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Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
It was the street level one. I gotta get to Europea n Renoir @ Sofitel is supposed to be another good one that’s on the list. Most of the time im tired from work n just get shitty room service. Making it a point for next trip to hit these places up. I leave the pizza for NYC or Chicago!

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
But the best is Reuben's.... Try their spaghetti sprinkled with smoked meat... It's delicioso... They also put up a very decent veal parmigiano...
Had the smoked meat spaghetti, and concur that it was good, really good. I also had the smoked meat poutine, it was pure heaven. Only thing is you can’t have this meal every week, unless you know a good heart specialist... :lol: ... also, the waitress usually warns me when I order the smoked meat poutine that it is quite a sizeable portion. No matter though. I make sure I’m on an empty stomach when I go there ... :hungry:

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
I have to concur...

The smoked meat at the Reuben's you are talking about is probably the best, tastier smoked meat in MTL... Way better than the greasy smoked meat at Schwarzt's...
Not to mention that there is no waiting at Reuben’s. Now if they can only add draft beer to their menu, it would be my go-to deli all the time. I like a nice beer with my smoked meat sandwich, and don’t get me wrong, I drink bottled beer all the time, however some food goes better with draft beer. I’m thinking of Moe’s Deli in the West Island, I always have beer on tap with my smoked meat sandwich there.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There was a huuuge wait @ the street level reubens! I guess the other one is the place to hit up?

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
There was a huuuge wait @ the street level reubens! I guess the other one is the place to hit up?
Yea, it’s definitely the better of the two. I usually head there at around 5ish for supper and then head back to work. Even on weekends, I don’t recall ever having to wait more than a couple of minutes for a table. If you go there for lunch, you will always get a table right away.

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
Thanks for the tip!
You bet!

p.s. As a child I recall watching Ric Flair when he was in his prime. Those lengthy cage matches with Harley Race in the 1980’s were perhaps the best matches I ever saw. Of course that was back in the day when fans wanted to see blood in the ring ... and they usually did ...

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Slick ric vs macho man @ wrestle mania 8 my personal fav. Never saw him wrestle live, big regret.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
The smoked meat at the Reuben's you are talking about is probably the best, tastier smoked meat in MTL... Way better than the greasy smoked meat at Schwarzt's... Jarry's smoked meat is another good one and also DELI 500...

I have to disagree. Tried the smoked meat sandwich last year at Reuben's. It was a wet mess; I could have wring a cup of juice from the smoked meat. The bread just started to disintegrate with the meat on top. Very messy experience.


Jun 14, 2015
I have to disagree. Tried the smoked meat sandwich last year at Reuben's. It was a wet mess; I could have wring a cup of juice from the smoked meat. The bread just started to disintegrate with the meat on top. Very messy experience.

I'm sorry for you my friend... That never happened to me in the last 6 years that I've been there... Are you sure you are talking about the one on the corner of McGill College?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have to disagree. Tried the smoked meat sandwich last year at Reuben's. It was a wet mess; I could have wring a cup of juice from the smoked meat. The bread just started to disintegrate with the meat on top. Very messy experience.

I can guess at what happened. That Reubens is very, very busy. You got the last batch of meat in one steaming tin and the cook, working quickly so he could move on to the next order, picked up the tin and dumped the remaining meat onto the bread, miscalculating the amount of reserved liquid remaining in the tin. He probably said, "oops!" and moved on to the next order.

That street level Reubens actually is the only downtown restaurant I know of making true American-style pancakes with buttermilk batter. All the other places in Montreal, excepting Beauty's which makes the best American pancakes in Montreal, will try and and make an American pancake out of French crepe batter instead of buttermilk batter. Which is a disaster if you allow it to happen. Always ask what they are using for batter if they advertise American pancakes. Reubens' American pancakes are buttermilk batter based, and not bad. They are certainly at least the correct recipe and preparation, as they fluff nicely unlike the failed attempts at making pancakes with crepe batter. Street level Reubens also makes very good but grossly overpriced entree salads, although Deville Dinerbar has much better salads and much better food generally IMHO, if you want to stick to one of the overpriced downtown restaurants that primarily cater to tourists. In the cold winter months I generally allow the overpriced downtown places to take my money, because if you factor in the exchange rate, I am paying what I would for similar back home, and when it is so cold that your testicles start to shiver, it's generally is a good idea to stay near the hotel.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If the two Reubens are owned by the same entity, the sensible thing to do would be to call them Reubens 1 and Reubens 2. Which reminds me of the Springfield, Mass. strip club Mardi Gras, which is technically Mardi Gras 1 although not so named, because the owners opened a satellite club across the border in Ellington, CT called Mardi Gras 2. I was in Mardi Gras 2 a couple months ago and it sucked. I heard the other Mardi Gras is good/better if any of you are ever in Springfield.

If the two Reubens are not connected, then one is infringing on the trade name of the other and a lawsuit might be appropriate to avoid confusion of the consumers. Trade name rights are usually determined by who was using and properly registering the trade name first, under applicable local laws.


Aug 24, 2011
The one by Peel. Are they owned by same entity?

they used to but went their separated ways 15 years ago. original reubens is 888, 2nd reubens was near place dupuis which closed down and the 3rd and still operational is not far from the original one.

the original reubens is owned by one of the brothers while the other one is one of the partner


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Went to 888 Reubens as my prior visit was to the other Reubens (street level).

Waiter indicated owners (brothers) parted ways. In any case, the smoked meat was soft, color looks like ham and when you bit down on it, really not much resistance at all. Schwartz is more NY pastrami like and drier and you can feel you are chewing something more than just the bread.

Also tried Main deli across from Schwartz during the summer.

Given the first time I had Montreal smoked meat was at Schwartz, that's really my basis for comparison as to what Montreal smoked meat should be. So in my opinion, I still like Schwartz smoked meat more than either Reubens or Main.


Jun 14, 2015
Went to 888 Reubens as my prior visit was to the other Reubens (street level).

Waiter indicated owners (brothers) parted ways. In any case, the smoked meat was soft, color looks like ham and when you bit down on it, really not much resistance at all. Schwartz is more NY pastrami like and drier and you can feel you are chewing something more than just the bread.

Also tried Main deli across from Schwartz during the summer.

Given the first time I had Montreal smoked meat was at Schwartz, that's really my basis for comparison as to what Montreal smoked meat should be. So in my opinion, I still like Schwartz smoked meat more than either Reubens or Main.

Sorry... You CANNOT compare Montreal's smoked meat with NY's pastrami...

Smoked meat is the Ritz... Pastrami's is a cheap motel on Road 117....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sorry... You CANNOT compare Montreal's smoked meat with NY's pastrami...

Smoked meat is the Ritz... Pastrami's is a cheap motel on Road 117....

Never, ever say this at Katz Deli or any of the other top 8 Jewish delis in NYC, unless you have a New York Yankees baseball cap on your head or an Aaron Judge jersey on your torso, which just might save you from the beating of your life and being thrown out the door and into the street on your ass outside any of these places:

The first time I ever ate smoked meat at Schwartz's was around 15 years ago, when I went with my cousin, who is also American. He had been to Schwartz's and compared it to really good NYC pastrami and invited me to join him there. As we ate our lunch, I told my cousin that I thought it actually tasted like very tender corned beef.

The manager at Schwartz's overheard my comment and came over to our table. He knew I was an American tourist and proceeded to give me a 20 minute dissertation, which almost sounded like a doctoral thesis, on the differences between corned beef and smoked meat, the principle one being corned beef is boiled and smoked meat is dry cured and smoked.

The manager then told me he had challenged the owner of Carnegie Deli, which at that time was the top pastrami purveyor in NYC (Katz has since taken that honor- Carnegie closed in 2016) to a "meat challenge": smoked meat vs. pastrami. He told me the Carnegie owner was a "pussy" who would not accept the "challenge" (I presumed the challenge was for Carnegie to come up to Montreal with their pastrami and have a meat tasting contest). I think the challenge was declined because Carnegie was too busy making money in NYC to be worrying about the bravado from some small Montreal meat purveyor. Who knows.

However, the point is that the fact that he issued a challenge is, to me, a tacit admission that Carnegie's NYC pastrami was a worthy competitor deserving of the challenge. Would the coach of the Habs issue a challenge to play a minor league team like Laval or Verdun for Montreal area hockey supremacy? Of course not. You only challenge someone you deem worthy of that challenge. So respectfully T, you don't know what you are talking about. Even the owner/manager of Schwartz's knows how good NYC pastrami is at the real hardcore NYC delis which I posted above.

And I do like NYC pastrami more than smoked meat, but I was kind of weaned on it. One of my parents is Jewish, so I ate lots of that shit when I was younger. Don't eat it much any more mainly for health reasons, but it is real, real good stuff they are selling at Katz's. How dare you compare it to a cheap motel. They certainly do not have cheap motel prices lol.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
I ate at both Cheval and Gibbys during different visits last summer. Food was good at both, but Cheval was much more contemporary in its menu and it's decor. Gibbys felt like a steakhouse from the 70s. I had a really good meal there, but the overall experience felt dated.

Luvdozer is right on the money. I would like to add that Gibby's is much less expensive than Cheval (i.e. they don't charge you $12 for a potato and $15 for veggies!). AND IMHO Gibby's steak is a little bit better. However, because I like ambiance, for every 9 visits to Cheval I do 1 to Gibby's.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also agree luvdozer is on the money with Gibby’s. Ambience is not its strength as a restaurant. The food is. And frankly Moishes ambience is even worse than Gibby’s while also serving good food. I have eaten at Gibby’s 12-15 times at least through the years and never had a less than stellar dining experience.
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