrooms.
But again, lucky for them, most guys dont think with their brain when they see the girl as all the blood is flowing somewhere else.

And please post a proper review of this, this is the intended purpose of this forum when it started way back : to share information about both good and bad agencies.


Apr 24, 2005
What is it you don't get?

I never saw any girl that looked as good as in her photos, (perhaps 1 or 2), its expected. He said the pictures were accurate, but photos looked better, so he refused. Refused her for what? a 1 hr date ? If he is expecting the same girls that appear in those professional photos, then he is going to be refusing a lot of girls.

I have seen girls that looked BETTER than their photos .... and those are the ones that I end up seeing multiple times.

But why are we discussing pictures here ? the pictures are advertisements ... a way for the agency to lure you to pick up the phone ... once that part is done their purpose is over.
Now you have the real-time picture in front of you! Thats what is important as you will be having real interaction with what is in front of you ... not with what you saw on the computer screen. So the only question that matters is does the real-time picture live up to your expectations ? in other words, does the advertisement live up to what you actually want ? if yes then we have a deal. If not, then we have a refusal.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
wow qwerty 2005 and 35 post... damn lol. What you say make sense, but im not sure if its only me, but i hardly get a hard on when i open the door. 20+ girls called and the open the door part is still the part where i am nervous as hell and in that case its more or less impossible to do it. Once i get confortable(some girls are pretty good at making you) then it may happen but usually its not until the action start. Either when we kiss, or when i start touching her body. But i know for sure once i open the door if i find her really attractive, just cute or if she is a bomb to me. So far all the girls i called had something going, either the face or the body. But i didn't had that many WOW reaction opening the door. Couple times...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Exactly. Most of the sex workers hate the clients.

BTW-- A lot of sex workers call their regular clients a friend.

Hello CLOUD,

In business the word "friend" (or valued customer) is nothing but a ploy of salesmanship. Sometimes I get so annoyed when I hear this pitch angle, which they seem to insist on sticking your with for about 2 minute every time and repeat frequently, I'll tell the person point blank, basically: I don't need a sales pitch, just help me solve the issue or you'll lose the business.

Do you really think anyone could be that intimate with strangers, sometimes probably some fairly undesirable ones, if they hated most of the clients? I find that extremely doubtful unless they're the kind of ladies who have some kind of self-degradation syndrome in some degree. If they are saying "hate" in most cases I'd bet most of the time they're thinking of the worse times or have had a recent poor experience or series of them, just like the regular job sucking for a time.

Conversely, I wouldn't feel comfortable if the ladies liked every client. Since they must meet some unappealing, shady, and difficult characters there it should not be surprising if there was some general disdain over what kind of situation they will be facing on the average in this business. Imagine yourself a male escort facing who knows what kind of woman or surprise just on the other side of the door every time.

you guys are way too complicated...

1) Does the sp makes you hard ?

2)Will the level of service be up to your expectations ?

3)And WTF is that guy yelling at you ?

4) I never paid any "fee" when I refuse.

Good advice.

I've done plenty of photography, including female models. Does anyone think the photographer working for a client won't try to make her look her best? Are you still interested when you see her. If not it's simple. Refuse.

If you aren't sure about the kind of service you'll get, ask. Don't complain about business matters being a killjoy if you are anxious or picky about service. If you don't ask in that case, it's your fault.

Don't ever let the lady or owner intimidate you into anything. Many, it seems, want to stay on good terms for future calls or some unsaid favors. Fine. But again, if you allow yourself to be manipulated for any reason it's your choice. If you don't stand up to intimidation and don't report it honestly you are perpetuating a problem for everyone. AND, don't ever attack anyone who reports such abuse because you want to kiss the ass of your favorite girl or owner, unless you have provable reasons for thinking the reporter is being dishonest. Being a white knight (defending abuse because of favoritism) has been a costly problem for many clients.

I've only refused a lady who had arrived twice, once only because I underestimated the funds I hand with me. Each time I gave a minimal compensation. I felt that was fair. Others have the right not to give anything.

***You the client are spending a lot in this hobby. You have the choice within reason of how to react, whether to refuse the lady. The choice of her staying or not is a totally subjective one, though decent manners and reasonable accountability should be maintained. Your choice and behavior can make this business better or worse for everyone else.




Active Member
Feb 8, 2009
Of course you have no obligation ,actually it goes both way, but I have just a tiny bit of malaise for the "ordered" a girl...yikes...she is not a pizza...which is my standard answer when a guy asks "if I can be there in 20 min..." Yes it is a transaction but we are not a product...careful guys...

Yeh I agree with you, I was taken aback, there are words far worse than "ordered"... But yes, a man wants a girl to be GFE, he has to reciprocate by at least improving his vocabulary.
On the subject, though I stick to reputed agencies and indies, I never sent a woman back. I like them think people who say $20-$40 for the trouble is fair; i think reputed agencies- good agencies who have a booking line up its fair, the same cannot be said for new or not reliable agencies. Unless ofcourse its a B&S or delay or some other issue which cannot be overlooked. In your case the pics were accurate (as you put it).
My advise stick to well reviewed agency.
I am curious to what agency was this...
If the booker yelled, I am inclined to think it was not one of those top list agencies. It would not be breaking the rules to name that agency as a "review". will it?
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