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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The FBI should be autonomous.
The FBI serves the law and the constitution not the so called President.

EB do you think Trump would accept someone as Director that was not a lackey? Some are saying in the meeting he asked Comey to be loyal to him. Comey said he was loyal to the law and Constitution and Trump took that as an insult. That is why he was fired according to some.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The biggest danger in firing him I think is to create a perception that the next person is Trump's puppet and I don't think it's a good idea to have puppet heads of the FBI or CIA. These agencies need to be run by competent and experienced professionals in the law enforcement and intelligence communities, capable of making sound judgments not based on politics.

No kidding! Especially after Comey was fired because he refused to be Trump's puppet.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
do you think Trump would accept someone as Director that was not a lackey?

Let me chime in. The FBI director has to be confirmed by the Senate and there's no way in hell they'll let a 'Trump lackey' have the job. This is why many Republicans are coming up with names which would likely be approved by the Democrats, such as Mitch McConnell coming up with Mitch Garland's name. Joe Lieberman was interviewed for the job today.

Personally, i'd stick with Andrew McCabe, who's currently the guy holding the job on an interim basis.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Loved his Coast Guard commencement speech today, as one called it his own "Pity Party".

"No politician in history- and I say this with great surety - has been treated worse or more unfairly".

LOL. I guess the Donald forgot about them two guys Kennedy and Lincoln that got GOT SHOT IN THE FUCKING HEAD. Or the famous Teddy Roosevelt, who got shot and didn't let it stop him from finishing his speech!

Trump is a fucking whiny little bitch. Couldn't serve because of his bullshit ouchy feet. Meanwhile Kennedy swims around rescuing guys from his sinking PT boat. Yeah, you're a pussy Trump.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
To the surprise of many, the assistant AG named former head of the FBI Robert Mueller today as special prosecutor on the Trump/Russia probe.

What was even more satisfying was the fact Trump and his stooge that fucking racist Jefferson 'Beauregard' Sessions only learned about it after the fact. Love it!!!!!! :lol:


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
They also made a point of giving Mueller protection from Presidential firing and interference.
It was good to see so much agreement by members on both sides.
It is also an implicit measage of support for the FBI.
Congress has sent a clear message to Trump.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Roger Ailes dead

FoxNews founder & Trump accolyte Roger Ailes is dead!!!! His wife announced that he passed away this morning. He was fired by FoxNews last year after many reports of sexual misconduct over the years.

It's been a very, very bad week for this White House!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The naming of a special investigator/prosecuter by the assistant AG has infuriated Trump. How will he lash out at those he doesn`t consider ass licking loyal.

He only has a day or two to name the replacement FBI Director before he leaves on his earth destroying trip on Friday.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
He only has a day or two to name the replacement FBI Director before he leaves on his earth destroying trip on Friday.

I'm still not sure he's going. He supposedly is dreading that trip and now dreading his trip to Israel even more ever since the entire world found out he passed along highly classified information to the Russians, information which had been supplied by Israeli intelligence, information which the Russians likely passed along to their allies the Iranians, who are sworn ennemies of Israel.

Trump is supposedly spending more and more time alone. He's not being seen as much as he used to. He supposedly spends his time watching and screaming at the tv and then going on twitter for more incoherent outbursts. He was likely crazy the day he first entered the WH, and now he's even getting crazier by the day!!! I'm starting to wonder if he may not end up dying in office instead of getting impeached: he's over 70 years old, he's crazy and he's grossly fat!!! All he eats are hamburgers and he's allergic to any type of exercise other than golf, which he does every weekend.....he's golfed a dozen more times than Tiger Woods has!

These days he spends his time screaming at his staff and calling them incompetent, and reports are that he's even been screaming at his son-in-law Jared Kushner! Unbelieavable, but i must admit, highly entertaining! :lol:
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Doc, ur obviously having as much fun as I am following this two bit idiot, he really needs some ´councel', lol. Even anne coulter hates him!

I believe the only road he is on is one of impeachment and probably followed by jail time. It will be a first if he goes to jail.

The question is: when he is gone, what will the world do for amusement?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The Republicans had all this planned.

They knew Trump could win, so they backed him. Now they are in the White House, they don't need him anymore.
Look how many Republicans have criticised him, and how many are backing the special counsel investigation.

Pence will run things, he was their man all along. They might let Trump stay in the Oval Office but he will be rendered impotent. 

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, ur obviously having as much fun as I am following this two bit idiot, he really needs some ´councel', lol. Even anne coulter hates him!

I believe the only road he is on is one of impeachment and probably followed by jail time. It will be a first if he goes to jail.

The question is: when he is gone, what will the world do for amusement?

I just mentioned this to a buddy of mine. I pointed this out (that Trump is obviously fucking nuts) to him and asked him: "Why do you need a physical to run for President but not a psychiatric evaluation??" There's no fucking way this guy has ever had a clean bill of health for his mental status. No fucking way!!

As for your last question, i don't know what the world will do for amusement once he's gone. I'm just hoping that the United States is still a country by then.

By the way, i told my buddy that i doubt Trump will be ever be impeached unless the Democrats re-take Congress in 2018. And if happens, my guess is that he'd last until 2019. It wouldn't surprise me if he died while in office due to a massive stroke or heart attack. The guy weighs 300 lbs, he's stressed out and screams all the time (at the television and at his staff), plus all he eats are hamburgers and ice cream and the fucker only sleeps 2-3 a night!!! There's no way this fucking cocksucker makes it to age 75!!!!


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Better for the Democrats if Trump stays in power right until the next election.

He does more damage to the Republican brand than the Democrats could.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Take solace in the fact that your country will never elect someone this clearly unfit for office. Every behavior that is currently on display was present during the entire campaign. The guy who ghostwrote "The Art Of The Deal" actually broke his nondisclosure agreement to tell the world that this guy is thoroughly unfit and has the attention span of a gnat (to that point, for an upcoming conference NATO members are advising people not to speak for longer than 2 minutes so as not to lose the Child-In-Chief). The fact that it looks like he's on his way out is a step in the right direction. The fact that this ignoramus fuck got past the primary much less became President says a lot about millions of Americans.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Better for the Democrats if Trump stays in power right until the next election.

He does more damage to the Republican brand than the Democrats could.

True. But the longer he's in office, the more it hurts the United States and the damage will take years to repair.

Trump is in Saudi Arabia & Israel for a week with the rest of the Romanov clan. Then he goes to the Vatican to confess to the Pope. Maybe the Pope will advise him to release his taxes and admit to his sins. Who knows.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Take solace in the fact that your country will never elect someone this clearly unfit for office. Every behavior that is currently on display was present during the entire campaign. The guy who ghostwrote "The Art Of The Deal" actually broke his nondisclosure agreement to tell the world that this guy is thoroughly unfit and has the attention span of a gnat (to that point, for an upcoming conference NATO members are advising people not to speak for longer than 2 minutes so as not to lose the Child-In-Chief). The fact that it looks like he's on his way out is a step in the right direction. The fact that this ignoramus fuck got past the primary much less became President says a lot about millions of Americans.

I couldn't agree more. He was a joke even before the campaign. He was a failure in the business world, something the majority of people were unaware of because he's one of the top con men in the history of the planet. What saved his 'empire' was the tv reality show "The Apprentice". It was a ratings success and put the Trump name back on the map. And because of the popular tv show, the name 'Donald Trump' became very well known throughout the country. When he wanted to have his contract renegotiated, he decided to throw his hat in the political ring since he figured it would bring him more $$$ figures during his contract negotiations. This life-long democrat then surprised himself and everyone by winning the GOP nomination. This was quite a feat, but not entirely surprising considering the Republican base had turned to populist candidates instead of the usual moderates like George Bush, John Kasisch and Marco Rubio. I'd been saying for the past 4-5 years that the likes of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush wouldn't stand a chance to get nominated in today's GOP. People laughed, but i was proven correct.

Donald Trump is a man-child. He's an ignoramus and there's no doubt he must have surrounded himself with qualified people throughout his life in order to help him run his companies. I now realize why it was possible for him to bankrupt his casinos. I never thought it could be possible, but now i realize that with gross incompetence it can happen. He's also known as a mega con man in the business world and he's left a long trail of victims over the years in regards to his dealings. It's rumoured that he's been involved in over 3000 various lawsuits thoughout his life and this is quite telling in the type of person he is.

He's truly unfit to run a government. Not simply because he's never served in any government job in the past, but mostly because of his temperament and tremendous lack of knowledge about all kinds of stuff. Although i had done my homework on Trump and expected him to be a huge failure if he ever became President, i honestly didn't think it would be as bad as it's been. It's shameful and although it's the Americans who elected him to office, i never forget the fact that the other candidate got 3 million more votes than he did. Therefore, the American people deserve much better. The majority didn't vote for him and his destructive policies, but he still won the election due to an ancient and outdated political system which is still used to determine the winner of a presidential election.

But i expected he'd be surrounded with qualified people who would show him the way. However, i didn't realize how much of a needy and insecure person he was in the fact he'd been surrounded by sycophants throughout his life and anyone who would disagree with him would end up getting fired. He is also heavily addicted to chaos and often surrounded himself with people who often were at odds with one another and often quarreled. I learned very early into his presidency that nothing has changed in that regard. He's surrounded himself with unqualified and inexperienced advisers who have only added fuel to the chaos. And the problem was extended to his cabinet selections when he appointed people grossly unqualified for cabinet positions he appointed them for. Ben Carson? Betsy DeVos? Rick Perry? Jefferson "Beauregard" Sessions?? I mean....WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!

And then, he appoints his son-in-law Jared Kushner as one of his top advisors and later gives a White House job to his fucking fake daughter??? What the fuck is going on??? Sadaam Hussein and Mohamar Ghadaffi did those kinds of things!!! The American President is not supposed to act like a third-world dictator, right??? What a fucking nightmare!!! Even Ann Coulter of all people is pissed off about this!!! It must be a cold day in hell!!!

This guy won't go down easily. Sure, he may end up resigning but it'll have to be on his terms where in his mind he will come out as the winner. He will not resign if it means he'll be known as a failure, although it'll be obvious to everyone (other than his fluffers) that he is.

Most of the White House staff have or will be advised to start lawyering up in the near future if they want to reduce the risk(s) of ending up in jail once the various criminal investigations are over. We saw this back in the mid-70's when Nixon's aides were the ones who wound up spending time in jail while Nixon never spent a day there. It's unfair, but that's how it is.

My guess is that Michael Flynn will certainly end up doing time, but there will be others. What to hear a good one?? Donald Trump is seriously considering re-hiring Michael Flynn if he winds up getting cleared from prosecution. I don't know what Flynn has on Trump, but it must be something big. It's not just about Trump being loyal to him, it has to be more and i'm sure Russia has something to do with it.

What a colossal mess!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
One of Trumps big problems is that his old tweets are forever biting him in the ass
He criticized Michelle Obama for not covering her hair when she visited Saudi Arabia .
Now his wife and daughter have not worn any hair covering on their visit with him.
What a damn hypocrite !!
It beats any logic is that in the eyes of 35% of Americans ....he can do no wrong.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
People vote with their emotions, not reason.

Government should not be treated like a football game, this is what happens. A halfwit jackass who cannot stop boasting about winning the election, and a bunch of fanboys who are right behind.

He tweeted a few days ago that the approval ratings were all fake news. He actually said he would still get more votes than Hillary.

After it was pointed out that she actually got more votes he tried to say he meant Electoral College votes. As if he knew qhat that was.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
It beats any logic is that in the eyes of 35% of Americans ....he can do no wrong.

I can only conclude that America has many dimwits. :rolleyes:

Seriously, i blame Fox News and other right wing media such as Breitbart, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh for this mess. It's on them. One hundred percent. They made alternate facts a brand. When it was announced yesterday that sex offender Roger Ailes had died, i told a friend of mine "the father and creator of fake news has died."

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
As soon as Air Force One took off, WH staff who were left behind immediately began leaking more stuff to the press, such as:

Trump’s remarks quickly elicited groans, and some harsh words from senior officials:

“If Donald Trump gets impeached, he will have one person to blame: Donald Trump,” one of those administration officials said.

“Trump himself hasn’t been implicated in any of these leaks except where he’s implicated himself, where he says something that makes his perhaps less-than-sterling intentions clear,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss the controversy candidly. “He keeps saying there’s no collusion, and I think he’s right. So if he would just shut his trap, what would Dems have?
“Okay, he fired Comey,” the official conceded. “With a semi-competent comms operation, that would blow over in 24 hours. And that’s the worst part: he has a competent comms staff. But they can’t do their jobs because he keeps running his mouth.”

Trump’s repeated media missteps have frustrated even longtime supporters. “Every day he looks more and more like a complete moron,” said one senior administration official who also worked on Trump’s campaign. “I can’t see Trump resigning or even being impeached, but at this point I wish he’d grow a brain and be the man that he sold himself as on the campaign.”

Asked whether an administration staff change-up would ameliorate this latest crisis, a Republican source formerly involved with a pro-Trump political group: “yes, if it comes with a frontal lobotomy for Trump.”

Ouch. The disenchantment working for a stupid asshole like Donald Trump is palpable. What a mess!
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