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Skills of a Modern-Day Courtesan


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Skills of a Modern-Day companion

Found on a now-private companion board...
Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Chloe
What are the skills a modern-day companion needs? Here`s my working list, but please ad to it.

1. Impeccable table manners in the custom of the city or company she`s dining with. Mostly graceful and appropriate table manners, but they should always be combined with a few sexy moves: absent-mindendly running the top of the wineglass back and forth across her lips; locking the gaze of her companion while she removes the fork from her mouth very slowly.

2. As we established earlier, the ability to get into and outoff a low egress sportscar in a short skirt, without compromising herself. Or, at least, when she wants to.

3. She needs to be excellent at packing. She should be able to fit enough in a Goyard carry-on for a week in to Paris, wearing a different outfit each day, and changing for dinner.

4. She should be able to get ready in less time than it takes a man.

5. She should always carry a book or a PDA in case her paramour gets called away on a business call he must take.

6. She should always carry a tiny vial of Woolite for those lipstick on the collar moments that should be taken care of immediately with a motherly, caring, and domestic scene.

7. She should be able to get restaurant reservations at Per Se in two weeks

8. I think she should be able to give a lapdance that makes a man cum in his pants.

9. She should be able to ask an interisting, challenging question on almost any topic. And should be a font of interesting conversations herself.

10. She should be able to make the most pornographic sex acts sensual and intimate.

11. She should be rhetorically skilled enough to have to never lie. Giving clients the gift of honesty is one of the best things a companion can ever do.

12. She should enjoy every minute of it.

13. She should have superficial knowledge of at least Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Mandarin and Japanese.


Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Sophia
Books, music, art exhibits, plays, and other performances: she should be able to intelligently recommend something in all of the above categories.

Culinary worldliness: she should know her way around menus ranging from Piedmontese to kaiseki, and should be willing to at least try just about anything.

Resourcefulness and creativity: dates often involve travel, and travel almost always involves something going not-quite-as-planned. A companion ought to be able to make unexpected situations feel like exciting adventures, and to cheerfully make new plans when the old ones go awry. She should never pout, except maybe a little bit in jest.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by gc
Don`t forget two senses of humour. The first, a real one. The second, that tells your client he is the wittiest man alive.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Eva
I would add:

The sensitivity to sense what a man needs, not just what he wants or craves. The skill to not merely deliver him his needs, but to ready him to become a man who can take pleasure in attaining his needs.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Chloe
Oh, and I can`t believe I forgot the most important thing. The ability to be discreet. To not brag about the celebrities you`ve slept with or the private jets you`ve taken a flight upon. To not let any personal information about your clients slip.

Being discreet is a skill that only a few people have. It can be difficult to learn.

I think inherent in this is not incorporating the superficial as any part of your self-esteem. The women who do this get psychologically trashed in this industry very quickly.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Chloe
I also think she needs to lack the typical womanly insecurities. Men are trying to escape your normal woman. The niggling caretaking they require.

One should never ask if her ass looks fat in this dress.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Chloe
Quote from: gc on October 04, 2006, 07:47:00 PM
Don`t forget two senses of humour. The first, a real one. The second, that? tells your client he is the wittiest man alive.

Agreed with the first one. Oh, she should also have a repertoire of dirty jokes. And be a master of the double entendre.

But the second, strongly disagree. I don`t think a companion should ever be false, or rather, only in moments when it involves her personal safety.

For the following reasons:

1) Seeing someone as they are, and reflecting it back to them is something these men value. Much more than ego-stroking. Men that can afford to see companions typically get their ego stroked all over the place. All their underlings fake-laugh at all their jokes. However, it`s rare that they get an honest opinion. I think they value this much more.

2) Not telling the truth is just admitting you have no rhetorical skill. The truly skilled can say what they think, and still make others feel good.

3) A wee bit of an insult gives pith and reality to the moments where you do compliment him. Without the contrast of an insult, indicating honesty, he assumes the whole thing is adoring theater. Additionally, I find a bit of an insult dropped at the right time can very much whet a man`s senses. Enliven his competitiveness. See you as a worthy rival, not as as an adoring fan. Cause him to want to impress you. Of course, some men react very badly to this, which is when you must use your rhetorical skill.

4) On the part of a companion, well, I think they value honesty themselves. Or their egos are too big to ever admit they`re paid merely to stroke a man`s ego. Any woman can do that. Besides, it`s no fun to play-act for a week at a time.

5) Intimacy is sharing reality--it`s impossible without honesty. I think the best companions can be intimate at times and distant or objectified at times. Emotional variety is necessary, since the things the body can do are somewhat limited.

6) I think it`s a fantasy of men that companions mostly want to please them. Most of them enjoy pleasing, because it`s fun or psychologically satisfying
for them, but on a fundamental level, they don`t need to please the men. Men in this game are fairly expendable. If you cease to enjoy a man, or vice versa, it`s not a tragedy at all: there`s always going to be another
man. As opposed to traditional relationships, the security is in that the men are somewhat replaceable, not that any one man is going to stick around. Besides, I think that most companions are a mix of extremely generous and wildly selfish. The only terrain they enjoy is when their two extremes are satisfied.

7) Every companion has a sense of herself as being valued for her particular traits. It`s the process of marketing. You have to be somewhat honest. If you market yourself as ``bubbly`` when you`re not, then every client that sees you is going to be disappointed and difficult. In
addition to the necessity that they refine their self-knowledge, which is much harder when you`re always faking it, I think companions really have a sense of the value of knowing oneself. As people tend to propagate what they believe, I think they`re disinclined to promote a client`s false image of himself. They`re much more likely to bring out, and compliment, his good traits.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Kendall
I seem to be a terrible packer and I`ve never carried a vial of Woolite, but I do enjoy what I do, and I do enjoy double entendre, and I appreciate the double entendre of the word `enjoy` - more so of the word `jouir,` which is the best entendre of all the entendres - so with this alone I`m at least 93% companion. But I can`t roll my `r`s in the front of my mouth, and while I`d like to say it takes me less time to get ready than it does for a man, I`d be lying. And lying`s a sin.

(I think my companion kit includes a full dose of discretion, humor, and hedonistic whimsy. Kindness, too. Clean underwear. A little grace, a little debauchery, some penetrating discourse, and a pair of heels.)

I do think it`s key that a modern-day companion is self-possessed, confident, and fundamentally happy. She can`t *need* anything from anyone, emotionally and otherwise. If she does, her companionship will be fraught will ulterior motives - it won`t be genuine. And a girl ought to be genuine.

Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by gc
Kindness, of course - and an passionate and affectionate nature - essential qualities for both the companion, the client and a successful liaison.

And respect for privacy.


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Re: Skills of a Modern-Day companion
by Alexia Winslet
Worldly, but unpretentious.

An explorer of the pleasures of the flesh and aphrodisiacs of the mind. She is absolutely a sensual creature by nature. Even if she wasn`t living the life of a companion, she would be creating magnificent sensual adventures. She is open minded and without judgment, thus able to offer this space to her lover.

Vulnerability. It`s real. Any lasting connection, to feel good, needs to hit enough depth to be pleasurable, to be satisfying. It fills both people up like a gourmet meal.

Honor and discretion. Breed trust and expansiveness.

She gives him things he can`t find anywhere else: A sanctuary. A place to explore. And be challenged. From me, a truly irreverent sense of play.

Chemistry. She is an expert at finding it or cultivating it in every encounter.

An intuitive insight and wisdom. She`s close enough to observe but detached enough to still see clearly. Can tune into others very adeptly.

Is constantly self-educating and seeking growth. The most interesting people are always looking to better themselves.

An air of originality. High degree of self-actualization.

Can lead or follow. Sometimes my clients just want not to be in control for a while. And sometimes, they really, really do.
An example of Chloe`s honesty, bold added....
My rates are £3,000/4 hours, £5,000/overnight, £10,000/weekend, and £20,000/week. I assure you that I`m not at all worth it, my rates are set where they are by supply and demand.
Apr 16, 2005
A very interesting revelation. Wouldn`t it be great if these ladies could give workshops. I would guess that these are independants in the higher price range. Perhaps the reason why they have honed their skills to such a fine pitch. I suspect, that ideally, most guys would simply be happy with a degree of genuineness. With a girl who is in the business because she enjoys it. A girl who tries to see the best in them as a basis for connection. A girl who they would be able to make love to and is responsive where they can push the idea that it is a fantasy to the back of their mind. If you read the board many incidences of disappointment involve contact with a walking cash register. Others with the inescapable issues of chemistry(No cure for that one). As with many things there is always a risk in generalizing. Some guys get the above from their wives and are into the sexual athletics. They love to get down and dirty. There is another dimension and the client base contains a variety of guys with different needs. Often a good companion is a healer for lost love, loneliness, messy divorces (the list goes on). And yes, some guys just love the variety. Hard to get into everybody`s head.
In all fairness to the girls, they don`t get a chance to have a say in who they meet. Pretty hard to make the best of bad chemistry, a jerk, poor hygiene and the like. ( I was talking to one girl at the Hilltop last night who admitted that all of the above, physical abuse and the risk of catching something drove her out of escorting. I had the good grace to stifle the impulse to ask what she was doing in an FS club. Didn`t ask her for a dance.) I suspect for the more popular agency girls it takes a real effort of imagination to work up enthusiasm for the last client of the night. I often think the incall girls sometimes have the toughest go: ``Here`s your hat. What`s your hurry? Lovely to have met you! Neeeeeeeext!`` (Exaggeration for effect.) In the end analysis I suppose, that is what this board is all about; to praise the gems and pin stop signs on those who don`t belong. Just my two cents.
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Regular Guy said:
A very interesting revelation. Wouldn`t it be great if these ladies could give workshops.
An interesting idea is what keeps your GF/wife from following those same rules. It would be neat if you could have a ``companion Certified`` woman, who could do all that.

First guess would be that it`s their job, and they are being paid, and they have off-time. But that`s not that far from a GF/wife, if you are otherwise spending the same money on her.

Next, the point would be made that most men don`t act in a way to deserve having a woman act like that. But are we really that bad? All I know is that I think I am a much nicer guy when the woman acts the right way. Is it maybe a chicken/egg thing? If a GF/wife acted that way, would that induce sufficient behaviour in their man?

It would be interesting to see if a companion or two would weigh in and let us know how feasible that behaviour is in a real relationship. All I know is that I have known one or two that could keep it up for a week or so traveling.

It would also be neat to see a woman`s viewpoint - what wouold her list be for a man. ;)
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New Member
Dec 25, 2005
This reminds me of the show ``Firefly``, in which there was a society of HIGHLY trained companion. They have skills that would make most secret agents envious.

There`s also a movie ``Serenity`` based on that show.

I love ``Firefly``. It`s a great show.
Apr 16, 2005
Next, the point would be made that most men don`t act in a way to deserve having a woman act like that. But are we really that bad? All I know is that I think I am a much nicer guy when the woman acts the right way. Is it maybe a chicken/egg thing? If a GF/wife acted that way, would that induce sufficient behaviour in their man?

Reminds me of an old advertising jingle (can`t remember the name of the product) that goes:
``Want him to be more of a man? Try being more of a woman!``

Maybe , as you say, this jingle could be turned around and be equally valid:
``Want her to be more of a woman? Try being more of a man!``

Deep eh? lol

First guess would be that it`s their job, and they are being paid, and they have off-time. But that`s not that far from a GF/wife, if you are otherwise spending the same money on her.

For those not wanting a relationship I suppose you might say that a companion is a surrogate wife. Oddly enough this would also hold true for the best and worst of them. God knows that beside the sweethearts there are some wives who seem to evolve into emasculating, walking cash registers (frightening to see them in action in court during divorce settlements). But then again how much of that is due to the way they are handled throughout the relationship?
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Regular Guy said:
God knows that beside the sweethearts there are some wives who seem to evolve into emasculating, walking cash registers (frightening to see them in action in court during divorce settlements). But then again how much of that is due to the way they are handled throughout the relationship?
My old GF is a pretty good example of damaged goods. We are still friends a good 4+ years after the GF/BF thing was over. I shudder at some of the things she says to me about the men she sees, and what she is willing (and not willing) to do to get what she wants. In her case, it`s clearly old business that has nothing to so with a particular man. If anything, it was/is her mother.

Regular Guy said:
For those not wanting a relationship I suppose you might say that a companion is a surrogate wife. Oddly enough this would also hold true for the best and worst of them.
Of course women like my old GF would rightly put you off ``relationships.`` That`s why I parse out my needs and get them met in various ways from various women. If you can do that, I highly recommend it. Of course the hard part is trying to find women who do not want to monopolize your life. That`s why you are often left back where you are - seeking the right companion(s). ;)


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John_Cage said:
This reminds me of the show ``Firefly``, in which there was a society of HIGHLY trained companion. They have skills that would make most secret agents envious.

There`s also a movie ``Serenity`` based on that show.

I love ``Firefly``. It`s a great show.
Yes. The ``Companions.`` If you have the Serenity DVD, did you check the deleted scene where Inara complains about the quality of the new recruits?

Since I am sure Inara (fictionally) meets all the criteria in my initial post, Mal is seriously stupid for not going after her. :rolleyes:
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