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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Joe.t said:
Seeing the nice guy that i am i will give that to SK and Chicken balls(you) for free, so are you confirming that your in or is that yellow streak starting to creep down your back?:)

Alright Joe, I eagerly await the return of the washed up redneck Clemens tomorrow and the evening up of our bet. :D


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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After about 3pm today when my winnings are confirmend this is how i have planned to spend my free cash.

SK- 2 x $160 = 2 hours with my all time fav Caress.

rumples- 1 x $160.00 = 1 hour with Judy and those lovely breasts of hers that drive me absolutley insane.

Oh what a weekend that will be, i can't hardly wait!!!!:)

PS- Where the hell is btyger?, right when i need him most he does a disappearing act or shall i call it a chicken act.:D
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe, you ignorant fool. I'm gonna show you just what kind of guy I am. Technically, you've already lost the bet as Glummons will not be pitching on national TV this afternoon. However, I'm gonna let this slide, being generous and all. (I figure it will be moot within the next 10 minutes or so anyway.)

This does, however, show just what kind of people you Spankee fans are. You seem to think that anytime some fat, old, brokendown redneck comes out of retirement to the tune of $800 K per start, that the networks are going to bow down, genuflect, say three Ave Marias, and pre-empt whatever they have scheduled to show the Spankees to the nation.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, that didn't take long. Guess the old fart just isn't ready for the big time. Pitch count is already getting up there.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Daringly said:
You are being a gentleman letting him off the hook with this wager. There is no way you could collect this type of wager without wearing a mask, because this would be as close to legalized stealing as it gets.(almost free money) As i pointed out when he made the offer this was one horrendous wager.
No, no, no! You read this wrong. Joe is not off the hook, not by a long shot. The terms of the bet as originally proposed by Joe was "Clemens will pitch 5 shutout innings on national TV." Technically, since the game is not on national TV, a typically arrogant assumption by a typically arrogant Yankee fan, Joe lost the bet before the game even started. I informed Joe, right here, that I was going to be generous and let the technicality slide, knowing full well that Joe had virtually no chance of winning the bet otherwise.

The fat old turd made the whole point moot before the first inning was over and I will, of course, collect. Now to the reviews, then the phones.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Daringly said:
My apoligies i did take it the wrong way, make sure you wear a mask when collecting:)
Got it, Kemosabe.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just guessing, but the fat slob could be done after 4. He's clearly running on fumes.

4 IP, 5 H, 3 ER, 2 BB, 5 K. Is this all you get for $18 M?

Something else to remember: the Pittsburgh Pirates have one of the truly pitiful offenses in baseball. 13th in the National League in runs scored, 12th in HRs, 15th in SB, 16th (last) in on base pct., 14th in slugging. The only team in the NL with a weaker offense is the Nationals.

If this is what Clemens is capable of, what happens when he faces the Mets next weekend?


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
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I gotta give Fatboy his due credit. I thought he was done after 5 but he pitched a helluva 6th. Not good enough to save joe t.'s ass of course :rolleyes: , but pretty impressive nonetheless.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My 16 year old son could have done better against that pitiful Pittsburgh lineups. One more game against the Pirates and the Spankees gimme week with the White Sox and Pirates is over. Then it's back to the real world.

The days work:
Clemens 6 IP 5H 3 BB 3 ER 7 K, salary $800,000 facing the second worst offense in the NL
Tavarez 6 IP 6H 1 BB 3 ER, 5 K, salary $100,000 facing an offense in the lower middle of the NL
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Great win for the Sox last night. They evened a tough road trip at 3-3 and have now taken two straght from a team that had won 11 of 13 coming in.

ALL POINTS BULLETIN: Where is Joe.T? Positively Moronic, as John Sterling might say.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The bet is nil and void as it was not on National T.V as far as i am concerned because if you read the fine print the bet clearly states "5 shutout innings on National TV" and i am sure judge Judy would agree, i guess we will just have to wait untill RC plays the Mets, look for RC to be much sharper against them.:)

-I would like EB's legal input on this.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
The bet is nil and void as it was not on National T.V as far as i am concerned because if you read the fine print the bet clearly states "5 shutout innings on National TV" and i am sure judge Judy would agree, i guess we will just have to wait untill RC plays the Mets, look for RC to be much sharper against them.:)

-I would like EB's legal input on this.
Sorry, Joe. The fact that it was not on national TV does not void the bet, but rather it means that you lost the bet before the game even started. This method of weaseling won't work.

Don't look for EB's support simply because he's a Yankee fan. He also happens to have a good legal mind and an ethical one, meaning you're SOL.

The bet was simply that he would pitch 5 shutout innings on national tv. There was never any stated condition that the game had to actually be broadcast for the bet to be effective.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Daringly said:
There is one thing and one thing only that voids sports wagers either in vegas or at off shore sportsbooks and that is if the game is not played on the date scheduled. If the game was a rain out and played the next day, it does not matter what sport it is, all wagers would be null and void, refunds given and if you wanted the wager you would have to place it again.
I'd say that this has little bearing on the events of yesterday afternoon in the Bronx. The game was indeed played, and the overpaid fat redneck gave a mediocre performance.

The bet stated that he'd pitch five shutout innings on national TV and he did not. The bet did not state that he'd pitch five shutout inning IF the game were on national TV. The bet made no mention of the two or three full sides of Corky's of Memphis' best barbecue ribs that Clemens most likely inhaled at the conclusion of his middling effort, for which he was paid approximately $8000 per 89 mph fastball, barely good enough for him to survive the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates, the starting lineup and pitching staff of which team earned less yesterday than did the said overpaid fat redneck.


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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Joe.t said:
The bet is nil and void as it was not on National T.V as far as i am concerned because if you read the fine print the bet clearly states "5 shutout innings on National TV" and i am sure judge Judy would agree, i guess we will just have to wait untill RC plays the Mets, look for RC to be much sharper against them.:)

-I would like EB's legal input on this.

This is pitiful beyond belief. At least be a man about it Joe.t.

BTW, it's null and void not nil and void! :rolleyes:

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I'm giving JT the benefit of the doubt and wouldn't peg him as a squelcher at all, especially since most of his bets are losers anyway, he'd have no legs left by now.

Anyway, if he wants to play it that way, and pussy out, whatever.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Daringly said:
I'll give JoeT the benefit of the doubt and i will assume he is having a little fun and he will pay the bet. However this is the reason why i won't place these types of bets unless it is a thrid party holding the money.

We are dealing with people that we don't know or don't know well and to often it can be a no win situation.

Boy has this thread ever become quite all of a sudden and all over a measly bet, Daringly you are right i am just having a little fun with the Red Sox boys as you can see that they can be real emotional at times.

I am a man of my word and i am no welcher.

Sk- Our bet is even and you owe me nothing.

rumples- I owe you $160.00 to be paid when we meet as a bet is a bet.

Now can we get back to the issues like why the Red Sox are starting to tank, 9.5 and counting.:)

PS- Daringly how is Samy doing these days, is she still the sweetheart that i remember her to be?
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