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The Face of Mohammed cartoons

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Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Islamic facisim raises it's ugly head again. The Isalmic world bitch and complain about racisem against them, but their intolerance are the cuse of it. Is there a more intolerant group of people today then them? The attitudes of the Islamic world is no different than the Germans during the Nazi era. Do they really think the're the only ones made fun off? As anyone watched South Park, Simpsons, Family Gy or Air Farce lately? Hell, Ned Fladers and Reveren Lovejoy represent nothing but fun poking at the Christian community. And how many Jewish jokes obvious and suttle have been made through the characters of Crusty the Clown on the Simpsons and Kyle on South Park? Ok, I get it. To make fun of Christianity and Judaism is ok, but make fun of Isalm and you're a racist.

To all the fanaitical Muslem minority out there. Go back where you came from if you don't like our freedom of speach. You killed over 3,000 of our own people on 9/11, not to mention the many others killed in the name of Ala during your acts of terrorism. We have at least earned the right to make fun of your religion, especially since we paid that right through our own blood that you spilled.

To the Muslem majority who could share a good laugh and actually have tollerance for others. Feel free to make cartoons of our religions. I could use a good laugh, even when it comes at laughing at myself.

Now lets not give credance to this stupidity and ignore the situation. Nothing fanatics hate more than to be ignored.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
btyger said:
I do however know that organized religion-of any kind-can be a very dangerous thing. Over the last 2,000 years, many, many acts of violence and war have been perpetrated in the name of Christianity. Over the last 1,400 years much violence has been perpetrated in the name of Islam. And even though Jews have been frequent victims of Christian and Muslim persecution, violence has been committed in the name of Judeism, too.

The problem isn't the belief in a higher power, nor is it Muhammed, Jesus, Moses, etc., it's leaders of these religions who manipulate their followers and exploit their fears.


I agree 100%. The perversion of religion is a phenomena that rears its ugly head all too often, leading to senseless slaughter and bloodshed. This is why I embraced secularism a long time ago.

Where I disagree with you is on your assertion that freedom of expression is a sacred right that trumps all other rights in society. I believe that the media has a collective reponsibility to report the facts in a responsible and sensible fashion. These type of cartoons serve no other purpose then to inflame and instigate radicals.

>>Big Daddy, every religion has radicals who believe that 'god 'told them that killing and maiming is justified if it's for a 'higher cause'. Muslims get a disproportionate bad wrap in our medias. Do they really deserve it?

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Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
General Gonad:

To answer your question, yes they deserve the bad rap. Yes it's a minority and not the majority, but that minority has caused the vast majority of terrorist attacks. The trains in Spain, London subway, Paris subway, Munich Airport in Germany, Isreal, Bali, Moscow Theatre in Russia, bombings in Turkey, bomb makers on Fort Street and many other incedents including the murder of 3,000 inicent people on 9/11. With a record like that, it's easy for the media to embelish the sterotype of Muslems being crazed fanatics who would blow themselves up at a drop of a dime. Do you not think Al Jazera is doing the same thing?

Of course neather side show the positive news like Isrealies and Palistanians marching arm and arm for peace in the Midle East. There's no bloodsheed there and so little media attention is given. There's a saying in the media business: "Good news is bad news, while bad news is good news". Is that not an accurate discription of media coverage on any subject matter?


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Some Montreal editorialist have received death threas for publically critisizing muslims extremists.They also did critisize Catolics,jews,even Raeliens and Jehova witnesses,but have yet to receive any threats from those communities.Just a handful of insults.
Conclusion;You can bash and critisize any religions you want but not muslilms.
Now that is intolerance.
I agree with all Big Daddy Coll said.
This is free land,love it or leave it.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Death threats abound

Cosmo, I know many academics that have received death threats from Jewish and Christian right-wing extremist groups. Of course, this does not get publicized.

Big Daddy, it is very easy to get swayed with all the media coverage and come to the conclusion that Muslims account for a disproportionate amount of the world's terrorism problems. I strongly feel that decades of repressive US and Israeli foreign policy has instigated many of these terrorists. Yet, it is easier to point the finger at radicals when our own governments continue to abuse human and civil rights all in the name of freedom.



Aug 25, 2005
As usual apologists for Islamist violence like General Gonad fall back on the "root causes" argument for terrorism. It is the Western worlds fault for policies that produce these extremists. Therefore any action, no matter how bloody is justified.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Nothing can justify the deaths of thousands of innocent peoples in the name of islam or wathever.NOTHING!!!
Those who crashed planes and make threats towards editorialists are not living in Midle east but right here in canada.Thus they dont'live under repressive government or othorities.
Why all thi s hostiliy towards those countries who greeted them?
Once again,there's many airports for them to use if they're not happy with the way we live.
When they first came here,they knew waht the rules and laws were,why some of them keep trying to change them to suit their beliefs?
These cartoons should be published just like those of god,pope ect...
threats or not,happy or not.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
anatomy said:
As usual apologists for Islamist violence like General Gonad fall back on the "root causes" argument for terrorism. It is the Western worlds fault for policies that produce these extremists. Therefore any action, no matter how bloody is justified.


Find me one of my posts where I condoned any violence, regardless of where it came from. You sound like an Israeli apologist to me and there are plenty of them around. Anyways, whatever you are, it is incomprehensible that people do not understand that the extreme terrorist actions that we have witnessed since 9/11 have been fermenting for a long time. You need to look at the historical evolution of terrorism and not just point the easy finger at those damn "Arabs."

To be sure, I despise Saudi Arabia's and Iran's hypocrisy. These regimes need to be toppled in order to get true democracies in these countries. Will it happen? I doubt any time soon. The US actually supports the corrupt Saudi regime - it's all about oil. And Iran is in a state of flux. The old religious extremes are running the country but the younger generation is very much pro Western.

My point about the US and Israeli repression was simply to point out that they are culprits in all this mess that affects billions of innocent people. Again, I said it before, if you really care about the future of Israel, then you have to wonder how years of repressive policies towards the Palestinians has secured the future of that country.

Why doesn't the media cover the "other voices" in Israel? It perplexes me how biased media coverage is on this and many other topics.

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
General Gonad said:
...Where I disagree with you is on your assertion that freedom of expression is a sacred right that trumps all other rights in society...
.. every religion has radicals who believe that 'god 'told them that killing and maiming is justified if it's for a 'higher cause'. Muslims get a disproportionate bad wrap in our medias. Do they really deserve it?

Freedom of the press is a sacred right in Western countries like Denmark, France and the UK. It doesn't trump all other rights, but, contrary to what Muslims mistakenly believe, there is no "right not to be offended," and no "right to have my favorite religion determine the bounds of press freedom." Thus, there are no rights in conflict in this controversy. There may be a conflict between the right to free expression and the norms of good taste, but the right to free expression always wins that conflict (at least in the West).

General Gonad said:
...The US actually supports the corrupt Saudi regime - it's all about oil...My point about the US and Israeli repression was simply to point out that they are culprits in all this mess that affects billions of innocent people...

You tried to blame this controversy on the US in an earlier post and now you're dragging in Israel. Sorry, GG, but that line of argument won't work. As I pointed out in an earlier post, a number of web sites have shown how governments and newpapers in the Muslim world daily insult Americans, Jews and others with profane and insulting cartoons of their own. Despite this fact, both the US and Israel have stayed out of this controversy.


Jul 12, 2005
Media Conspiracy

General Gonad said:
Cosmo, I know many academics that have received death threats from Jewish and Christian right-wing extremist groups. Of course, this does not get publicized.

Big Daddy, it is very easy to get swayed with all the media coverage and come to the conclusion that Muslims account for a disproportionate amount of the world's terrorism problems.

So, the media has a particular agenda.....Now I see where you are coming from.

Do you care to elaborate on why the media has this perspective?

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
General Gonad said:
Cosmo, I know many academics that have received death threats from Jewish and Christian right-wing extremist groups. Of course, this does not get publicized.


If would be foolish not to take any threats of violence from any Islamic extremist group more seriously than say a Jewish or Christian extremist group, and it would be idiotic not to compare the small if not negligible Jewish and Christian extermist group victims to Islamic extremist groups victims like Rushie (luckily he is still alive), Van Gogh, the 3000+ innocent victims in the WTC twin towers, and others in Spain, England (and the list goes on and on) in recent history.

I have heard many times that Islam is a religion of peace. Actually I don't remember hearing about any religion not being a religion of peace. There is always the extermist fraction of any religion who believes in using violence to achive its goals. We can debate on how large this faction is in Islam compared to Judaism and Christianity, but I would postulate that it is a much larger faction in Islam than other religions, and these Islamic extermist groups do not seem to have any ethical, moral, or religious qualms about killing innocent people- that's the part I have the most difficulty with.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
It's time.

It's time for the muslim community's leaders to stand up and be heard. It's time for them to LEAD their people to make them understand that its a pretty big world and we all have to live in it. It's time to make them understand that they should lighten up and learn that they can't always have it there way. It's time to teach them to be tolerant of other cultures and traditions and learn from them, discover what other religions have to offer in their teachings and to get a better understanding of others.

The leaders should also point out that blood spilled no matter who it comes from is the SAME FUCKIN' COLOR.

I have become very intolerant my self of them because of the stink the minority make every which way I turn, but also because of the silent majority of them and their apathy in making a positive difference against the bullshit of the minority.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
spiderman05 said:
The whole thread is useless, and was started by a guy who just wants to stir shit . I can hardly recall a review written by him. Well he wrote one about Cleo, but can we call that a review. CapReault, you will have more success in some sionist and racism boards I think. This board is primarly devoted to SWs and to spread hate and controversy.

Finally, a voice of reason! I noticed that if you write anything remotely critical on Israeli or US foreign policy, you are cast aside. The majority of the posts are anti-Islamic, no two ways about it. What worries me are not the hard liners posting on this topic - since they are rigid ideologues - but the more reasonable people like Lusty Pig who have become intolerant to Muslims because of the radical minority and the 'silent' majority. This is where racism in all its subtle forms is born. This is exactly why we as individuals should reflect and think how our views are shaped by the media. To borrow one of Chomsky's titles, the media is still in the business of "Manufacturing Consent."

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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
spiderman05 said:
...In France, a comedian called Dieudonné was wehemently criticized because he presented a show about an extremist jewish... For some reason only the jews were offended...

Did the Jews who were offended then try burn down the comedy club or the embassy of France? No, and that's a crucial difference.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
CaptRenault said:
Did the Jews who were offended then try burn down the comedy club or the embassy of France? No, and that's a crucial difference.


Why don't we see any cartoons of the Jewish Holocaust in the Western medias? It is simple: apart from the fact that many of the newspapers are owned and/or controlled by Zionists, almost every person in the world recognizes that there are some things that are not meant to be used in a humourous context. I would be the first to freak out and speak up if I saw a cartoon using the Jewish Holocaust as grounds to make a point. I do not consider the slaughter of six million Jews at the hands of Nazis as something that can be used in cartoons. Nor, on a much lesser scale, do I think that the newspaper that published this particular cartoon acted in a sensible fashion.

But there are double standards in the media and that is all Spiderman05 was pointing out. This thread is becoming cyclical and deeply one sided against Muslims. Might I suggest that the Mods intervene?

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