Montreal Escorts

Summary of "To Do Lists" ??


sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010

I want to add a little constructive criticism to this thread and I hope I'm not out of line. I certainly don't want to offend anyone here but sometimes it's really hard to read some posts by some members that are mainly francophones. When you post in English (and i thank you for the effort) why wouldn't you use an online translator before posting in English?

Monsieur, messieurs,

Vous savez, je suis femme de culture et de lettres. Je suis issue d'un riche milieu intellectuel francophone. J'ai baignée toute mon enfance et ma jeunesse dans la soif de la connaissance et dans le désir de m'approprier les découvertes, les théories, les créations, les différents courrants de pensée philosophique, l' histoire, l' évolution, enfin tout ou presque de cette race qu'est la nôtre. La communication est bassin de toute science.

Ma langue maternelle fût le premier abords envers ce digne don humain. Je maîtrise le français d'excellente façon, et ce, sans réelle vertue. En mon milieu famillial ; Il fallait se tenir en parfaite possession de la langue de Molière ; sous peine de sévère réprimande de la part de nos géniteurs! Ceux-ci: Dictateurs de la réussite, insassiables envers notre érudité. Cette langue, j'ai appris à la maîtriser en la parlant, en la lisant, en l'écrivant. Écrire avec une pleine possession du langage est un chemin ardu et demande efforts. Communiquer litérairement sa pensée sans que celle-ci ne soit entachée par l'absence de vocabulaire...c'est à dire, arriver à traduire EXACTEMENT ce qu'intérieurement nous avons à partager sans que notre pensée soit erronée par les limites de l'écrit,est un art en soi et demande une constante veille envers la prose, la synthaxe, la concordance et la pondération. Et à cela, ajoutons la grammaire!!!!!!!!!!! que de travail pour arriver à l'excellence! Voilà pour le français.

Tant qu'à votre langue messieurs les Anglo-saxon, dommage que vous l'ayez (en majorité) négligée, abandonnée, atrofié car elle est pourtant si riche et si séduisante! Je souhaite de tout coeur la maîtriser... Un jour j'espere et ce, tel Car plus nous possédons de moyens de communication....Individuellement. Alors, plus notre capacité de transmettre à d'autres humains ce que constitue notre essence profonde: Notre unicitée, notre â notre satisfaction envers l'autre grandit: Être comprit est une grande satisfaction humaine et donne sens à l'existence.

J'apprendrai et trébucherai......Bien-sûr! Mais merci à ceux qui me donne patience et encouragements je suis en quête de connaissance!
Mais votre langue est capable de si belles choses!
Poeme Anglais:

bonne chance avec google les mecs!

Sarah la diabolique!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
cant post my entire tdl obv, but for my 5 day trip to the island in january i wouldnt be at all dissappointed if it went down like this

1)vega candyshop

2)riley candyshop

3)jersey candyshop (repeat)

4)rachel asservissante

5)eva xxxtase


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
My 2012 TDL:

(1) Chloe Milan of course!
(2) Some of Nadya's VIPS hotties
(3) Alluring Aliyah
(4)Many repeats with one of my favourite in town, Allyson @MGOF (making love to you is always a treat!)


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Everyone I haven't already seen yet! Actually, I've seen most of the girls I wanted to at this point. My TDL isn't too long. Well, it's always long; just not many MUST SEE girls really.

-I've got to find a way to see Vicky Vix
-Tara @ GOF
- The few Eleganza girls I haven't seen (Nika, Teena, New Shanty)
- Jen (from Quebec) @ Chloe's
- A few XXXTase girls (Cassy, Jenna, Jessie)
- Try out a few Asservissante girls
- Got about 6 girls I saw in 2011 I'd like to repeat with


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Q1'12 TDL ... the only way to keep focused to start the yr. ;)

Anne-Sophie @ Nayda's (overdue)
:nod: Fantasia @ Mtl Sex City
removed Penelope @ XXXtase
Prada @ Eleganza
:nod: Tara @ GOF
removed Eva @ XXXtase

Repeats: Ashley @ XXXtase, Tara @ Eleganza, Molly @ Chloe's ...


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
So many possibilities, so short time....

Naomie from MSC
Thalia from MSC
Catalina from CandyShop
Neva from Nadya's

I'll stop there 'cause I'll get to carried on. Oh pleasure!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Elsa Delcor
Hanna of FKS
Girls of MGF
Girls of Eleganza

I would say Naomie of MSC but that first encounter I had with her in 2010 was so amazing I am afraid the second encounter would not match up.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
for toronto:

veronica sway of fks
daniella and devon of cupids

and hopefully capri cavalli and veronica avluv return to vegas. yet other than that i can say vegas is not a good hobbying destination.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
thanks octavian for the link...
in that case, i have to put bambi on my tdl
and sheryl brill,
and honey demon
and nicole.


New Member
Oct 25, 2004
I want to thank GuitarPlaya for beginning this Thread. I will now be in MTL for at least one or two weeks out of every month and want to find someone (or 12) to connect with. You have all given wonderful suggestions and when I'm on the road Sunday, I will begin to phone and do some research. I will post if I have success. How could I not in Montreal?

Enjoy your weekend gentlemen!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Q1'12 TDL ... the only way to keep focused to start the yr. ;)

Anne-Sophie @ Nayda's (still overdue)
:nod: Fantasia @ Mtl Sex City
removed Penelope @ XXXtase
Prada @ Eleganza
:nod: Tara @ GOF
removed Eva @ XXXtase

Repeats: Ashley @ XXXtase, Tara @ Nadya's/ex-Eleganza, Molly @ Chloe's ...

i'm going to blame my delay in meeting up with Anne-Sophie on her... that's right, the finger pointing starts. lol blame your dayjob schedule. :cool:
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