Hello Boys,
What I do is i prepare the donnation in an envelop and if the session was enough good for i give the tip that was kept apart from the donnation.
Same as I do. Though if I`m repeating with a reliable lady I include the tip in the envelope.
of course, if I get sick for a week, I have sick leave so I will get pay for the week. For an SP, they have no income for a week.
Right, no health insurance, no business expense accounts, no paid vacations or hollidays, etc...and sometimes, according to several escorts, bosses who harass them for sex by withholding job appointments including direct requests by name.
A tip is generally offered to those who render low-cost help; taxi drivers, waitresses, hair-dressers. When it comes to skilled trades or professions, tips are almost unheard of.
...I believe the typical escort is closer to the second category of highly compensated professionals than they are to the minimum and low wage unskilled workers who make up the ``to be tipped`` category.
JHG, could you point me to the college, university or trade school where gorgeous Montreal women get their years of sex training to earn their companion degrees? After so many years of dating and escorting experience I`d be happy to pass on my skills teaching Quebecoise beauties to refine their technique. Talk about being happy in your work.

After years of experience I think we all know many of those we meet in the world`s oldest ``profession`` are not real professionals. Street Walkers especially...though I`ve never dealt with the latter. Usually they are just lovely ladies attracted to the money, no more professional than any other who has regular sex, rarely real companions on the whole.
I have to agree gugu. You don`t have to throw money around like you are a big shot.
In fact, they acted like the tip was an insult. So I think unless you are a total chump, many of these girls, if you give them a big tip, they may be insulted.
The idea that many escorts would be insulted to get a tip is a clients convenient excuse not to tip. The ladies do this job because of the money appeal, not the appeal of dealing with older men who can`t get great sex from their wives, girlfriends, or are lonely and trying to bang young beauties they couldn`t get otherwise. More money = more appealing client.
Anyone who thinks giving a $25 tip for a one-hour or two-hour meeting is being a ``big shot`` must be coming from a very cheap perspective. Maybe you were talking about the guy allowing ladies to charge what they want.
There have been escorts I`ve met who refused tips. Many of the others said: ``you don`t have to do that`` just being nice or as a matter of etiquette to avoid seeming greedy. The rest just said: ``thank you, that`s very nice of you to do that``. No escort has ever seemed insulted. A few did say something generally along the line of...I refused the tip from some other clients to avoid personal complications some tried to impose with it.
Actually I never expect a tip, I am always surprised when I receive one but no I am not insulted,... - LilyForYou
Of course not!
Good luck,