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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No, "overrated" actually means you're nowhere near as good as you think you are and you're not worth anywhere near the money you're being paid. The Flames were able to commit grand theft larceny on a desperate Burkie just like the Bruins did earlier. The only team in the entire NHL that was dumb enough to take on this overpaid, underproducing egomaniac was Canada's National Embarrassment.

Once again, it's hard to argue with you my friend. You make a lot of sense, as usual, and you're always entertaining to read. Keep up the good work! :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Habs fans: The worst fans in hockey

Good article Doc - thanks for posting it. It reminds me of the way Larry Murphy was mercilessly booed out of Toronto. His story of course had a very happy ending, as he went on to be a major factor in helping the Red Wings win two of their 4 recent Cups and was a lock for the Hall of Fame, just like so many other Wings (and so FEW leafs).
Murphy's two post-Leaf Cups are, as we all know, precisely two MORE than the enire leaf organization has managed in the past 43 years, so it's pretty safe to say that Larry had the last laugh on those moronic leaf fans (and on the moronic leaf management). Only time will tell whether Price's story will have the same happy ending.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Once again, it's hard to argue with you my friend. You make a lot of sense, as usual, and you're always entertaining to read. Keep up the good work! :D

Thanks Doc. I must return the compliment by saying that this post of yours indicates that you are capable, on occasion, of some extremely fine judgment! Keep up the good work yourself!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Good article Doc - thanks for posting it. It reminds me of the way Larry Murphy was mercilessly booed out of Toronto. His story of course had a very happy ending, as he went on to be a major factor in helping the Red Wings win two of their 4 recent Cups and was a lock for the Hall of Fame, just like so many other Wings (and so FEW leafs).

You're quite welcome, my friend. I also totally agree with you in regards to the shabby treatment Murph got from the so-called 'fans'. The Carey Price situation reminds me more of Patrice Brisebois, who constantly got booed whenever he'd touch the puck when playing in Montreal. It was totally unfair to Breezer & another classless act by the worst fans in all sports. Carey is a great guy & he deserves better. I truly hope that his story will have a happy ending. Hopefully in a Leafs uniform, but i'll be happy for him even if it's elsewhere.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
then i think we can all agree you are very much "overrated" my fairweather Scabs friend.. sometimes you just make things too easy... :)
No, "overrated" actually means you're nowhere near as good as you think you are [/U]!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It will be interesting to see if the scabs fans can boo louder than the cheers from the LEAFS Fans next saturday as they beat the scabs , i will let you know as i will be there, interesting indeed!!
Habs fans: The worst fans in hockey



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
as long as Dion is a good tough hardnosed leader, i really dont care who he dates.

Oh really? Then why did you originally bring up the point in your post ("Phaneuf is like Derek Jeter, both date hot supermodels/actresses)? Maybe because you just like to fill up cyberspace with inane drivel and are inacapable of logic?

By the way, Phaneuf might well be hardnosed (with his coaches, managers and teammates anyway - which is why he was booted out of Calgary as soon as Sutter found a sucker stupid enough to take that cancer off his hands) but he's sure as hell no leader!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
It will be interesting to see if the scabs fans can boo louder than the cheers from the LEAFS Fans next saturday as they beat the scabs , i will let you know as i will be there, interesting indeed!!

The usual BS - unsubstantiated bragging. Try beating someone first and then bragging.

Maybe if the stinkin' leafs could beat a few more teams they wouldn't be mired in 29th place like the hopeless losers they are.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
once again, you failed to see the point, well actually we both know you did but also know how lame your posts have become, so, ok, you win... carry on my good habs friend, good stuff.

Congratulations lg! You must be very proud to have a day named in your honor.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
do you have any idea how you make my time here so enjoyable, i mean pretending you are not a habs fan is one thing, but to see you put so much effort into the denial of it all is simply mind boggling! GREAT Posts, keep em coming my friend!

The usual BS - unsubstantiated bragging. Try beating someone first and then bragging.

Maybe if the stinkin' leafs could beat a few more teams they wouldn't be mired in 29th place like the hopeless losers they are.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So you understand it then. i am glad for you.... anything else?

btw, i have an extra ticket for the game, next week,Prestige, 5 rows from the ice, and for you to go see your favorite team, i will give you a deal, only $500 for you, and you also buy the molsons! deal?

A typically stupid response that says nothing that a 6 year old would not say.
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