Camille i may understand why you put it this way, as an indy yourself and all. But you have to understand this is different from the hobbyist point of view. Bad clients will alwas exist, yes, and like i said you do not need to put a YMMV for the whole GFE thing to cover them. You can put YMMV to DFK for exemple... or Greek, but the whole thing, just look like a major turn off. Like we already mention those girls in agencies are not always high end courtisean... Yes there is good agencies, and we use them, lol, but there is also agencies that recruit more or less any girls than look attractive... It was mostly a problem couple years ago, as you would see bad review thread popping up often. The standard was raised due to the arrival of some agencies that "didn't fuck around" with those girls and you see way less of it... Couple bad reviews now and a girl is out... and you see way less girls re-appear under a different name after a bad run on a different agency website...
This is all due to quality having been raised up by some agencies, offering excellet services. Now when a a new agency arrive and seem to appear to want to lower the standards again, yes its understandable some of us go in "panic mode", because not only they want to lower the standard, but hell raise the rate on top of it. I can deal with an indy being over 200$, i can deal with indies being safe GFE, especially when its well advertised. They are just not for me and i respect that, but they usually worked, and made a reputation for themselves before being a high end courtisan... Now when it comes to agencies, with unknown girls, and in that case even a new agency.. this is a different thing because if one does it, and people play along, another one could do it too, and another one and so on... I am from sherbrooke where GFE is not a clear thing. All they include is the "complet" as they put it, and you have to deal your GFE with the SP on the spot... The escort industry is miserable here, yet still as much as pricy as MTL.. !!! and i do not want MTL to regress 10 years in the past.
What i was going originally was mostly the YMMV may not be relied to either hygiene, smell or such unpleasant things. It can simply be a matter of the girl not being in the mood for x reasons, personal life, having drink too much, whatever, and proving half-ass services. Yet can the guy complain to the agency? No because it was listed as YMMV.. So even if its totally not his fault... he can receive bad services... and can't do jack about it.
Yes agencies try to get repeat customer, of course, thats good business, but as i mentioned above, remember 4 years ago, when some girls kept getter hired despite bad mixed reviews all over the place and they where clearly not made to do this job... yet they where still doing it for the money, and agencies would still send them to tourist or whatever...
Its not like this does not exist anymore, outside merb... the newspaper ads and such... you never know what your gonna get... But merb has been a safe haven for us for years and has greatly improved since i started in this practice. Guys like Mike at Goodgirls, Jimmy at Wildtime, the guys from MTL GFE, and many others have help craft a very "safe" business for all of us. Im sure if a guy call and is being rude or weird, they will either turn him off right even before booking, or if he deceive the booker, im sure they tell there girls "if you don't like him, just walk away no problem"
In the end all we want is a cool and fun date, and for that, some of us, most of us, need a GFE date. I could live with the fact of one girl walking away because she wanted to do CBJ and i didn't want to. But in my 50+ meeting only 2 times it came close to that. One girl simply wanted more money for the sake of it(using bs excuses like it was agency standard, once i poped 40$ she was more then willing to provide BBJCIM and the agency apologied and refunded me on the next meeting) and second time, its the provider Beaver was talking about. She wanted to do CBJ, but i said not my thing and she agreed to give me a lame BBJ, but she was just a bad provider period. Turned out she was fired and well im not the only one having had a bad experience with her.
What im trying to say Camille, is think about the ads, putting such a disclaimer in your ads may encourage girls to grab more money trough extra, or be a "lame provider" and yet bein covered by the agency saying "well you knew it was YMMV". Its certainly not a matter of hygiene and a rude, unpolite asshole will remain a rude impolite asshole even with a CBJ or no kissing. Better just turn them around all together and discourage the clients to acts like this.
If the '' ymmv '' hat fits you, there is probably a reason
May be she just don't like how its shaped... or the size of it... hell can be a lot of things out of our control.
Yes, you did travel Soooo far to get to the girl, and what à terrible waste of time for you If GFE is not offered to you for one of the reasons that could make the SP change her mind, but you may have wasted her time too, right?
Well if you booked a room for a 4H and your date turn out scraped because of this, yeah its disapointing to loose the room. Or worst if you book for the night, and when this happen you realize no other girl on your list is avalaible... what you do? Yes i know we clients see more bad habbits of SPs in reviews and such. And escorts see more bad habbits of clients... Truth is , its right for both side. There is assholes clients, and there is bad SPs just wanting to make an easy $. But thing is, everything work fine with the current system... Changing it and putting a "safe lock" can just make matter worst.
Je vais utiliser un comparitif un peu grossier mais bon... si je fait reparer mon ordi a un endroit, et que le travail est baclé, je vais y retourner et generalement on m'offrira de le reparer a nouveau pour rien, right? Ces un peu ce qui arrive en ce moment, si sa marche pas avec une escorte et que ces du a son attitude, l agence s excuse et en envoie une autre. Mais si ces le client le problem, l agence le met sur la blacklist, pareil que pour le reparateur de PC si il vois que ces de la faute au client si ces rebriser pour x raison. Mais si je veut aller porter mon PC quelque part et que je vois un gros disclaimer du genre "aucune garentie, aucun remboursement, si sa marche toujours pas, vous devez repayer" bin pas sur je vais aller la.
As i said, its a far exemple, but its more or less to say seeing this disclaimer up front is just too much of a safe lock from the agency removing any responsability from there part, and this for the good clients, is a bad thing.
Cause trying to change her mind on that by manipulation of any kind as a name. It's starts with an R.
Lol you would be surprise how much saying "but if i add 50$ extra...?" can bring you farther... Providers are in a business before everything. And as clients, thats something we want to make sure remain as its right now, cause if the norm become accepted that to get GFE you need to give an extra... then sadly it will become a normal practice by every agencies... and we will regress to 15 years ago...
Damn the time i write this, there is like 5 new post
The real question is how many of us have the balls to resist if they don't like the setup, whatever the details are that turns anyone off?
Thats a matter of how much can you afford. If you roll on gold and see 2 girls a week, you will very quickly go around all your favorite agencies and may be tempted... For a guy like me... one a month or so... easy to stay away...
I think Mojo removed any mention of YMMV in their latest ads because I don't see any.
If they really did, thats good stuff... shows that we make a difference very quickly... Remember how Xbox fans made the microsoft giant step back on there shitty policies with DRM, always online, kinect forced practice... and yet even tough they did turned around and aknowledge the fans, they lost a bunch for the simple principe of having the idea to do that... The XBONE sells rather poorly. Never dismish the power of the consumers

especially when your competitors offer better. When its dangerous its when everybody follow... so the only choice left is to either stop using a certain service all together or accepting the new terms...