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So, if you are arrested and acquitted of all charges, do you still show up in the US?


Feb 16, 2011
Two years ago, I went out to my favorite bar after 6 months after having open heart surgery. This was the first time I left the house in 6 months. I arrived at 7PM and somewhere around 10PM left, walking 4 km to my home. Everything from the moment I left the bar until I woke up in a prison cell is still completely blank.
My favorite bar tender said I had 4 beers. This is completely out of character for me I attribute it to either a reaction to my meds or the last thing I remember, a new face in the bar, that was talking to an old female friend of mine who didn't like that I was talking to her. Who knows.
ANyways I was charged with mischief and assaulting an officer. I went to court several times and each time it was delayed by the prosecution They couldn't get the witnesses or the cop to show up and after 6 times in court and 6 times the prosecution asked for a delay the judge threw out the case, I was acquitted on all counts. My Lawyer who was the worse possible lawyer one could hope for, told me that if I am ever asked if I was arrested I should say no and that all my records will be thrown out. That is the law she said.
So I want to go to the US to promote my business,
Should I be worried? What if they asked me if I was every arrested?
Of course with the new Trump BS this is possible worse.


Feb 16, 2011
Just a note: Given the nature of business here, I'm sure some SP's have been arrested and acquitted and then travelled to the US. Please relay your experiences.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Im not lawyer or anything but i would guess being found not guilty is not the same as charges being drop cause of delay like you...?

In any case the worst that can happen is if the states refuse you acces... I would say you better be honest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
It brings to my memory a case that was in the news some years ago. A guy was prosecuted for a criminal offense but never convicted (not found guilty). Some years after, the guy, a canadian, wanted to cross the US border for a simple visit, nothing special. The US officer asked him if he has ever been prosecuted for a criminal offense. The guy answered NO as he was found not guilty. Wrong answer... after verification, the US officer refused to let him enter in US telling that the guy lied. So, if asked tell all the truth. Don't try to play smart with them and listen carefully the questions asked.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
In any case the worst that can happen is if the states refuse you acces...

The worst they let you in ,arrest you after ,lying to a border agent is a criminal office
And contrary to the Police ,border agents doesn't need probable cause or a warrant to search your property{car**

A anecdote

Dragnet the names are change but the event happened !

Talk about being at the wring place at the wrong time can make you live ?

I was bringing a loaner car to one of my friends at the Canadian US boarder trough the Lacolle station .
Went trough the US boarder quiet rapidly they only wanted to know how long I would be there and where I would go .

Their was a McDonald restaurant right across where I was meeting my friend ,entering the restaurant no one is there so I go to the bathroom and leave .Its about 10 p.m
Moving out of Macdonald restaurant ,I noticed that there is at least 4 cop cars following me .
They activate there sirens and sandwich my car and orders me to stop .A minute later my car is surrounded by 7 cops holding their guns aimed at me and one officer knocking at my window .
He is pretending that I am intercepted for a traffic infraction a U turn ,but they are not traffic cops but US boarder Patrols !Hummmmm

Their is no equivalent in Canada ,but they are the US federal Police Patrolling the Canadian and US boarder and the US and Mexican Boarder .

Someone orders me to my hands on the wheel, where they could see them and not to move !
Which I do obviously .
I am asked to provide my drivers license and they then pull me out roughly out of the car ,they bring me in the back of my car asked to put my hands on the roof of the car its a station wagon ,spread my legs ask me if I am armed and search all at gun point .
Nerve wrecking but its only the beginning .
They hand cuff me and push me roughly in one of their cars .
I am saying to myself I am in for a very bad night .
We reach their Police station they bring me in .
They finally tell me why I am arrested .
I am suspected to be a Canadian escaped convict because my description the summary description ,they have matches mine .

I am seated harms cuffed in my back 4 to 5 cops questioning me !
Emotionally I was wondering if I would get out of that alive and uninjured .
Interrogations technique, threats that they will find what I am doing there where all used they even pretended that photos of me where taken with infrared cameras ,
Sniffer dogs the whole kit
I wanted to know why I was so nervous !WOW
I have just been held a gun point by 7 guys roughly thrown, hand cuffed and asked me, why I am nervous !
A real nightmare that lasted 8 hours until they finally confirm my Identity ,no excuses
They let me go .

Its one difficult arrest ,that I do not wish to go through anymore .

Being at the wrong place at the wrong time can happen to anyone .

Have you ever been at he wrong place at wrong time?

Good Luck




nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Im not lawyer or anything but i would guess being found not guilty is not the same as charges being drop cause of delay like you...?

In any case the worst that can happen is if the states refuse you acces... I would say you better be honest.

You can be detained if you are at a land entry point. They can fingerprint you, check for warrants, and arrest you if they deem you to be attempting to enter under false pretenses such as lying to the agent.

At a Canadian airport you can at least turn around and walk away...for now.
There is pending legislation before Parliament to allow US authorities to arrest people in Canada.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Just a note: Given the nature of business here, I'm sure some SP's have been arrested and acquitted and then travelled to the US. Please relay your experiences.

In the US assaulting any Law Enforcement Officer is a Federal Offence. Police there will consider it very serious, ie you have assaulted one of them.

Escorting, they may or may not care about depending on the individual officer. Very different offences and not comparable.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
There is pending legislation before Parliament to allow US authorities to arrest people in Canada.

Interesting ,what is the bill number?

Proposed legislation would heighten powers of U.S. border guards in Canada

“A Canadian going to the U.S. through a pre-clearance area [on Canadian soil] can say: ‘I don’t like the way [an interview is] going and I’ve chosen not to visit your country.’ And they can just turn around and walk out,” says Calgary immigration lawyer Michael Greene, the national chair of the Canadian Bar Association’s citizenship and immigration section.

“Under the new proposed bill, they wouldn’t be able to walk out. They can be held and forced to answer questions, first to identify themselves, which is not so offensive, but secondly, to explain the reasons for leaving, and to explain their reasons for wanting to withdraw,” Greene says.

“And that’s the part we think could be really offensive and goes too far.”

If it's this one ,you do not request a pre clearance ,you are not at risk




Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Another good advise guys: Listen well to the questions they ask you at the border,and prepare yourself well.
Most frequent questions are:
-Where do you live?
-Where are you going?
-For what reason?
-When are you coming back? (they afraid you are staying in the US indefinitely)
-Whose car is this?
-Are you bringing any food with you? any gift you leave behind in the US?
So you can answer them straight without any hesitation.
One time in the summer a few years ago, I decidde to take a day off from work, and want to go to Plattsburg NY to shop some good deals, and buy some lawn care products which I can't find here.
They asked me where I am going? I said "shopping" then they asked "what are you buying?" I replied "I don't know... some deals, depends...may be some tools" they asked then "What kind of tools?" so I couldn't answer! I couldn't give them the specific answer they are looking for, for them I don't have a purpose to go there for one day!
Then they asked me to go inside and wait, they drove my car to their warehouse, close all the doors, and search my hole car, turned it upside down! even the spare tire they took out to look inside!
I was waiting for half an hour inside the office, they didn't search me nor ask me to strip down! just to empty my pockets, put all things on my table including watch, wallet, and cellphone.
They even look thru the GPS on my car to find out the address I went and the ones I saved in the address book.
Since they found nothing, and I don't have a criminal record anywhere; they let me go after 45 minutes!
So my advise is: do no hesitate by answering their questions, it will create a suspicion for them; then you're in trouble !


Active Member
Nov 3, 2013
Yes ,if they dig.
Canadian authorities and US authorities are friendly


probably you haven't traveled recently lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
You can be detained if you are at a land entry point. They can fingerprint you, check for warrants, and arrest you if they deem you to be attempting to enter under false pretenses such as lying to the agent.

At a Canadian airport you can at least turn around and walk away...for now.
There is pending legislation before Parliament to allow US authorities to arrest people in Canada.

WOW. The all US Leaders/politicians and LE agencies are the most honost in the world. They go to other countries and even kill the people. Accusing Iraq for WMD and destroying the whole region. Subsequently, creation the worst enemies of human being and most ruthless animals, known as ISIS.
Here on their borders harassing innocent peoples.

Shame, since when Canada is another State for them, where they can arrest the people inside our country.

The worst lier in the world teaching the honesty. Shame, Shame


Active Member
Feb 8, 2009
A friend of mine was arrested for assault. He was cheating on his gf with a SP. She alleged armed assault. he was locked up for 2 days be4 bail. Anyway, the case went on and on 6 months i think. His lawyer was okay. Later his ex-gf withdrew charges. His lawyer applied to erase all case files including finger prints from the court system (3 months after the verdict). it can be done by you or your lawyer, just inquire abt it in the court. this way u will be like u were never in the system. You must apply to do this otherwise u will be in their system. after that u are as good as new.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Are you white? If so, no worries...

(unless you look like BookerL, who apparently looks like an escaped felon...)

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
funny story... went to a friend's wedding in upstate NY. 2 cars. Car 1: 3 white guys - 1 clean, 1 DUI, 1 possession; Car 2: 1 black guy, 1 Lebanese guy, both squeaky clean. Guess who got turned back?
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