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suggestions to help a friend get started


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Trust me, if you are doing well like that, you'd be in a different league if you cleaned up a bit.
Particularly with a business/financial crowd.
If you want to make money GND is the way to go.
If you want to see for yourself, check out how well the "edgy" girls do in the SCs compared to the GNDs.

What a stupid comment to make ! Your assumption is that everyone shares your taste's, wrong. I am a businessman in a senior position with a large Canadian corporation. I have tattoo's myself and have no problem with them on a woman. To suggest that a beautiful woman like Julia or any other would do better if "cleaned up " suggests a prejudice on your part towards women with tattoo's ! Try to understand that the rest of the world doesn't necessarily share the same prejudice's. Thank god everyone doesn't look the same in this world


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Trust me, if you are doing well like that, you'd be in a different league if you cleaned up a bit.
Particularly with a business/financial crowd.
If you want to make money GND is the way to go.
If you want to see for yourself, check out how well the "edgy" girls do in the SCs compared to the GNDs.

If we were talking about working in a corporate world or if it was for social time and company outings. I would understand your point of view. But then again a middle age man with a young 19 year old at a social work event even if the girl was cleaned up would probably raise lot of suspicions. But an edgy girl who provides an amazing service should stay edgy. In this industry guys talk a lot more about service than looks. If the look is pleasing towards what YOU ( by you i mean everybody) and the service is good. Then that is a gem!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I overlooked the "edgy." can you define edgy? Does this mean pins and tattoos everywhere and blue or rainbow colored hair with with the left side of her head shaved and torn fishnets in flat converse high-top sneakers with black fingernails? If so, I tend to side with Maurice on this one. No one is going to take a 19 year old to a corporate event but still....

Anyone a fan of Larry David and Curb Your Enthusiasm? Have you seen the latest season (season 9) Episode #2? Larry is living in a hotel because a group of Muslim clerics have put a fatwa on him. While exiting his room, he runs into an obvious escort in the hallway. He looks at her and asks her why she has to dress like that? He suggests the girl next door look and to wear more elegant dresses and to ditch the sleazy stereotypical look. The escort said she wanted to but didn't really have the money. Larry told her to invest in the first dress and pretty soon her closet would be full of elegant clothing and her business will boom as a result. So she swore off animal prints and fish nets and committed to giving it a try. Larry runs into her a month later and she looks stunning. She looked like a wedding date or a prom date and her business had went through the roof.

I have no idea of what this girl looks like but I, myself, can do without too much edgy. That may impress the other beatniks at the coffee shop but I prefer a minimum of edge and the elegant girl next door look.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
....Anyone a fan of Larry David and Curb Your Enthusiasm? Have you seen the latest season (season 9) Episode #2? Larry is living in a hotel because a group of Muslim clerics have put a fatwa on him. While exiting his room, he runs into an obvious escort in the hallway. He looks at her and asks her why she has to dress like that? He suggests the girl next door look and to wear more elegant dresses...

Here's the clip where Larry meets the hooker in the hotel hallway and offers his fashion advice. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thank you Capt. That was perfect.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron, I loved that episode as well. Larry rents a street walker so he can use the carpool lane and she ends up using his extra ticket. At the game, Larry runs into two snobs from the country club that had just interviewed him for potential membership in their uppity country club. He looks at them and he shouts out "She gives a hell of a blow job."

19 year-old girls will tend to dress like 19-year old girls. I remember seeing Christina as one of her first appointments and she had a good part of the left side of her head shaven. The fact was that on a scale of 1-10, Christina is still a 10,000 and she wasn't going anywhere until we had our yeah, I don't mind some edginess. But look at her today! Oh my she has grown! I ran into her at a party and she looks like the escort that Larry David helped out (Victoria Minnie). Consider Isabella Desrosiers. She was young but she showed up looking like a wedding date and she was a 20-year old indy and you could hardly book her! I'll never forget the look on the bar maids face that I was talking with when Isabella met me in the bar. Look at Jennifer...Patron, have you seen Jennifer in a little black dress??? Girls that are good at this will ditch the "rebel without a cause" look and maximize profits.

By the way, I think the best episode of CYE is when the Orthodox Jewish girl jumped off a ski lift rather then be with Larry after sunset.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
But then what if you're edgy and still managed to maximize profits because you're, well, good at this ? I have more piercings than ink, but I still get fully booked and made a name for myself..

I did change my looks a bit when getting in the business not gonna lie. I reduced the size of my septum piercing and started dressing a lot more feminine and wearing makeup and actually taking care of my looks when I go out (which I used to not do because I hated how I look anyways. This job helped me a lot on many levels.) But I will never remove my piercings for the job. They are expensive and I dont want useless scars. My clients like me because I'm nice and cool and fun and other stuff. It's okay to be edgy in the biz as long as you do your thing well, you will do well. And lots of guys meet me specifically because I have piercings and they love it.

Also - ever thought that the supply of edgy girls being smaller, whenever guys are looking for that, these girls get all the business ? Imagine 100 guys looking for a GND blonde. How many are there ? Now imagine 100 guys who want to try a blue-hair hottie... There are not so many. The blonde GND will grab 15 of those 100 clients because she's great. The blue hair girl might get 70 of those 100 clients because she has blue hair and 99% of the other girls are natural-hair GND (exaggerating but you get the idea).

Until you're an escort with an edgy look who does her thing well I don't think you can really talk about what it's like being an edgy girl in this business. You don't really know and it shows...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
A edgy young lady just made my sandwich at Subway. She has even one-upped some of the other young ladies out there. She had a sleeve tattoo on her entire arm of green scales. She had one side of her head shaved and the green scales continued up the side of her head!! Yes, you read this correct. She had scales on the side of her head!!! I thought this was a little excessive. It was not attractive.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Si c'est vraiment une amie, moi je refuserais de lui donner des conseils, sauf celui d'écouter que sa petite voix.


Mar 26, 2006
What ? No. I have never had an issue getting calls because I have piercings and tattoos lol. There are many girls with colored hair, tattoos and alternative looks and some do pretty damn well... let's not forget people all like different things, not everyone dislikes edgy looks :p

Btw - I myself was rejected by an agency owner saying "I have a difficult clientele and dont think you will have success doing this". Lol look at me now !

A lot of men (like myself) value sexual skill and submissiveness over top model looks and a stuck up attitude. Sometimes those qualities combine, but it's rare and I will always take the girl next door who will get on her knees and service me the way a man should be serviced over the princess afraid to get cum in her face or a little bruise on her knee.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Maverick a year or 2 ago I would have been offended by what you wrote. Now? I am totally with you ;)



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jalimon we both enjoy kinky moments as long as its fun and no disrespect is shown. Most of all if the woman is turned on too by the game.
I`m not offended by what Maverick wrote but I am offended by his attitude toward women in general.
Degrading another human and causing them pain and shame does not the least bit turn me on.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Si ton "amie" ne sait ni lire, ni écrire, ni se forger une opinion par elle-même sur comment et à qui offrir son propre penses-tu pas justement que ce milieu n'est pas pour elle ?

Aussi, ce qui me fascine, appelons ça de joli-fication, en quoi tu penses être la personne qui peut donner de bons conseils alors qu'on a toutes notre propre façon de faire nos affaires (j'imagine, pas pour rien). Notons que par la nature du présent post, on voit bien que tu n'en a pas à lui en fournir puisque tu demandes de l'aide...aux loups.


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Si ton "amie" ne sait ni lire, ni écrire, ni se forger une opinion par elle-même sur comment et à qui offrir son propre penses-tu pas justement que ce milieu n'est pas pour elle ?
Euh, désolé de te contredire mais c’est tout le contraire! Le moins sélective qu’elle est, le plus en demande qu’elle devient et le plus d’argent qu’elle et les gens avec qui elle s’associe font. Maintenant est-ce souhaitable pour l’amie? C’est à elle d’en juger.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Euh, désolé de te contredire mais c’est tout le contraire! Le moins sélective qu’elle est, le plus en demande qu’elle devient et le plus d’argent qu’elle et les gens avec qui elle s’associe font. Maintenant est-ce souhaitable pour l’amie? C’est à elle d’en juger.

Tout un ami !


New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Whoa minute là, MochaLaMulata, ce n’est pas du tout ça que j’ai dit! Relis attentivement l’extrait du commentaire de Melyssa que j’ai cité: elle aborde le sujet sous l’angle de ce qu’elle appelle «le milieu» en disant qu’une demoiselle qui n’est pas sélective n’est pas faite pour le milieu. Moi je lui explique simplement que «le milieu» préférera toujours la personne qui n’est pas sélective pour les raisons évidentes qu’elle a une plus grande étendue sur le marché et que, du fait, elle rapporte plus. C’est quoi qui n’est pas correct de dire ça? C’est un constat qui décrit comment «le milieu» perçoit tout ça. Ce n’est pas du tout mon opinion et jamais je ne donnerais de conseil à quiconque. J’ai été très très clair dans mon commentaire; d’ailleurs je choisis toujours mes mots méticuleusement.Pour preuve, j’ai même pris la peine d’ajouter que chaque personne visée par le commentaire décide pour elle-même si c’est une bonne chose ou non de s’étendre aussi largement dans le marché alors pourquoi déformes-tu complètement ce que j’ai dit?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hey ho arreter. Desole mais Melyssa c'est du n'importe quoi. Tout ses post sont a la limite du troll. Donc relisez le post de Hanna qui est un résumé de bon sens et je pense que cette discussion devrait s'arreter à ca.



New Member
Nov 12, 2017
Encore une fois je n’ai JAMAIS au grand JAMAIS dit qu’il est préférable de ne pas être sélective! Je répète et stp lis attentivement cette fois-ci: J’AI DIT QUE C’EST COMME ÇA QUE LE MILIEU - PAS MOI - VOIT ÇA! C’est quoi qui n’est pas clair? Je n’en reviens pas que j’aie à me défendre à propos de quelque chose que je n’ai pas dit! Ouf!
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