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Sharing My Experience with a Narcissistic Individual - Seeking Support and Advice.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I read somewhere a very scary thought, something along the line of "a narcissist will have a plan weeks or months in advance to destroy your life, a psychopath will have a plan for years or decades".
Accurate my friend.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
The definition of insanity is attempting the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.. She will never change, you have to accept that, and move on for good. The parts when you feel you are happy with her is not worth the sacrifice - it's never worth it. She's one person, but not "the one". Time to move on.
I completely share your perspective. What's most disheartening is that I, who used to consider myself astute, now realize that I was naive enough to believe her manipulative actions at least 6-7 times in the last 5 years. It's making me question my own intelligence, wondering if I'm truly foolish.

However, it's important to acknowledge their skillful ability to divert attention through persuasive speech and manipulate emotions and physical sensations. This latest incident was the end. I am genuinely grateful for your advice.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I want to express my deep gratitude to each and every person who took the time and effort to offer me valuable advice. I am feeling much better now and have truly learned my lesson. I have taken the necessary steps to protect myself by blocking her on all social media platforms and any other potential means of contact.

I came across some enlightening blogs that suggest the best revenge against a narcissist, if I ever encounter her on the street, is to completely ignore her as if I have no recognition of who she is. I believe this would be the ultimate revenge and make her question her own narcissistic abilities.

If only I had known that this platform could provide me with such guidance and direction for healing, I wouldn't have sought therapy five years ago. It's truly reassuring to know that we can find valuable insights on various issues on this platform . I am sincerely grateful to everyone.

Now, let's refocus on the primary reason for being on Merb and indulge in my favorite hobby. Stay tuned for upcoming reviews.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2022
It was pretty impressive and the suggestions werealigned.
Don’t beat yourself up.
Based on the responses it looks like you aren’t the only one that has dealt with these situations.

It also reminded me that our brains aren’t always running the show.
The Big Head
The Heart / Emotions
and of course
The Little Head which may overpower the others & why people are here.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
It was pretty impressive and the suggestions werealigned.
Don’t beat yourself up.
Based on the responses it looks like you aren’t the only one that has dealt with these situations.

It also reminded me that our brains aren’t always running the show.
The Big Head
The Heart / Emotions
and of course
The Little Head which may overpower the others & why people are here.
It was pretty impressive and the suggestions werealigned.
Don’t beat yourself up.
Based on the responses it looks like you aren’t the only one that has dealt with these situations.

It also reminded me that our brains aren’t always running the show.
The Big Head
The Heart / Emotions
and of course
The Little Head which may overpower the others & why people are here.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, and it is important to learn from your experiences and move forward. It's unnecessary to keep everything inside and torment yourself at night.

Instead, it is better to talk about your problems, find a solution, and continue on with your life. Holding onto your pain and suffering only allows a narcissist to win.

Many people choose not to discuss their experiences with a narcissist because it reminds them of the difficult times they went through alone.

The first time it happened to me, I was deeply affected and lost confidence in myself. It required the help of a psychologist and therapy to regain my sense of self.

It is an exhausting and painful process that takes time to recover from.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Here is an interesting article on how a narcissist may manipulate an emotionally intelligent person.
I truly value the article, my friend. It is a remarkable piece, and its accuracy is undeniable. Narcissistic individuals are naturally drawn to intelligent people and those they idolize or admire. This is due to the positive energy and kindness that these individuals typically possess, which serve as a significant allure for the narcissist.

They derive a sense of self-importance and validation from being associated with such individuals. Personally, I feel quite special knowing that she considered me as someone unique, admirable, and intelligent.

However, it is important to clarify that I have chosen to no longer engage in conversation with her. Nonetheless, it is comforting to know that she did not select me randomly, and there was some genuine recognition of my qualities during our time together.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Very interesting thread, thx to the gentleman who highlighted it for me.

My input:

I have narcissistic traits, most human beings do, traits may be stronger or weaker depending on….

I have a mom and a lot of girl friends and I feel this term is overused. Most of them are single and often when they are heart broken, they were are a victim of a narcissist.

I may receive a bucket of shit for saying that. For me, the perfect well known and caricatured individual who suffer from this mental illness illness/social disorder is Donald Trump. I am not his psychiatrist to tell, and it require a deep evaluation which in no mean I have the expertise for.

From my understanding, people who suffer from narcissism have had serious attachment disorder and were emotionally deprived or abused during their child development. Which only can be solved if the individual is aware and willing to follow guidance from a therapist

I feel bad for any victims of human wickedness and has mention earlier, stay away from your torturer, do not isolate yourself, surround yourself with people who cares and if needed consult a psychological professional.

On a personal note, self awareness and auto criticism is the cure, especially when emotional hurt like arguing with your life partner, a relationship meltdown or a divorce…

thank for sharing your thoughts and sharing with us your vulnerability, it was very interesting :)
Thank you for sharing your perspective on narcissism and how it's often overused in describing individuals who have caused emotional harm. I appreciate your insight into the complexities of narcissistic behavior and the importance of seeking professional guidance for those who may have experienced it. Your emphasis on self-awareness, seeking support from caring individuals, and consulting a psychological professional is valuable advice for anyone navigating the aftermath of a toxic relationship. Your willingness to engage in this discussion and share your thoughts is truly appreciated
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