Hello Antony, first off, I believe you should keep your sex acts to a minimum (as this is obviously causing you angst), and always be covered. Yes it is STRONGLY recommended that you get twinrix vaccine (hep A+B) it will require 3 shots from your doctor (intial shot one month and three month).
Furthurmore, though I am not trying to usurp the opinions of Oliver Klosoff [sic] or others, I believe that they are giving opinions without actually without having proper knowledge about this subject. Yes you can get a lot of things from non-safer sex. But some of the above listed items that have been shot off are just plain WRONG.
Here are SOME of the WRONG examples that have been given
1. Don't worry about HEP A, it comes it goes and it is not sexual its feco-oral
(that means think bad drinking water).
2. Hep D CAN ONLY be caught when you have HEP B, and hep B (while dangerous) is preventable through vaccination.
3. Unless you are a pregnant woman in Sub-Saharan Africa, don't worry about HEP E
4. While Hep C can be caught sexually , and yes it may be a good idea to test for it with HIV, it should be known that it is exclusively limited to blood transmission.
5. While this does not have exactly to do with STI's, get a Tetanus shot every 10 years (if you are spending time/money/effort to go to the doctors might as well have him/her sign a requisition for a tetanus vaccine).
Gosh there are so many more errors I cannot tell you where to begin antony, just wear a condom and keep your activities down to a minimum if it give you angst. Peace.