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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
go back and read every post, i offered the bet to ONE person, he bailed, with a lame excuse about saputo family zone tics, which was his excuse to not bet, (i said good seats not crap like he is used to) then ballsy stuck up for his scabs friend by offering a money bet which i told from day one i never do (personal reasons), he could of took my bet for great seats in the reds but nope, he wouldnt take the original bet instead tried to change it. sorry joey, no matter how many times you wanna say your version, you will be wrong each and every time.

How about this since your so determined there should be a bet, i Bet you the Scabs, awe Heck, i will bet you the Red Wings wont win the Stanley Cup this Year, 2 tickets to see the red wings in the reds, at the bell centre the next time they are in Montreal, next season. (if they dont play in mtl next year you can pick any regular season game of your choice) If the red wings dont win the Stanley Cup this season, all you gotta get me is a beer and wear a Leafs Jersey for a few hours down Crescent St. .... got any balls? (cant wait to see you spin this one) you may start your story........................................................................NOW!

Yeah, it's funny that you acted like a big macho man bawk bawking at everyone until GHG and G1G both challenged you and you ran like a scalded chicken. It's also funny how you have denied it ever since, even though anyone who has followed the hockey threads knows that it's true. Come to think of it, it's funny that you would have lost all your bets if you hadn't run, and it's also funny that you felt the need to offer the bets in the first place to try to prove that the leafs were good. My friend, if the leafs were any good, it wouldn't have been because of your bravado, and since they've been in 29th place almost all season long, I guess they aren't very good in any case.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hey Spec K, see this? laying blame! lol..... ( inside joke Joey. )


It's not that "inside" a joke - anyone who reads the hockey OR baseball threads knows ALL the other posters (except Doc of course) are sick of your childish ranting and repetitive insults and lies.

As for the "habs suck" part of your quote: Okay, if you say so, but as many people (including me) have often written, no matter how bad ANY team is, the leafs are worse - and therefore SUCK worse - than 28 of them. Maybe you could get away with saying Oilers suck - if for some twisted reason that would give you pleasure - but EVERY other team is better than the lowly leafs. You're like the 300 pound woman who looks at the 200 pound one and calls her fat!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
go back and read every post, i offered the bet to ONE person, he bailed, with a lame excuse about saputo family zone tics, which was his excuse to not bet, (i said good seats not crap like he is used to) then ballsy stuck up for his scabs friend by offering a money bet which i told from day one i never do (personal reasons), he could of took my bet for great seats in the reds but nope, he wouldnt take the original bet instead tried to change it. sorry joey, no matter how many times you wanna say your version, you will be wrong each and every time.

How about this since your so determined there should be a bet, i Bet you the Scabs, awe Heck, i will bet you the Red Wings wont win the Stanley Cup this Year, 2 tickets to see the red wings in the reds, at the bell centre the next time they are in Montreal, next season. (if they dont play in mtl next year you can pick any regular season game of your choice) If the red wings dont win the Stanley Cup this season, all you gotta get me is a beer and wear a Leafs Jersey for a few hours down Crescent St. .... got any balls? (cant wait to see you spin this one) you may start your story........................................................................NOW!

What a typically moronic post. You're right about one thing: the Wings WON'T win the Cup this year...or the next year...or the year after that. I already posted that months ago: the Wings are in a rebuilding mode and will not challenge seroiusly for 3 or 4 years. Golly gee, you know what? The Habs won't win the Cup this year either. Neither will Ottawa, and neither will many other teams (including - ha ha - the leafs). So why on earth would anyone take such a stupid bet? Actually, a better question is why on earth would anyone offer such a stupid bet, but in your case we all know the answer.
Who WILL win the Cup? Damned if I know, which is why it would be stupid to make a dumbass prediction. Best bet is probably Washington but there are a few other teams that could win also.
Taking...or offering..stupid bets doesn't prove you have balls, it just proves you have no intelligent way to win an argument. However, OFFERING a bet and then chickening out, as you did, is one SURE way to prove you have no class, no integrity, and no guts - all talk and no action, just like Burkie.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
oh really, just tonight it was mentioned twice by hockey experts on the leafs/bruins broadcast, as well as numerous times throughout the season, about how if the bruins had Kessels offense this year, they would of been one of the top teams in the east. it must be nice to know more than guys who are actually paid big money for their years and years of expertise in the game of hockey. and by the way, i even heard it on a nesn broadcast this season as well, so there goes your defense that the experts were biased towards the Leafs. :)

Boston is having a tough year not because of the loss of Kessel,.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
oh really, just tonight it was mentioned twice by hockey experts on the leafs/bruins broadcast, as well as numerous times throughout the season, about how if the bruins had Kessels offense this year, they would of been one of the top teams in the east.

Funny, but the leafs DID have "Kessels offense this year" and they're THE bottom team in the east. And by the way "Kessels offense this year" against the Bruins added up to exactly ZERO goals in SIX games.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And? LOL. lets see, red sox fans and habs fans? your point? if there were 10 to 1 leafs fans here, you would look the same way in their eyes........unreal, but very amusing

why do 2 little words like "Habs Suck" bother you so much joe? ..... why? why even lose a second of time over those 2 little words? hmmmmmmm , Doc, do you no why those 2 itty bitty words would cause so much uproar from this poster? just makes no sense?????

It's not that "inside" a joke - anyone who reads the hockey OR baseball threads knows ALL the other posters (except Doc of course) are sick of your childish ranting and repetitive insults and lies.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
spinning away from what you posted ONCE again i see... you said "Boston is having a tough year not because of the loss of Kessel" you are obviously wrong here as you have managed to "TRY" to work your way around your original statement, which is false, pertaining to NHL hockey experts.

about Tim Thomas not being thomas this season, well rask has been as good or better than thomas at his best, so that argument goes down the drain as well.

Im sure Boston is happy with their picks as well as the Leafs have the scorer Burke wanted, both teams win here short term as should be the case in any trade. Kessel is a proven 30 goal man and whomever the Bruins get in the draft will not likely step in and score 30 goals a year within the next 1-2 seasons if ever at all, you just never know in the draft unless its a crosby, ovie, or a malkin, and no one in this class is predicted to be that right away or ever, 3-4 years down the road we will be able to tell who came out as the winner of this trade, hopefully both teams did.

Funny, but the leafs DID have "Kessels offense this year" and they're THE bottom team in the east. And by the way "Kessels offense this year" against the Bruins added up to exactly ZERO goals in SIX games.
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
about Tim Thomas not being thomas this season, well rask has been as good or better than thomas at his best.

1. Thomas won the Vezina last season. It's not likely that Rask will win it this season (although it IS possible).
2. Yes, Rask has been good...and that's one MORE thing the Bruins can thank the hopeless leafs for. The leafs stupidly traded Rask for Andrew Raycroft, who promptly went on to stink the joint out in Hogtown. Then the leafs compounded the error by sending Raycroft to Vancouver, where he's re-emerged as a decent backup to Luongo. So decent, in fact, that he returned to TO and got the win over his hopeless former team - sweet revenge on the stiffs in Toronto. And to make matters even more laughable, the leafs are still paying a huge chunk of Raycroft's salary.
3. So, to sum up: the leafs traded Rask to Boston, where he emerged as one of the top goaltenders in the league. In return, the leafs got ex-Calder winner Raycroft who proceeded to SMELL in Toronto. Thus, they gave him away to the Canucks and decided to keep paying him while he played for the Canucks, where he became a quality backup.
4. Thanks for bringing up one MORE reason why the leafs have sucked for 43 years and will continue to suck.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
And? LOL. lets see, red sox fans and habs fans? your point? if there were 10 to 1 leafs fans here, you would look the same way in their eyes........unreal, but very amusing

why do 2 little words like "Habs Suck" bother you so much joe? ..... why? why even lose a second of time over those 2 little words? hmmmmmmm , Doc, do you no why those 2 itty bitty words would cause so much uproar from this poster? just makes no sense?????

1. My point is that no one appreciates your denial of facts and your childish, repetitive insults and nonsense. You can root FOR whoever you want and you can root AGAINST whoever you want - no problem. Just try to use some intelligence, maturity, facts, stats, and logic instead of your incessant bwahahas, bawk bawk bawks, and outright LIES and denial of facts.
2. The words "habs suck" don't bother me at all. What bothers me - sorry for repeating the points from # 1 - is your childish, boring rants. You could even say "Wings suck" and the WORDS wouldn't bother me (although of course you'd be WRONG) if you could actually manage to make a valid point once in a while without resorting to blatant lies and schoolyard insults.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Put up or shut up

go back and read every post, i offered the bet to ONE person, he bailed, with a lame excuse about saputo family zone tics, which was his excuse to not bet, (i said good seats not crap like he is used to) then ballsy stuck up for his scabs friend by offering a money bet which i told from day one i never do (personal reasons), he could of took my bet for great seats in the reds but nope, he wouldnt take the original bet instead tried to change it. sorry joey, no matter how many times you wanna say your version, you will be wrong each and every time.

How about this since your so determined there should be a bet, i Bet you the Scabs, awe Heck, i will bet you the Red Wings wont win the Stanley Cup this Year, 2 tickets to see the red wings in the reds, at the bell centre the next time they are in Montreal, next season. (if they dont play in mtl next year you can pick any regular season game of your choice) If the red wings dont win the Stanley Cup this season, all you gotta get me is a beer and wear a Leafs Jersey for a few hours down Crescent St. .... got any balls? (cant wait to see you spin this one) you may start your story........................................................................NOW!

Nice try at re-writing history but your so called “bet” was an ambiguous, vague and muddled piece of crap (given the source, not too surprising). You were given repeated opportunities to make a real bet and as those who have been following these threads know all too well, you pussied out big time.

I offer you the same bet for next season, a real and clear-cut bet ; $500 the Habs finish with more points than the Leafs by the end of the regular season (with Jessy holding the wager if she is still interested). I know you’re going to pussy out on this one as well with your weak and pathetic excuse, so I offer an alternative; $500 worth of plain vanilla MasterCard or Visa gift cards instead of cash (with an extra $50 from each of us for Jessy, who by the way, can verify the balances on those cards).

I await your response



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Leafs traded rask for a proven raycroft at the time, how were they or anyone else to know he would stink up the joint? most of it comes down to the pressure of playing in Toronto, i am sure your smart enough to know this if you know anything about hockey, some guys can handle it some cant. that was also the previous management who traded away rask, not Burke, it is gonna be funny to see if you run and hide the next few seasons or if your man enuff to admit Burke is a great GM, you will prob run, just like you did from my bet yesterday... is buying one beer and wearing a leafs jersey so bad? ha ha

1. Thomas won the Vezina last season. It's not likely that Rask will win it this season (although it IS possible).

3. So, to sum up: the leafs traded Rask to Boston, where he emerged as one of the top goaltenders in the league. In return, the leafs got ex-Calder winner Raycroft who proceeded to SMELL in Toronto. Thus, they gave him away to the Canucks and decided to keep paying him while he played for the Canucks, where he became a quality backup.
4. Thanks for bringing up one MORE reason why the leafs have sucked for 43 years and will continue to suck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I quoted your Hypocritical post for all to see.

Respectfully Joe, Lets see, since the mods asked you to play nice, in the last 3 days you have called me a moron, insulted me as being a drunk,(which you have never met me and if you have, you would know i only party when in Mtl which is about 4-6 times a year, not that it is your biz but just saying) used immature rants/insults towards me and doc, denied facts, and used NO intelligence what so ever. i would say you should take your own advice first instead of being judgemental of anyone else.

I have always found fickle fans funny . when they cant take getting bad things said about their team by fans of the hated rival, they cry exactly the things you did, "childish", "nonsense" "unintelligent" "denial" etc..... when in fact they do the same thing, talk about hypocrisy at its finest, eh? :)

trust me, anyone who crys about anything a fan says means one thing, you are to fragile to debate with the big boys when it comes to your teams, and thats totally fine. just play nice like the Mods asked you to, no more attacking and getting upset when someone says your team sucks , ok? i know you can play nice , i believe in you my man!... give it a try at least, you will feel good about it, NOW, back to talking about the Habs Sucking or are you trying to get the hockey threads closed for good?

1.denial of facts and your childish, repetitive insults and nonsense. You can root FOR whoever you want and you can root AGAINST whoever you want - no problem. Just try to use some intelligence, maturity, facts, stats, and logic instead of your incessant bwahahas, bawk bawk bawks, and outright LIES and denial of facts.
2. The words "habs suck" don't bother me at all. What bothers me - sorry for repeating the points from # 1 - is your childish, boring rants. You could even say "Wings suck" and the WORDS wouldn't bother me (although of course you'd be WRONG) if you could actually manage to make a valid point once in a while without resorting to blatant lies and schoolyard insults.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
and why O' why didnt you bother to ask what seats? i will tell you why, because you had no COJONES to except the bet in the first place, instead of asking me where the seats would be you make up a story that you dont want saputo family zone cheap seats. lol..... nice try, but you still chickened out my friend. i have always sat in reds or prestige for any game at the bell centre, and would never bet anyone with the prize being where you sit in the blues, haha!

Another silly attempt for you to look good i see, how many times does it take for you to understand i DO NOT BET $$$$$$, am i suppossed to go against my personal beliefs to satisfy you or anyone else , really???? nice try, but your making yourself look even worse. you actually could of had seats in the red for this saturdays game against the hated leafs had you had some faith in your team back in october. nice job, you really messed that one up. but i will enjoy it for you :)

Forget about seats and money, i will bet you along the same lines as i did ur buddy , if the habs have more points end of next season or by allstar break, whichever you choose, i wear a habs jersey and buy you a few molsons anywhere downtown, Leafs have more points by the same time above, you buy the molsons and wear a Leafs Jersey! .... it's either that or tickets in the reds to any game. since you bailed on the first bet, the protocol is to never bet with you, but i will make this exception once, cause i cant wait to see the horror on your face when you put that Jersey on! HA! :D Heck, you may even like it!

Nice try at re-writing history but your so called “bet” was an ambiguous, vague and muddled piece of crap (given the source, not too surprising).



Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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What a pussy!

Forget about seats and money, i will bet you along the same lines as i did ur buddy , if the habs have more points end of next season or by allstar break, whichever you choose, i wear a habs jersey and buy you a few molsons anywhere downtown, Leafs have more points by the same time above, you buy the molsons and wear a Leafs Jersey!

You’ve been called out because I think you’re full of shit – and you just proved it in resounding fashion. You don’t have the stones to make a real bet – you’ve been exposed as a poser and a complete fraud. :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL!!!!! so this means you dont have the COJONES like i previously stated to take my bet then? which is what you wanted in the first place, as you dont have the balls or any faith in your team to make a bet. carry on :)

Dont you just love the internet GSG, you can delete part of my post to make yourself look anyway you want, but what you fail to remember is that my original post is there still with tickets offered, but since you probably are used to spending on the cheap seats, i gave you the choice of getting out of the bet cheaper buy buying the beer and wearing a jersey, so to set the record straight, take your pic, tics or beer/jersey, which we all knew you understood this but like to make ppl think otherwise, so there you have it, still gonna have no Cojones or you gonna man up and take your foot outta your mouth? (dont worry, we all know you well enough by now to know what you will choose, typical)

You’ve been called out because I think you’re full of shit – and you just proved it in resounding fashion. You don’t have the stones to make a real bet – you’ve been exposed as a poser and a complete fraud. :D
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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$500 too much for you poser? What can you afford? Again, here’s the (real) bet, are you going to pussy out once more?

I offer you the same bet for next season, a real and clear-cut bet ; $500 the Habs finish with more points than the Leafs by the end of the regular season (with Jessy holding the wager if she is still interested). I know you’re going to pussy out on this one as well with your weak and pathetic excuse, so I offer an alternative; $500 worth of plain vanilla MasterCard or Visa gift cards instead of cash (with an extra $50 from each of us for Jessy, who by the way, can verify the balances on those cards).

The perfect avatar for posers who weasel out of real bets:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Geez, thats a very unflattering pic you posted of yourself, for some reason i didnt expect you to be bald :)

typical GSG. you dont know much about the Protocol of gambling do you? you either decline a mans bet like a man and move on, you dont cry like a baby and make up stuff as you go along, aka try to change a bet from what it is/was. SO, last chance, you can take my bet (either 2 tics in the reds any game next season, or if you can not afford that, the beers and jersey) or simply say no like a man, or continue to get yourself backed deeper in the corner your in, the evidence is all on here for everyone to see and read, your fooling nobody. if you dont wanna bet fine, or if it comes down to having no faith in your lil scabs, thats also fine, not anymore will be said if you tell me you dont want to bet me, be a man about it tho instead of A



$500 too much for you poser? What can you afford? Again, here’s the (real) bet, are you going to pussy out once more?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
typical GSG. you dont know much about the Protocol of gambling do you? you either decline a mans bet like a man and move on, you dont cry like a baby and make up stuff as you go along, aka try to change a bet from what it is/was. SO, last chance, you can take my bet (either 2 tics in the reds any game next season, or if you can not afford that, the beers and jersey) or simply say no like a man, or continue to get yourself backed deeper in the corner your in, the evidence is all on here for everyone to see and read, your fooling nobody. if you dont wanna bet fine, or if it comes down to having no faith in your lil scabs, thats also fine, not anymore will be said if you tell me you dont want to bet me, be a man about it tho instead of A

You've already been exposed for what you are lg and as usual you won't admit the I have agreat idea. Please continue reading:

Since you like to bet (ha ha - that is, as long as you name the conditions), here's a bet I offer you that will serve several purposes:

You're a leafs fan, I'm a Wings fan, so what could be more simpler and what could make more sense than this:

I bet you that the Wings finish the next season (2010-2011) with more points than your hopeless leafs. I'd love to make the bet for THIS season but for obvious reasons (namely that the Wings have been ahead of your hopeless leafs ALL season long and are GUARANTEED to finish ahead of them, as are just about all the other teams in the league) you wouldn't bet on THIS season.

Now I could happily bet you money on this but I know you'd weasel out just like you did with GHG (twice at least!) and G1G, so I'll bet you something else - something that will benefit not only me when I win, but every other poster on the board (except for Holliday) also.

Here's the stake: loser leaves MERB. If the Wings finish next season (2010-2011) with fewer points than the pitiful leafs, I leave MERB and never post again. If however the Wings finish next season (2010-2011) with MORE points than your stinkin' leafs, YOU will pay your debt by leaving MERB forever.

Deal? Or will you find a way to pussy out of this one also just like you've done with GHG and G1G?

I only wish I'd offered you this bet at the start of the current season - it would have saved everyone a lot of annoyance!
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