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Sold-for-sex - Fox News story on human trafficing


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
BTW, could you please stop calling me a liberal. I am a socialist, not a liberal.
Actually, he doesn't know the difference. Witness his calling Obama a "radical socialist." (BTW, I'm with you, well to the left of Obama.)


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Feb 9, 2004
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Actually, he doesn't know the difference. Witness his calling Obama a "radical socialist." (BTW, I'm with you, well to the left of Obama.)

Obama is a radical Socialist in his heart for sure. He can't be his true self and run for election in a country that is more to the Right of Center than Left of Center and expect to win. But if Obama could be a dictator and get rid of Congress, he would in a second.


New Member
Dec 15, 2011
I bet you a lot of these girls are bought off the hidden wiki, you guys ever hear about the deep web? not to change the subject, but that sh1t bothers me really bad, especially to know that young girls are being trafficked and abused. what is wrong with the world today?


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Feb 9, 2004
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I bet you a lot of these girls are bought off the hidden wiki, you guys ever hear about the deep web? not to change the subject, but that sh1t bothers me really bad, especially to know that young girls are being trafficked and abused. what is wrong with the world today?

If you know of abuse and about the hidden wiki or deep web as you call it, contact authorities with the information.

Everyone that knows of trafficking and underaged prostitution needs to become responsible and contact the proper government agency. There is no excuse for being a silent bystander.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I did answer your question intelligently. Do you socialists read?

Should I conclude that not responding to a question is, for you, answering intelligently?

The question is: could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?

I bet you a lot of these girls are bought off the hidden wiki, you guys ever hear about the deep web? not to change the subject, but that sh1t bothers me really bad, especially to know that young girls are being trafficked and abused. what is wrong with the world today?

It bothers everyone. But I am not sure the world is getting worst on these questions. Women, including sex workers, probably live in a better world today then yesterday.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Should I conclude that not responding to a question is, for you, answering intelligently?
Absent Fox News having "reported" on it, he's kind of lost for an answer.

The question is: could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?
Just as soon as Fox Noise feed him the party line, he'll get back to you with an answer. (Obama a radical socialist. ROFLMAO. Coming direct to you from Hannity's feeble brain to Daydreamer to you.)


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Feb 9, 2004
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Absent Fox News having "reported" on it, he's kind of lost for an answer.

Just as soon as Fox Noise feed him the party line, he'll get back to you with an answer. (Obama a radical socialist. ROFLMAO. Coming direct to you from Hannity's feeble brain to Daydreamer to you.)

Rumps adding nothing to the conversation, as always.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Should I conclude that not responding to a question is, for you, answering intelligently?

The question is: could you please explain to me how you come to the conclusion that if prostitution becomes illegal in Canada it will be because of the Liberal Party?

Actually, it can come from either party in Canada.

There are religious Christian groups, like the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, campaigning to ban prostitution and groups supported by feminist groups, like the groups founded by Trisha Baptie, a former prostitute, who is campaigning to make prostitution illegal.

If you look at either spokesperson from either side, Conservative or Liberal, their rant against prostitution in Canada is the same.

I just one to say one thing. I did some research on the subject. I knew from my reading that feminist groups are against prostitution for specific reasons. However, when I looked up Trisha Baptie, I found a youtube on her and another related youtube from the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada railing against prostitution. They espose the same solution, outlawing prostitution and imposing laws against Men only, like those in Sweden. It is the same solution that Trisha Baptie, and her supporters, are pushing. Since I found groups from both sides, I am presenting it, as it is. I don't see this a political issue --- Left or Right --- but an issue where there are groups on both sides are campaigning against prostitution for their particular reasons.

Trisha Baptie founded Honour Consulting in 2008 after finding her voice and politics when she covered the Robert Pickton trial as a citizen journalist from her intimate knowledge of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and her perspective as a friend to his victims. For this coverage she won the "Courage to Come Back" award.
Honour Consulting operates under an abolitionist ideology and vision based on Trisha's fifteen-year experience in Vancouver's sex industry. Honour focuses on issues relating to prostitution through the lens of women’s equality and violence against women.
Trisha is also the founding member and Community Engagement Coordinator of EVE - formerly Exploited Voices now Educating - a volunteer, non profit group of former sex industry women who challenge the idea of sex as work. This group of women considers the demand for paid sex “violence against women” and believes that prostitution is the product of systemic oppression against women and children.
Trisha is a knowledgeable voice, raising awareness around best practices for legal and social policy for women and children. She calls for policy and law reforms that confront and deal with issues of systemic inequality that put women and children at risk for commercial sexual exploitation. She publicly encourages others to identify their power and privilege and use it to change the world for those who do not have the same resources or opportunities.
Trisha is an active member of several women’s equality coalitions and has the enormous privilege of working along side a diverse cross section of allies including feminist groups, academic institutions, NGO’s, government representatives, faith-based groups, unions, media outlets and women's groups. She has presented across the country at local, national and international functions with women from around the globe.
Trisha writes with a community of women at SheLoves Magazine and independently on her blog. She is passionate about helping women transition out of prostitution and unpacking patriarchy from her deep faith.
Honour and EVE are organizations that want to see Canada adopt the Nordic Model of Prostitution Law and communicate with the world that women are not for sale.



Nov 4, 2009
And you probably don't know much about US politics, so let me explain a couple of things.
1. The miracle of the Republican party is that they have managed for many years to get millions of people to vote against their own best interests. The Republican party represents the super-rich and large corporations; in fact, most Republican legislators are owned by large corporations. By playing to fear, religious zealotry, and sheer stupidity, they have managed to get millions to support their packages of tax incentives for the rich, for taxing earned income, but not inherited or investment income.

2. The Republican Party has their own "news" outlet, Fox News, or as we call it, Faux News. Faux News is run by Roger Ailes. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989. Ailes served as a political consultant for many Republican candidates during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. His first such job was as media advisor for the Nixon campaign in 1968. He returned to presidential campaigning as a consultant to Ronald Reagan in the latter stages of the 1984 campaign. He is widely credited with having helped coach Reagan to victory in the second presidential debate with Walter Mondale, after aides Richard Darman and David Stockman bungled preparations for the disastrous first debate.

In 1987 and 1988, Ailes was credited (along with Lee Atwater) with guiding George H. W. Bush to victory in the Republican primaries, and the later come-from-behind[7] victory over Michael Dukakis. Ailes scripted and (with Sig Rogich) produced the "Revolving Door" ad, as well as all of Bush's broadcast spots in the primary and general-election campaigns.

Ailes is the only hard-core political operative ever to front a so-called news operation.

Rumps adding nothing to the conversation, as always.

You haven't added anything to the thread, Rumple has clearly provided you with facts here. These are not wiki facts, these are confirmed facts. If you think it's "crap" then do some research for once and prove him wrong, you might end up learning something in the process. Don't try to dodge facts by politicizing them, you have a real bad habit of doing this. This isn't about Republicans and Democrats, this is about facts and facts are objective regardless of which ideology presents them. All we ask is for Fox News to provide the nation with objective news coverage, we don't have a problem with who runs it, as long as the content is objective. Fox News is not objective and as a result, it deliberately misleads the nation. No one can argue this unless they want to make a fool of themselves. Don't be a blind follower. You're a smart guy so take the time to research things and be more open minded. Don't be brainwashed, don't be a slave to a bullshit ideology, what a waste of intellect that would be.


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Feb 9, 2004
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You haven't added anything to the thread, Rumple has clearly provided you with facts here. These are not wiki facts, these are confirmed facts. If you think it's "crap" then do some research for once and prove him wrong, you might end up learning something in the process. Don't try to dodge facts by politicizing them, you have a real bad habit of doing this. This isn't about Republicans and Democrats, this is about facts and facts are objective regardless of which ideology presents them. All we ask is for Fox News to provide the nation with objective news coverage, we don't have a problem with who runs it, as long as the content is objective. Fox News is not objective and as a result, it deliberately misleads the nation. No one can argue this unless they want to make a fool of themselves. Don't be a blind follower. You're a smart guy so take the time to research things and be more open minded. Don't be brainwashed, don't be a slave to a bullshit ideology, what a waste of intellect that would be.

You have to be kidding, rumps, I mean lovemaker. I forget rumps is your twin who shares your keyboard.

I haven't added nothing to thread???? All you and rumps have done is talked about everything but the subject of the thread. You don't have one post among the both of you that is about the subject Human Trafficking. All you do is talk about Fox News. You and rumps are a pair of jokesters who share the same brain.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Deny the statement above.

I hope DD 41 is wrong. Can you imagine a day when you fly home from Germany or Montreal and the Police are waiting for you because you were seeing prostitutes? You think it's crazy? Remember the repressed memories that put men away and seperated families because some progresive free thinking seudo intellectuals started a frenzy? Sounds crazy now but it was in fact a modern day version of the Salem witch trials.
Sean Penn made a great documentry about it.

It's a stretch but if this whole crock of shit has the same smell. If it resonates with too many people we could turn into another Sweden. That is why we cannot let bogus stories like this go unchallenged.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Deny the statement above.
I can't deny that it's wrong, but that doesn't make it right. The simple fact that its source is Fox News means that it's veracity is in question. Fox News is an agenda driven organization, doing the bidding of Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and the Republican Party.

Frankly, if you buy into any paranoid article promulgated on the interwebs by any spurious news source, of which Fox certainly is one, you'd better find yourself a bunker in which to spend the rest of your years.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I can't deny that it's wrong, but that doesn't make it right. The simple fact that its source is Fox News means that it's veracity is in question. Fox News is an agenda driven organization, doing the bidding of Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and the Republican Party.

Frankly, if you buy into any paranoid article promulgated on the interwebs by any spurious news source, of which Fox certainly is one, you'd better find yourself a bunker in which to spend the rest of your years.

Blah, blah, blah ... For the 1000th time, rumps, you've repeated the same tired line. Libs believe if they say their crap over and over, what they say will have validity. Sorry to disappoint you rumps, repeating propaganda you do doesn't make the propaganda true. Fox News is a far better and more honest source than CBS, CNN, AP, Reuters, ABC, NBC, etc. Can't wait for your twin to repeat your line (hand the keyboard to him Cybil, I mean Rumps).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
This is amazing! this comes from the guy that says it is OK to make up data if your cause is just.


This is sicko! Please show me anywhere I ever said it was "Ok to make up data if your cause is just"...or you are BOLD FACE FUCKING LIAR! I said: "who cares if the data is skewed." That has nothing to do with making up data. It's a simple acknowledgement that nearly all data is skewed to serve a purpose and nearly always slightly objective at least...not one letter suggesting data should be made up.

Why did you write this lie? Are you so lacking you can't keep your integrity like a grown man.



Mod 8

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Jun 7, 2007
If I see one more smart ass remark directed at another poster, one more post claiming that someone has posted something they have not, the person who makes it will be receiving a 1 month suspension. I am tired of seeing threads that are valid discussion topics turn into fights between members and being closed as a result. If you cannot make your point without insults or personal attacks, Everyone has the right to their opinion and to post it on the board. They also have the right to challenge other opinions they do not agree with. NO ONE has the right to insult another member while doing so and that will get your ass banned.

This is the only warning I will post. If I see one insult or personal attack from this point on it will be a 1 month suspension. Got it?

Mod 8


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
CBS, CNN, AP, Reuters, ABC, NBC
LOL. You mean the corporate media? What's ironic is that you have managed to omit the only broadcast news source that is truly left of center: MSNBC. The Walt Disney Co, which owns ABC and CNN is left of center? NBCUniversal is left of center? Viacom is left of center?

Mod 8: Yes, this is a serious topic. And, yes, many of the points made are off the topic. However, the original source cited is one that has been regularly discredited by such media watchdogs as the non-partisan:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

This is sicko! Please show me anywhere I ever said it was "Ok to make up data if your cause is just"...or you are BOLD FACE FUCKING LIAR! I said: "who cares if the data is skewed." That has nothing to do with making up data. It's a simple acknowledgement that nearly all data is skewed to serve a purpose and nearly always slightly objective at least...not one letter suggesting data should be made up.

Why did you write this lie? Are you so lacking you can't keep your integrity like a grown man.


There are a few meanings in the free dictionary. Skewed = To give a bias or distort
To me purposely presenting biased or distorted data is tantamount to lying no matter how noble or just your cause is. You said it is OK to present purposely skewed data because their cause is just.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Hey DD,

Yes, I have. All.

Here are my objections for the last time:

1. Sex slavery for anyone, and pedophilia are an absolute evils. No one can deny that, so the right and wrong cannot be debated.

2. Sex service for adults by choice, even if you allow for a perfect world of rational, thoughtful, absolutely non-exploitative pure safe business conditions will always be morally debatable for a significant segment of the population whether religion enters into consideration or not.

3. If no one had any objections to number 2, everyone but pervs would object to number 1. Regardless of which side anyone takes on the adult free choice of providing sexual services, sex slavery and pedophilia are absolutely different subjects from adult free choice and the two issues should never be connected in discussion.

4. You and Hungry, so far, are exploiting the feelings against the absolute evil of sex slavery and pedophilia for your own purposes to attack feminists and anyone else who happens to think any paid sexual service, even if by free choice, is morally wrong. It's no better than holding children and helpless people hostage to get something else you want.

5. Whatever is going on in Sweden or anywhere else, or whatever your worries are about being able to continue receiving sexual adult services, it was absolutely wrong to in effect use the issue of sexual slavery and pedophilia to manipulate feelings on the issue of adult sexual service. It's was wrong for you, Hungry, feminists, liberals, conservatives, the Three Damn Stooges, or anyone else to do so because it's pure baiting demagoguery of the ugliest sort, (then of course some just don't give a damn how they handle an issue).

I can't say it any plainer. :noidea:

ADIEU!, :thumb:


This is amazing! this comes from the guy that says it is OK to make up data if your cause is just.

My entire point was that this is a bull shit story and the kind of bull shit story that the public will eat up. What will be the end result? More grants to LE to set up stings to catch hobbyists like us that have nothing to do with trafficking or under aged sex workers.


This is sicko! Please show me anywhere I ever said it was "Ok to make up data if your cause is just"...or you are BOLD FACE FUCKING LIAR!

Why did you write this lie? Are you so lacking you can't keep your integrity like a grown man.



More insults. Or you could have said that more civilized in saying that you never said what hungry said you did , Merlot.

Anyhow, I wanted to line up the quotes to see how this all transpired.

A main theme in Liberalism is to find a class of victims and at the same time perpretrators and then create programs or make laws in order to protect the victim and punish the perpretrator. Victimhood is engrained in the liberals psyche. I would think it would be hard for someone like Merlot or rumps to understand what I am saying, if not impossible. And they may get irate when responding.

In this case, the victim is the person being subjected to human trafficking. I would think the perpretrator is the Trafficker selling the person into forced sexual services and the person buying the person being subjected to human trafficking.

Now, if anyone of us were to be with a woman who is a sex slave, I would hope you would call the police right away.

But the groups that are fighting human trafficking want to shut down prostitution completely. They want to follow the Swedish law which says it is illegal for a man to buy sex from a woman, but it is not illegal for a woman to sell sex.

All you hobbyists (this is still a sex board, correct?), do you think any of the women who you sold you their services were victims? You paid them money willingly, and they provided their bodies with some limits willingly. She left happy. You were probably happy. No victims. But not according to the people who want to stop you from doing what you have done. They view paid sex as the man taking advantage of the woman. She is a victim. And you are the perpretrator even though she was never trafficked, and she is doing this by her own free will. If you don't believe me, do your own research on these groups and people. Look at the youtubes that I posted.


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Feb 9, 2004
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LOL. You mean the corporate media? What's ironic is that you have managed to omit the only broadcast news source that is truly left of center: MSNBC. The Walt Disney Co, which owns ABC and CNN is left of center? NBCUniversal is left of center? Viacom is left of center?

rumps, this is a thread about human trafficking, not media outlets. if you don't have anything to say about human trafficking, then don't rehash your media reviews. I certainly don't agree with your assessment and you don't agree with mine. But that's not the purpose of this thread.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello Hungry,

And who cares if the data is skewed. The point is child exploitation for sex or anything is's happening worldwide, and should be fought regardless of any other element of sex.

Here it is. This is what I was refering to. Who cares if the data is skewed? I care.
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