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The current state of the indie scene...

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I'm a little surprised none of the girls has gone on a rant about how fat their clients are lol.
Because it's never about "how fat" a client is. It's about mutual respect...
Something that seems to be lacking towards ladies who don't fit a certain stereotype of so-called beauty.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Somebody said we should play Pokemon, but that is not really my thing, and there is no baseball tonight, which pisses me off.

I think Birds might be the likeable but crazy motherfucker who stands in line at Kentucky Fried Chicken and is pissed because they don't have any burgers on the menu. Everyone behind him keeps talking about how great chicken is (and as I have said a million times, if you like chicken, please enjoy your chicken, I am not going to be critical) while he bitches about how he doesn't like chicken he wants a burger. We, gentlemen (or as Cloudsurf called us the misogynistic guys - Hey, I learned a new word today and a big word at that) are the cops who have been called about the crazy motherfucker. We are going to be kind and take him to Five Guys (I remember walking by it on Crescent Street or whatever that main drag is) and buy him a burger. Get it. We are going to build the MLB all-star team of hot, hard-body, angelic-faced Montreal escorts that he can see for $180-$300 an hour instead of the 200 pound chick that disappointed him. He can reference the list and be happy from this point forward. Sure we could just put every chick from Euphoria on it, but let's go by the real MLB all-star rules and have one player from each team if possible. These are hot, hard-bodied girls that get great reviews for services. Think of the old Special K commercials where the hot wife eats healthy cereal so she can't pinch more than an inch of fat. They don't run that commercial anymore, obviously.

My proposed team. I have seen some of them. Please add to it. I don't know all the agencies. You can propose deletions if I am mistaken. But don't get sentimental and put a veteran on the team if she does not meet the criteria any more.

Darla of Wildtimes (Don't propose a deletion of her. She is on my all star team)

Jennifer of MTLGFE
Jenna of MTLGFE

Kylie of Euphoria
Chloe of Euphoria
Chelsea of Euphoria
Bianka of Euphoria

Daphne of xxxtase

Anastasia of XO girls

Sephora of Montreal Envy

Mya Pearl of Mojo

Evah of Asservisante (she's a white Colombian, whatever the hell that is, so she can have 10 extra pounds in comparison to the other ladies because Colombians know where to put it. And Asservisante should get some kudos for finally getting on merb).

So Birds even if no one takes the cue and adds enough players to my twelve to make a full roster, it is still more hot, hard bodied girls than any of us can manage to fuck.

Nice post indeed! Got to add at least one from Indy Companion for our new friend Birds, tough choice but I would pick Taylor...! :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It is strategy to spoil the market. That makes agencies in favor.
I used to sell a house few year back; and I was not in rush, so I put 100K more than a market price, and wait. after few months all neighbor prices were up, and then I was able to sell it at a bit lower price.

Appraisals of real estate are based on the comparable sales method, not on the price at which neighbors are listing their property or the price at which the neighbors' properties are assessed by the tax assessor. In my job I deal with real estate appraisals often and the deposit for any property that is auctioned at a court ordered foreclosure sale is determined by 10% of the value of the most current appraisal performed by the foreclosing party as determined and found by the court as part of its judgment. The court then hires an independent appraiser who works at the behest and direction of a foreclosure committee hired to do the auction. I believe this process is fairly standard here in the USA as far as determining the value of property for purposes of a court judgment.

Outside of the foreclosure process, list price can be determined without an appraisal by means of a BPO (broker proferred opinion), but a BPO is like an unofficial appraisal as the broker simply does a computer search for comparable sales. Either way list price is never determined by anything other than actual sales and not tax assessments of property, unless the assessments are recent and there are no actual legitimate comparable sales.

Comparable sales in the neighborhood will then change the assessment. A few years ago I filed and won a tax appeal because the tax assessor of the town where I live jacked up the assessment of my condo to $300,000 and I knew it would never sell for that amount. The assessor based that assessment on one sale of a unit identical to mine 2 units down, to an idiotic neighbor whom I knew at the time paid more than fair market value, because he is an idiot in part but also in part because the condo was new and he wanted it badly as a very desirable rental property.

In any event all of this is to say that the discussion by Birds about what indies charge and "overcharging" based on fake pics doesn't make any sense, because it is Economics 101 that the market establishes the price for any lady's service in the long term and corrects for any "bumps" caused by an idiot or two or three paying more than what they should for whatever they are buying. It's just moaning and whining about being part of a temporary deviation that is not part of the market forces serving to control price. MERB reviews also just create a bump at most in demand for a lady's services. The demand or lack thereof at the price she is charging will be determined by her looks and personality and services over the course of time. Some ladies who at one time were very popular experienced a wane in their bookings when these attributes changed over the course of time.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Patron I`m glad that you learnt a new word but it wasn`t meant for you. It was meant for those 1 or 2 guys who fully endorsed what Birds stated without taking him to task for his generalizing, poor taste of words and insults.
I`ve always respected your posts and think you are a good guy with a great sense of humour.
I`ve also been a little too harsh on Birds. The guy obviously has no clue about proper etiquette....I should just let the immensely eloquent ladies shred him apart in their own words.
I still want to know who is the 5`11" , 200lb lady who fucks like a man? And why he didn`t just walk away when she opened the door.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Another thing I don't understand is that Birds has admonished that MERB is supposed to be a forum for truthful reviews and honest commentary yet he doesn't provide any specifics whatsoever about whom he saw that fucked like a man or how it happened that would actually help a single person on this board. To me it's just a pointless stirring of the pot. This thread has been helpful in eliciting many general opinions but it is devoid of any actual information or honest reviews of particular indies.


Apr 27, 2016
Another thing I don't understand is that Birds has admonished that MERB is supposed to be a forum for truthful reviews and honest commentary yet he doesn't provide any specifics whatsoever about whom he saw that fucked like a man or how it happened that would actually help a single person on the board. To me it's just a pointless stirring of the pot. This thread has been helpful in eliciting many general opinions but it is devoid of any actual information or honest reviews of particular indies.

I think the point about false info & pics in the OP was fair. But along with the generalization, that's the other part which I think comes off so poorly - be part of the solution. Post reviews. Give info that's helpful yourself, instead of just complaining afterwards in this thread.

I've been lucky enough that approx. 3/4 of my MTL SP visits were really good, and that's based off the merb reviews. And where it didn't go off as hoped, I've added reviews there (only a couple where I really thought the service / attitude were the issue, more lack of chemistry), and tried to give the factual info that lets others decide. In the BP days in other cities, before TER & merb, I'd say it was more like 1/4.

One Q for the OP - you mention $600 - does that mean these were the first 2-3 SP visits? If so, where were they? BP? Ann123? IndyCompanion? Advertised here? That background matters. And it's less about Indys than it is about learning the ropes, too.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think the point about false info & pics in the OP was fair.

It may be fair but it's not at all helpful when no information is provided as to who or what he is talking about or even the board on which the bad info was posted and whether it was BP or like board where there is an intrinsic "buyer beware" that goes without saying.

Furthermore we have a sticky thread (or possibly two) for agencies and indies engaged in B&S and any actual info should be posted there. It's also fair to start a thread generally about the state of the indie scene, but when you whine about MERB being a place where hobbyists should read honest and accurate reviews and you aren't providing any info along those lines, it certainly isn't helpful. Like I said it is just ranting and stirring the pot and not adding anything, and there are pre-designed threads built for the purpose of depositing information on this subject.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
So a key to reading merb reviews isn't just finding negative reviews but finding multiple raving positive reviews

And again, as I mentioned before it is super important TO ME , that the reviewer isn't a scammer who has a vested interest in posting a fake review ( discount / free sex / personal friend )

Just like Hungry said, that's why the GT parties have been so valuable to me gives me the opportunity to solidify my opinion of people that I think are reputable posters, and more importantly, solidify my opinion of scammers

And Patron, both Xesca and Sira could not be described as " spinners "
And you know what I thought of them :boom:

Best Regards


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Birds= Kendall @ Euphoria is a doll , and based on her pages of reviews, will restore your faith

And how could I not mention Neva ???? Her pages and pages of reviews are rock solid bible testimony !

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just like Hungry said, that's why the GT parties have been so valuable to me gives me the opportunity to solidify my opinion of people that I think are reputable posters, and more importantly, solidify my opinion of scammers

I was thinking about it last night. Since I met Iggy I have been to 4 GT's. I have met several girls at these GT's. I'll try to schedule one or two of these girls every time I return to Montreal. I have had sessions with 14 girls after first meeting them at a GT. My batting average is a whopping 1.000. I am 14 for 14 with these girls. Because I was able to meet the SP first I knew pretty much what I was getting and I was happy with it. Likewise for the SP. She knew what she was getting into and decided she would like to do business with me.

I remember in the past (prior to the GT's) I had mentioned that I found agencies more reliable than Indies. The Indies i have met at the GTs have changed my opinion. These Indies have all have been reliable.

I am also a sucker for pretty pictures. I had tried to book the two flashiest SP's that I have ever seen advertised on MERB. Both MERB Indies were no shows. There have also been a few lookers outside Montreal that have done the same thing. But far worse are the girls that are frauds using fake or outdated photos. I think I know what I will do next time I knock on a door for a 300$ girl and she opens the door looking 15 years older than her pictures. I am going pay her with 15 year old dollars. In other words I am going to index for inflation. Maybe she gets 140$ of the 300$.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I can say basically ditto to Hungry101's post. I have been to at least 10-12 of the GTs. I have on most recent trips booked mostly SPs I met at the GTs. My last trip I saw 2 ladies I met at VIP7 and before that I saw 2 ladies I met at VIP 6. Batting average 1,000.00. Also, my ATF of the past 5 years was someone I met at a Good Girls GT. There can be no doubt that they improve the batting average.


New Member
Oct 25, 2013
Bottom line: If you walk in and the lady you've scheduled to visit with misrepresented herself via photos or words, then walk away. Simple as that.
The other alternative is to post a negative review, but if you spend money to stay with a young lady who misrepresented herself, then you're the fool.
The other thing is this: to speak in general terms about independent young ladies is a significant disservice. For sure there are probably a few who do misrepresent themselves. But, I have to believe that the majority are exactly what they advertise themselves to be or they wouldn't still be practicing.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Pictures can be very misleading. Recently a buddy of mine saw a girl whose pictures got him interested. But to hear him talk afterwards made her sound like she was an unattractive skinny concentration camp survivor type. He told me he was polite and told her it wouldn't work out and she left immediately after he gave her a small donation for showing up.

I have been telling him over and over for years to stop relying solely on pictures and he should do his own research instead of always relying on a booker's advice. Certainly, many bookers are honest and have good advice. But they're also in it for money and to make money they have to push and promote their product.

But these things happen to the best of us. A year ago i saw a girl working for a popular agency who turned out to be the total opposite of what i expected. What her pictures didn't show was that she had put on a lot of muscle over the recent months. She was a competitive bodybuilder, which i wasn't aware of. Totally not my type. I had also noticed manly features, which i either imagined or maybe she was using testosterone to bulk up even more. Anyways, to make a long story short, i remember doing doggy with her and facing the mirror on the wall at the Sheraton as i was giving her the business. I then had a thought: "Geez, that's how it must feel like to actually fuck a guy." That thought caused me to lose interest and i told her i didn't have the stamina, but she convinced me to let her finish me off orally, which she did. She was a nice girl, but totally not my type physically. Had i not been lazy and done my research properly (and not rely on pictures), likely never would have met her.

By the way, i'd just like to point out that the world "spinner" is being way overused in this business these days. One prominent agency uses it all the time when describing girls when actually only 1 out of their 8 girls are actual 'spinners'. Looking at their website, it would seem that they were all 'spinners'. But if you look at their dimensions and weight, there's no way in hell most of them are 'spinners'. Just saying.

As for the current state of the indy scene, i think it's as good as it's ever been. But you still have to do your homework in order to strike gold with the gems that are out there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Pictures can be very misleading. Recently a buddy of mine saw a girl whose pictures got him interested. But to hear him talk afterwards made her sound like she was an unattractive skinny concentration camp survivor type. He told me he was polite and told her it wouldn't work out and she left immediately after he gave her a small donation for showing up.

I have been telling him over and over for years to stop relying solely on pictures and he should do his own research instead of always relying on a booker's advice. Certainly, many bookers are honest and have good advice. But they're also in it for money and to make money they have to push and promote their product.

But these things happen to the best of us. A year ago i saw a girl working for a popular agency who turned out to be the total opposite of what i expected. What her pictures didn't show was that she had put on a lot of muscle over the recent months. She was a competitive bodybuilder, which i wasn't aware of. Totally not my type. I had also noticed manly features, which i either imagined or maybe she was using testosterone to bulk up even more.

Yep, it happens to the best of us. I have to admit that as I advance in age I am becoming a little wiser. For example, I won't resort to a BP adds after the beautiful Indy no-shows me. However, I am a man and my little head can still get me into trouble. That is because my dick is a dreamer....Hungry Jr. always thinks he can or thinks we can get away with it etc.

I am also a sucker for pretty pictures. I had tried to book the two flashiest SP's that I have ever seen advertised on MERB. Both MERB Indies were no shows.

Wow! Speaking of which, I think I just found my next Flashy Photo-set MERB Indy No-show! Take a look at Addison Richards!!!! I am still a sucker for pretty pictures. I will try to book her and she will probably pull the old thing that Lucy does to Charles Brown every time....She will pull the football... that would be the perfect trifecta for me...getting stood up by Natalia, Eva the French Doll and then Addison.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Right as usual Doc.
She started at Eleganza as Mikaella for a couple if weeks and when John wouldn`t give her a raise she joined the "Yvan Team"

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Right as usual Doc.
She started at Eleganza as Mikaella for a couple if weeks and when John wouldn`t give her a raise she joined the "Yvan Team"

I thought she had worked for Eleganza for at least a month or so. But i remember she also freelanced after leaving Eleganza and prior to becoming "Adisson Richards" since she was seeing a good buddy of mine on a regular basis. Yvan came afterwards i believe.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Good morning all,

I presume he meant height / weight proportionate, so if he likes "5'0 - 5'2" 110 - 120 lbs, the weight would of course go up proportionately with height.

Birds said the woman was 5'11" and 200 lbs. I find it hard to believe a woman with the kind of proportional figure to 5'2" and 120 lbs would be 200 lbs at 5'11". I met an escort at that height once. She wasn't skinny either. She was a tall athletic amazonian (for lack of a better term) type who obviously worked out. Very fit, not overly muscular. She was built like a taller, younger, heavier Brandi Love. Her breasts were probably average natural Cs for her size. She was not near 200 lbs. More like 160lbs or less. I have the feeling Birds either overestimated the weight of his escort from disappointment or if she was 200 lbs I have to ask why he'd stay with anyone that size.
Yes, my escort still looked daunting at first sight with much less weight.:faint:

I have to agree with samclemens in post 159 when he said basically it's your fault if you stay with or keep someone you feel has misrepresented herself.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Hell, the famous Daryn weighed quite a bit but it was mostly in those wonderful large breasts and her butt was tight and her stomach was flat

I still dream of her..thank god I got the evidence :cool:

Best Regards


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello Patron,

or the "cottage cheese" look back there.

LOL! I'm only laughing because I used the same term cottage cheese about some women and a guy who loves huge derrieres thought I was nuts. I love smooth curves not matter how petite or large, I mean up to a point. Smooth and firm or soft but definitely not cottage cheese. Some nice sweet curved tummy is fine for me, though I prefer firmer and trimmer, but heavy is a total no go for my tastes.

I also love stocky women strong women. I think the basic hour glass figure is extremely at 5'11" and 200 lbs unless we are talking about body builders or women who are heavily stocky with a Kardashian butt for being that tall. May it's possible but 200 is a lot to put into any look I would consider an attractive shape. Lovette was spectacular. Would she be 200 lbs if she had been 5'11? Ryan Conner is tall and extremely broad, but still awesome. Listed at 161 at 5'8". I'd be there for her in a second. Boom. But another 40 lbs for 3 more inches?

Yes, Birds has faced a lot of frustration because of some deceptions and he's got every right to be angry about that. I'd be more angry maybe. I get that point. But once a client accepts someone he has seen I think the time for complaints about what the escort looks like or is built like has passed.
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