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Sarah Pallins 17-year old daughter chooses her first husband!


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Most of us know what amniocentesis is. So what? Many women choose not to have it done, or just use the results to "prepare" themselves. What is it you're trying to prove?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maxima said:
Chris Burke
...Also an actor, musician, and goodwill ambassador for the National Down Syndrome Society, Burke is best known for his ground-breaking role as a young man with Down syndrome growing up in a loving family but struggling for acceptance in the outside world on the television show Life Goes On....

So what's your point?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Slippery said:
Most of us know what amniocentesis is. So what? Many women choose not to have it done, or just use the results to "prepare" themselves. What is it you're trying to prove?

All women should have the test done in order to avoid giving birth to an infant with severe deformities. My point was that at her age, Ms. Conservative Sarah Pallin should have at least considered having this test done after getting preggers. The older you are when pregnant, the higher the chances are that your fetus will encounter problems & in many cases these problems will be life-long and permanent.

That's what my whole point is all about.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Korbel said:
Now if you want to vote Republican that's fine. But if you think this person who has been governor of a state of 670,000 for less than two years is qualified, and especially more qualified than many other Republicans, then you are nuts.




Qualified Republicans is an oxymoron. Qualified and Republicans should not be linked at any time.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maxima said:
So in your mind such a wonderful young person like Chris should have been "avoided"/avorted because he had Down Syndrome? How insensitive and how arrogant.

So i guess you're one of those anti-abortion folks? :confused:

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Doc Holliday said:
So i guess you're one of those anti-abortion folks? :confused:

I'm not anti-abortion ( I am pro-choice) and I find the Evangelical faction of the Republican party distasteful, but I also believe Pallin and her daughter have the right to make their own choices. To charaterize someone as white trash because the 17 year old has had sex and because a Downes syndrome baby was not aborted seems a bit over the top even for us.

McCain is the only hope the Republican Party has of putting the religious nut-jobs that have over run the party back in the bottle where they belong.

While Alaska is not the most sophisticated State in the Union it is at least a match with Arkansas and Pallin's achievements have surpassed Hilary's at a similar age.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Personally I have no problem with her decision to go through with the pregnancy. What I have a problem with is her decision to have another child at the age of 43 knowing full well the dangers to the child. It's not like she didn't have any children already. I can understand a childless wooman wanting to have a child at all costs, but a supposedly intelligent woman like her should have been less selfish and thought of the possible consequences before her own selfish desire to have another kid.

But I guess now the situation plays in her favour doesn't it? The valiant pro-lifer who has even given birth to a known disabled baby.:rolleyes:


Jul 23, 2006
Techman said:
Personally I have no problem with her decision to go through with the pregnancy. What I have a problem with is her decision to have another child at the age of 43 knowing full well the dangers to the child. It's not like she didn't have any children already. I can understand a childless wooman wanting to have a child at all costs, but a supposedly intelligent woman like her should have been less selfish and thought of the possible consequences before her own selfish desire to have another kid.

But I guess now the situation plays in her favour doesn't it? The valiant pro-lifer who has even given birth to a known disabled baby.:rolleyes:
Techman could not say better I agree totally with you .I can only add one thing she just does not like trust worthy.of course it is only my opinion.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Personally I have no problem with her decision to go through with the pregnancy. What I have a problem with is her decision to have another child at the age of 43 knowing full well the dangers to the child. It's not like she didn't have any children already. I can understand a childless wooman wanting to have a child at all costs, but a supposedly intelligent woman like her should have been less selfish and thought of the possible consequences before her own selfish desire to have another kid.

But I guess now the situation plays in her favour doesn't it? The valiant pro-lifer who has even given birth to a known disabled baby.
True Techman,

Yes, it works out that way. But given her beliefs, whether anyone else agrees with them or not, there was no other choice for her but to have the baby. Now did she know that if she got pregnant should would definitely have a Down's baby? According to the link below the odds were 1 in 53 at age 43. That may be far riskier than the 1 in 1923 odds at age 20, but it's still a longshot. There are also far more women having babies at age 20 than 43. That probably means that women at both ages are having about the same number of Down's children. So what is the answer? Perhaps no Perhaps only in vitro fertilization with perfect eggs and sperm thoroughly checked for chromosomal abnormalities. Oooooh how romantic. Or, federally mandated abortion of any Down's fetus. Are these the "right" answers???

Hey, I think she is a terrible choice made to suck up to the Republican far Right and desperately appeal to women. But her choice to have the baby shouldn't be the determining factor in her qualifications...of which she has so little.


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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Techman said:
Personally I have no problem with her decision to go through with the pregnancy. What I have a problem with is her decision to have another child at the age of 43 knowing full well the dangers to the child.

The assumption you are making is that it was planned. Pregnancies at that age are often accidents. Not saying it wasn't planned just that we don't really know.

Actually I don't know while I'm sticking up for her except that I somehow think it's a bit premature to be forming all these strong opinions based on what little the press has put out.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Korbel, What choice did she have other than getting pregnant at 43? Oh, I don't about a vasectomy for her husband or maybe a tubal ligation for herself? Then...presto! sex without complications of a dangerous pregnancy. Isn't modern medicine wonderful?

She was hot when she was younger though::D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima, here is a quote from a similar source, I highlighted the relevant text:

Down syndrome : the incidence of Down syndrome increases from 1 in 10,000 for 20 year old mothers to about 3 in 1,000 for 35 year old mothers and 1 in 100 for 40 year old mothers; this may be due to the fact that an older woman’s eggs have been exposed to more x-rays, drugs and infections than a younger woman’s eggs. Down syndrome isn’t preventable, but it can be identified before birth during a prenatal exam.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Korbel, What choice did she have other than getting pregnant at 43? Oh, I don't about a vasectomy for her husband or maybe a tubal ligation for herself? Then...presto! sex without complications of a dangerous pregnancy. Isn't modern medicine wonderful?

She was hot when she was younger though::D
Hello Techman,

Some people have beliefs about inhibiting pregnancy...right or wrong. Yes, it would be nice if humans were more practical, but we're not.

As for what she looked like when she was younger, I suspect she was still a Bible toting, loud-mouthed, Rambo wannabe then too. Talk about "shrinkage" I need a "booster."

Ahhhhh, that's sooooo much better.

Thanks ladies,


Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
I think people ought to focus on WHY she named her daughter Bristol in the first place... I mean what kind of a name is Bristol for a little girl, or for a grown woman?

It's no wonder her life is already unravelling into a tabloid mess.

Name like Bristol should be reserved for children of celebrities. Point finale.



Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
voyageur11 said:
I dont remember writing the place of a woman is at home

Here's where you said it....

voyageur11 said:
A kid wih down syndrom need a lot of care what will come first national security or family? The whole world knows that a woman's place is in the home and Dee is the greatest poster ever.

(voyager... I'll remove this blasphemous bit of humour in the not too distant future)
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