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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Nah the guy is saying he doesn't have a place to sleep. Important nuance.

Dude said he can't sleep. I can't sleep myself 90% of the time. Do I start threads about it or send texts to others about it? No. I quietly suffer with it.

I do have a place to sleep, and it even has air conditioning. It's just that I can't sleep. And if you can't sleep, then what point is there in having a place to sleep?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
View attachment 74141
Dude said he can't sleep. I can't sleep myself 90% of the time. Do I start threads about it or send texts to others about it? No. I quietly suffer with it.

I do have a place to sleep, and it even has air conditioning. It's just that I can't sleep. And if you can't sleep, then what point is there in having a place to sleep?
the litteral transalation is 'i have nowhere to sleep'
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New Member
Sep 5, 2021
View attachment 74141
Dude said he can't sleep. I can't sleep myself 90% of the time. Do I start threads about it or send texts to others about it? No. I quietly suffer with it.

I do have a place to sleep, and it even has air conditioning. It's just that I can't sleep. And if you can't sleep, then what point is there in having a place to sleep?

Google French to English, do some translations for me right now!

"Oui Monsieur" ......

"jai nulparou" -> "I have no one"

"j'ai nulparou" -> "I have nowhere"

"jai nulparou dormir" -> "I can't sleep"

"j'ai nulparou dormir" -> "I have nowhere to sleep"

You see, it gives different translations of these phrases depending on whether there's an apostrophe (j'ai) or no apostrophe (jai) after the j.

French speakers/readers, is the Google translator doing the right thing here, or does it have a bug?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
Google French to English, do some translations for me right now!

"Oui Monsieur" ......

"jai nulparou" -> "I have no one"

"j'ai nulparou" -> "I have nowhere"

"jai nulparou dormir" -> "I can't sleep"

"j'ai nulparou dormir" -> "I have nowhere to sleep"

You see, it gives different translations of these phrases depending on whether there's an apostrophe (j'ai) or no apostrophe (jai) after the j.

French speakers/readers, is the Google translator doing the right thing here, or does it have a bug?
Bug. It’s the last phrase,


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Google French to English, do some translations for me right now!

"Oui Monsieur" ......

"jai nulparou" -> "I have no one"

"j'ai nulparou" -> "I have nowhere"

"jai nulparou dormir" -> "I can't sleep"

"j'ai nulparou dormir" -> "I have nowhere to sleep"

You see, it gives different translations of these phrases depending on whether there's an apostrophe (j'ai) or no apostrophe (jai) after the j.

French speakers/readers, is the Google translator doing the right thing here, or does it have a bug?
Reverse searching (because I'm not a wiz at french,) but nulparou sounded to me like it should be 3 words... so i checked...

nowhere to go : nulle part où aller

It's just really bad abreviation.
I'm just surprised google translate was able to decipher bad spelling and still give you a relative answer to what was typed. I guess that's where AI fits in. Because it used to be words like that weren't translated at all.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I've always claimed there are 3 versions of french...
France French, which quebec complain about, and sounds much like mumbling.
Quebec French, which is all slang and France complain about.
And written French, which is taught in english schools, and made it hard to communicate to anyone french born.

Lol.. and seems to replace a phrase of 5 words in english with 10 words in french, and half of those are silent letters you don't pronounce when you speak. I gave up on french a long time ago. It takes too much effort to try and decipher when someone trys to communicate. Life got a lot easier dealing in this province once google translate became a thing.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
It's funny because nulparou is just bad grammar for nulle part où indeed.

If I destroy English and turn "nowhere to" into a single, badly written word, Google says it means "I don't need to sleep".

It's almost like people who speak the language on a daily basis are a better source than Google translation when it comes to translating badly written sentences ;)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Should be automatically blacklisted for destroying French + you can't expect any class from such a guy
Quand je vois cette façon d’écrire, mes yeux saignent.
Par contre, ça ne veut pas nécessairement dire que la personne a un manque de classe. J’ai quelques bons amis qui sont de parfaits gentlemen mais ils savent à peine écrire de façon cohérente. Certains ont eu un parcours académique plutôt sinueux…
Dans le cas qui nous préoccupe cependant, il semble y avoir anguille sous roche.


Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
My aera is in a front of a place with person who rent room ... i have somebody in this place i hire to clean my yard to give him extra money ... I have a lot of friends in Cuba (I bring 2x a year a lot of stuff for them, medication, clothing)... all my friend have the code of my door... just I will not open my door of somebody who text me on my escort add at 11pm at night... I always offer job...stuff to make money if my friends need money .... I had a landscaping bissness for 12 years... I work by my hand 365 days a year, 14h a day... I Start my bissness with nothing... I always buy used & repair items (same for clothes) when I can... my car is a 2003 ... I'm really simple... but I have my limit of person who take advantage of me and never take advantage of nobody.. if i need them i pay.... but I can call myself like a warrior
As-tu finalement récupéré ton Ford Ranger?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I've always claimed there are 3 versions of french...
France French, which quebec complain about, and sounds much like mumbling.
Quebec French, which is all slang and France complain about.
And written French, which is taught in english schools, and made it hard to communicate to anyone french born.

Life got a lot easier dealing in this province once google translate became a thing.
Agree for the first part. I never understood why French (written/in school) need to be so overblown for nothing. But i do like my Quebec french. I do think "tabarnak" should be an actual word and "crisser/calisser" verbs. And when i say Tabarnak i do mean it not "tabernacle" like the church thing as nobody say it like that.

For the second part im always amaze when peoples choose to live here but not learn the language . Its like if i got to live in Mexico i would learn spanish as quick as i could. Same if i would go like in Japan, i would take Japanese lessons.

English speakers i feel rely a bit too much on our "hospitality" to accomodate them.

My absolute pet peeves is not being able to be serve in french in my own french province. I am more lenient if the person is obviously of foreign descent (Asian, Arab, Hispanic etc) as they had to learn a second language already but some Quebec born white ppls not making the effort to learn our language ...yikes.

Its not a personal attack on you there im talking in general. Its really bothers me. It contribute to the loss of french in our nation.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Oh and by the way

Nulparou : Nul Pars ou : Nowhere to

Was kinda funny seeing you all debate a google translate for a mispelled word


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
English speakers i feel rely a bit too much on our "hospitality" to accomodate them.

My absolute pet peeves is not being able to be serve in french in my own french province. I am more lenient if the person is obviously of foreign descent (Asian, Arab, Hispanic etc) as they had to learn a second language already but some Quebec born white ppls not making the effort to learn our language ...yikes.

Its not a personal attack on you there im talking in general. Its really bothers me. It contribute to the loss of french in our nanation.
Language doesn't come naturally to everyone. Some even have enough trouble learning their own language. And people like me, where my heritage is here. I can date back to being in the Montréal area back to 1700's. I've tried learning French. It doesn't change that if I am sourounded by at least 2 french conversations around me it sets me into a panick attack. At my ex's family get-together i had to leave and take air, smoke a joint to calm myself down 3 times. Only people I could carry out a conversation with and understand them, were the kids.
It wasn't entirely appealing when young to learn the language either as there were so many battles between english and french. I distinctly remember being 7 and had a 14yro bully who would beat on me just because he didn't like that i was english and was friends with his little cousin my age.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I can’t remember who it was on here but someone accused me of using the “race card” too often and I remember telling them that they should have a look in my phone. Well here’s your chance

Maybe im using the race card too often or maybe it’s just racism


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
I am sorry that you have to go through this.

I honestly do not understand the intent of such a person. Are they contacting you just to harass you, or did they actually hope to see you and when things do not go as they expected start the insults?
Just trying to understand the thought process here...What are the missing steps between "Oh, this SP looks hot, I will write her" to throwing racist insults?
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