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The American Mid-Term Elections: Republicans and Tea Partiers Be Warned.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bush Administration underfunded veterans' health care by $2 billion.

Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care.

The Bush Administration cut $1.5 billion for military family housing, despite Department of Defense statistics showing that in 83,000 barracks and 128,860 family housing units across the country are below standard.

Bush Republicans support millionaires instead of military veterans.

Bush Administration proposal would end health care benefits for 173,000 veterans.

Bush Administration cuts $172 million allotted for educating the children of military personnel.

Bush Administration tax cut denies military families increase in child tax credit.

Bush Administration opposed plan to give National Guard and Reserve Members access to health insurance.

And the list went on and on ! from those who claimed they were supporting the troops !

Great, great post, JH Fan!!!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
That's cool CS...but I have a feeling it would have passed despite the mid-term results. It's simply the right thing to do.

You know what JMAN, that's my point. I"m so proud that all factions (almost 4 our of 5 people means almost total bipartisan support) in my state had the guts to put aside petty parisan BS (Bush did this or Obama did that) that the rest of the nation counldn't and just flat out did it. Both sides came together to care and give. You'll notice, I said Federal Administration & Others meaning basicallly alll the FEDs and other States, not just one party or another, one president or another. The State of Florida overwhelmingly, without a lot of fanfare or bickering just came together to give the military one big Christmas Gift. How cool is that? I think for once, the Florida public deserves a few cudos for walking the walk. It's like saying to each soldier, "Hey, you live here and need to go fight. Just do your job and we'll handle everything here "on the house".
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Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
good post. I'd like to add: "thank you president bush for having made the world much more dangerous today than it ever was."

that's right, it's bush's fault terrorists flew jets into the trade towers and the pentagon. Oh yeah, and bombed the u.s. Embassy, and attacked the u.s.s. Cole, and the munich olympics ... How long ago was that?
P.s., they'll never stop, if you are not one of them then you are the enemy, get it? Doesn't matter who the freakin president is! The nazi's thought they were going to take over the world too ... Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
that's right, it's bush's fault terrorists flew jets into the trade towers and the pentagon. Oh yeah, and bombed the u.s. Embassy, and attacked the u.s.s. Cole, and the munich olympics ... How long ago was that?
P.s., they'll never stop, if you are not one of them then you are the enemy, get it? Doesn't matter who the freakin president is! The nazi's thought they were going to take over the world too ... Live by the sword, die by the sword!

Ouch. Looks like i hit a nerve. :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

OK, this guy DeMint is a fucking moron: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/11/14/goper-calls-for-big-change/?hpt=C2

He's starting to remind me of the exact opposite magnetic pole of Pelosi. How repulsive(pun intended)

To most of us here the fact that the Democratic opponents in the mid-term election are the most extreme Republicans...ie...Tea Partiers, or polar opposites of Pelosi, and were all about "the need to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012" instead of solving the country's problems has been inescapable nearly since the election campaigns started. A true centrist should have realized that fact long ago.The Republicans and Tea Partiers never had any intention of cooperating in bipartisan statesmanship, something that has also been inescapable to most of us for a very, veeerrrrry long time.

The Republican/Tea Party campaign was not about solving problems, it was about using issues to entrench partisan power on their side...something that was generally easy to see well before the vote. Their gains were almost entirely due to the state of the economy, mostly unemployment and the public discontent with how long it was taking to turn the economy around, not majority belief in them. They had better beware to get things done instead of putting their focus on undermining everything they see as Democrat or Liberal (as they see it) or they will be out. The country doesn't believe in them (Republicans/Tea Partiers) as a whole. The country wants substantive positive results, NOT partisan politics, while the main priority of Republican/Tea Partiers so far seems to be...undoing everything "Democrat". Huge mistake!

Not that extremists on the "Left" are any better, but how could anyone miss what the Tea Party is?????

Happy awakening,

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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008

To most of us here the fact that the Democratic opponents in the mid-term election are the most extreme Republicans...ie...Tea Partiers, or polar opposites of Pelosi, and were all about "the need to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012" instead of solving the country's problems has been inescapable nearly since the election campaigns started. A true centrist should have realized that fact long ago.The Republicans and Tea Partiers never had any intention of cooperating in bipartisan statesmanship, something that has also been inescapable to most of us for a very, veeerrrrry long time.

The Republican/Tea Party campaign was not about solving problems, it was about using issues to entrench partisan power on their side...something that was generally easy to see well before the vote. Their gains were almost entirely due to the state of the economy, mostly unemployment and the public discontent with how long it was taking to turn the economy around, not majority belief in them. They had better beware to get things done instead of putting their focus on undermining everything they see as Democrat or Liberal (as they see it) or they will be out. The country doesn't believe in them (Republicans/Tea Partiers) as a whole. The country wants substantive positive results, NOT partisan politics, while the main priority of Republican/Tea Partiers so far seems to be...undoing everything "Democrat". Huge mistake!

Not that extremists on the "Left" are any better, but how could anyone miss what the Tea Party is?????

Happy awakening,


Ya know ! most of the people outside of the United states felt that the Clinton affair was plainly just a campaign against his reputation and had nothing to do about real gov. of a nation. What followed is the feeling that the first mandate of Bush was obtained by cheating. And then... all this hatred against so many.

It's plain to see that those Rep who don't want to work with Obama to clear the mess the Bush admin did are the same who basically hate everyone else but themselves.

Obama being at the white house meant for rest of the world (almost everyone) a chance to get back to a tolerante and understanding nation away from the Bush era.

But it ain't gonna happen cuze there is way too much hatred and division among Americans.

This is the result of all those years of this culture of always blaming others and seeing life as being black or white.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ya know ! most of the people outside of the United states felt that the Clinton affair was plainly just a campaign against his reputation and had nothing to do about real gov. of a nation. What followed is the feeling that the first mandate of Bush was obtained by cheating. And then... all this hatred against so many.

It's plain to see that those Rep who don't want to work with Obama to clear the mess the Bush admin did are the same who basically hate everyone else but themselves.

Obama being at the white house meant for rest of the world (almost everyone) a chance to get back to a tolerante and understanding nation away from the Bush era.

But it ain't gonna happen cuze there is way too much hatred and division among Americans.

This is the result of all those years of this culture of always blaming others and seeing life as being black or white.

An absolutely great post! Well said & well done!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Ya know ! most of the people outside of the United states felt that the Clinton affair was plainly just a campaign against his reputation and had nothing to do about real gov. of a nation. What followed is the feeling that the first mandate of Bush was obtained by cheating. And then... all this hatred against so many.

It's plain to see that those Rep who don't want to work with Obama to clear the mess the Bush admin did are the same who basically hate everyone else but themselves.

Obama being at the white house meant for rest of the world (almost everyone) a chance to get back to a tolerante and understanding nation away from the Bush era.

But it ain't gonna happen cuze there is way too much hatred and division among Americans.

This is the result of all those years of this culture of always blaming others and seeing life as being black or white.

The problem with both sides is they fail to see and try to understand the other's position. For me the Clinton issue can be reduced down to one sentence "It depends on what your definition of "is" is?". Clinton's legacy was that he made it acceptable to outright lie to the American People. Not that it hadn't and wouldn't be done again and again. He just minced words and the American People had to accept that their President was going to lie to them and not be held accountable. No one cares about his affair. Hell, I'd question him if he didn't fool around after having to share a bed with Hillary. That's a site that could turn any man gay. Nope, it was a key moment in our history. The presidency is not only a politician, but our moral leader. When he said it's OK to lie, cheat and deceive it put America on a dangerous road.

While the Tea Partiers are a bit extreme the underhanded tactics of the Pelosi Administration were no better. Pelosi used Sherman's tactics of burning everything in sight to achieve her dream and goals without regards to the opinions of the American People. Obama alluded to this in his "concession speech" where he admitted that perhaps they'd gone too fast and it had been "ugly". He further admitted that he had failed to consult the American People. So it's clear the real failures of the Pelosi/Obama Administration was it's failure to listen to the American People and its own extremism.

Unfortunately even though Obama has given signals to the right of his willingness to compromise, the retention of Pelosi has made it impossible for the right to meet him. Again, this will mean an essentially lameduck government until 2012. Even 2012 is doubtfull, as the Democrats/Pelosi and the TeaPartiers/DeMint will continue, as many have done here, in pointing the finger at the other side. The result will be a polarized nation that cannot move forward.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
I laugh my backside off whenever I look at an escort board and see Clinton pilloried for getting his cock sucked and lying or parsing words about it. As for myself, I am always dead honest when people ask me what happened on my trip to Montreal, and I'm sure that goes for everyone else here, too.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I laugh my backside off whenever I look at an escort board and see Clinton pilloried for getting his cock sucked and lying or parsing words about it. As for myself, I am always dead honest when people ask me what happened on my trip to Montreal, and I'm sure that goes for everyone else here, too.
You know, bumfie, when replying to certain posts, one should always consider the csource. And if it comes from one with a long history of posting mindless gibbericsh and rampant hypocricsy, it might just be best to ignore it.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I laugh my backside off whenever I look at an escort board and see Clinton pilloried for getting his cock sucked and lying or parsing words about it. As for myself, I am always dead honest when people ask me what happened on my trip to Montreal, and I'm sure that goes for everyone else here, too.


I'm very honest about what I do in Montreal and it was just Friday when one of my female clients said to me, "Why don't you hop a plane to Montreal and go get laid?". So, while I have no problem with the concept of Clinton, Spitzer, etc...etc..etc...doing whatever they want, even while in office or while on official business. I do have an issue with Clinton assuming that at least some of his electorate is stupid enough to believe his lies. Why not be man enough to admit it, as bf does. Nope, Clinton had to take the low road draging the perception of the presidency with him. If that's not clear to some idiots, then I'm not going to get rumpled over it.

P.S. bf, this is specifically not what you told me when we met in NY. In fact, at that time you were married and sure didn't want your wife knowing. Funny how time changes our position. Talk about hipocracy....
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New Member
May 23, 2005
Spitzer is actually another story...that two-faced bastard was prosecuting escorts while patronizing them. (or the other way around) I can't compare the two at all.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Spitzer is actually another story...that two-faced bastard was prosecuting escorts while patronizing them. (or the other way around) I can't compare the two at all.

See, we all have our point of view. Usually depends on what side you're on. When you're a Centrist you see all of them as full of shit and just look for performance. These idiots(politicians) are applying for jobs. Supposedly, we the American People hire & fire them. Pelosi, as an employee, only serves to be a negative influence on the employment atmosphere. Like any good employer we should make her gone and put Mr. Obama on probation as her enabler. Unfortunately, it's the employees running the business, not the employers. What a shame the American People have no say in their business.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just a note: calling oneself a centrist doesn't necessarily make one, particularly when one is parroting Glen Beck and Bill O'Lielly's talking points. For the record, a classic centrist would be one Barack Obama. The biggest mistake he made over his first two years was starting each debate from a point of compromise rather than moving to one.

Funny, how our neighborhood wingnut keeps bringing up the likes of Spitzer and Clinton while omitting such luminaries as Craig and Vitter.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Just a note: calling oneself a centrist doesn't necessarily make one, particularly when one is parroting Glen Beck and Bill O'Lielly's talking points. For the record, a classic centrist would be one Barack Obama. The biggest mistake he made over his first two years was starting each debate from a point of compromise rather than moving to one.

Funny, how our neighborhood wingnut keeps bringing up the likes of Spitzer and Clinton while omitting such luminaries as Craig and Vitter.

Equally, I find it funny how our resident FOOL would label Barack Obama as a centrist. This just tells you how far he sits to the left. In fact, so far to the left that the only thing keeping him on the chair is that stick up his ass!!!
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