One thing that this thread may have accomplished is to open the eyes of some, that things may not be the way you think they are or like to believe they are in hobbyland. Lets forget about agency owner/ client but look at the sp/ client(john) as that is much more likely to turn out to be a potential problem.
As i said recently some may think they are friends with sp’s but can you drop into their place unannounced or can they do the same at your place. When you call them will they pick up if they are with a family member, if they call you will you do the same. If you see them walking down the street with an older couple can you approach them not knowing if it is their parents with them or would you avoid them. If you can’t you may not be the friend to them that you think you are.
In hobbyland at times we all like to gloss things over or suger coat them. We have all done it at one time or another, i know i have. A good example take the term hobbyist, where do we think that term came from. Do we think some poor John was hauled into court and called a john who was paying for sex and the judge stood up and said hold on now thats a little rough, he looks like a clean cut respectable person so from this day forward in my court he shall be called a hobbyist or is it possible that the term came from a John who wanted to put a different label on himself. I may do a poll on this later to see what people think
So where am i going with this, how do sp’s see us. There is a well known board member who used to go by the handle Justajohn and that about sums it up they see us as john’s. Now hold on now for those of you who are getting your backs to the wall being a John does not make us a good person or a bad person but just a john. There is a silver lining to all of this although the sp’s see as us a john they may see us as a current John, an ex John, a good John, a bad John, a wealthy John, a poor John, a cynical John or a delusional John but they see us as some type of John. Now unfortunately some sp’s(not all) their favourite type of John is a combination of a wealthy but delusional John. These types of John’s are great for the bottom line and are hard to replace. If you are not able to connect the dots and understand why this is you may be border line delusional so pm me and i will try to break it down further for you.
Now for those amongst us who are starting to fall in love with that sp that we just passed an envelope to for paid sex or think she is falling in love with you or, for those amongst us who think you are becoming friends, good friends, best friends, yada, yada, yada with the sp that you paid to have sex with you owe yourself at least this much. Do yourself a favor and the first cement wall you see bash your head into it, come on now, once is not enough you must do it until you knock yourself out. When you awaken you may want to re evaluate your situation and realize that this was less painful and less expensive then the alternative