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Should I tip an SP?


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
Ohh c'est bon vous avez gagner, j'ai autre chose à faire de ma vie que de perdre mon temps ici à m'ostiner avec des merbistes acharchée. De tout facon j'ai deja des bon reviews et une bonne clientele qui savent comment je suis. J'ai mon opinion et le votre ne m'importe peu


Sep 4, 2006
I really can't agree with you at all Merlot. Tipping is a phenomenon that is limited to specific cultures and even then, within certain professions. Have I tipped an escort? Yes on occasion if the session wildly exceeds my expectations, but I have never felt obligated to do so. Then again I have never booked one hour engagements so maybe the tipping outlook is different there. If the lady stays anywhere from 3 hrs (my usual minimum) to overnight I don't really feel obligated to tip over and above the usual niceties of drinks & dining.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009

Having class. It means having a general attitude that shows empathy for the others. Nothing says that it has to go throw money. Many poorer people have much more class than rich people.

A hobby for the rich. I am not sure at all. Prostitution exist at all levels and at all prices. When you offer a service at a certain amount, it means that this is the amount expected. There is no tacit nor explicit principle in this hobby that says you should leave a tip. You got the money for it and it makes you feel good, go ahead. There is nothing else to it.

What she has gone through before meeting you. Well, that is certainly a question that is in everybody’s mind. Take this case: you are the guy just before me. What should I be thinking? I am quite sure you are a decent guy like most hobbyists. I don’t think the girls leaving you are in a state of despair. Also, although this is a difficult path, I think we need to admit it is only the girl’s feeling about her job that is important.

Of course it is difficult to appreciate the difficulty of the job. For instance, I think it must be difficult for the girls to take loads of cum into their face because, in my personal view, this act represents a statement of domination in the minds of men. I am not saying it must be the truth, but that is the way I see it. However it may not be the way the girl sees it. I haven’t got a clue. He only thing possible is to act according to your basic principle.


Jul 23, 2011
Hier, j'avais le goût de m'amuser un peu. J'ai vu l'annonce de Thalissa sur 123. J'ai toujours eu envie de la voir depuis qu'elle a fait ses débuts chez xxxtase et que j'ai lu les premiers reviews à son sujet. J'ai renoncé. Pas pour le 20$ de tip anticipé. Plutôt parce que je n'avais pas envie de voir une fille qui va me considérer comme un vulgaire portefeuilles...


Ben voyons! Avant d etre le riche gentlemen que je suis (je déconne), j ai aussi travaillé dans un métier a tip pis j en espérait a tous les clients et je les traitait de cheap également a toute les fois( dans ma tête!!!)!!!! Mais cest pas ca qui faisait en sorte que je fasse bien le boulot ou pas. Cest un peu maladroit de le dire ouvertement mais si Arianna na pas de filtre sur le forum je trouve ca plutot rigolo qu offençant. Et Arianna a dit 5 fois qu elle est pas fachée quand un client lui en donne pas, mais cest juste normale d en esperer?

On a tous une experience de vie differente. Si tu as 18 ans et que les seules jobs que tu as eu dans ta vie cest serveuses ou caissieres ou on te donne du tip (je parle en general pas pour nos 2 demoiselles que j ai jamais rencontrer), cest juste normale d'en espérer aussi pour un service qui est bien plus intime et par des hommes qui on bien plus dargent, le commentaire de merlot est bon la dessus je trouve


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Ohh c'est bon vous avez gagner, j'ai autre chose à faire de ma vie que de perdre mon temps ici à m'ostiner avec des merbistes acharchée...

Et bien merci d'avoir partagé vos opinions avec nous Taly/Arianna. Dans le fond, vous avez re-démarré un bon sujet de discussion sur le pourboire. Y a des chances que ça continue de susciter de l'intérêt chez les merbistes "acharnées" pour un ti bout encore :p

J'ai mon opinion et le votre ne m'importe peu

Ah bin voilà une bien mauvaise attitude de "je m'en fou toi" qu'on retrouve souvent chez les femmes qui n'ont pas le dernier mot ;) :p Bon je te taquine là... Tu es bien jeune encore (Vous êtes) et je ne t'en veux pas trop.

...De tout facon j'ai deja des bon reviews et une bonne clientele qui savent comment je suis...

En effet, (j'vais parlé pour Taly, car je l'ai rencontré mais pas Arianna) après avoir goûté à tes bons services, et vu ta beauté et ton sourire permanent, Je doute que tes opinions aient un impact négatif...

Je te souhaite la meilleure des chances dans tes projets futurs ma belle. Je suis convaincu que tu vas aller loin. Comme Toronto, Alberta peut-être même US :) Tous ces endroits où les hommes sont moins radins :p (Du moins, les prix de base sont pas mal plus haut là-bas...)

D'ailleurs je me demande si ça TIP à Toronto ou ailleurs au pays?



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Having class. It means having a general attitude that shows empathy for the others. Nothing says that it has to go throw money. Many poorer people have much more class than rich people.

A hobby for the rich.

What she has gone through before meeting you.

Of course it is difficult to appreciate the difficulty of the job.

Hello Gugu,

A hobby for the rich? We are talking about escorts not street walkers or brothel women. By rich I don't mean millionaires, I mean those who can maintain this hobby over a long time with enough money not to worry about or regret what they spent over years. For those people tipping just an extra $25 or so should not be an issue.

For the rest of us, many go around trying to impose a demand for GFE, including a very liberal list of sexual acts as well as an expectation of great attitude, deep sensuality, and probably vigorous physical enthusiasm a fair amount of the time, with perfect strangers who often are out of shape, unappealing, and probably frequently bring a poor or nasty attitude. She is supposed to be all we expect for all male types and supposed to like it. That's a pretty damn demanding set of expectations at any rate.

Anyone here ever consider what it's like to be the male escort serving random who knows what clients like that and having the perfect performance and attitude all the time in the face of all of the health risks??? Consider what the average 40-60 years old woman looks like on the street. Imagine having to provide a large list of options to them while making them feel like you really wanted to be her boyfriend 3-6 times most nights. Is $100-120 for yourself each time enough for that? Then imagine how you would feel if someone was to shoot out all over your face and hair just because they might like to feel you said.

I think if the lady can fulfill all of those expectations successfully, especially for multiple hours, there should be a small tip. You guys seem to forget we are talking about Montreal where the women are always rated among the 10 most beautiful populations in the world, and at still reasonable rates. Is it really that hard to be a little extra thankful for being so blessed???

I consider a small tip exactly an outward expression of "EMPATHY" you mentioned.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For me the best is when you let the woman charge what she wants and pay it without trying to negotiate a lower rate and so on. These women can charge 300-500 per hour if they want, if they really have an issue with the business and clientèle filtering.


If you are telling all the ladies you meet they can charge whatever they want and you are happy paying anything they want every time as you imply, then your statement has integrity...and a taste of lunacy. If not it's just some entertaining smoke and mirrors with an air of strong liquor. I believe we all seriously doubt that you tell the agency this or tell the lady she can ask any rate to make you happier.

Who could begin to think "$25" could compensate for all I described. Be real! I suggested it was a small token, and I have no doubt any women already taking money for sex does not feel cheap by being offered a little more, or the 100s that seem to make you happy. :D.

Pas pour le 20$ de tip anticipé. Plutôt parce que je n'avais pas envie de voir une fille qui va me considérer comme un vulgaire portefeuilles...


Oui, c'est une très bonne alternative à laisser un pourboire. Mais, il offre un potentiel, et non des effets bénéfiques immédiats solide. Malheureusement, certains ne pas écrire des commentaires soit.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
good point Johnhenry, makes a lot of sense. But some tip and others dont, all up to the individual.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
>>> One more useless quote deleted! Next useless quote in this thread will grant the poster a 2 days suspension. Mod 11.


It is up to the individual who tips but these girls are making $100.00 plus dollars per hour tax free, that's right i repeat tax free. So i will go on record and say that any sp who can prove to me that she pays taxes like us regular working stiffs i will gladly tip you, somehow i don't think there is going to be much of a lineup of ladies who have actual proof that the pay taxes on what they earn as an escort.
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future canadian

has canada on speed dial
Mar 27, 2003
south of the border
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>>> One more useless quote deleted! Next useless quote in this thread will grant the poster a 2 days suspension. Mod 11.

jeff jones;
of course, if I get sick for a week, I have sick leave so I will get pay for the week. For an SP, they have no income for a week.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Future Canadian........ True, but they can make up in one shift what the average hobbyist makes in a week.

To tip or not to tip a SP? I would bet most do not tip unless it was an over the top experience, should of made this a poll, but then again it has probably already been done.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Having class. It means having a general attitude that shows empathy for the others. Nothing says that it has to go throw money. Many poorer people have much more class than rich people.

A hobby for the rich. I am not sure at all. Prostitution exist at all levels and at all prices. When you offer a service at a certain amount, it means that this is the amount expected. There is no tacit nor explicit principle in this hobby that says you should leave a tip. You got the money for it and it makes you feel good, go ahead. There is nothing else to it.

What she has gone through before meeting you. Well, that is certainly a question that is in everybody’s mind. Take this case: you are the guy just before me. What should I be thinking? I am quite sure you are a decent guy like most hobbyists. I don’t think the girls leaving you are in a state of despair. Also, although this is a difficult path, I think we need to admit it is only the girl’s feeling about her job that is important.

Of course it is difficult to appreciate the difficulty of the job. For instance, I think it must be difficult for the girls to take loads of cum into their face because, in my personal view, this act represents a statement of domination in the minds of men. I am not saying it must be the truth, but that is the way I see it. However it may not be the way the girl sees it. I haven’t got a clue. He only thing possible is to act according to your basic principle.

I have to agree gugu. You don't have to throw money around like you are a big shot.

In fact, in Montreal, I have experienced many girls who refused a tip from me. They were happy to receive the agency fee, had a fun time, and they wanted no more.

In fact, they acted like the tip was an insult. So I think unless you are a total chump, many of these girls, if you give them a big tip, they may be insulted.

Have any of you experienced this? I am sure I am not the only guy who has had this happened to him.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
I have experienced that from one girl on two occasion she refused a tip...

What I do is i prepare the donnation in an envelop and if the session was enough good for i give the tip that was kept apart from the donnation.

Though on two occasion a girl refused the tip considering that I book 6 to 8 girl a year that's qui te a lot i would say

P. Gabriel

Active Member
Apr 19, 2005
Vous dites que des filles refusent des tips. Difficile de vous croire car la seule et unique Ariannaxxx a dit que toutes les filles attendent un tip et elle va être fâchée si vous dites le contraire!!!!

En parlant des montants élevés que les filles font (et tant mieux pour elle) pourquoi ne pas légaliser et percevoir des impôts. Je ne peux croire que le gouvernement qui a tant besoin d'argent laisse passer cette opportunité mais tente d'aller dans les poches des étudiants

Lily from Montreal

Actually I never expect a tip, I am always surprised when I receive one but no I am not insulted, in fact it is only when there is a tip that I am really really sure my friend had as much fun as me, the fee is agreeing upon and is expected but a tip means something extra special happen...

Gabriel, c'est légal pour moi ,ce qui est illégal c'est le pimp, le driver...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Boys,

What I do is i prepare the donnation in an envelop and if the session was enough good for i give the tip that was kept apart from the donnation.

Same as I do. Though if I`m repeating with a reliable lady I include the tip in the envelope.

of course, if I get sick for a week, I have sick leave so I will get pay for the week. For an SP, they have no income for a week.

Right, no health insurance, no business expense accounts, no paid vacations or hollidays, etc...and sometimes, according to several escorts, bosses who harass them for sex by withholding job appointments including direct requests by name.

A tip is generally offered to those who render low-cost help; taxi drivers, waitresses, hair-dressers. When it comes to skilled trades or professions, tips are almost unheard of.

...I believe the typical escort is closer to the second category of highly compensated professionals than they are to the minimum and low wage unskilled workers who make up the ``to be tipped`` category.

JHG, could you point me to the college, university or trade school where gorgeous Montreal women get their years of sex training to earn their companion degrees? After so many years of dating and escorting experience I`d be happy to pass on my skills teaching Quebecoise beauties to refine their technique. Talk about being happy in your work. :D

After years of experience I think we all know many of those we meet in the world`s oldest ``profession`` are not real professionals. Street Walkers especially...though I`ve never dealt with the latter. Usually they are just lovely ladies attracted to the money, no more professional than any other who has regular sex, rarely real companions on the whole.

I have to agree gugu. You don`t have to throw money around like you are a big shot.

In fact, they acted like the tip was an insult. So I think unless you are a total chump, many of these girls, if you give them a big tip, they may be insulted.

The idea that many escorts would be insulted to get a tip is a clients convenient excuse not to tip. The ladies do this job because of the money appeal, not the appeal of dealing with older men who can`t get great sex from their wives, girlfriends, or are lonely and trying to bang young beauties they couldn`t get otherwise. More money = more appealing client.

Anyone who thinks giving a $25 tip for a one-hour or two-hour meeting is being a ``big shot`` must be coming from a very cheap perspective. Maybe you were talking about the guy allowing ladies to charge what they want.

There have been escorts I`ve met who refused tips. Many of the others said: ``you don`t have to do that`` just being nice or as a matter of etiquette to avoid seeming greedy. The rest just said: ``thank you, that`s very nice of you to do that``. No escort has ever seemed insulted. A few did say something generally along the line of...I refused the tip from some other clients to avoid personal complications some tried to impose with it.

Actually I never expect a tip, I am always surprised when I receive one but no I am not insulted,... - LilyForYou

Of course not!

Good luck,



New Member
Jul 30, 2011
When I first started hobbying I really did'nt know what was expected. On my first SP I tried to leave 60$ and was told it was too much by that kind-hearted lady of negotiable affection. When its a low-price escort who gives a very good service I always tip, because I feel she's not getting what she deserves. Many of the higher priced ones were usually worth their price, but not enough to deserve a tip on top of that. In the >160$/h range I only met one who truly deserves a good tip and if I was rich-rich I would hire her full time :).

A really successful and popular escort can charge whatever she wants anyway. I think the average escort earns enough that we should not feel cheap for not tipping. Its true they don't have benefit, but that's the case of any freelance and self-employed people so I don't really see that as a special point.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I like the idea of a lingerie giftcard like mentionned by future c. I think I'll get one for my speshul little sweetheart. But it's not a totally disinterested gift :)
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