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Should $240 an hour be YMMV ?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I had client who refuse a shower because it's a 10 minutes lost on his time with me, guess what, Bye Bye.
The truth is, our services are always a YMMV, and a price should not garantee a service or the lost of our free-will/common sense.

Good for you Amanda, throwing his cheap fucking ass out the door. YMMV also means zero tolerance for the fuckin cheapasses. I posted about cheapasses once before, and nobody knew what I meant. Read Amanda's post above and if you still don't know what cheapass means, you are a dumbass.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I'm sorry but a YMMV is simply an insurance for us. That we are not in any case obligated to provided some sort of service if we don't feel confortable with a client.
I had client who refuse a shower because it's a 10 minutes lost on his time with me, guess what, Bye Bye.
I had a client who was mean when I refuse greek with him arguing I was doing greek, if I have trouble putting the tip of your dick in my mouth and you are rushing me and trying facefucking me, I don't want to imagine how you would ram my tiny anus. I also had a client who bite my lip so hard I was bleeding, guess what, no BBBJ ... A guy come once with buccal herpes *Not Fresh* but there is no way I would have took the risk kissing him or letting him go down on me.
The truth is, our services are always a YMMV, and a price should not garantee a service or the lost of our free-will/common sense.
Hi all
One thing is obvious about YMMV
their is the SP's perpective and the clients .
The SP is entitle to refuse a client or certain services when she doesn't feel confortable .
And that is something that she might not know from the beginning .
When you treat your SP's right you might think that all clients do ,but this is far from reality .
SP's are exposed to many different clientele witch are not necessarily recommandable .
Some clients believe that they can do whatever they want and are very unrespecful with the girls so obviously on SP's perpective YMMV is required either it is mentioned or not .
On the clients perpective well you want the best bang for your bucks witch is normal ,
If you are the type of guy that treats the ladies well and have a excellent hygiene you are putting lots of chances on your side that her services to you will not be YMMV even the best reviewed girl will not service a stinker or vulgar .

Great hobbying to all

Warmest Regards


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Right on Amanda!

YMMV is always the rule, no matter what. Be clean, respectful, take 10-15 minutes to chit chat and be friendly and these things go a long way towards a great encounter. The guy who wants to jump all over the girl the moment she walks in and or is not clean or took the time to make himself presentable deserves YMMV, actually he deserves to be denied service all together and shown the door.


Feb 25, 2012
Melonville, EH
Right on Amanda!

YMMV is always the rule, no matter what. Be clean, respectful, take 10-15 minutes to chit chat and be friendly and these things go a long way towards a great encounter. The guy who wants to jump all over the girl the moment she walks in and or is not clean or took the time to make himself presentable deserves YMMV, actually he deserves to be denied service all together and shown the door.

Of course you're right, but I don't think there are many clients who would dispute if a girl held back under the circumstances you and Amanda describe. I know I wouldn't. HOWEVER...

... and I'm repeating myself here: I prepare for a session with an SP much like I would for a date - shower, shave, some nice aftershave, mouthwash (makes the wine taste like crap, but who cares?) etc.. When the girl shows up I'm sober, respectful and sociable. In fact, I'm usually delighted - so many of you girls are so drop dead gorgeous it's hard not to be. I'm no George Clooney but neither am I Ron Jeremy. I've had successful relationships with a couple of very pretty girls. Most of the SPs I've seen seem to leave quite happy. Maybe it's just the tip I give them. On the other hand, I've had encounters with a few SPs who advertise Full GFE or provide a list of services which include DFK and I've not gotten past the lips. For me, that's a problem - especially at premium prices. When I see a blanket YMMV, I think of those kinds of experiences.

If the girl has certain restrictions - age, color, what have you, an up front and frank disclosure would save everybody some grief. A blanket YMMV just says "maybe I will, maybe I won't" and most guys are pretty familiar with how that works, whether it's an SP or some princess you've met who's just dating you because she's bored and doesn't want to spend another Friday night at home watching TV... or wants to make some other guy jealous... or...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ladies and Gents,

Hi all
One thing is obvious about YMMV
their is the SP's perpective and the clients .

As I've said, there's her view of YMMV for protection against unclean, vulgar, abusive types, and his view of YMMV concerned that this label may reflect a lacking in the services. No matter how aware each client is that it's use is only precautionary when used correctly, we still worry it can mean less service regardless of cleanliness and good manners. So while it can offer protection it can cause uncertainty among clients and maybe loss of business. The tittle of this thread points to that concern.

Some clients believe that they can do whatever they want and are very unrespecful with the girls so obviously on SP's perpective YMMV is required either it is mentioned or not.

This YMMV label can help solve issues with clients, but still be problematic with drunks and creeps. With coercive clients YMMV is probably ignored completely next other acronyms like BBBJ, CIM, SW, Greek. All they are likely to care about is what they want to get, not warnings.

I had a client who was mean when I refuse greek with him arguing I was doing greek...

This is the kind of thing I don't get. I feel so much more excited when the lady is also excited. Guys who still want to get down with the same person after a bad argument with an escort have some tangled wiring up there.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Ladies and Gents,

As I've said, there's her view of YMMV for protection against unclean, vulgar, abusive types, and his view of YMMV concerned that this label may reflect a lacking in the services. No matter how aware each client is that it's use is only precautionary when used correctly, we still worry it can mean less service regardless of cleanliness and good manners. So while it can offer protection it can cause uncertainty among clients and maybe loss of business. The tittle of this thread points to that concern.

This YMMV label can help solve issues with clients, but still be problematic with drunks and creeps. With coercive clients YMMV is probably ignored completely next other acronyms like BBBJ, CIM, SW, Greek. All they are likely to care about is what they want to get, not warnings.


Hi Merlot and all

Actually I was gentleman booker and was very selective of the clients I was sending my girls too .
So a pre selection was made no drunks no vulgar and no mister no all .Some clients are already threatening in calls about time delays such has if she is not their in 30 minutes in will cancel ,escort drivers does not have jets and Montreal is a complicated city to travel with all its one ways and Road blocks.
YMMV is not really just a warning its a stop sign . Be nice be clean be a gentleman .
I have attended many stag parties with lezbo shows ,gangbangs you need to qualify your guess list security of all depends on it !
When it doesn't feel right it was a no go and in 20 years none of my girls where ever injured.
Safety over money $$$$ but its a choice all have to make !
A beat up or brutalize SP is never a good story




Jul 28, 2011
Money back, back tap, hope you find a lady who just lovveee what that one sp didn't enjoy, and go on. It's not a price thing. It's a respect thing. And dont even make me bring up the fact that trying to convince the girls that you'' just took a shower '' or that '' yah but in the ad, it was written that you were GFE '' thing. Cause trying to change her mind on that by manipulation of any kind has a name. It's starts with an R.

Please tell me I'm reading this wrong. But are you insinuating that if a customer asks for the advertised service he's a manipulator and a rapist?

Let me help you with a scenario based on the above quoted paragraph.

I, a well groomed, hygienic, and reasonably attractive gentleman book an appointment with a lady. I arrive at the location, we meet, have an enjoyable chat, I put down my envelope and we proceed to our meeting. As we get into the heat of the moment, the lady refuses to kiss me, provide BBBJ, will only perform one position, and will only let me cum once even though I came 15 minutes into the encounter (it's been a while ;)) when she advertised DFK, BBBJ, MPOS, and MSOG. If I object and said, "your add specified that you provided these services, what's the deal?" that that would make me a manipulator and a rapist? That the mere fact that I would try to change a girl's mind about something sexual makes me a rapist? What if I walked out and took my money with me once I discovered she was not providing the advertised services? Would that make me a thief or an abuser of women?

Please clarify so I can know exactly what level of bullshit to call here.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013

While strongly worded, not that my responses were lightly worded, exactly what I was trying to depict. Merlot & some others do highlight the difference in perspective, which is fair, even if blown out of proportion on both sides, myself included.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Some clients are already threatening in calls about time delays such has if she is not their in 30 minutes in will

This is not something i would mention from the get go on booking, but i do expect the SP to arrive in 20 mins or less... 30 mins being the longest delay before i would start to worry. I mean, if the driver/booker keep me updated and explain why he is late, i am reasonable, i can understand, but considering i book in downtown most of the time, like VERY DOWNTOWN, for me i expect she arrive + or - on time. If i would ask for a booking in laval, thats different story. Of course there is always stuff that can happen and clients are usually understandable, but the truth is, if she can't make it by 30 mins of te booked time, there is a lack of delivery from the agency.

Problem is too often i seen those situation turn out to be a cancelation. Like "she will be there in 20" then 20 minutes later, its gonna take 15 mins more ... 15 mins later, she will be there in 5 no worry, 10 mins later... sorry to inform you but she had to cancel... Those kind of shit are extremely annoying and unnaceptable from a clients point of view. Tell me from the get go it won't work, so i don't loose my night and call another agency... I know stuff can happen, periods, a rough client, anything, thats in part why i try to get the first booking of the night usually, way more than because of "fresherness" but be honest with me, thats all i ask.

So all of this to say i could/would understand a client saying at some point if she can't make it by xxx ammount of time, i will have to cancel. Nobody like to loose there night and there hotel. Punctuality and reliability will take you far, at least in MY book, in my choice to do business with an agency.

I'm sorry but a YMMV is simply an insurance for us. That we are not in any case obligated to provided some sort of service if we don't feel confortable with a client.

This i when SPs should not fear to draw the line. If you feel unconfortable with a client, explain the situation, refuse to see him all together. All the exemple you mentioned to me are a case of "turn around and walk away" for sure... If you decide to stay, because the money looks good, but then gives half services... guess what, client will be disapointed, angry, will post a negative review, you still feel bad having to dealth with this client, its bad for everyone. If you can't provide the full services fo x reasons... i think the SP should just cancel all together. Cause even explaining why she won't provide to the client will result in awkwarness, and ensure a less than confortable meeting.

As for Brian Surewood, i do not know how nice he is in life, but i did see some porn where he was a total asshole... I wish i didn't saw those porn... but that was my teen years, i was discovering the business


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Problem is too often i seen those situation turn out to be a cancelation. Like "she will be there in 20" then 20 minutes later, its gonna take 15 mins more ... 15 mins later, she will be there in 5 no worry, 10 mins later... sorry to inform you but she had to cancel... Those kind of shit are extremely annoying and unnaceptable from a clients point of view. Tell me from the get go it won't work, so i don't loose my night and call another agency... I know stuff can happen, periods, a rough client, anything, thats in part why i try to get the first booking of the night usually, way more than because of "fresherness" but be honest with me, thats all i ask.

So all of this to say i could/would understand a client saying at some point if she can't make it by xxx ammount of time, i will have to cancel. Nobody like to loose there night and there hotel. Punctuality and reliability will take you far, at least in MY book, in my choice to do business with an agency.
Hi HM and all
Obviouly in your scenario the clients would be right to be angry. Its better to know the real facts from the start when everything is predictable but going downtown Montreall on a night the Canadiens are playing is more difficult at certain hours .
Sometimes your driver is late because the other SP was late 3 girls per car sometimes it is rush rush rush ..
You have to synchronize your calls and hope traffic will not be a mess .
Making everyone happy is never easy .
Its like any other business do not promise what you can't deliver !

Happy hobbying to all



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
This i understand Booker, and i have seen it live. The fact the drivers are paid "by the call" does not help either, i had to split the girls "fairly" between the 2 drivers. Not to mention sometimes a driver had to go take a girl from home before, so she would be late even before her first booking. I know personally thats something i would do different would i be a owner. Girls should come to the "office" or the rally point, name it as you want, and be ready to start there shift(as in "on location") at the time they where listed. Drivers would be paid by the hours too, so i can send anybody anyway and do not follow a pattern of who drive wich girl.

But i guess thas another story. I think Mike4U found the perfect combination of how to work his business. Having an incall already remove half the driving if not more. Then i know he won't drive to laval or remote locations, unless maybe somebody book for multiple hours or something, but not for a 1H meeting. Save himself lots of time wasted on driving. If a laval client want to book a girl, either he move himself to downtown, or he got to make it worthy for the agency. a 20$ extra for Laval is not enough... as sure it pays the extra fuel of the driver, but not the time wasted by the agency and the problems it cause in the schedule and such.

As for my scenario, i saw it happen, both the cancellation version or the "she will be there in X minutes" only to see her arrive an hour later. If i book for 6, but get a call at 5:15 that mention she should arrive more around 6:30, thats ok, no problem, as long as she does arrive at 6:30. Some agencies i used in the past where calling you 5M prior to meeting saying she would be 20 mins late... only to call you back once the 20 mins are passed and done, telling me it would be another 10 or 15M... Thats irritating. I prefer if they give me a farter time, but if she can make it before, just drop me a text saying "Is it ok if i drop her in 5M" and usually its all good.

I may be picky a bit, but all i ask is being advise and kept aware. No matter if its a late arival or an early arrival. Once i was expecting a girl for lets say 5...(i don't remember the exact time) , i got out to eat before the meeting, arrived back at the hotel around 4:40, tough i had still 20 mins for a shower... but knock knock on the door... just as i pulled down my pants. DAMN that was unexpected and i was a bit annoyed by it. I had saw the girl before, so it was a bit easier and i asked her to confirm once i was out of the shower so i would at least get my full hour... wich she did. But i was stressed in the shower to hurry and lets just say i hope this don't happen again. Sure in that case i was out for diner, wich usually are not... nomally im in the hotel and chill waiting for the SP to arrive, so if i would had get a text saying "can i drop her now" i would had reply give me 5-6M at least to shower, and everything would be cool. If i was out of the hotel, i would had say sorry not possible.. im not even in my hotel room... we have to let it on the planned time.

All of this to say, let your clients know... thats as simple as that. Most of them will accomodate the agency in a heartbeat if they can, but we have to know. I know its hard to text when you drive, but hell have a girl in the car text for you, i dunno, lol, but work something out.

ps : sorry if i look like a really bad writer... my keyboard is shit... my computer is due for a full cleaning, both virtually and physically. I push some letters and they don't even appear on screen, so thats why i look like im typing with my toes... lol


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Their is many behind the seen problems in the escort industry ,some better not mentionned.
But to provide the most reliable infos has possible will certainly help not antagonize your clients with false promises.
YMMV will always be present in intimacy not all of us enjoys having a finger up our ass even by a cutie !OR other ?LOL:lol:



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Nop indeed, this is one way only... the only time i will accept anything up the wrong way is for my "prostat exam" that i heard you have no choice on the matter as getting old. Thats it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Nop indeed, this is one way only... the only time i will accept anything up the wrong way is for my "prostat exam" that i heard you have no choice on the matter as getting old. Thats it.
Would a Kate prostate exam be acceptable ?LOL:lol:
While she is tea bagging you?
Hope you are not YMMV with your ATF ?LOL



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well one of the reason why she is is that she does not do those kind of things :p

No finger, no dildos up my A-hole in my SP meetings. Daty also is YMMV to a very selected few.

Lets just say im BFE YMMV :p

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Oh well i think i have more chance to win the lotto and be struck by lightning on the same day in febuary than it happening. So i should not worry too much on that.

Also 1H is short...


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Bon je tiens a dire... j'ai pas toutes lue vos romans que vous avez écris lolll.....tout ce que je peut dire es....le pas de mon gout.. désolé mais j'ai déjà posté a ce sujet....quand tu dis que tu call un agence ou une que...bon elle entre ou tu rentre....les le après le service...ça donne au total MAX 40 minute environ....pour le forfait de une heure en ca compagnie....alors a 200 $ ces déjà assé...cela es sans compté ton dé chambre que tu j'en passe...ta rencontre va se situé a 300$ environ ....alors a 200$ ces déjà correct...faque pour moi une fille qui s'annonce a plus de 200$ faut pas encouragé cela ...MON POINT DE VUE!!

Bon pour ce qui es du YMMV.....écoute ça prend pas la tête a papineau oestie pour comprendre tes un dégueux....ou autres synonyme....bien bâtard ces la logique même du GBS..=gros bon sens!!! veut pas m'élargir sur le sujet...mais ça va toujours des 2 coté une fille qui sentirait le POISSON...ou le FROMAGE...j'aime ça mais dans mon assiette...PAS AILLEURS lolll....alors voila.....
Faque résumons que GFE...tu es GFE ou tu n'est pas GFE...ces tout je me rappelle d'un de vous qui crois que ces HM...que ça inciterai les filles a demandé plus pour DFK ou autres options QUI DEVRAIS ETRE GFE en premier lieu!!!....alors voila pourquoi elle s'afficherai GFE YMMV...pour pouvoir avoir plus...alors pour moi ces un NON...j'ai jamais vécue cette situation depuis je suis dans le and touche du bois...mais aussi je risque pas dans mes m'assure de la gente dame avant tout et aussi de ces reviews etc..
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