Montreal Escorts

Sex Worker's Security...


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
I have a new master card commercial!!!!
Can of strong Pepper Spray = 33$
Pay as you go cell phone with speed dial 911 and security = 50$

the slightest amount of added security with these measures PRICELESS!

Seriously though, no these measures will never replace the security we could have, but when it comes to not having any or having just this to fall back on... It helps...
I get discounts from the Surplus store where I have been buying my pepper spray since I was 16. He knows what I do and why I need it.
Every time I have to use it, the next day I buy a new one to make sure I have enough in there to help me when needed.
Thankfully, My most recent can expires in 2 weekS, I have had it for 4 years AND I HAVE NOT USED IT!!!
Of course, I went through more when working the streets.
Having been on both sides of the fence, i will say that Yes, As agency or Indies, Being known as we are, it is less likely that anything will happen.
The ones that are targeted and attacked more frequently are the street walkers. And no, sorry guys, you will not know the stats of how often the risk is for them because either the girl does not report, or l;ike me, I go to the hospital, they do the minimum of first aid and then they say goodbye. Not even have a nice day, are you ok? NOTHING. They don't care. Niether do the cops.

Now for the topic of how to protect, I see nothing wrong with going to someones home. (Now this is just me talking)

First I do not go there with out being drive by a hired driver (when people are paid, they pay more attention to details)

Second, I have the persons address. What more can I say. Some thing really bad happens, people know where to strat loking for me, or if I can move, I take the address to the police. SOMEONE will be held responsable right away.

As for hotels, Yes, I agree it is safer to got to the hotels where they ask for the customers name before transfering the calls. That means that you have the name that they booked under. If something happens, the cops can get the records and find out where this person is.

When we get to the crack head hotels (To me this includes the Chablis etc... The places where they rent for four hours and ask nothing...)
Once again, I take a driver. I take my pepperspray, I have my driver as last number called so I do not have to dial and I have 911 on speed dial and voice command so I do not have to fumble around.

Once again though, all hotels do have cameras in the reception. You say the person in whatever room, If you file a report... ask the police to get the tapes and find the face to match the person who got you... Then at least they have a face to look for.

I always make the confirmation call infront of my client. They know that some one knows where I am. If they had bad intentions... that may just deter anything from even starting.

Anyways, i hope this helps.

And in reply to some statements made, I too came in to the buisness because I had no other choice (REALLY) and now yes, I do have other choices, I have just been working like this for so long, I am comfortable where I am and see no other reason to up root everything that I have.
Yes, everytime I meet a new person I am on guard, That does not mean that I hate my job. It just means that I am careful because there are freaks out there and sorry, but the bad apple can spoil the bunch. We have to put up with certain risks that would not be there if people actually cared and though of us as equals. Therefore, sorry, but the clients will have to put up with the fact that we may be on guard sometimes...
People should pick their battles wisely.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
breadman said:
Living in fear...yep, that's me to a T:rolleyes: . How'd you know it was me O.J. came after? I swear I bought all that stuff legit :eek:

Its the issue of bringing strangers into your home, eventually you'll run across someone who has something other than good intentions or looking for a little extra. You've been lucky with those two conjoined escorts you've been seeing over the last year, try a single escort for a change and see what happens.:cool:

So Breadman,

Really Breadman, this thread is supposed to be about "Sex Worker's Security". You seem to have a pretty frivolous and uncaring view about sex providers. They seem disposable to you. So one wonders why you would stop to offer anything here. Yeah, it's your choice of course. But if your attitude is...take it or doesn't seem as if you could be helpful on this matter. The point is security in the profession, not alternative choices.

Tracy said:
When we get to the crack head hotels (To me this includes the Chablis etc... The places where they rent for four hours and ask nothing...)
Once again, I take a driver. I take my pepperspray, I have my driver as last number called so I do not have to dial and I have 911 on speed dial and voice command so I do not have to fumble around.

Once again though, all hotels do have cameras in the reception. You say the person in whatever room, If you file a report... ask the police to get the tapes and find the face to match the person who got you... Then at least they have a face to look for.

I always make the confirmation call infront of my client. They know that some one knows where I am. If they had bad intentions... that may just deter anything from even starting.

Anyways, i hope this helps.

Hello Tracy,

As I said before, I think all ladies should visit only hotels that insist on a credit card from the clients to secure expenses or possible damages to a room. Any possible trouble is far less likely to come from a guy who has left his technical identification fingerprints all over the room. Putting your own "ID fingerprints" in the room also reinforces our safety. It may sound ironic, but the more you can do to prove you and the client were together in a specific location the more protection you have.

Good luck,

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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
Tracy said:
Can of strong Pepper Spray = 33$

Pepper Spray is illegal in Canada ( ) and can result in serious jail time.

If you use it and the police find out about it, even in self defense, you will probably be arrested.

If you are arrested, remember that you have the right to remain silent. You are better off saying nothing at all. Specifically, you should not try to "explain yourself". Wait until your lawyer gets there. Trying to give an explanation is more likely to land you in jail than convincing the cops to let you go.


Virgin User
May 17, 2006
juzt_a_girl said:
Pepper spray isn't illegal in Canada; it wouldn't be sold at your neighbourhood Canadian Tire if it were. You're semi-right though, it is illegal to use it against humans. [...]I'd like to see one case of a woman doing 'serious time' for spraying her aggressor :rolleyes: or one where the said-aggressor ran over to police to press charges against the woman he'd just attempted to rape or seriously hurt.

If you want to get technical, you can read the link I posted. The point is, carrying pepper spray is carrying a prohibited weapon (Unless you can convince a judge that you had a reason to carry "bear spray" in downtown Montreal :) ).

And I have indeed seen cases where victims of assault have been prosecuted for using pepper spray. Sometimes aggressors do complain to the police, sometimes the police get called independently.

The point of my post was to provide (hopefully valuable) information. Take it for what it's worth.
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Miss Maria

Sweet & Spicy
Feb 19, 2007
Take Action


I think what Maria Divina is Talking about is this:

Centre des prévention des agression de Montreal

Take Action
Self-defense for women and teenage girls
514 284 1212

I took a workshop with them and it felt very empowering. Women, take control of your bodies! As women we learn not to defend ourselves. Ideas of men being physically stronger then women keep roaming around in our society but a fist, no matter how small, will always be stronger then a nose.


Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Wow, there is a lot to read!

So from what I understood :

- Kepler thinks 90% of us are drug users and would do extortion to get money for our fix

- Breadman thinks we all steal from our clients

- Tracy came up with a very good idea : can of cayene pepper spray! Not legal to use it against someone but the legality of prositution is still foggy. And anyhow, we might steal or do extortion so what is worse? :D:D:D

- and BTW, meeting in a hotel lobby is IMPOSSIBLE!! That is the way the Ottawa police took to arrest girls. They would meet in the lobby, asked questions about the service and the rates (and since the hotel lobby is considered to be a PUBLIC place) the girls were arrested.

So, since so many people think we might be a dangerous, stealing drug addict anyway and prefer meeting us anonymously so we cannot blackmail them I think that's my solution : I am going to Plattsburg today to get my can of cayenne pepper! If you girls have orders let me know, I'll try to bring a few more. :p :D

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Lilly Lombard said:
(...) I am going to Plattsburg today to get my can of cayenne pepper! If you girls have orders let me know, I'll try to bring a few more. :p :D

Not sure if you are serious or not but just so you know, you can find pepper spray at any fishing/hunting stores (like Le Baron - that's where I bought mind) here in Montreal. :eek:

You just need to say you need it to defend yourself against aggressive dogs. The can sold for bears is way too big!

Note to Tracy: very good advices you gave. Thanks!


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
10-19 said:
Legally, pepper spray is considered a prohibited weapon in Canada. The Criminal Code says that a prohibited weapon is "any device designed to be used for the purpose of injuring, immobilizing or otherwise incapacitating any person" and specifically refers to such products as "tear gas, Mace, other gas, and any liquid, spray, powder or other substance that is capable of injuring, immobilizing or otherwise incapacitating any person."

Proposed regulations were drafted and published in the Canada Gazette in 1998 to clarify the legal status of pepper spray. They stated clearly that it would be illegal to sell pepper spray for use against people, but when marketed strictly as a wild animal repellent, the sale would be allowed. The regulations have not yet been adopted, which adds to the confusion over the legal status of the substance.
NEVER buy anything stronger than dog repellant.. It will be illegal. In the woods though you are allowed to possess bear spray, but of you use it against a human... You will be charged.
The law is that Dog Repellant is legal within city limits. Bear repellant is only legal out side of populated areas.
I have never been charged for using my dog repellant as self defense against humans or animals. (amazing never needed it for animals... that says alot about humans don't it?)
If the situation warrants use of a weapon, you are allowed.
I have had cops that did not like me arrest me and hold me for possession of a consealed weapon and one cop tried to tell me that the produsct was illegal.. All of these charges were dropped, but I did end up in holding cells and court and my DOG REPELLANT was returned to me on release. (The canister HAS to be clearly marked of its purpose.. If the canister is not marked... KEEP the ORIGINAL packaging that it came in to proove its purpose.)


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
La Femme said:
Not sure if you are serious or not but just so you know, you can find pepper spray at any fishing/hunting stores (like Le Baron - that's where I bought mind) here in Montreal. :eek:

You just need to say you need it to defend yourself against aggressive dogs. The can sold for bears is way too big!

Note to Tracy: very good advices you gave. Thanks!

Thank you! Also for those of you who are interested.. The army surplus on St. Laurent (2nd or 3rd on up from st. cats ) It has the cash register on the right side when you walk in...
That is where I buy my PS.
Like I said 33$ is the big strong can..
You can also buy a 13$ key chain can.. it is lower potency, I would think that it still works though and there is another plastic casing that they sell at about 20-some odd dollars. This one is a medium size.. clasps to a belt or pocket ec.. and HAS NO MARKINGS. KEEP THE PACKAGING....
This was the original that I had and I ended up needing it in a bar... This can cleared out the whole bar, so I would think it is effecient... (This is how I know that the stuff is legal for self defense, and the time that I used it, it was for 3rd party defense.)
I am just into the whole over kill thing, so I get the strong one.


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Maria Divina said:
In a case of personnal attacks and raping....

What I know for sure, nothing is better to not count on something hidden in your purse, to autodefend..... Don't forget the reach and the use of anything you are thinking to use in an emergency situation will take away your attention of him...and allow him to attack you just more efficiently finally...

The best option is to take an auto-defense course... I don't remember the name of a special place in Montreal ( I will have to do a search....), but at this place, you will learn, with few courses, to defend yourself really well, without any pity for your agressor.... I know existing a lot of places of martial arts, but at those place, that will take a long time to be really good.... At the place I am thinking, one of the major administrator is a woman who is been raped (a group rape...imagine this horror...)..... So, the women security at this place is really well important.... At this place you will learn not only to defend yourself against one agressor, but in front of few ones if you want... I will try to reach my friend who talk to me about that... and will inform ladies who are interested....

Anyway, in those days, it is something really good to any woman to know how to defend herself efficiently by herself.... Whatever she is doing in life...

Ah! oui...... One of thing that is really, but really important about your protection and escape from some attacks, don't let know all around that you are knowing how to defend yourself... Some guys will take it like an open invitation to challenge against you......:( :( :(

And Maria, This is VERY true... You can never rely fully on something that you will have to reach for. There will always be that guy who will pin you down (The original reason I bought the can). Make sure that you can get yourself out of a bind as well.
Yes, there are self defense courses.. JuJitsu, Karate whatever is also good. At the Y, they offer self defense courses as well. I know that at one point POPS was offering courses for the girls on the streets too (working girls, squeegee kids, etc..) I also think that I heard of Sun Youth offering this kind of service as well.


Oct 11, 2005
You women just can’t get enough of “male bashing” your favorite topic. Are you all on the rag this week? Seriously, how many members here are violent women abusers? Keep this crap on the fem sites, it is getting very old for the umpteenth time.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
beautydigger said:
You women just can’t get enough of “male bashing” your favorite topic. Are you all on the rag this week? Seriously, how many members here are violent women abusers? Keep this crap on the fem sites, it is getting very old for the umpteenth time.

Don't you just love this guy ? Mwouaaaaah !!
Male bashing ?

Tell me BD...did you read the complete thread ?

A bit of Maso aren't u ?

This is about sex worker's security and basically... as long as they will feel and be secure we will benefit from it ! capiche ?

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I don't know BD ! tell me !
You're the one who knows everything :D :D :D

You can leave the details on how you put them over your head though ! :D


Oct 11, 2005
juzt_a_girl said:
BD, you really need to take a chill pill or put all of us girls on ignore.

Chill pill, is that one of those date rape drugs that evil white men are always dropping in the drinks of poor damsels in distress. Once, a SP asked me if I had any hair spray and I thought she said bear spray, it was terrible.
I love girls.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007

Kepler said:
This is damn outrageous.

I've always shown the utmost respect to all women in real life and on this board. I've never made false accusations and I've always tried to be reasonable in my comments.

I've taken time out of my schedule to try and make informative posts that could be useful to SPs.

The only thing I did is to list some potential reasons why some clients may fear revealing their names to some SPs.

OK! Sorry if I understood it wrong!

So I correct myself : Kepler doesn't think that 90% of us are drug addicts and we would do extortion to get our fix. He ONLY list some POTENTIAL REASONS why some clients do not want to reveal their names.

Apr 16, 2005
A very sticky problem!

Miss Cloe said:
Thank you for the information sir.
Again, I was only trying to point out that a real name is important for many reasons and the first one being safety!

I'm sorry. I must have missed your "drift" about the "one strike and you're out" type of deal!
So what is your suggestion for first encounters? Someone contacts an SP via email and she is expected to show up at a specific location and time and meet "John xxx"?

Spread the word on who? John xxx, John yyy, John zzz?
Today's "John" could easily be "Mike" the next day if he wants too! After all, it's only a fake name!... Other email accounts can also be easily created which each new identities!

Sir, I, personally, do not need to convince anyone to reveal their identities. They choose to do so or not... It is part of my screening process before accepting or declining a rendez-vous!!! Every SP has a right to determine her own "work conditions". I choose safety first!

I don't have to go "head to head" with Gentlemen in order to them to reveal their identity. I simply mention the fact, in the first email contact, that in order to schedule a rendez-vous with me, certain conditions apply! Then, it is up to them to decide what they would like to do.

For your information, I invest a lot of time and effort to make sure I meet with Gentlemen in the safest way possible... That's why I have a screening process and ask for a real full name!;)

Anyway, this thread is about the safety of ALL SPs... Not just mine!
I believe that the original discussion was about keeping a registry of good and bad dates. I am not going to repeat my entire discussion on that point again. My suggestion for a first encounter is the same as yours with one difference. You only take clients who will unconditionally reveal a valid identity. I suggested some sort of incentive plan as a show of good faith before asking clients to reveal a valid identity. At your end this may not be a competitive business. I just don't know. But I suspect it is for agencies. Who knows how far incentives will go to put a client more at ease? It was just a thought I threw out there as some sort of initiative to a very sticky problem. In any event, as you say, every sp has the right to determine her own working conditions and I respect that. If telling a first time high profile client who stands to lose by having his identity revealed that you need to know who he really is or he can find someone else, works for you then fine. I just don't know how many would simply look for a more accommodating sp and I just don't know how practical that is for all sp's. Until the day when safety can be 100% guaranteed for all sp's, many will continue to risk and experience bad dates. And my take on it is, if something has the remotest chance of succeeding then maybe it's worth a second look. So far the best we are coming up with here is pepper spray and a good right cross.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
This is where references come in...

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