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STD-Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Testing for


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
yungone said:
I've never taken a std test before and now that I've been "hobbying" I really think I should go and take one. The only thing is I don't know where to start and who to ask so I'm hoping someone here can give a few tips? Can I just walk into any CLSC around Montreal and say, "I want to be tested?" Or is there a better way to do this. I live in the downtown/CDN area so can someone suggest a good place? Does it cost anything? One of the reasons I want to go is because after I finished having sex with my gf, I noticed she bled a little, but it was no where near the time of the month, and I remember reading one of the std symptoms for females similar to what happened. At this point I'm pretty much so stressed out and don't know what to do. All I know is I want to get tested. Someone....anyone......HELP!!!!

You can just go to the CLSC in Guy-Concordia and ask to be tested. They also have "anonymous" AIDs testing whatever that is (since you still need to show your medicare card). I've gone there a few times to get tested for Gonnorhea and Chlamidia. These tests are free with your medicare card (at least I didn't pay anything when I did them a few years ago after an accident). If you've never been tested for Gonnorhea and Chlamidia, it is basically the "q-tip" test where the doctor (actually probably a McGill intern at the Guy-Concordia CLSC) takes a q-tip like instrument and inserts it into the "hole" of your penis. From what I remember, he/she then turns it slightly for around 10 seconds before pulling it out. Needless to say, it is quite painful/discomfortable. You also should not have "pee-ed" in the last hour or so before the test (if I remember correctly).


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
last question....

So far so good, but I just have one question left. I plan to visit on Thursday but want to know what I should get tested for since there's so many different types of std's. I know Gonnorhea and Chlamidia and HIV tests will be done.....anything else I'm missing? Sorry for asking all these is my first time and I'm a little nervous and need to be informed. Thanks again!


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
last call...

Gonnorhea, chlamidia, HIV, hep A B & C?! Is this the list for a person going for the first time should do? Is this the final answer friends? Last call....


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
yungone said:
Gonnorhea, chlamidia, HIV, hep A B & C?! Is this the list for a person going for the first time should do? Is this the final answer friends? Last call....

Nobody mentioned syphilis?!
Just tell the doc that you participated in some potentially unsafe sex practices and you want to be checked for STIs, HIV and hepatitus. Also I strongly reccomend that you get vaccinated for Hep A & B after you get your results.



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
also VDRL for syphylis, which has seen increase in its prevalence over the last few years... all are in the same blood tests (HIV, VDRL, hepatitis), just one more tube... Ask you doctor about what he-she recommends

Metoo4, about bleeding after sex...
List of causes is long but usually does not include gonorhea or chlamydia per se (usually would not be simple pure fresh blood...) . Most common: too hard/long deep intense sex, polyp on woman's cervix, too low dose of hormone if woman on pill, etc etc (long list). Message is: once is not an issue, repeated or frequent should be examined by a doctor to make sure its not more serious-treatable.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
All you paranoid dudes, next time yo have sex, slip a garbage bag over your head.:rolleyes:


Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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CWipes Agenda?

General Gonad said:
All you paranoid dudes, next time yo have sex, slip a garbage bag over your head.:rolleyes:


Exactly!! CWipes, you don't want to take the chance of catching and STD then don't see SP's, as a matter of fact don't pick up a girl at Thursdays or any other singles like joint cause your cock is gonna fall off! It's as simple as that. Asking them to provide you with current STD results is completely asinine.

After reading your posts here and on another private board it appears to me you've got some type of agenda going on and I can, without reservation, say that you worry me more than any of the other posters here. :eek:


Mar 31, 2006
Special K said:
Exactly!! CWipes, you don't want to take the chance of catching and STD then don't see SP's, as a matter of fact don't pick up a girl at Thursdays or any other singles like joint cause your cock is gonna fall off! It's as simple as that. Asking them to provide you with current STD results is completely asinine.

After reading your posts here and on another private board it appears to me you've got some type of agenda going on and I can, without reservation, say that you worry me more than any of the other posters here. :eek:

Ya know, I'm not forcing you to read or reply to this post. Yet you seem to have a strong opinon on the matter considering you're reading and replying to this on multiple boards.

And although I don't have an "Agenda", I will say that if what you have to add to the topic is neither informative on the subject or humorous, then you can SHUT THE HELL UP!

STDs are out there. They aren't going away by not talking about them...

Have a nice day,

- CWipes
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