Hi to all of you... (sorry my english is kind of poor)
I'm Melody, some of you already know me (well a little), I have been out of here for a looong while... Almost since I have discovered that site though. I guess approximatly three years ago.
When I first came on merb, it was not only my first viewing of an "escort review" board... It was actually almost my first contact with a board (forum). Since then, I have been on a few board (mostly webmasters boards and others) so now I know a little better the game... or the "thing" whatever. (I mean, people telling "n'importe quoi" or games between old timer and newbies... etc... you know...).
Although, I'm now not SO horrified by this board like I was at first, well, I still think the same way... there is still a big lack of maturity (intellectual and sexual) in here for this tool to be a really usefull tool. I mean, how many people knows how to use merb in a good way ? 5% ? 3% ? 1,2 %
Now, dont tell me how it works and how it's good and how this can be usefull... I know it...pretty well actually and I have used it myself but I dont think that everybody can do it well... (please don't get mad with what I'm writing here... that's how I think)
I know plenty of you will think I'm some kind of little "prétentieuse" or frustrated girl... or either that I'm too sensitive... I'm so not too sensitive mais je ne peux m'empecher de mettre les choses en perspective that's it... and I don't wanna change!
So now, about what Anik brings here in this topic, there is already Stella who exist and I dont know them that much. I think they do a good job and brings some very usefull tools and services for SPs and even for the costumers, so, for those who dont know them go and have a look
I tought many time in the past about involving myself (not sure of what I'm writing here, I mean "m'impliquer") in some way with stella group. But I did not. Now, in the past few weeks I got some new experiences and I was quite surprised...Well, not surprised I should say, but I got some confirmation on what I tought. Now I think it may be the time for me to kick my ass and do something for the girls!!
I'll just tell you what happened to me... of course you will probably think "Well, that's nothing!! There is so many
really bad things that happen to the sex workers"... But, I know that!!!!! I just want to share what I was "not so surprised" about and what you all already knows...that's it!!
First of all, I have been an indy for more than 3 years... I had only one bad experience in all this time (I must say I have never done tons of clients a week though). Anyway... A few weeks ago, as I was tired of doing all the work by myself (taking care of website, publicity, SEO, receptionist, anwsering emails, cleaning the place etc) I deceided to try something different...
First, I wanted to try with an acency... mmmphf... well, I realised quickly that there's no place there for someone who dont want to do GFE (I mean here, unprotected oral sex)... people were telling me that there is no call for a safe-GFE... Well, I do believe it... but how come I have been independant for 3 years and I actually was'nt working enough to awnser all the calls?! I mean they know I am "safe-GFE" there is probably some kind of costumers who are looking for it ? No ?
Anyway, I know (or guess) that it's not the same thing for an agency! Than I told myself once again that I probably attract the non-typicals "hobbyists" which is ok with me.
So, as no agencies wanted someone like me, I went to a massage parlor to give a try, the place was nice and very clean the owners were super sweet... but WoW!! This is a totally different thing and there I understood many things... things that I dont want to live and things that girls should not have to live!!

The fact of having the control on who you will meet (and for the costumer to really who who he is gonna meet) make a very big difference with just beeing there and don't know who is gonna come, who you're gonna meet. Once again, nothing very bad happened to me... but... For all those years I have liked my work and I was so confortable with what I was doing! (Well, I am still!!) But now I understand how sex work can be "unpleasant" for some girls.
So, I deceided to climb back on my little cloud and I am so happy to be there!!
But from now, I do really feel like involving myself into helping others. I'm not an utopist... but If I can help anybody, in any way, I will...
And please dont get me wrong... I dont think that massage parlors or agencies are bad places to work... I just think that every girl have to be confortable with what they are doing, how and where!
Thank's Candy Baby for talking here about some stella's projects!!
Well, I know I write a lot... sorry
Thanks for reading!