My only OTR story: I usually use outcalls but one unusually hot summer day I was in town with little time to spare so I thought I'd use an incall and cut on GLOT (get laid operational time). Lucky me I call this place and they've got a girl available right away. I go to the place somewhere DT, the girl's to my taste, service is great, doggy, mish, I'm not into digits or DATY (especially after reading this thread) so had none of that, 1 SOG, out the door I go. But when I arrived I asked to use the washroom to wash my face which was a little too hot and sweaty for my DFK liking (don't ask about the DATY contradiction) and I put my sunglasses on top of the towels rack which was rather high up to complete this operation. Anyway, once I got back downstairs I realise I forgot my glasses. I dial up the agency, they tell me no prob they'll tell the girl and go back up right away because another dude's on the way. The girl's got a robe on so I figure she was about to jump in the shower. Good girl. I find my glasses, take a quick look at myself in the mirror, notice this white and slighly brownish round thing reflected behind the box of kleenex on the counter. The girl's in the doorway so I don't get a better look at it but I figure this must be one of those sponges girls use when they're OTR and she wasn't expecting me back so din't know where to put it and put the kleenex box in front. OK no harm done but really? I find the idea that a girl would wash that thing and stuff it back in for the next client more unsettling then the fact she'd work OTR... That can't be sanitary. I leave and congratulate myself for never DATYing with SPs.