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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Anything in what I said suggests to you that I think you think you mind?

For you information, the drive against prostitution in Montreal, and as a matter of fact in most of Canada, do not not come from what the feminist movement per se. It comes from from women support groups such as the CALACS, helped in their writings by some anti prostitution intellectuals. This issue has always been subject to very harsh discussions within feminists organizations like the FFQ. The government funded CSF has made some anti prostitution propositions last year, but prostitution has never been a big interest to them. The issue at stake at the moment in Canada is the court challenge of the anti prostitution articles of the criminal code. Prostitution has never been illegal in Canada. If it ever happens, you will not have to blame the feminists. You will have to blame the ultra right wing conservatives in power who might be tempted to pass a law criminalizing clients.

Yo Gugu,

I didn't know what CALACS stands for . I googled it. On there webpage it says they are a feminist group. Why are you shifting any threat of government action to what you call ultra right wing conservatives? As you say prostitution has never been a big interest to them? If prostitution in Canada is made illegal, it will come from the feminist groups pressuring Liberals when and if they regain power.

Here it is:

Le CALACS francophone d'Ottawa est un organisme féministe, géré et opéré par et pour les femmes. Dans sa revendication pour la justice sociale, il lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel et offre des services multiples aux femmes qui en sont survivantes. La prévention et la sensibilisation au sein de la communauté font partie intégrante de son engagement.

Nous offrons des services aux femmes de 16 ans et plus d'expression française ayant vécu de l'agression à caractère sexuel.
Tous nos services sont gratuits et confidentiels

The French CALACS of Ottawa is a feminist organization, managed and operated by and for women. The claim for social justice, we fight against sexual assault and provide services to many women who are survivors. Prevention and awareness in the community are an integral part of its commitment.

We offer services to women 16 and older French-speaking who experienced the sexual assault.

All our services are free and confidential


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Hey Merlot,

Have you read either my or Hungry's comments??????

Hey DD,

Yes, I have. All.

Here are my objections for the last time:

1. Sex slavery for anyone, and pedophilia are an absolute evils. No one can deny that, so the right and wrong cannot be debated.

2. Sex service for adults by choice, even if you allow for a perfect world of rational, thoughtful, absolutely non-exploitative pure safe business conditions will always be morally debatable for a significant segment of the population whether religion enters into consideration or not.

3. If no one had any objections to number 2, everyone but pervs would object to number 1. Regardless of which side anyone takes on the adult free choice of providing sexual services, sex slavery and pedophilia are absolutely different subjects from adult free choice and the two issues should never be connected in discussion.

4. You and Hungry, so far, are exploiting the feelings against the absolute evil of sex slavery and pedophilia for your own purposes to attack feminists and anyone else who happens to think any paid sexual service, even if by free choice, is morally wrong. It's no better than holding children and helpless people hostage to get something else you want.

5. Whatever is going on in Sweden or anywhere else, or whatever your worries are about being able to continue receiving sexual adult services, it was absolutely wrong to in effect use the issue of sexual slavery and pedophilia to manipulate feelings on the issue of adult sexual service. It's was wrong for you, Hungry, feminists, liberals, conservatives, the Three Damn Stooges, or anyone else to do so because it's pure baiting demagoguery of the ugliest sort, (then of course some just don't give a damn how they handle an issue).

I can't say it any plainer. :noidea:

ADIEU!, :thumb:



Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hey DD,

Yes, I have. All.

Here are my objections for the last time:

1. Sex slavery for anyone, and pedophilia are an absolute evils. No one can deny that, so the right and wrong cannot be debated.

2. Sex service for adults by choice, even if you allow for a perfect world of rational, thoughtful, absolutely non-exploitative pure safe business conditions will always be morally debatable for a significant segment of the population whether religion enters into consideration or not.

3. If no one had any objections to number 2, everyone but pervs would object to number 1. Regardless of which side anyone takes on the adult free choice of providing sexual services, sex slavery and pedophilia are absolutely different subjects from adult free choice and the two issues should never be connected in discussion.

4. You and Hungry, so far, are exploiting the feelings against the absolute evil of sex slavery and pedophilia for your own purposes to attack feminists and anyone else who happens to think any paid sexual service, even if by free choice, is morally wrong. It's no better than holding children and helpless people hostage to get something else you want.

5. Whatever is going on in Sweden or anywhere else, or whatever your worries are about being able to continue receiving sexual adult services, it was absolutely wrong to in effect use the issue of sexual slavery and pedophilia to manipulate feelings on the issue of adult sexual service. It's was wrong for you, Hungry, feminists, liberals, conservatives, the Three Damn Stooges, or anyone else to do so because it's pure baiting demagoguery of the ugliest sort, (then of course some just don't give a damn how they handle an issue).

I can't say it any plainer. :noidea:

ADIEU!, :thumb:


Say what any plainer? What the hell does that all mean? Talk about muddy waters. :noidea:

You know Merlot, you spend an awlful lot of time writing posts on an Escort Board. You have written reviews, so I assume you have seen escorts, aka prostitutes, SP's as we call them.

I assume that all of the escorts/young women that you pay to see are not forced to see you and are over 18.

Your feminist friends don't like what you are doing. For their sake, do mind quitting? No, they won't fuck you, Merlot, instead, but they would be happier.

I can't say it any plainer than that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hey DD,

4. You and Hungry, so far, are exploiting the feelings against the absolute evil of sex slavery and pedophilia for your own purposes to attack feminists and anyone else who happens to think any paid sexual service, even if by free choice, is morally wrong. It's no better than holding children and helpless people hostage to get something else you want.


This is amazing! this comes from the guy that says it is OK to make up data if your cause is just.

My entire point was that this is a bull shit story and the kind of bull shit story that the public will eat up. What will be the end result? More grants to LE to set up stings to catch hobbyists like us that have nothing to do with trafficking or under aged sex workers.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Why are you shifting any threat of government action to what you call ultra right wing conservatives? As you say prostitution has never been a big interest to them? If prostitution in Canada is made illegal, it will come from the feminist groups pressuring Liberals when and if they regain power.

Any threat? Do we know each other? Have you heard me turning all threats to the right wing?

Where did I write that prostitution is not an interest for the conservatives?

You seem to know quite a lot about canadian politics. So could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?

Your last post is so ridiculous that I have to question myself about your reason be on this board. The answer has the word trolling in my mind.

For your information, the CALACS mission statement is to provide services to women victims of aggressions. However the the Ottawa region CALAC defines itself, calacs are not feminist organizations ever if most women working for them are feminists.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Any threat? Do we know each other? Have you heard me turning all threats to the right wing?

Where did I write that prostitution is not an interest for the conservatives?

You seem to know quite a lot about canadian politics. So could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?

Your last post is so ridiculous that I have to question myself about your reason be on this board. The answer has the word trolling in my mind.

For your information, the CALACS mission statement is to provide services to women victims of aggressions. However the the Ottawa region CALAC defines itself, calacs are not feminist organizations ever if most women working for them are feminists.

Look down gugu at your last statement below. That's where I get the turning all threats to the right wing. CALACS defines themselves as a feminist organization on their website. Did you read my post? Did you see the link to their website? How come libs like you never read anything while making blanket statements that contradict easily found facts.

Anything in what I said suggests to you that I think you think you mind?

For you information, the drive against prostitution in Montreal, and as a matter of fact in most of Canada, do not not come from what the feminist movement per se. It comes from from women support groups such as the CALACS, helped in their writings by some anti prostitution intellectuals. This issue has always been subject to very harsh discussions within feminists organizations like the FFQ. The government funded CSF has made some anti prostitution propositions last year, but prostitution has never been a big interest to them. The issue at stake at the moment in Canada is the court challenge of the anti prostitution articles of the criminal code. Prostitution has never been illegal in Canada. If it ever happens, you will not have to blame the feminists. You will have to blame the ultra right wing conservatives in power who might be tempted to pass a law criminalizing clients.

Yo Gugu,

I didn't know what CALACS stands for . I googled it. On there webpage it says they are a feminist group. Why are you shifting any threat of government action to what you call ultra right wing conservatives? As you say prostitution has never been a big interest to them? If prostitution in Canada is made illegal, it will come from the feminist groups pressuring Liberals when and if they regain power.

Here it is:

Le CALACS francophone d'Ottawa est un organisme féministe, géré et opéré par et pour les femmes. Dans sa revendication pour la justice sociale, il lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel et offre des services multiples aux femmes qui en sont survivantes. La prévention et la sensibilisation au sein de la communauté font partie intégrante de son engagement.

Nous offrons des services aux femmes de 16 ans et plus d'expression française ayant vécu de l'agression à caractère sexuel.
Tous nos services sont gratuits et confidentiels

The French CALACS of Ottawa is a feminist organization, managed and operated by and for women. The claim for social justice, we fight against sexual assault and provide services to many women who are survivors. Prevention and awareness in the community are an integral part of its commitment.

We offer services to women 16 and older French-speaking who experienced the sexual assault.

All our services are free and confidential


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
You forgot to answer one of the questions:

You seem to know quite a lot about canadian politics. So could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?


Nov 4, 2009
Any threat? Do we know each other? Have you heard me turning all threats to the right wing?

Gugu you need to understand that Daydreamer is just being paranoid for no reason. Medical research corroborates that there are only 2 things that can cause any individual to suffer from long-term paranoia, Cocaine and Fox News.:noidea:

The latter being the most dangerous and most prevalent.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You seem to know quite a lot about canadian politics. So could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?
And you probably don't know much about US politics, so let me explain a couple of things.
1. The miracle of the Republican party is that they have managed for many years to get millions of people to vote against their own best interests. The Republican party represents the super-rich and large corporations; in fact, most Republican legislators are owned by large corporations. By playing to fear, religious zealotry, and sheer stupidity, they have managed to get millions to support their packages of tax incentives for the rich, for taxing earned income, but not inherited or investment income.

2. The Republican Party has their own "news" outlet, Fox News, or as we call it, Faux News. Faux News is run by Roger Ailes. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989. Ailes served as a political consultant for many Republican candidates during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. His first such job was as media advisor for the Nixon campaign in 1968. He returned to presidential campaigning as a consultant to Ronald Reagan in the latter stages of the 1984 campaign. He is widely credited with having helped coach Reagan to victory in the second presidential debate with Walter Mondale, after aides Richard Darman and David Stockman bungled preparations for the disastrous first debate.

In 1987 and 1988, Ailes was credited (along with Lee Atwater) with guiding George H. W. Bush to victory in the Republican primaries, and the later come-from-behind[7] victory over Michael Dukakis. Ailes scripted and (with Sig Rogich) produced the "Revolving Door" ad, as well as all of Bush's broadcast spots in the primary and general-election campaigns.

Ailes is the only hard-core political operative ever to front a so-called news operation.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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And you probably don't know much about US politics, so let me explain a couple of things.
1. The miracle of the Republican party is that they have managed for many years to get millions of people to vote against their own best interests. The Republican party represents the super-rich and large corporations; in fact, most Republican legislators are owned by large corporations. By playing to fear, religious zealotry, and sheer stupidity, they have managed to get millions to support their packages of tax incentives for the rich, for taxing earned income, but not inherited or investment income.

2. The Republican Party has their own "news" outlet, Fox News, or as we call it, Faux News. Faux News is run by Roger Ailes. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989. Ailes served as a political consultant for many Republican candidates during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. His first such job was as media advisor for the Nixon campaign in 1968. He returned to presidential campaigning as a consultant to Ronald Reagan in the latter stages of the 1984 campaign. He is widely credited with having helped coach Reagan to victory in the second presidential debate with Walter Mondale, after aides Richard Darman and David Stockman bungled preparations for the disastrous first debate.

In 1987 and 1988, Ailes was credited (along with Lee Atwater) with guiding George H. W. Bush to victory in the Republican primaries, and the later come-from-behind[7] victory over Michael Dukakis. Ailes scripted and (with Sig Rogich) produced the "Revolving Door" ad, as well as all of Bush's broadcast spots in the primary and general-election campaigns.

Ailes is the only hard-core political operative ever to front a so-called news operation.

Really, rumps? Where are your facts back up all this crap you have made up? Or did you cut and paste from some Democratic Talking points website? Don't give me a Wikipedia link. Who knows who wrote it? Maybe, you or lovemaker or both? :eyebrows:


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Feb 9, 2004
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Originally Posted by Merlot

I`m very disappointed you didn`t lump me with Rumps and Lovemaker. :( (pouting)

Originally Posted by rumpleforeskiin
As expected, facts don`t mean shit to you. Actually, that would be a prerequisite for watching Faux News.

LMAO! You two are fucking hilarious!:lol: Great stuff, made my morning!:smile:

Which post did this come from Lovemaker? I can`t find them anywhere in this thread. Or did you just make them up (which is against the rules) like your friends Merlot and rumps used to do.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Really, rumps? Where are your facts back up all this crap you have made up? Or did you cut and paste from some Democratic Talking points website? Don't give me a Wikipedia link. Who knows who wrote it? Maybe, you or lovemaker or both? :eyebrows:
Well, truth be told, in your mind Wikipedia is probably a socialist radical Muslim ponzi scheme. My sense is that you took your brain to the wrong laundry to have it washed.:D


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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You forgot to answer one of the questions:

Originally Posted by gugu You seem to know quite a lot about canadian politics. So could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?

You have painted your current Conservative party led by Stephen Harper as ultra Conservative, etc. ... They have been in power for several years (correct me if I am wrong) with a majority of right center since May 2011. Have you seen them pass radical laws? No. Have they dismantled your healthcare system? No. So why do you think they are going to go after prostitution when you said yourself that they really don`t care about it?

Painitng Conservatives as radical is a common ploy that all liberals use. Rumps does this all the time. In fact, that`s the only discourse I have seen him use in a political discussion. I have tried to draw him out, but that`s the first and last line he uses. I think you, Gugu, have more sense.

So, tell me why the Conservative party would even think about outlawing prostitution when it has never been illegal in Canada and there is no pressing issue to do so?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
So, tell me why the Conservative party would even think about outlawing prostitution when it has never been illegal in Canada and there is no pressing issue to do so?

I'll be happy to answer that, and your other questions, but as requested before I want you to give an intelligent answer to that one first:

If prostitution in Canada is made illegal, it will come from the feminist groups pressuring Liberals when and if they regain power.


BTW, could you please stop calling me a liberal. I am a socialist, not a liberal.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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You have painted your current Conservative party led by Stephen Harper as ultra Conservative, etc. ... They have been in power for several years (correct me if I am wrong) with a majority of right center since May 2011. Have you seen them pass radical laws? No. Have they dismantled your healthcare system? No. So why do you think they are going to go after prostitution when you said yourself that they really don't care about it?

Painitng Conservatives as radical is a common ploy that all liberals use. Rumps does this all the time. In fact, that's the only discourse I have seen him use in a political discussion. I have tried to draw him out, but that's the first and last line he uses. I think you, Gugu, have more sense.

So, tell me why the Conservative party would even think about outlawing prostitution when it has never been illegal in Canada and there is no pressing issue to do so?

I'll be happy to answer that, and your other questions, but as requested before I want you to give an intelligent answer to that one first:


BTW, could you please stop calling me a liberal. I am a socialist, not a liberal.

I did answer your question intelligently. Do you socialists read?
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