Montreal Escorts

suggestions to help a friend get started

Jan 29, 2014
Hello peoples :)

I have a friend looking to start in this industry and her living situation and time would not exactly allow her to start out as an indy.
I am a bit out of the loop as to which agencies are in vogue these days and also wonder where her specific type would fit best :)

She is tall and slim, very petite breasts, blue hair, and piercings, and glasses.
Bit of a geek and a bit shy, more quiet and vanilla than her blue hair would first make you think.

let's make it clear I am not currently offering help booking her or advertising her services, I am seeking advice as to which agency would best suit a punky yet slightly nerdy vibe :)

Name suggestions would be cool too :p

thank you kindly and have a great day!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Amelie if your protégé Zoe was a legend.... than you are a legend maker.
Any advice you give her is certain to end well.
The best agency for her, in my opinion, based on your description would be an agency you know well....Wildtime. Another agency that has quirky girls is MM.
You have a large choice based on the results of the recent best off 2017 thread.

BTW are you planning any duos with her?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Most agency owners I have spoken to will evaluate her and determine how good she looks and whether she will be able to book consistently based on her looks and personality. They may want to test her out service sort of unofficially before she hits the official schedule, either with agency trusted clients or agency operatives themselves, depending on the agency.

Some years ago I saw an agency escort who came from Toronto to work in Montreal with her friend. Both around 19-20 years old. The agency owner, someone who is highly respected in Montreal, hired the girl I saw (5'9" lean brunette) on the spot. He then told her friend, "sorry, but I don't think you will book that well." The friend was crushed and devastated. The brunette was also sad for her friend, but understood the agency owner made a business decision and it was not anything personal. Still, the friend did not see rejection as a possible outcome and was stunned and devastated by it.

It's a personal decision, of course, but your friend may want to tone down the edginess of her look as described by you. If she is in the business, I presume it's to make money, and she will reach the widest array of clients possible by somewhat mainstreaming her look for the more conservative clients who call for her. Some ladies do not want to do this, their attitude is you take me for what I am or not at all, and that's fine, if they understand they may not work as much as they otherwise might, or get repeat business from certain clients.

As far as specific agencies, she will get an honest assessment by most of the well reviewed agencies, simply direct her to the MERB best agency polls for the last year or two. They should speak for themselves.
Jan 29, 2014
hmm I was under the impression that a pretty, tall, skinny girl with some edgyness to her would actually give her a chance to stick out of the crowd in an agency setting?

Is there really not enough demand for an edgy look? In this city? I am surprised honestly!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
What ? No. I have never had an issue getting calls because I have piercings and tattoos lol. There are many girls with colored hair, tattoos and alternative looks and some do pretty damn well... let's not forget people all like different things, not everyone dislikes edgy looks :p

Btw - I myself was rejected by an agency owner saying "I have a difficult clientele and dont think you will have success doing this". Lol look at me now !
Jan 29, 2014
Ok that's what I thought... I guess everyone has different taste.

I was also rejected by the first agency I tried to join, and I've had a very good career :)

Anyway I'll let this thread roll around for a day or two and give her recommendations based on that.

(also thank you cloudsurf, you're a sweetheart)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
She will never know until she starts knocking at their door. Currently MM could say we already have 2-3 edgy girl what I need now is blond spinner... But she goes back a month later and she would be all in ;)

My 2 cents...



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's good to know you have it all figured out. My point was that if she was interested in getting the widest array of clients. I never said she would get not any clients. Through the years I have booked escort parties for different groups of friends I have brought to Montreal, all professional men from their 30s to their 50s, most in the US financial industry. I can tell you right now I would have been told no on this girl based on her description. Call up James and ask him, because he knows it's not what these guys want. I know what they want, and it's also often something I do not want. And they rely on me to get it for them, so I can book one girl for me but I better book the rest that they like. They like girls who look like college coeds and if they are professionally dressed all the better. It's fine if someone never wants to see their business. But I think they represent a pretty fair cross section of the American tourist business in Montreal. These guys want to do escort parties, then nut at a massage parlor, and then hit the clubs, and have lots of recreational drugs and booze in between, and somewhere in there will be a trip to buy crepes somewhere because we can't get them like that at home. I can't keep up with them and do not try. But they never left a weekend with me in Montreal not having a great time, and that is a fact.

I get the following instructions usually: (1) no overly tatted or pierced girls; (2) good English and good social skills; (3) no girls who do not get along with each other and girls who if not friends can vibe well with each other and us in a party setting; (4) no girls who have unequal power at the agency or a favored or unfavored status at the agency vs. the other girls. You have no idea how hard it is to make everyone happy, when one guy specifies he wants a girl who is "meaty", another who says no girls over 5'7", another who says no fake tits. But the commonalities are pretty much what I said above, so I stick to what everyone likes instead of the differences.

And if someone is not interested in $660 for 3 hours party, food and drinks paid for and only 1 hour of which is private time up in the room, they are free to pass it up too. It's all free choice on both sides. Ask some of the escorts who partied with us if they did not have a good time. Asterisk on the last party when I was extremely sick and was unable to nut an entire weekend for the first time ever on any weekend in Montreal, but manned up and went through with the party anyway, even though my friends offered to pay for my girl and buy my share out. I did not let them which, while objectively stupid, was also loyal to the plan we had made.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Whether a girl is successful in this business depends on many factors besides her specific physical appearance, but physical appearance is a very important starting point. Every guy tends to have certain preferences when it comes to physical appearance and based on Amélie's description of her friend, I don't think she fits into a category that would attract as many guys as girls with a more conventional appearance. There just aren't as many guys who think, "Damn, I love tall, skinny geeky girls with blue hair and glasses" as the number of guys who think, "Damn I love beautiful blondes with long, lustrous hair and great natural boobs."

Nevertheless, there definitely are some guys who would prefer the blue-haired girl to the blonde. I also think many guys are more flexible in their preferences than they are willing to admit at first. So there is a market for a girl with her look.

Furthermore, other factors will determine her success in this business as much or more than her physical appearance, namely her personality and her level of service. Is she sweet, friendly and seductive or is she unpleasant, distant and uninteresting? Does she perform reliably, enthusiastically and convincingly or does she disengage when it's time for sex?

You can be the most beautiful escort in Montreal but if your personality and service don't meet a certain standard then you won't be successful. Even some guys who don't prefer a girl with her look will want to see her if word gets out that she is a great performer when it comes to sex (to put it another way, if she gives great BBBJs, then she will get business :D ).

As for whether she should change her look, I would say that's ultimately up to her. But I would consider doing so after she has gotten some experience and gauged how much business she gets and how guys react to her look. I think you can look sophisticated and conventionally feminine while retaining a certain edginess. Amélie, based on your current photos you seem to have achieved that kind of balance in your look. :thumb:

Finally I would add Montreal Sex City to the list of agencies that she check out. They have always offered a wide variety of different types of girls and I think she might fit in there.
Jan 29, 2014
thanks guys I've passed on your recommendations.

She wants to go the agency route so for now unless it's ok with her agency I won't put her on my duo list in order to not complicate things.
We shall see which route she chooses, I'm only here to help her and give her recommendations as a friend :)

big hugs!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If the agency she chooses happens to be a Merb advertiser....please let us know who the lucky agency is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Neverbored...Amelie said her friend is not indy material for the moment,

What is "not Indy material" mean? She actually shows up? LOL. What is required of an Indy? A few photos on a web site and a 2nd cell phone? Why not give her a little coaching and maybe take her for a 3-sum and set her up that way? It seems to me that this is like falling off a log.

If there is a language barrier or she needs someone keeping her schedule then why not add James to that list If James is coming back, she ought to have a cup of coffee with him and see what he thinks.
Jan 29, 2014
What is "not Indy material" mean? She actually shows up? LOL. What is required of an Indy? A few photos on a web site and a 2nd cell phone? Why not give her a little coaching and maybe take her for a 3-sum and set her up that way? It seems to me that this is like falling off a log.

Honestly if someone needs to keep this work life a secret in their home life, or if they have a full time job and don't have time to advertise and check references, hire drivers, book incalls...
I don't see why you find the need to insult anyone in this process.

Being an indy means running your own business, and some people's life situation just cannot allow them to do that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
My point is that this is not a matter of capital intensity.

Of the indies I know, many have a person that handles inquiries and correspondence for them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Has she indicated whether she would prefer to do incall or outcall ? There is an agency I go to on a semi regular basis in Laval that might suit her since they don't discriminate based on body type. It might be a stepping stone to working as an indy Contact me via PM and I'll give you the owners co-ordinates


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015

It's good to know you have it all figured out. My point was that if she was interested in getting the widest array of clients. I never said she would get not any clients. Through the years I have booked escort parties for different groups of friends I have brought to Montreal, all professional men from their 30s to their 50s, most in the US financial industry. I can tell you right now I would have been told no on this girl based on her description. Call up James and ask him, because he knows it's not what these guys want. I know what they want, and it's also often something I do not want. And they rely on me to get it for them, so I can book one girl for me but I better book the rest that they like. They like girls who look like college coeds and if they are professionally dressed all the better. It's fine if someone never wants to see their business. But I think they represent a pretty fair cross section of the American tourist business in Montreal. These guys want to do escort parties, then nut at a massage parlor, and then hit the clubs, and have lots of recreational drugs and booze in between, and somewhere in there will be a trip to buy crepes somewhere because we can't get them like that at home. I can't keep up with them and do not try. But they never left a weekend with me in Montreal not having a great time, and that is a fact.

I get the following instructions usually: (1) no overly tatted or pierced girls; (2) good English and good social skills; (3) no girls who do not get along with each other and girls who if not friends can vibe well with each other and us in a party setting; (4) no girls who have unequal power at the agency or a favored or unfavored status at the agency vs. the other girls. You have no idea how hard it is to make everyone happy, when one guy specifies he wants a girl who is "meaty", another who says no girls over 5'7", another who says no fake tits. But the commonalities are pretty much what I said above, so I stick to what everyone likes instead of the differences.

And if someone is not interested in $660 for 3 hours party, food and drinks paid for and only 1 hour of which is private time up in the room, they are free to pass it up too. It's all free choice on both sides. Ask some of the escorts who partied with us if they did not have a good time. Asterisk on the last party when I was extremely sick and was unable to nut an entire weekend for the first time ever on any weekend in Montreal, but manned up and went through with the party anyway, even though my friends offered to pay for my girl and buy my share out. I did not let them which, while objectively stupid, was also loyal to the plan we had made.

EagerBeaver speaks wise. I couldn't have said it better. If you read the MERB forum discussions, it seems similar to a typical American guy's perspective and a guy's perspective is what you want. Blondes sell well. Slim girls with a bit of ass sell well. Big breasts, preferably natural. Brunettes and redheads are just fine as long as they have the co-ed look.

You don't see guys on MERB raving about a woman's unnatural hair color or piercings. Even with tattoos, most guys discuss them in the context of the tats were small or not distracting.

It really doesn't matter because a reputable agency operator is going to sit her down and tell your friend what she needs to do market herself. Tell her to keep an open mind.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
''cleaned up a bit''

Let's not have this discussion.
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