Montreal Escorts

MERB help me, I fell in love with an escort


New Member
Sep 16, 2012
Very few would chose this path at 18 if they had such a great childhood and family life.

I won't dispute this might be the case, however things can be different in the eastern bloc. A lot more girls won't shun upon occasionally making a few bucks for sex. They wouldn't even think of themselves as prostitutes for it. A lot more also do it simply because they can.

Same principles apply, but the context and the cursors are different.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
I won't dispute this might be the case, however things can be different in the eastern bloc. A lot more girls won't shun upon occasionally making a few bucks for sex. They wouldn't even think of themselves as prostitutes for it. A lot more also do it simply because they can.

Same principles apply, but the context and the cursors are different.

Not sure what you mean by the Eastern Bloc as I believe it is a term that no longer really applies accurately to that region. Czechoslovakia is no longer as it was then and your term in the context you mention implies that the attitudes are the same in modern Central and Eastern Europe. I think you are overgeneralizing the girls' attitudes of sex in exchange for money. My views are a bit limited in that I only really know the Czech (a little Slovak - similar) and Hungarian attitudes a bit more than casually. It is very true that a lot of Central European (as I know them) girls are wired differently than their North American counterparts, I would hardly describe it as causally as you have. I have had and still have open-minded female friends from pornstars to escorts to party girls, and I can't think of one of them who wouldn't call a spade a spade when referring to themselves... just sayin'...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
I was born in the Eastern block, I don't know of any parents that raise their children to be a " Kurva" ( one of the few words that is a universal meaning in the eastern block ) there either.
It has the exact ramifications and looked upon probably even worse than here where people tend to be more forgiving.

If you say people in Eastern Europe or Europe in general are more open about sex and they are more likely to jump into bed with you just for the pleasure of having sex, I would agree with you, but having your 18 year old daughter turn to hooking is not looked upon any less favourably than here and no they would know exactly what they are doing, accepting money for an hour or two of sex is called prostituation there too.

You are using ridiculous versions of the truth for your own justification.

A lot more do it there simply because they have more of a need to survive, poverty, hopelessness and no vision of a future will do that to you.

Ön magyar?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I won't dispute this might be the case, however things can be different in the eastern bloc. A lot more girls won't shun upon occasionally making a few bucks for sex. They wouldn't even think of themselves as prostitutes for it. A lot more also do it simply because they can.

You have never been there have you, and if you had you never met any families. Pretty sure if a father found out his daughter was a prostitute there would be a shit storm brewing. As Sam said, they are more free with sex but it is still a no no with family and friends ( unless all their friends are prostitutes or dealers ) to fuck for money.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
You have never been there have you, and if you had you never met any families. Pretty sure if a father found out his daughter was a prostitute there would be a shit storm brewing. As Sam said, they are more free with sex but it is still a no no with family and friends ( unless all their friends are prostitutes or dealers ) to fuck for money.

You have it all wrong...

Here's how I confront the Dad: Sir, I'm having sex with your daughter for money, but don't worry, she's NOT a prostitute... she only accepts my money because she can...

It's all in the delivery... ;)

On a serious note, Babou, several of the girls I know advertised on Redzone or Piroslampa and kept their identities very well hidden not unlike they do in Montreal. I'm guessing there is a reason for that... BTW, sex work is way more tolerated there than in MTL, so I doubt it's to avoid LE... Do what your head/heart/wallet tells you. It's really only your decision to make, however, when you justify it the way you did, you're only lying to yourself... Good luck!


New Member
Sep 16, 2012

So, you're saying that girls there are more open about casual sex and are more poor, two of the main factors involved in being willing to engage in prostitution acts, but do not, as I have stated, because saying someone or their mother is a whore is an insult? What, because it's a compliment here?

Seriously, I get the impression I offended you. If that's the case, this speaks more about you and how you view escorts than me. I respect who they are and what they do. I do not jump at the conclusion that all escorts have had an horrible life (or are themselves horrible persons). That's all I was trying to say in answer to the quoted text from your post.

Perhaps the wording was clumsy in suggesting that I or she do not think of her as an escort. There is obviously a difference in the occasional thing vs full time touring. At least in degree if not in principle. I would refer you back to the title of this thread if you got this idea. Btw, she told me her parents don't know what she's doing. I'm not deluded on parents in any society being super happy about this life choice.

Justify what? What have I done so far? I've been seeing escorts and cheating on my wife. Surely I'm not in the minority in this forum and do not have to justify this to you. I've fallen in love -call it lust if you prefer, that doesn't make it different from any other crush a man has on a woman at this stage of a relationship - with a woman, something all of us has presumably done. In my case, it is with an escort. If I did not see two of the serious potential pitfalls of this (unrequited love with someone who will keep having sex with, thus preventing me from moving on; going from buying/selling sex to trying to buy unbuyable love) , I would not have started this thread. Again, I refer you back to the title.

Eagerbeaver, I seriously doubt that non-stalking customers who fall in love with escorts are a main factor in driving girls away from the biz. These girls are so beautiful and charming that no matter their work, guys will fall in love with them. Of course meeting more men, especially if providing gfe services, will lead to more of it. I'm going to go on a limb in saying that social stigma and the difficulty in finding/maintaining a partner are much bigger factors. That and diminishing prospects with age.

Sol tee nutz, not that it has any relevance, but yes I have been there. More than once, more than one country, both central and eastern. Yes, it was a gran sweeping statement, it was not meant to be a dissertation on the subject. That would be a different thread. It was just to set aside an equally/bigger grand sweeping statement that all escorts have had terrible childhood and are therefore unable to lead a normal life afterwards. Poverty is not a blessing, but neither is it a curse (not talking about extreme poverty). For many years my family was living below the poverty line and I consider I had a great childhood.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I've quickly scanned through this thread and I don't believe anyone has asked. Who's the SP? Maybe someone will have insight and help out further if we know who she is!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am going to recommend you not identify the SP as requested above. If you publicly identify her it's a lock she will be told about this thread and she will read it.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
J'aime le titre qui est très juste...

J'aimerais commencer par te rassurer, tu n'es pas le seul client à tomber en amour avec une escorte, ils rêvent tous et bandent tous à l'idée de marier leur pute. À l'époque où j'avais des photos sur le net la série favorite et de loin était d'ailleurs celles où j'avais mon sexy de la mariée. Mais ça c'est plus un trip ultime de possession que de l'amour.

Je ne crois pas que tu aimes la femme. Surtout si tu es un client le moindrement actif depuis quelques temps. Pour y arriver (pour une première fois où à nouveau), les clients doivent habituellement passer par une thérapie.

Aimer, c'est s'engager, ce qui est hautement plus exigeant que de sortir de l'argent du porte-feuille...les clients en deviennent incapables (certains ne l'ont jamais été d'autres l'ont perdu). C'est pathologique ce truc.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I know at least half a dozen of former Montreal SPs who quit the industry and are now happily married. I have no prove but suspect that some of them are married to former clients. Saying this I advise you not to take chances…


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Your SO rarely wants sex and doesn't want children. You feel rejected even though you are still with her.

I think that the real issue is that your judgement is clouded by being on the rebound.


Apr 11, 2017
Honnêtement-il faut le dire-chaque jour et partout dans le monde les escortes tombent amoureuses de leurs clients et vice-versa.

Donc-ce n'est pas ni étrange ni anormal.

Et on peut comprendre-pourquoi notre cher collègue Babou aime sa belle courtisane.

Et je dis encore une fois-Babou-ne lâchez pas la prise.

Ne jouez pas avec votre chance.

Peut-être-cette fille-est votre déstin!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I wouldn't suggest anyone to keep working in a job they hate or that makes them feel uncomfortable, stressed out, depressed, or other negative feelings. Sometimes we have no choice and decide to continue and cope with it, but it's definitely not ideal as it always ends up taking a toll on us. Money isn't everything, and isn't worth anything if you're not going to spend and invest it wisely. Phones, jewelry, clothes, cars, party, restaurants, addictions, etc, that's just money thrown out the window if not used with extreme caution and moderation. Many escorts, strippers, masseuses and pornstars made amazing money in their lifetime in such work, but most end up with nothing when they quit... People with regular jobs and income tend to be smarter with their money and see the importance of planning for tomorrow. I would hate having worked in this field and have nothing to show for when it's time for me to retire, hopefully in 5years...

Mocha - It has to be a challenge for an escort to save money. For one thing, how can you invest money that is not legitimized? I am assuming that girls in Canada do not report their SP income. In the USA the IRS would be all over you if you invested 100,000$ in the stock market and couldn't prove how you earned it. The Feds would RICO the hell out of all your tangible assets. I don't get it? Most escorts do not pay taxes. They don't have 401Ks, pensions, or Roth IRAs. They probably cannot buy a house. So maybe the gold chains is the best investment? Either that or get a few safe deposit boxes and fill them with cash? What are they supposed to do?

I think the best bet is to get a job and take advantage of all the savings plans available by maxing out every possible investment and use the escort job for cash for clothing, vacations, food and drink etc. Maybe marrying an open minded guy that makes a decent legitimate living that is willing to put up with the night job is not a bad path? I do not think that most people are this rational, especially young SPs but when you think about it, this could be the best option.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron - I'm glad to hear this. I did quiz a few ladies over the years. I remember that I was at a party in Montreal this year. I was standing at the kitchen table with a handful of escorts and the subject came up. A girl from Toronto started to say "I have a box in my apartment..." I stopped her in her tracks and advised her to not share this information publicly. Many of the girls I see in Canada are fairly young and some are relatively new to the business. I doubt that most have received such wise counsel.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Canada Revenue Agency has no problem with escorts.
As long as they get paid they do not bother anyone.
They are also completely confidential. I know people there and have never heard of them ratting anyone out.

And yes, most ladies do pay.
Guys who rant about how escorts income is tax free are ignorant.
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