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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello SK - Like the new avatar...


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
What a horrific Meltdown !!!..... WOW! ...

What a terrible loss of a Valuable Point Tonight, couldnt happen to a better team tho!!!!!!!!!!

I guess the leafs have passed them in the standings then? Let me check.

Oh no, they haven't - in fact they haven't passed anyone. But give them credit where it's due: they have managed to stay ahead of the Oilers (coached by ex-leaf honcho Pat Quinn) - good work!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Looks like your having another great day, Joe C. :D

Every day that the leafs suck is a great day...and since the leafs have sucked for 43 years and are scheduled to suck for AT LEAST another 43, well what can I say? Only that I am truly blessed with a GREAT life!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
in his lil world he is, the scabs are finally winning in regulation, i suppose his team can do that under pressure once in awhile,, but then again does it really matter? their going nowhere if they make the playoffs. good luck next 3-4 yrs Scabs fans

Looks like our buddy Joe is having another great day! LOL!!!!


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
Visit site
A lot of chirping from fans of a certain team that sits last in the Eastern Conference and one spot removed from the NHL shit house – a certain team that hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the playoffs in four (soon to be five) straight seasons.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
A lot of chirping from fans of a certain team that sits last in the Eastern Conference and one spot removed from the NHL shit house – a certain team that hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the playoffs in four (soon to be five) straight seasons.

There's a very simple explanation GHG: leaf fans (all two of them in the western hemisphere!) are just like their GM and coach: all talk and no action. If leaflovers manage losers, coach losers, and cheer for losers, all they can do is spout BS because they know that by any FACTUAL standards their pisspoor team flat out sucks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A lot of chirping from fans of a certain team that sits last in the Eastern Conference and one spot removed from the NHL shit house – a certain team that hasn’t had so much as a sniff of the playoffs in four (soon to be five) straight seasons.

Uh, isn't this thread supposed to be about the Habs?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There's a very simple explanation GHG: leaf fans (all two of them in the western hemisphere!) are just like their GM and coach: all talk and no action. If leaflovers manage losers, coach losers, and cheer for losers, all they can do is spout BS because they know that by any FACTUAL standards their pisspoor team flat out sucks.

Uh, isn't this thread supposed to be about the Habs?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
wouldnt it just be your luck if the Bruins got the 3rd pick and had to take Cam Fowler? just what they DONT need, another defenseman, they need scoring and even if they get Seguin or Hall, neither will probably be NHL ready for at least 2-3 years so say NHL Scouts. Dont get me wrong, Fowler is a great prospect, just not gonna solve the B's offensive woes

Your best bet might be to trade the Pick for a top six forward if any team would/can afford to do so. Gonna be interesting to see how the rest of the season goes and what pick Boston ends up with via the Leafs, but we are more than happy to have Kessel, and i hope the Bruins get a decent player, but dont think Hall or Sequin are the next coming of Crosby Malkin or Alexander the Great, there not.

Hall is a very good prospect, dont get me wrong, but his frame is not NHL ready yet, they list him as 6'1 185lbs, but he is nowhere close to that, knowing others who have seen him play alot, he is at most 5'11 170 and needs to add at least 20 lbs of muscle before he can withstand the physical abuse of a full NHL season, thus he will either be in the minors at least one season, or be in the nhl but not have much production, the kid is young and needs to learn, if he was as big as John Taveras or Crosby when they were drafted, i would say keep him the whole season, but he is to easily knocked off his feet, case in point the recent WJC. and the guys in the NHL are ALOT bigger/tougher than anyone playing in the WJC tournament.

Seguin i think will end up being a better player quicker, and maybe overall, but time will tell with him also. Seguin had as many points this season as Hall, yet no supporting cast around him at all compared to Hall. Seguins team scored 86 less goals this season than Halls team. Hall had MUCH more talented players around him, so if the Bruins end up getting Seguin, that doesnt mean their having to settle for 2nd best, not by a long shot. Good Luck, and TY for KESSEL!

Uh, isn't this thread supposed to be about the Habs?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Uh, isn't this thread supposed to be about the Habs?

Yes it is Doc, so on that theme:

Montreal: 75 games played, 82 points, 37-30-8, 202 goals for, 204 goals against, 7-1-2 in last 10, 6th in conference, playoff bound

Toronto: 74 games played, 66 points, 27-35-12, 195 goals for, an astounding 243 goals against, 7-3-0 in last 10, 15th and last in conference, 29th and second last overall, hopelessly out of playoffs for what, the fifth consecutive year?

Detroit: 74 games played, 89 points, 38-23-13, 206 goals for, 197 goals against, 8-1-1 inlast 10 (currently the hottest team in the league), 8th in conference, playoff bound as usual


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yes it is, congratulations on finally figuring that out, and why is it you and your Scab loving very close friend seem to have a problem with non scabs fans bashing your beloved team, in a SCABS SUCK THREAD?????, why is that Joesy? why? ..because you love and support YOUR TEAM, Les Scabitans! thats why, duh .. your to easy josey, toooooooooooooooooo easy! you fool no one but maybe yourself. unreal

By the way it was not me asking that question, so why copy/paste my most insightfull, intelligent and totally TRUE post (something you try but always seems to end in epic fail) about Hall and Seguin unless your starting your S**T Disturbing again, the mods dont mind some "locker room" antics but dont cry when i give you more than you can handle and start the "i thought this BS and crap was against the rules", wa wa, cry cry :( ... get over it, and in case i forgot to tell you, the HABS SUCK!

I have never seen someone who defends a team like you do unless they Love and support them like you have shown, to hate THEE Toronto Maple Leafs is one thing, but to constantly be bothered to the point you cant take the bashing we dish out to your team (the scabs) is beyond humorous, when it is in a thread entitled Habs Really Suck, lol. How ofton do Leafs fans post in the thread about the Leafs that ballsyoneday1 started??????

You should be a comedian josey, i have never laughed so much at anyones posts in any threads on the internet than i do yours... you do keep me amused to say the least, and after a hard day of work i look forward to my fairweather habs fan rants, whines and denials... i feel like a song, i think this is appropriate at the moment.... dont ever stop being you Joesy.. i dedicate this to my buddy J Cairo

Uh, isn't this thread supposed to be about the Habs?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
talk about Overachieving



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Yes it is, congratulations on finally figuring that out, and why is it you and your Scab loving very close friend seem to have a problem with non scabs fans bashing your beloved team, in a SCABS SUCK

I have no problem with you bashing the habs or any other team. What I do have a problem with is the boring, repetitive, FICTITIOUS crap you post, along with your total and abject denial of facts and stats, along with your constant bragging about the future (which ALWAYS ends up being wrong and which you never admit to).

It's rather comical that a fan of Canada's National Embarrassment would be dumb enough to rag on ANY other team. Maybe if you spent less time "hanging out" with Holliday, watching figure skating, reading your fashion magazines, and studying your interior decorating books, you could learn something about 1) hockey and 2) reality. (Not that I mean to be tough on you lg - I guess the world DOES need a few good interior decorators - but interior decorators, fashion experts, and figure skating lovers shouldn't try to pretend that they know anything about HOCKEY).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhhhhhhhhhhh seems i hit a nerve again, (my bad :) ) ty for my daily "fix" of another silly joesy c post... well done my friend, well done!

Habs still SUCK!

I have no problem with you bashing the habs or any other team. What I do have a problem with is the boring, repetitive, FICTITIOUS crap you post, along with your total and abject denial of facts and stats, along with your constant bragging about the future (which ALWAYS ends up being wrong and which you never admit to).

It's rather comical that a fan of Canada's National Embarrassment would be dumb enough to rag on ANY other team. Maybe if you spent less time "hanging out" with Holliday, watching figure skating, reading your fashion magazines, and studying your interior decorating books, you could learn something about 1) hockey and 2) reality. (Not that I mean to be tough on you lg - I guess the world DOES need a few good interior decorators - but interior decorators, fashion experts, and figure skating lovers shouldn't try to pretend that they know anything about HOCKEY).


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Habs still SUCK!

Very possibly - but then what about the leafs, who are 14 points behind them, 9 positions lower in the conference, OUT of the playoffs as opposed to in, have fewer goals for, and have FAR more goals against?

Well, an objective, intelligent, non-fashion related observation would be that if the habs do indeed suck, then the leafs not only suck, but also blow and swallow!

As I have already said, please feel free to criticize the habs or any other team - no problem. Just try for the occasional dose of reality by realizing that WHATEVER team you are criticizing (except, sadly, the Oilers) is FAR better than the lowly, hopeless leafs.

And even those poor Oilers DO have 5 Cups in their relatively recent history. How many do the LEAFS have in the last 43 (!!!!!!!!!!) years?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
How about the Leafs you ask? hmmmmmm Leafs vs. Scabs? one team finally going in the right direction while the other in for some lean years... hmmm, i will bet on the Leafs thank you!

BTW did you ever realise your 43 years since winning a cup means squat or should to a guy who claims he loves the detroit dead things. seems it took them 42years once to win a cup....... i am trying to hold off but really in all honesty your hypocritical 43 year rants deserve a big and long BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHH!!!!!!!!

Very possibly - but then what about the leafs, who are 14 points behind them, 9 positions lower in the conference, OUT of the playoffs as opposed to in, have fewer goals for, and have FAR more goals against?

How many do the LEAFS have in the last 43 (!!!!!!!!!!) years?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
How about the Leafs you ask? hmmmmmm Leafs vs. Scabs? one team finally going in the right direction while the other in for some lean years... hmmm, i will bet on the Leafs thank you!

BTW did you ever realise your 43 years since winning a cup means squat or should to a guy who claims he loves the detroit dead things. seems it took them 42years once to win a cup....... i am trying to hold off but really in all honesty your hypocritical 43 year rants deserve a big and long BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHH!!!!!!!!

Quick math lesson: 42 is less than 43. And once the drougfht ended, the Wings won FOUR Cups in the next dozen years and ALMOST won a fifth last year. The leafs will not win even ONE Cup in your lifetime or mine! The Ontario Teachers are not Mike Illich and Brian Burke is sure as hell not Kenny Holland!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
leave it you mrs C to rationalize, i love it! your waaaaaaaaaaaaay to predictable my fairweather scabs friend, way!

almost, is that not like what some mirror loving person said about "if" "would" and "might" :) you keep trying joesy, if it makes ya feel good..hihi
Quick math lesson: 42 is less than 43. And once the drougfht ended, the Wings won FOUR Cups in the next dozen years and ALMOST won a fifth last year. The leafs will not win even ONE Cup in your lifetime or mine! The Ontario Teachers are not Mike Illich and Brian Burke is sure as hell not Kenny Holland!
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