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Story of a white agency owner's car.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Bananas From Guatamala

Korbel said:
Hello Eastender,

Yes, they were friends. Sorry the rest is privileged. Actually, I condensed some of the sequence of events in my memory mistakenly. At the lunch there was no business relationship at the time. What there was is in the same character of assistance as CA describes. So I will go back and clarify that.



Corrections made. Apologies for writing sloppily.


You efforts in this thread are greatly appreciated. Kindly satisfy our curiosity.
At the lunch were bananas from Guatamala on the menu?:D

Russian Lady

Goddess of Love
Aug 9, 2008
Montreal Canada
CoolAmadeus said:
Let`s see how early in the story people will be able to guess who I`m talking about...

The car is white and was driven by a woman.

The woman had no credit whatsoever, so she couldn`t afford ANY car.

She was playing a guy making him think he was a genuine friend (yeah, yeah, stupid me! LOL).

The ``friend`` co-signed with her on this high-scale brand new car.
At some point the ``friend`` realized he was being played and pulled away.
The car was still being driven by the woman, but one out of every 2 payments bounced.

At some point the SAAQ seized the car for a month (unpaid tickets? no driver licence? I don`t know). The car dealer tried to keep the car, but she outsmart them and could keep it. One thing we have to give her... She can sweet talk anyone! BEWARE!

8 months later the car was 6 payments late, and the dealer finally seized it. Being jointly responsible for the car, the ``friend`` continue paying to not have his credit affected by this crapy story, and paid, and paid, and paid... The car stayed in a parking lot during 6 months....

The car was recently brought back on the road, but the **** had left it in a real shitty condition:
- The direction completely flaky (front and rear stabilizers had to be replaced: $350).
- She drove so badly, she managed to burn the clutch, after 77000 km only (replaced: $2100)
- Car couldn`t be aligned with the shitty tires that were on it (replaced: $1200)
And the worst of all.... It still smells her perfume!!! YUK!

Funny thing, someone I knew a while ago made a joke about her plate number (### SPB). He called her the Service Provider Bitch! Now that is funny!

The woman played dirty tricks to many other guys (in the 6 digits total), even to a young woman close to her, heartlessly, and disappeared... I wonder why? Want to hear more dirty stories????? Should I?? There are so many to tell!

Hey Ang! (or should I say ``double-trouble``?) How is it dealing with the day to day operating of ``forbiddenfantasies`` ? Feel at home? We all know you never really left! ;)

By the way, if anyone is interested, I have an Acura TL for sale!

WOW! How much are you asking for the TL? Could be interesting! LOL... I know who this WOMAN is. Funny, I use to see her all over the West Island with that car driving crazy, just flooring it, squealing tires and etc...she should be ashamed of herself at that age acting so irresponsable and childish.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
LeGuy said:
Korbel and Tony,

Please get a room !!!! Your never ending fights are annoying to say the least. I sincerely hope you'll start ignoring each other.
Hello LeGuy,

You're a good man. No kidding. But I never thought this was him. Now I know it wasn't the other person I thought it might be, and I don't mean GG either.

Yes, the feud has gotten old, just like the many against GG. Didn't many, including you, enjoy taking pot shots at him for a long time. Would it still be going on if he were here. Hope not. Sometimes we ALL need to learn when to quit.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Yes, the feud has gotten old, just like the many against GG. Didn't many, including you, enjoy taking pot shots at him for a long time. Would it still be going on if he were here. Hope not. Sometimes we ALL need to learn when to quit.
Sorry, Korbie, but this is utter crap. Every feud in which GG was involved was ENTIRELY of his own making. His Elmer Gantry-esque self-righteousness and his projection of his own mental illness upon nearly every board member he assaulted earned him each and every one of his well deserved bannings.

One thing you're right about is that the feuds would still be going on if he was still permitted to go on about his self-righteous ways on this board. He would make damn sure of that.

As Special K put it so aptly in his signature, "Woo Hoo. A GG free merb at last." As the number one focus of his obsessive compulsive disorder, I certainly hope it stays that way.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
To go back to the thread's early stages ... I gather the woman's name was Cel*ne. Can anyone throw out some clues as to the name of her old agency? Or her new one? My apologies if someone already has and I missed it.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Sorry, Korbie, but this is utter crap. Every feud in which GG was involved was ENTIRELY of his own making. His Elmer Gantry-esque self-righteousness and his projection of his own mental illness upon nearly every board member he assaulted earned him each and every one of his well deserved bannings.

One thing you're right about is that the feuds would still be going on if he was still permitted to go on about his self-righteous ways on this board. He would make damn sure of that.

As Special K put it so aptly in his signature, "Woo Hoo. A GG free merb at last." As the number one focus of his obsessive compulsive disorder, I certainly hope it stays that way.
Hey Rumples,

No one denies GG was his own worst enemy. But everyone was also guilty guilty of feeding the fire. No fire. Well, in GGs case maybe so. But he could have just been left bellowing in the wind alone, instead of everyone chasing some cases up to stalking him. And it sure isn't crap. Many loved the sport of goading GG. That was clear. Some even asked me to irritate him purposely, for fun, or to help get him banned, which I refused. Hell...there's one or two that don't come around any more without him to attack, and were coincidentally missing whenever he was banned.


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