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SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I never liked Trudeau. But I also do not like the Conservative alternative: like Trudeau, Poilievre never had a real job. He is just as arrogant as Trudeau and is a demagogue appealing to the right-wing nutbars whom I certainly do not want to see in charge. Trudeau has done his time, but Poilievre is the worst leader the Conservatives could have picked for themselves: he risks scaring off the majority of voters. I could have seen myself voting for the Conservatives, given a less polarizing leader. Yes to freedom of enterprise, reducing taxes and controlling spending. No to right-wing neo-fascist Christian Right nuttery. The Cons are depriving me of a political option and I hate them for it. I guess it’s what Canada is good at: copying bad American ideas…
You are kind of right. But as we have seen, Canada has become very polarized and Poilievre is capitalizing on the anger many Canadians have against Trudeau. Poilievre is a repeat of the Reform party. I always said extreme of anything is no good, neither is far-left good and neither is far-right. But currently and this is my own opinion, Poilievre has many faults but the alternative (Trudeau) is madness. Trudeau is the biggest disaster in Canadian history, the way I see it anyone else would be an improvement over Trudeau, even a far-right nut like Poilievre. And I do not think majority of voters will be scared off because Trudeau has one ethics violations after another plus taxes that keep going up. The only province I never see will vote for the Conservatives is Quebec. The rest will including Ontario.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..ça reste à voir...l'Ontario est là ou va se jouer la prochaine élection MAIS rien n'est joué.....toute une bataille à l'horizon.....à suivre.


Aug 15, 2011
You are kind of right. But as we have seen, Canada has become very polarized and Poilievre is capitalizing on the anger many Canadians have against Trudeau. Poilievre is a repeat of the Reform party. I always said extreme of anything is no good, neither is far-left good and neither is far-right. But currently and this is my own opinion, Poilievre has many faults but the alternative (Trudeau) is madness. Trudeau is the biggest disaster in Canadian history, the way I see it anyone else would be an improvement over Trudeau, even a far-right nut like Poilievre. And I do not think majority of voters will be scared off because Trudeau has one ethics violations after another plus taxes that keep going up. The only province I never see will vote for the Conservatives is Quebec. The rest will including Ontario.
I think the Cons had this with a landslide (including Quebec) if they had chosen to eject the nuttery. Ah, well, it’ll be “interesting to watch”, as they say. The political pendulum in action, swinging towards the other way…


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
...the way I see it anyone else would be an improvement over Trudeau, even a far-right nut like Poilievre. And I do not think majority of voters will be scared off because Trudeau has one ethics violations after another plus taxes that keep going up. The only province I never see will vote for the Conservatives is Quebec. The rest will including Ontario.
Of course, Ontario is well known to gamble its money on nuts like Poilièvre and will vote for a guy who wants to abolish Bank of Canada and rather put its confidence in cryptos... I can't understand how some silly conclusion can come in minds of some guys.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ouin...bien loin d'être certain que l''Ontario va voter réélire Trudeau et en donner aussi à JAGMEET.....juste pour en beurrer encore davantage....lolllll..... et barrer la route à PP....lolllll.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
PP, in a desperate attempt to try to make potential voters dislike him a little less, has stopped wearing his glasses in public.

Note to PP: It wasn't the glasses that people disliked, it was the person wearing the glasses.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Latest polls show that Poilievre has surging support and if this trend continues he will easily defeat the Socialist coup (NDP-Liberal coalition). The Conservatives now have a double digit lead over the Liberals. This is very good news, but Trudeau will do lots of damage in two years. Poilievre will have a lot of damage to fix.

Direct Quote from the Article

The latest seat projections by the polling website 338Canada have the Conservatives capturing 165 seats against just 115 for the Liberals.

While 165 is still five seats short of the 170 needed to form a majority, a 165-seat caucus would still be large enough to defeat any new attempts at a Liberal-NDP coalition. With the NDP only expected to capture 22 seats, a combined Liberal-NDP caucus would come to just 137.

If Conservative fortunes continue to improve, they could well be on course for a record-breaking triumph by October 2025, the absolute latest a federal election could be called.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I see there are many pundits who know something on this thread..........reality is about to hit hard.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Every day that goes by makes this more & more obvious.
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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
Delusional liberals are trying their best to slow down Pierre Poilievre’s momentum with more and more daily non-sense.
You ear weird stuff like, he’s on steroids… he’s wearing pads to look beefier in his t-shirt… or even that it’s a shabby strategy to be proud showing with his wife and child while Trudeau’s marriage is falling apart…
The fact of the matter is that liberals can’t accept the obvious… Poilievre is just crushing it, his team is young and talented, they have the vision to bring Canada back on the map.
As a gambling man I would set Poilievre’s money line odds to become the next PM of Canada at -160.
Pierre is your daddy and I’m your brother.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
"The first step in saving our liberty is to realize how much we have already lost, how we lost it, and how we will continue to lose it until fundamental political changes occur." James Bovard
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