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The current state of the indie scene...

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BBW Lover

Jul 10, 2016
I guess everybody is entitled to choose whoever they find attractive no matter what it is based on. At the same time there is no need to insult anyone that does not fit into what you find attractive.
Luckily our tastes are all different.
I am mostly attracted by a pretty face and a great behind.
As long as they are not obese, weight is not an issue for me.

Nice words, I am attracted to nice curvy hips and a nice firm behindalong with the sensuality that comes with.


Oh soooooo Passionate xox
Sep 22, 2009
Is it me or the indie scene is getting worse and worse? It's literally just fat women these days. It's sickening. Even if they don't look fat in their pictures, they probably are. They are almost always fat. And there are a lot of fake pictures of totally different girls or pictures that were taken years ago when the girl was actually in shape. They lie about their weight all the time. Also, there is this idea, perpetuated by feminists, that fat women are "sexy". Women constantly praise fat women about how great and sexy they look and this is what real women look like, etc... Now it seems escorts believe this too because I see a lot of ads of fat escorts claiming they have amazing bodies in their description. They are convinced that their overweight body is sexy. Also, 90% of the "big ass" ads are just fat women. Slim and athletic bodies seem to be endangered species.

It just pisses me off when I meet a "110" or "120" pound woman who actually have a bigger gut than me. The last girl I met claimed she was "110" but she was like 150 with fat all over her body and especially her gut. And the worse is that these girls tend to demand outrageous prices. Like 180, 200, or even 300. They make sure you agree to their outrageous price before you meet them, while lying about their appearance. They charge the prices of hot girls while not being hot. It's like indie girls all lie now. There was a time when I would meet escorts and the girl looked like she looked like the picture. But now it's almost guaranteed she looks nothing like the picture and weigh much more. Even the ads that contain words such as "real pictures!" actually use fake pictures. This happened to me a few times. Is escorting a scam industry or what? How about offering an honest service?

I am at a point where I look at the ads, only see a bunch of fatties and fake pictures and I am like : "I guess I will keep my money for something else." This is making me lose interest in the hobby. Is it that hard to be in shape for a job that has your physical appearance as the main requirement? I mean, why am I the one in better physical shape when I am the one paying? Finding a girl in shape over 25 years old is almost impossible.

Who pissed in your Cheerios?


Nov 21, 2010
Wow...thread still going strong!
Do the mods intervene at some moment or... (I'm new to this shit!)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Do the mods intervene at some moment or.

So long as the posts respect Merb rules that is no personal insults, etc.. the Mods will not intervene.


La femme aux fleurs
May 30, 2015
Wow...thread still going strong!
Do the mods intervene at some moment or... (I'm new to this shit!)

Haha, I don't think mods can really give the final answer on body type preferences, whether men or women are more superficial, or if Indies are inherently duplicitous. Seems like the debates are as old as time (except maybe the Indy one is more contemporary?).

BBW Lover

Jul 10, 2016
Haha, I don't think mods can really give the final answer on body type preferences, whether men or women are more superficial, or if Indies are inherently duplicitous. Seem like the debates are as old as time (except maybe the Indy one is more contemporary?).

Yes, those were the kind of debates conducted in the forum of Rome:) spinners or bbws that is the question.


Nov 21, 2010
...Am I the only one who reads solidsnake's posts with a British accent???
Guy writes fucking well!

BBW Lover

Jul 10, 2016
...Am I the only one who reads solidsnake's posts with a British accent???
Guy writes fucking well!

No, you are not the only one. I read the 1st paragraph with a British accent, then I had to switch to a Borat accent when I read him fantasizing about a 400 pounds bald lady.


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
I have to say that the initial post screams of body shaming individuals who don't fit the so called Hollywood Beauty. The generalization and stereotyping of Independents as all fat, overweight, out of shape is misleading and false.

What I love about the Independents in Montreal is the spectrum of beauty that one can encounter.

When a person limits their perspective of what constitutes beauty, they limit their means to fulling experiences in life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
To a certain degree, I think the OP has a few valid points (ie. some SPs that post inaccurate photos of themselves, etc), but he certainly could have put it in better terms. Calling ladies "fat women", etc is not cool, and I don't agree with the bluntness of the overall post. It's very disrespectful, imho.

Also this guy is on a review board for crying out loud! Maybe doing a little research beforehand would've helped???

Also if you're hitting backpage for your hobbying needs, you really are asking for disappointment.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
been singing with my band :rockon:
across the water, across the land :plane:

I've seen every blue eyed floozy on the way :kiss:

but their beauty and their style :eyebrows:

Went kind of smooth after a while :yawn:
take me to them naughty ladies every time :hail::canada:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We should all thank the mods for being patient with this thread.
They could have shut it down with the opening post that reeked of misogynist rot.
The could have shut it down after my whitey knighty response to the op`s misdirected anger.
They could have shut it after a few misogynist creeps crawled out of the closet to make excuses for this pathetic individual.
No they let it ride and we saw angelic responses from some of the indies such as Delilah and Allanah.
Its interesting how a thread like this will be fertile ground to sprout both thorny weeds and beautiful flowers.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I have to say that the initial post screams of body shaming individuals who don't fit the so called Hollywood Beauty. The generalization and stereotyping of Independents as all fat, overweight, out of shape is misleading and false.

I felt the same way, and I was initially angry at the OP, but that was soon replaced by pity and sadness. I pity those who are so close-minded and ignorant that they cannot be respectful of others, and of the preferences of others. One of the things that I have always felt was so empowering about this industry, specifically the independent scene, is that it allowed opportunity for all types of women to flourish, regardless of body type, race, education, age... However I am cheered by the numerous positive responses in this thread and I continue to believe that the majority of gentlemen on this forum are in fact gentlemen.


New Member
Oct 25, 2013
Even those "healthy weight range" figures can be misleading. For instance, AR's website indicates that she is 5-1 and 160 pounds. And, based on photos, she might be classified as "thick," but most definitely not fat. My view is that she is a curvy and beautiful young lady.


Dec 19, 2012
I have a few points...
First, to the people who say that I seem pissed off or angry, yes I am, and for good reasons! That happens when you get scammed of hundreds of dollars several times. As a man, my job is not to give a lot of money to women just for fun like some people seem to think here. "Why is he angry? He was just scammed of 600$, I don't understand" is how you sound. I get scammed and I am the bad guy?

Second, to those who say that "people have different tastes"... Really? Then why 90% of SPs lie about their weight by claiming they are more skinny than they really are then? This doesn't fit with your narrative that people have different tastes. In fact it proves that slim women are much more in demand. There is a reason why serious agencies don't accept fat women among their ranks. It's bad business. A single fat woman in an good agency could cause the agency to lose all business and the agency would close. Yes, there is a demand for fat women, but it's far from being the majority of the demand. If there was such a demand for fat women, you would not need to scam men by using fake pictures and fake descriptions.

Third. The purpose of this site. The purpose of Merb was (and I specify it in the past because I am not sure it's still the case) for hobbysts to share reviews of girls to avoid being scammed and to make the hobby better for the clients. Merb wasn't created for white knights to defend the feelings of overweight women. It was made for the clients. If you want to ban me because of my thread, then it would just show that Merb is going down the drain. Several people already agreed that was I described in my first post is real. A lot of people think like me but I might be the first to say it openly.

I'll just use an example that happened to me. There is a famous indy who posted ads on Merb that I won't name. I am not sure if she still has ads. She demands over 300$. Her picture shows a nice body with huge tits. It's not really skinny, but not really fat either. So I checked the reviews on Merb : a bunch of positive reviews. So I meet her. I could not believe it. She was like 5 feet 11, 200 pounds. It was horrible! Afterwards, I felt like I just fucked a man. I am still not sure to this day. She was disgusting. Yet the reviews on Merb praised her and didn't mention her real appearance. You see, that's the problem here. There is too much shilling. We can't even trust reviews. People need to be able to speak up their thoughts to make this hobby better.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Three points to say in this thread:

- No need to judge any one: Within this industry (as in any other industry) demand (i.e., the collective choice of clients) is the judge.

Great point. Obviously Birds felt so frustrated he felt he had to vent. Too bad he made some wholesale insulting stereotyping. A bad and unnecessary idea but an understandable reaction when you've been deceived, including what he sees as an attempted ripoff, and had a lot of time wasted. I'd be very frustrated also as would the rest of us.

If he's local he's lucky he can move on quickly. For travelers it's worse.

One emotionally overwrought customer won't change preferences of any kind. The ladies are understandably upset by the insult to them but it's not going to change their earning power with those who like them. The market will say where any escor or agency stands.

The real lesson is check things out with someone who can help. Don't go by adds alone. They are meant to increase sales, not testify to the truth. Get help from others who have met the escort you are considering or use a trusted member or booker for good info. Otherwise you are creating risks you don't have to take if you handle choices wisely.

Good luck

Then why 90% of SPs lie about their weight by claiming they are more skinny than they really are then?

I could not believe it. She was like 5 feet 11, 200 pounds. It was horrible! Afterwards, I felt like I just fucked a man.

I didn't see your new post before I made this one. Really??? Do any of us ever expect any lady or agency to give a precise weight and height and update it daily.

So you accepted sex with someone you say was 5'11", 200 lbs after saying you like 110 to 120 lbs. OUCH! Credibility!!! Very damaging.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Bird, you my friend, are a fool. I am proof that you are so wrong it's sad.

When I first started in this industry, I worked for an agency. By far I was the fattest girl there, and I was working alongside some gorgeous, victoria's secret model-types. I was the most popular girl there, this is a fact, and not my imagination. Why? Because there are already so many slim girls out there, that that all look the same at agencies after awhile, and people like variety.

Why don't serious agencies accept fat girls? It's not because there isn't a demand for it you silly man.‎ It's because they think, like you, that we aren't a popular body type, and therefore they don't know how to market us properly.

I met with a popular Montreal agency when I first moved here to sign up with them, they told me "we can't promise you'll do well, bigger girls usually don't" well unfortunately for them, I knew how wrong they were from the previous agency, so I decided to go independent instead of working for an agency that doesn't understand the market, and by God look at me now!

Go away Bird, you're a sad soul.‎

Even those "healthy weight range" figures can be misleading. For instance, AR's website indicates that she is 5-1 and 160 pounds. And, based on photos, she might be classified as "thick," but most definitely not fat. My view is that she is a curvy and beautiful young lady.
While I appreciate the point you're trying to make samclemens, I am a proud fatty and still beautiful nonetheless. You can be beautiful AND fat, the two are not exclusive of each other :)

Also, in reference to BMI, it's been proven time and again that BMI Stats are not an accurate representation of health. ‎
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