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Sarah Pallins 17-year old daughter chooses her first husband!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:
Not sure I understand your point about conflict of interest. The article you quoted was not exclusive to Forbes. It was written by JIM KUHNHENN of Associated Press and it was all over the net, even on Yahoo.

Hello Maxima,

The thing is there are contradicting claims. To pick and choose which one to believe proves nothing. They do show there are questions about her background, affiliations, and the wisdom of her choices that should be checked further. But the main point is...McCain and his campaign did not do the checking he should have done when choosing the person who must be ready to be President just in case. It shows he really does not know the person he picked, and that is troubling.

Bonne nuit,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
hungry101 said:
I love would never agree to put the worst mass murderer to death but your pro abortion. I wonder how this works.

Who the hell are you talking about? George W. Bush?? :confused:

p.s. By the way, Dr. Henry Morgentaler is indeed one of my heroes & one of the greatest Canadians ever!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maxima said:
One thing for sure though....if Doc H had the power, there would be no Down Syndrome people on this forsaken earth. May be he just wants to make this earth better for all of us.

You're absolutely correct about that!! That's the statement with the most sense that you've made in this whole thread. I'm not for people suffering unecessarily in this life. If technology has made it possible for us to avoid such suffering, i'm all for it. There's already enough suffering in this need to include more victims to that suffering.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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hungry101 said:
I believe this was Saturday Night Live...not the hot bed of conservatism.

It was Rush Limbaugh who used the term "White House dog" about Chelsea. SNL had just done a Wayne's World sketch where Wayne and Garth drooled over the Gore girls and then lost interest when Chelsea Clinton came up. Mean, but not really the same thing.

And it was John McCain who told the following joke: "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." Funny joke, nasty guy.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I spoke with a colleague who has a Down's Syndrome child. I mentionned to him today about this thread that i was posting in & that everyone seemed to be against my views. Even though he loves his kid like no other, he mentionned that if he could turn back the clock & avoid giving birth to him, he would, knowing what he knows about it today & how much time & effort a Down's Syndrome child needs over his/her lifetime. But they went along with the pregnancy & have given 100% of their commitment to the child in question, which isn't easy considering they have 2 other young kids to raise. He also mentionned that people with low incomes in the States couldn't afford to send their kids to special homes. When i told him about some of the comments i received, he told me "I'd like to see them in my shoes today & what they'd be saying about it. It easy for them to pass judgement & claim this & that when they've never been faced with having to raise a child with Down's Syndrome themselves."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maxima said:
Of course! Did you call your friend's wife a "trash" for not aborting and his kid "retarded"?

You're jumping to conclusions & making up stuff again, Maxima. You simply never learn. You're quite a piece of work, let me tell you. :rolleyes:

My "white trash" comment was a tongue-and-cheek one. Her family tribulations kind of reminded me of the Spears family. The reason i mentionned the "white trash" comment had absolutely nothing to do with the fact she didn't get an abortion & later gave birth to a retarded kid....ooops! I meant "mentally challenged" kid. I jokingly called her "white trash" because of the fact her teenage daughter is 5 months pregnant & she herself gave birth to her 5th kid at the age of 43. 43!!!!!!!!!

If you're too sensitive for my comments, i'd recommend that you put me on your 'ignore' list. Because with the doc, one thing's for sure....he speaks his mind, and doesn't hold anything back. If your expecting an apology, dream on. I'm not apologizing for any of my comments. It's what i believe & will continue believing & deep down, there are a lot of people reading this thread that agree with me but are too timid to express their views.

White trash! White trash! White trash! There, i said it again! Happy? :D :D :D :D :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Oh no!!! "Track" just found out he's going to Iraq!!! (By the way, his idiot mom named him "Track" since she was a fan of track & field.....well, at least she didn't name him "Bowling", right?)

Did you just see how surprised he looked when his mommy announced to the world that "Track" will be deployed to Iraq soon??

She just announced her daughters Willow, Piper & Bristol. Bristol!!! Yes!!! She's hot!!!!!!!!!

What's the baby's name? Trig?

I wouldn't mind sharing a part of my bed with Sarah & Bristol, to be honest. Oh, dream on, Doc!!!!!!!! :eek:
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Maxima said:
As an advocate for wholesale abortion in case of Down Syndrome , do you consider a kid with Down Syndrome a human being at all? Just being curious.

Let's hear your answer first. What do you think i'll say? :confused:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Oh boy!! Poor Trig!! The youngest daughter is now holding him (after the Eskimo father had enough & passed him on to her.....after all, it's probably one of the first times he's held the poor kid for more than 2 minutes) and she just licked her hand & began to rub it all over his hair. Poor Trig!! Right on national tv with all the world to see!!!! :eek:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now i swear i just saw Willow or Piper or whatever-her-name is trying to pull out one of Trig's eyelashes!!! I swear!!

By the way, she must have given him that name since she was very good in Math at a young age & she absolutely loved Trigonometry!! Why else? :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
During Sexy Sarah's speech, they just showed on the tv screen that Mac first met her at a National Governors Association meeting in DC back in February. They omit to mention that this is the only time they've ever met & they spoke for less than 15 minutes. It must have been quite a talk!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:
I say, excellent debut. Palin's speech was quite good last night. Bravo.
Well Maxima,

She's a good speech reader. So what??? She used to read text on television too as a sports reporter. I don't want Bob Costas for President either. Let's see how she is in a debate with Biden explaining how she has oodles of foreign policy experience just because Alaska is the closest state to Russia/the old Soviet Union...LOL!!!!! McCain's problem with her is, if she is qualified then Obama is qualified, and lack of experience has been McCain's key campaigning point against Obama. So what is the truth? Both are qualified...neither are qualified? Let McCain and Palin explain that.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:

I just say that she gave an excellent speech nothing more nothing less. Did I say any thing more? If you don`t agree that her speech was good then good for you. If you feel than her speech was good then good for you also. Bravo to you as well.
Hello Maxima,

I did not see her speech. I did not see anyone`s speech at any convention. I do know all the candidate`s positions and qualifications or lack of, and that is the determining factor; not some practiced speech. So she did what she has done hundreds of times and was what she got paid for. Impressive?????

Also a speech couldn`t possibly make up for her political positions and the fact that she is grossly unqualified for the Vice Presidency, much less the Presidency, and by nominating her McCain has made his own credibility for the office very questionable.

And for people like Hungry101 who are worried about the specter of taxes try this:

"Palin began her political career in 1992, when she ran for a three-year term on the Wasilla city council, supporting a controversial new sales tax and advocating "a safer, more progressive Wasilla." She won, and won re-election to a second three-year term in the 1995 election."


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:
..Being able to deliver a good speech is a must in politics but it does not equate to readiness for the job and that applies to all candidates including Obama.
Hello Maxima,

Yes, that's obvious. The difference with Obama is he has done extremely well extemporaneously in many different situations with many audiences; prepared, but without notes or prompters very consistently composed and intelligently articulated. But, given all of that, looking at Palin's positions she is the same ultra-conservative type that has led the U.S. economy and foreign policy into a very poor condition, and we simply don't need more of that.

Maxima said:
You are so right about the whole thing. But if we just focus on the speech alone for the moment, the following is one article about it:

an excerpt:

By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television WriterThu Sep 4, 12:57 AM ET

With a forceful speech that served as her introduction to millions of Americans on Wednesday, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin seduced many on television who had spent days doubting her candidacy.
It wasn't just a home run, said CNN's Wolf Blitzer; it may have been a grand slam. "A very auspicious debut," said NBC's Tom Brokaw. It was a "perfect populist pitch," said CBS' Jeff Greenfield. "Terrific," said Mort Kondracke on Fox News Channel.
"A star is born," said Chris Wallace on Fox.
"A star is born," Blitzer said.
"A star is born," said Anderson Cooper on CNN.
Palin combined jokes about being a hockey mom with searing criticism of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. It was a spur to a convention audience ready to get worked up, to a large extent because Republican leaders had pushed the notion that the news media was being sexist or too aggressive in questioning her qualifications for the job.
For a relative rookie on the national stage, however, she understood the nuances of speaking to a television audience better than the more experienced and fiery Rudolph Giuliani.
Cameras lingered on shots of her family in the audience — her dozing infant passed from her husband to a daughter, her pregnant teen-aged daughter gripping the hand of her boyfriend, her soldier son about to be dispatched to Iraq.
"I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone," Palin said.

Do you really think the Republican convention could possibly react negatively to her, the darling female conservative. Well, they did according to CNN this morning when she started to commend the hard working ethics of union auto workers in Detroit....they went "nearly silent for a moment"

And what a tragedy it would be to have voters swayed by a speech and send such an unqualified woman into office who is a continuation of the failed policies of G.W. Bush dimwit.

Peeeuuuuuuu, :(

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Maxima said:
Yes I see it now, especially the comments from the Republican brown-nosers like Blitzer, Cooper, Brokaw, Greenfield, Wallace etc...."A Star is born" they said...Yeah right. "The speech was a home run" they said....Yeah right!

Hello Maxima,

The best thing about McCain WAS he would act independently from the dictates of conservative Republican party bosses like Karl Rove, the real de facto President of the last 8 years. Palin brings the influence of Rove-like principles much closer to McCain, a very questionable effect of choosing her. According to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison the ultra-conservative Right of the Republican party is ecstatic over Palin. Gee...what a great prospect for the country to have more of the same failed principles of the last 8 years possibly continuing.




Mar 26, 2004
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Doc Holliday said:
By the way, i just watched a clip of the cross-dresser's speech. In it, he mentionned that Barak Obama was the least qualified presidential candidate in the past 40 years or so. Say what? Dubya was qualified? How? By being the former president's dumbest son? :confused:
You know I honestly keep trying to find something redeeming about George W and I just can't...(except that he is reasonably handsome and in shape).... every time I hear him speak I can't escape the impression that he is irretrievably stupid without the good characteristics that such people often have...

I'm not sure there is a single soul I know who I wouldn't rather have as president...
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Doc Holliday said:
I loved these quotes today from one of the blogs:

"If people do their home work they will find she will destroy his campaign as the maverick. In less than 5 minutes I googled and found that after 6 years as mayor, taxes increased 38%, she tried to ban books at the public library, she slashed funding for teen mothers. And my favorite is, she could not even run a car wash. If McCain had any good judgment he would dump her faster than his first wife."


"I gritted my teeth and watched her speech last night. So after giving Karl Rove’s speech, which was condesending, rude and down right hateful, she didn’t say a word about the state of the economy, people losing jobs, homes, banks closing etc., Parades her Pregnant daughter and her boyfriend around like the GOP is now the poster people for teen pregnancy. The GOP can’t run on anything else, so they decided to bring out a very shrill woman to try and make this election about abortion and patriotisim. But they failed, alas she didn’t wear a FLAG PIN!"

By the way, i just watched a clip of the cross-dresser's speech. In it, he mentionned that Barak Obama was the least qualified presidential candidate in the past 40 years or so. Say what? Dubya was qualified? How? By being the former president's dumbest son? :confused:

Hello Doc,

Oh my goodness. Don't tell that to Hungry101. Only Democrats raise taxes in his world.

I did see some film clips of her this morning on CNN. Oh how she loves to hold the baby for the cameras. What a nice Grandma. Some Republican pundit even tried to make a connection between Palin's parenthood and her qualification for office. Do daddys get the same esteem????? It's truly embarrassing how some of these Republicans are trying to make the case for her qualifications. I can't ever remember seeing any information on any man being qualified for the Presidency or any office for being a parent.


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