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The Beautiful game World Cup Soccer begins june 11


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Dec 31, 2009
Big day for the refs today !!! They have decided the result of the two games !!! Have they also decided the final yet ? It would be nice to know... ok ok, I know they dont do it on purpose, but this is so stupid !!!

How long Platini and FIFA will go on being so stupid and refuse video....


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Dec 31, 2009
eagerbeaver i hope that you are not suggesting that only a pure white race should be german ??? This is bad memories especially in germany... I think it is nice to see turks and polish becoming german !!! Nobody would have bet on this 60 years ago !!!

Today, turks and Polish imigrate by millions in Germany, cant an imigrant become a citizen ? These guys are a second generation imigrants (their parents being first generation)... what is the problem ???


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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eagerbeaver i hope that you are not suggesting that only a pure white race should be german ??? This is bad memories especially in germany... I think it is nice to see turks and polish becoming german !!! Nobody would have bet on this 60 years ago !!!

Today, turks and Polish imigrate by millions in Germany, cant an imigrant become a citizen ? These guys are a second generation imigrants (their parents being first generation)... what is the problem ???

The problem is Podolski is Polish, was born in Poland and should be playing for Poland. It seems to be a mercenary attitude that has proliferated in soccer and is being acquiesced to as acceptable. This is why the powerful teams will remain powerful, because of mercenary attitudes. It has nothing to do with race but rather nationality. Podolski is a terrific player, but a German he is not.


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Dec 31, 2009
Well dont you think that many people including German oponent have better knowledge than us about his precise situation and nationality ? Difficult to have a polish pretending that he is a german if he was not... passports fraud is huge problem in africa where people look all the same to us on pictures, but I am not aware of this problem in europ... especially with soccer players who are seriously scrutated by dozen of level including FIFA, national federations (both polish and german... and even others....), clubs, imigration services of each countries..... what you pretend about this guys seems weird to me... If you know about this fraud yourself, dont you think many other people may know it too and would have been against these guys playing for germany ??? including their original countries....


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Dec 31, 2009
I am happy to because I enjoy this team, but I am sad this victory is messed up with another enormous ref mistake.... Mexican players do not deserve this bad call. Sure, argentina may have win the game anyway, but all these bad calls (or non calls) are really getting so crazy !!

And here's another win for Argentina !$!$!$! :)


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Jul 11, 2003
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Come on now, let's not be naive here. If Poland had a team that was any good and was in the World Cup, Podolski would be on it. He is playing for Germany for strictly financial reasons. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, correct? The same rules apply with mercenaries. I do not blame Podolski, but I guarantee you a whole lot of people in Poland feel betrayed. I am of partial Polish ancestry and I feel very mildly betrayed. I guarantee you Podolski is playing for Germany for financial reasons, it has nothing to do with anything else. These guys have enormous money at stake being showcased in the WC, and Podolski is clearly a world class player. He is not the only one either, but I find it ironic and bizarre that Germany of all nations should be collecting mercenaries for their team.

BTW my father, who knows nothing about soccer but a lot about history, commented to me, "what the fuck is that Polack doing playing for Germany?????????"
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New Member
Dec 31, 2009
I agree with you except, he must have got the german passport as any imigrant could get it (yes it is easier when you are rich....)

Myself I am from France, but I also got the Canadian passport... so what, I could play in the Canadian team... this is fair...

EagerB, imigrantion system always try to get the best people of other countries : the well educated, the richer, the less sick (to imigrate in Canada you need blood analysis... and aids would not be a good point for you), .... Soccer players is not an exception.... we also take the PHDs, the Ingeneers, the millionaires, etc....


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Jul 11, 2003
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Myself I am from France, but I also got the Canadian passport... so what, I could play in the Canadian team... this is fair....

But if you had the talent of Podolski, you would choose to play on the French team, because you would want the stage of the World Cup to showcase your talents for your next contract, but there is no Canadian team to do that for you. The sole criteria of who you would play for, if blessed with Podolski's talent, would be which team provided you with the best stage for negotiating your next contract.....and that would be the French team, not the non-qualifying Canadian team. That would make you no great friend of Canada, but maybe they would not take it so hard when you came back home and invested all your professional soccer earnings in Quebec.


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Jan 13, 2004
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Speaking of betrayal the flamboyant Maradona - my favorite papi chulo so to speak - attacked before the game against Mexico the former argentinian goaler Ricardo de la Volpe (he was in the 1978 Argentinian national team at the WC). According to Maradona, La Volpe - living in Mexico for the last 30 years and working as a technical football trainer- betrayed his country (Argentina) when he said that he was for Mexico against Argentina.

Maradona was furious hearing that and he criticized publicly La Volpe.

Maradona said (I translate) : We have to respect the country where we work for a long time, but this doesn't give him the right to be a traitor. He's got a lot of money, a good job but he must keep on being an Argentinian

(Here's a clip of the story for those with a knowledge of Portuguese)

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New Member
Aug 4, 2009
The Englisih were robbed of a goal ,fifa enough is enough bring on replay video, however Germany played better,Rooney and the English defence did not show up.


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
But if you had the talent of Podolski, you would choose to play on the French team, because you would want the stage of the World Cup to showcase your talents for your next contract, but there is no Canadian team to do that for you. The sole criteria of who you would play for, if blessed with Podolski's talent, would be which team provided you with the best stage for negotiating your next contract.....and that would be the French team, not the non-qualifying Canadian team. That would make you no great friend of Canada, but maybe they would not take it so hard when you came back home and invested all your professional soccer earnings in Quebec.

I understand your point but I dont see what is so unacceptable and if it was, what would you propose ? Would you forbid a talented soccer player to imigrate from a lower level soccer country to better level soccer country ??? It sounds difficult to enforce...


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Jan 13, 2004
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According to the Brazilian newspaper O Estado de São Paulo Kaká and Robinho- remember that both players were not playing on the field during the last game - will play tomorrow against Chile. The possibility of an extra 30 minutes period after the regular 90 minutes or even penalty shots are not excluded.

Dunga prefers to ignore the results of the last games between Chile and Brazil (all those games were won by Brazil). In fact, said Dunga . "The last results against Brazil can motivate the Chilean players to surpass themselves; there is no easy game".

Among all the teams from South America, Chile lost most of their games against Brazil (8 so far) and they gave 29 goals since 2000. For the last foour years (since Dunga is leading the national team) they played 5 times gainst Chile and Brazil won the 5 games.

The trio made up of Kaká, Robinho and Luís Fabiano is technically superior to the offensive Chilean trio. The only weakness is probably on the defence with Michel Bastos.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Klose: England Did Not Play As a Team, Germany Did


I am not sure it was really necessary for Germany to take any shots at England after that decisive win, but they did.

The Germany-Argentina game is going to be an excellent game. Argentina is going to have to be at the top of their game to win. It's a losable game for them if they do not come out with fire in their hearts.

Ozil, Podolski, Klose and Mueller give Germany a very formidable attack, even if England made them look better than they actually are.


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
Well I share your point of view... but Argentina's defense is not so solid neither... Both teams got very talented middlefields and fowards who can make the decision at anytime, with a little edge for Argentina if Messi finally become has efficient as he is in his club... One more thing, can you imagine that a guy such as Milito is on the bench ???!!! He would be the best player of many other teams !! lol

Info: I have read that Barcelona has an eye on Ozil... Imagine if they can make Messi and Osil play together !! if it is possible to have a good complementarity of them which is not so sure...
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