Montreal Escorts

Sp border crossing risks (again)


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Your statement implies that you were individually targeted, stopped and turned back at the border because of your work as an escort. So why not share the story of exactly what happened to you?

This thread and the other one on the same topic include a lot of unsubstantiated claims about ICE identifying, targeting and turning back individual escorts at the border. I do believe that some escorts have been turned back, but I think it's rare. And when it does happen I don't think it's because of some sophisticated, high-tech, covert operation by ICE.

I was individually targeted, as was my duo partner, as was six other friends of mine, including several independent providers in Montréal, and I know of about five other from different cities who got caught last year as well.

Since my mom works in customs, she explained how it works to me, and they very much do have a specific department dedicated to finding sex workers or other unwanted people trying to cross the border.

They were waiting for myself and my duo partner as soon as we got up to customs, they didn't ask any questions just sent us straight to secondary. They take your phone and any other electronics away, get your luggage and make you wait uncomfortably for awhile. Finally they ask you questions, my friend and I made the decision to admit to being workers, since we know if you deny, they will go through your phone and laptop, and detain you for longer, and we wanted to keep our clients info safe. From what I gathered, they either flagged us from our last trip to the US, or from travelling too often for leisure.
They search your luggage, finger print you, photograph you, make you sign documents as an "alien", etc etc.

Another provider from Toronto was caught because they had an old Eros ad with a tattoo showing, and they matched her tattoo up. They usually will have your website and other social media up and waiting when you enter and have already researched you, because they want to question you and catch you in a lie. They already know the answers they need to know before you arrive.

It's not some covert operation, it's literally just a department whose job is to go through flight lists and cross reference names that get flagged for a variety of reasons. Once your name gets flagged that person will start researching you and then from there decide if you're to go into secondary questioning or not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Are you talking purely from a US customs standpoint or Canadian as well? Everything that you just mentioned above is a little scary for clients that cross the border to visit Montreal all the time.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
From what I have heard(though I'm not positive) it's mainly Canadians entering the US. It seems to be a lot easier for US citizens to enter Canada, especially since our laws are a lot more relaxed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One of the foremost agendas of any law enforcement agency is to get LE targets of that agency to believe that their technology and manpower is better than it actually is. Overstatement of technological capability is an ages old deterrent strategy, used by both LE and militaries throughout history. My own experience with ICE and their Canadian counterparts is that they rely on fear and intimidation and some of the posts I have read in the border crossing threads, such as by the dude who had his phone inspected at the border, show how effective these strategies can be. Overstatement of technological capability or manpower or investigative scope, power and authority is merely a form of instilling fear and intimidation in the LE target. With the weak LE target, it's a highly effective strategy.

The Canadian counterparts use similar strategies, although their concerns are a bit different. They don't like Americans with DUI convictions or arrests coming into Canada, and it's a ground for denial of entry. One time I was stopped and canvassed by Customs and the Customs Dude asked me 3 times if I had a DUI, getting the same "no" answer every time but each time adding a new threat if his database search proved I was lying. He was full of shit of course, because if he knew I was lying, he wouldn't have to ask me a second and third time. He would have just said your lying and denied me entry. His fake database with my supposed DUI arrest did not exist. You just have to stand firm in the face of these bullies, and recognize that behaving as bullies is what they must do to be effective in their jobs.


New Member
Jun 6, 2015
This concerns me a great deal.Im a Canadian but spend my winters in Florida.My home in Canada is in Ottawa but I visit Montreal to see the ladies there ; we in Ootawa have few here that can match the girls in Montreal!
My girlfriend is an elite American Escort and openly displays her face on her web site.
We were planning for her to visit me in Montreal in mid July.Does anyone know if entry into Canada is as difficult?
Best Bob


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Her only issue will be if she has a DUI conviction in the USA. She will also be asked about arrests, if she gets detained. This is not part of the routine border crossing questions, it just happens on the random detainments. Then it is a lock you will be asked if you have a DUI and, if you do, it is likely you will be denied entry absent purchasing a waiver from the Canadian consulate in the USA. Which of course needs to be done well in advance of the trip.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Why are we keep making references to ICE? ICE does not deal with travelers at the border; CBP does. And no there is no facial recognition technology to identify sex workers unless you have already been identified as a sex worker during previous run in with US government. CBP is more interested in drug smugglers, human trafficking, working without permit than independent escorts per se.

I wish there was facial recognition technology to identify sex workers because I was enjoying beautiful weather outdoors last couple of days in New England and numerous hot girls were around in tank tops. It would have been great if some were sex workers. ;)
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