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Selling a car


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Oct 17, 2003
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I kno this isn't really the place to discuss this, but I wanted to know if any of you has had any experience in selling a used car? I've been trying for the past month or so, and am having no luck. The blue book, gives me an idea what the value for my car is, but I am being offered considerably less!! Any suggections would be appreciated.


(Not)TheXpert In selling cars!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Originally posted by thexpert77
I wanted to know if any of you has had any experience in selling a used car? I've been trying for the past month or so, and am having no luck. The blue book, gives me an idea what the value for my car is, but I am being offered considerably less!! Any suggections would be appreciated.

I've sold several cars over the past few years, and what has helped me figure out a selling price was surfing to the Auto Trader website and checking out how much other sellers with vehicles like mine were selling their vehicles for. I'd also monitor the ads to see if the higher-priced vehicles were being sold or not, then this would make me decide which benchmark to use on deciding a price.

Auto Trader


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Jul 21, 2003
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All the used cars I've had to sell (before I got hooked to leasing !;) ) I sold through Auto Hebdo, the french version of Auto Trader. It is a publication that comes out every week and for about 35-40$ (for two wekks) you get the picture of your car as well as a description in the publication itself as well as on the web. I have sold all of them in less then 2 weeks.

Good luck !
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J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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I do not know anout the blue book, maybe it is the same as the red book? (retail prices for selling to the public) I was told that the dealers only pay black book prices on the second catagory no matter how good the condition of the car is, and if there are any minor defects or reapair to be done they drop it one catagory per defect or imperfection.
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