ANITA know who she is?????..
She was the minister that got you your vaccine. She has a reputation of running a tight ship
ANITA know who she is?????..
She's the logical successor to Justin, she sure has more credentials than him...and more credibility.She was the minister that got you your vaccine. She has a reputation of running a tight ship
Big big thanks aux pays limitrophes dont la Pologne qui ont ouvert grandes leurs portes à ces réfugiés misérables qui arrivent assoiffés, affamées et dans un état Pologne s'est dite prête à en recevoir encore en grand nombre....chapeau.Until now 660,000 refugees.![]()
I hope people are not serious about pinning this war (or any of many other events) as a prediction being attributed to a senile seer from the dark ages and/orOh I know about Nostradamus, but now American preachers are using this disaster to get donations.
Putin constantly claims his attack is to De Nazify Ukraine! Lying POS! Putin is more like Hitler than any Ukrainian and actually employs many pro Hitler mercenaries, see Wagner brigades.Kiev has a huge jewish community and Ukraine President Zelensky is also jewish.
He will....Le procureur de la Cour pénale internationale--CPI---a annoncé Lundi ''l'ouverture d'une enquête sur la situation en Ukraine'' évoquant des ''crimes de guerre '' et des ''crimes contre l'Humanité''....non this bastard ne va pas y échapper.Putin should be charged with crimes of war and crimes against humanity.
Doit avoir peur de son propre un schizo n'est pas toujours à l'aise en public.Why don't we see Putin in public?
Fear of being assassinated by own inner circle.Why don't we see Putin in public?