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Rogers Sportsnet fires Don Cherry over controversial poppy comment


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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As he has devoted his life to hockey and knows it as a player, coach and broadcaster, I respected his opinions on that subject (but didn't think that the country of origin, race or language of any particular hockey player was worth mentioning).

I always flipped the channel or left for a beer when he finished talking about hockey. Had I been his boss I would have ordered him to confine his comments to hockey years ago as his comments on anything else were neither amusing nor informed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I agree with you. I mean really I have watch the thing he said saturday over and over and really I do not see where is all the fuss about. I have to admit I agree with him! Yes immigrant coming here should be concerned by the sacrifice war veterans did to defend our liberty. Fuck is that much to ask?

That said dont get me wrong I always hated Don Cherry because of his past comment on French canadians.


he targeted immigrants for not supporting the poppy, which is unfair (and stupid) for so many reasons, and smacks of a purely xenophobic anti-immigration position, not to mention it has nothing to do with hockey.

If he wanted to bring attention to the veterans and the poppy campaign, great. But he went about it in a 'trumpist' way.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
He made a career of trashing the french canadians, and no problem, but when he says one tiny little comment that COULD MAYBE be badly interpreted by some peoples about immigrants he get axed. This show the direction this country is going and spoiler, i don't like it.

Never liked the guy to be honest, but he shouldn't had been fired over this at all.

He is 86 years old, probably has more money than most peoples here, and still go do his job every week because he loves hockey, so well i would had wait for him to retire. I have a feeling the president of sportsnet just wanted to avoid an online backlash but he end up making one anyway because the other half is pissed at his decision, even some peoples like me who where never fan in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Never liked the guy to be honest, but he shouldn't had been fired over this at all.

They gave him a chance to apologize, but he refused. "Good for him" i guess (in regards to him not saying something that he doesn't really believe in and lying to the public). But now he has to live with that decision.

Anyways, he should have never made the comment to begin with (especially in this day and age of online public shaming). My dad is an immigrant that came over from his country to live here, and he always bought a poppy each year from work for Remembrance Day.

So fuck Don Cherry.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
En tant que francophone, je suis content de le voir enfin partir. Mais il reste que le Canada montre sa vraie nature envers nous une fois de plus

Depuis des décennies, Don Cherry rabaisse les francophones. Rien ne lui arrive. Il parle une fois contre les immigrants, il perd son travail. Et on s'entend que ce qu'il a dit n'est pas si grave, comparativement à ce qu'il a dit contre les francophones.

On se sent tellement respecté au Cacanada!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Once again the snowflake leftist social justice warriors get their way.

Next stop is destination fucked...brace for impact...or buy lots of brass.

when there are no consequences to statements like his, it normalizes it. all he had to do was apolagize...


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
WHY should he apologize for something he believes in ... oh, cuz it doesn't fit with what one sector of the population "feels" it should ... NONSENSE ... PC has run amok and flown off the rails. And not sure how it is in Canada, but the majority of immigration occurring in the States is ILLEGAL trespassing and NOT immigration ... they come, they squat and the left finds new programs to "help" these poor souls all on the backs of We The People and our escalating taxes. If same in Canada, then you "get" this post.

No apology - he spoke his mind. for the one above who claimed a "trumping" response ... thats why We The People elected him - to RUN our country and not pander to and political speak to things - to FIX what is and has been broken. I feel bad for Canada, you folks just re-elected your white Obama.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Gosh, I remember listening to this guy as a boy on channel 9 which was one of the few channels you could get on TV. We got it with rabbit ears from Windsor. I can remember saying to an uncle who is this windbag and why does he know so much about hockey? My uncle said that when he coached Toronto, the Leafs had the worst record ever (that may not be true anymore). Anyway, Americans loved to hate him and now he will be missed the same way that U of M fans miss Wayne Woodrow Hayes. The guy was fun to listen to and as Mike said, he loved hockey and he made it fun.

Charmer - God Bless your father and all those that continue to wear the poppy. BTW - The Sepoys and the Canadians gave plenty in the Great War. You can read the names of the missing along with thousands upon thousands of other names on the Menin gate at Ypres. Reading Montreal surgeon John McCrae's poem On Flanders Field would be a good 1st exercise and understanding the corpse factory known as Ypres and how the poppy became famous as a symbol. I was told that a poppy seed will lay in the ground for perpetuity. It will remain a seed until it is disturbed. Occasionally, you will see a few poppies in bloom when a farm implement disturbs a few seeds. It has been said that Flanders was covered with poppies in bloom as far as the eye could see due to the obscene use of artillery in a day in age when man first acquired the technology to bring about Armageddon. I don't know how many people know this.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
He had NO reason to apologize. He generalized "you people" to mean ANYONE who didn't buy a Poppy, regardless of race or skin colour.

He's paid to comment on hockey matters and should have shut up about the other stuff, which has often got him in trouble numerous times in the past. He was fired due to the pressure on the network. The network has to answer to board members and shareholders and when the pressure was too much they finally showed him the door.

I used to watch and listen to him all the time. But over the past few years i got tired of his circus act. He often drifted off-topic and talked about non-hockey matters and when he did it was always about promoting hockey violence which is now a no-no. He also would use his pulpit to praise marginal players over and over. Personally i no longer had any use for his bigotry and useless comments.

He should have kept his big mouth shut and at the very least apologize if he offended people. He refused to and was shown the door. He's only got himself to blame. If he wants to make political statements he should run for the Conservative party and not use his position as a highly-paid hockey commentator to do it. Enough!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Why apologize if you said nothing wrong. We all know Don loves Canada and the vets plus it was for remembrance day. If some butt hurt person can not handle the truth who cares.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
^^^^^^ Why apologize if you said nothing wrong. We all know Don loves Canada and the vets plus it was for remembrance day. If some butt hurt person can not handle the truth who cares.

He should not have apologize but simply clarify the meaning of his comments. He is too stubborn to even do that...

Upon his past comment on french Canadians I can only say Bye Bye Don and please don't come back!



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Not just visors, French guys and Europeans, I'm pretty sure he also railed against the use of helmets back in the '70s ....

Exactly. He is the type of old fart I hope not to turn into when I grow old.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don’t think he should have been fired for his comments, it was stupid and just one of many of his rants.

I won’t miss the dickhead, he was always so pro Leafs and Boston and hated the Habs.
So as a die hard Habs fan good riddance, he was a dinosaur that lived in the past and wanted hockey to be the old goon style forever.

Yeah sometimes I miss the old John Ferguson ( they should have retired his jersey just to piss off Cherry) who handed out so many beatings to the Leafs and Boston, but have to admit the hockey of today is much faster paced and skilled and also much more entertaining to watch.
If I want to see fights I will watch boxing.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Anyways, he should have never made the comment to begin with (especially in this day and age of online public shaming). My dad is an immigrant that came over from his country to live here, and he always bought a poppy each year from work for Remembrance Day.


Just to be clear i am not saying he is right or wrong. To be honest i couldn't care less if peoples buy the poppy, be it immigrants or born Canadians. My problem comes from the fact that you can't say ANYTHING anymore related to immigration in this age. The slightest "negative" comment will get you fired. (While he bashed on french peoples for years without consequences)

There is a weatherman in the US (i think) wich had a tongue bad roll up and badly pronounced "Martin Luther King" and was fired over that. Wich is totally ridiculous.

I am the first to comment on stuff on twitter, be it video games, movies or anything, so i LIKE the social media for that aspect. Look at the Sonic movie, social medias are responsible for the correction of it and i feel the movie will be much better now. But social media is starting to go more and more into politics and having an impact on what peoples can say or not. And thats not cool.

Unless you talk very hurtefull hate speech, you should be allow to have an opinion and say what you want.

As for your dad, i don't know him but knowing you a bit i say that he was a great immigrant and im more than happy to welcome peoples like him personally. Im not anti immigration or such. Not at all. Thats a "popular belief" among peoples who are anti SJW culture and want better control over immigration. And its a wrong one.

To get back on Don's comment, he want peoples to buy poppy and wear it, thats his opinion, it should be a right to say it. Personally i bough them in my life (when i stumble across them in store) but i never wear it on my cloath, i don't like that the pin pierce the cloath. But i really don't care that peoples buy/wear it or not.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
He's paid to comment on hockey matters and should have shut up about the other stuff .... !

Wonder how you feel about pro athletes on the job in uniform on the field kneeling during a nation's anthem ... specifically as it relates to the "shut up about the other stuff" part.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^Excellent point. Sunday afternoons was a sacred time when we could put politics aside but then millionaires had to take a knee and that was OK and their brothers in the NBA stood behind them. And several criticized Trump and that was OK and they were exercising their freedom of speech but when an NBA owner tweeted that he stood behind the protesters in Hong Kong then all of a sudden all the freedom of speech in the NBA was squashed led by Lebron James. It's OK to criticize Trump and take a knee but we cannot the Communist government of China? Look at the history of that brutal regime and which is a more serious problem. There is free speech but only if you are left leaning. Interesting.
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