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Relationship Between the Board and Agencies or Indies


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
There exists an interesting relationship between the board and the agencies or indies that advertise on the board.

The agencies and indies support the bard with their advertising dollar. In return they are granted certain privileges, non-paying agencies or providers are quickly removed, the agencies generate business not only from their ads and participation but from reviews as well. BTW the agencies do not pay a premium for the reviews to the board.

The question that has to be answered is what do the agencies give back?
In other niche markets reciprocal relationships exist between the board and outside advertisers in the form of reciprocal links. Some of the European sex trade venues feature such exchanges on their front page -

lists at least 10 pages of "Friendly Sites" on their home page dedicated to link exchange.

A informal check of over 20 agencies and indies websites did not show any links back to Merb, however some had reviews posted that looked very familiar.

Another interesting phenomena is that of competition. The green board does not carry advertising or links for the blue board and vice versa, yet agencies with boards are allowed to advertise here, effectively taking traffic away from Merb.

In the retail / wholesale world such activity would rarely be tolerated. A retailer who starts to wholesale product in competition with the wholesalers who service his outlets would rarely be serviced by the same wholesalers.

Comments appreciated.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
I don't know if it depends on the category of websites but from my experience, in many cases, the paying advertisers rarely sends traffic back where he pays for his ad (ie google). But there are some advertisement websites who do request a link back. In general though, the ad fees are way lower.

What you are talking about is link exchange. I put you banner on my site if you put my banner on yours. In those deals there is no money exchanged. That's pretty much all the banners I have on my links page with other independents.

Merb could do a "link exchange" with the angencies and independents that don't want to pay for advertisment or they could even do a TopList which would bring in traffic. Or they could lower the advertisment fees and ask a reciprocal link to all the advertisers. It's a decision to make : Less money from ad but more traffic or vice versa?
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Sep 19, 2005
Linking back

Google is very picky when it comes to backlinks. I have found 239 links to (versus 385 for the blue board), many of them are from forums (including terb and perb). There are only a couple of links from agencies (Vicious escorts and Montreal sex city).

On the other hand, Google considers only one of these backlinks valid (versus 4 for the blue board). You can verify this by typing


in Google`s search box (the same command also works for Yahoo and MSN).

To make a long story short, I don`t think that the board will benefit much from these links, search-engine-wise. Links coming from sites flagged "Adult" by Google generally have a low value, if any in the eyes of Google.

Now, on the point that agencies do not pay for reviews. These reviews are written by members and not by the board owners. So, if agencies would give sth back, it should be to the members not to the board. Again, the reviews of members who receive any monetary incentives will be tainted, and here we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Various Factors

HornyForEver said:
Google is very picky when it comes to backlinks. I have found 239 links to (versus 385 for the blue board), many of them are from forums (including terb and perb). There are only a couple of links from agencies (Vicious escorts and Montreal sex city).

On the other hand, Google considers only one of these backlinks valid (versus 4 for the blue board). You can verify this by typing


in Google`s search box (the same command also works for Yahoo and MSN).

To make a long story short, I don`t think that the board will benefit much from these links, search-engine-wise. Links coming from sites flagged "Adult" by Google generally have a low value, if any in the eyes of Google.

Now, on the point that agencies do not pay for reviews. These reviews are written by members and not by the board owners. So, if agencies would give sth back, it should be to the members not to the board. Again, the reviews of members who receive any monetary incentives will be tainted, and here we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle.


Appreciate your explanation about links and how they are viewed by Google

Lily stated that there were link exchanges BUT they did not include the boards. Lets combine this with your comment about reviews being tainted.

Any link on a providers site to the board opens the door to a possible negative review while at the same time giving an unhappy customer access to other providers. Even a happy customer might be inclined to compare his experience with other favourable reviews about the provider. Effectively very little upside from the providers standpoint.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
eastender said:

Appreciate your explanation about links and how they are viewed by Google

Lily stated that there were link exchanges BUT they did not include the boards. Lets combine this with your comment about reviews being tainted.

Any link on a providers site to the board opens the door to a possible negative review while at the same time giving an unhappy customer access to other providers. Even a happy customer might be inclined to compare his experience with other favourable reviews about the provider. Effectively very little upside from the providers standpoint.

True, it could allow people who are unaware of this site to come here and check reviews, not a bad idea at all. I think that is pretty much the idea behind sites like TER and Capt.69 where advertisements for providers are free and we have to link back to the review site. They do not sell any advertisement for providers though to avoid the biased reviews. ;)

I have found in the past years that a lot of people trust TER's reviews way more than the ones found on here. Many outsiders actually find this place to be a circus.

In all honesty, if Fred would ever request a link back to his site, I personaly would have had no problem whatsoever with it. I even have (in my review section) the address of the site listed many times but not linked. It is possible to copy and paste it. :)
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