Anything in what I said suggests to you that I think you think you mind?
For you information, the drive against prostitution in Montreal, and as a matter of fact in most of Canada, do not not come from what the feminist movement per se. It comes from from women support groups such as the CALACS, helped in their writings by some anti prostitution intellectuals. This issue has always been subject to very harsh discussions within feminists organizations like the FFQ. The government funded CSF has made some anti prostitution propositions last year, but prostitution has never been a big interest to them. The issue at stake at the moment in Canada is the court challenge of the anti prostitution articles of the criminal code. Prostitution has never been illegal in Canada. If it ever happens, you will not have to blame the feminists. You will have to blame the ultra right wing conservatives in power who might be tempted to pass a law criminalizing clients.
Yo Gugu,
I didn't know what CALACS stands for . I googled it. On there webpage it says they are a feminist group. Why are you shifting any threat of government action to what you call ultra right wing conservatives? As you say prostitution has never been a big interest to them? If prostitution in Canada is made illegal, it will come from the feminist groups pressuring Liberals when and if they regain power.
Here it is:
Le CALACS francophone d'Ottawa est un organisme féministe, géré et opéré par et pour les femmes. Dans sa revendication pour la justice sociale, il lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel et offre des services multiples aux femmes qui en sont survivantes. La prévention et la sensibilisation au sein de la communauté font partie intégrante de son engagement.
Nous offrons des services aux femmes de 16 ans et plus d'expression française ayant vécu de l'agression à caractère sexuel.
Tous nos services sont gratuits et confidentiels
The French CALACS of Ottawa is a feminist organization, managed and operated by and for women. The claim for social justice, we fight against sexual assault and provide services to many women who are survivors. Prevention and awareness in the community are an integral part of its commitment.
We offer services to women 16 and older French-speaking who experienced the sexual assault.
All our services are free and confidential